Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/5/1 - April - May 1915 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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105 49 Firig was aaccurcl on the beach for but 15 ceased shoilly after + became very weld. very little doing all day. On Wed Maty28, abt time the Britich Royal Naval Dion, arrived here from Bulaer (40c pm) one of our aeroplones dought it discovered men entrencty on the penencula to N. It flew over very low 3 times – sond time it was hil in a float & had to be towed home very swifty 5d 58 by a motor boat when it tanded alippted, Ts ships himsteamed in I shelled the point. A party landed from 2 destroyers next morning. They found t5 dead Turks &an observate Stu. st you I thought were decking themselves with flowers are sull outafer suipers May2. Something like a howitzed opened on u this afternoon - 2 shells together- always falling at Sea. I believe Ap 29 I believe the Tuiks planned a by attack. sodid we but put it off Prisoners say that b their leader addressd them. He sd you have been suffering heavily from rifle fore o beavily ponr Naval guns. You must attack somevhere where juns cannot k burt you. The att age petred out after a very a considerable staughter.
46 Col. Bround ws shot on Ihill wh ws aperevd christimed is his name. A sentry had be peated on I hill almostin 1 bus own camp – not a very good plac. The Colonel had been told, he walprob. be wanted to remforce 1 Marnes- & he had fone of in his overcoat to see what situation was. He walked along 1 patt towards this sentry & I man shot him when he cot it yds away. He lay there w his hands still in his overcost pockets & a hage wound in his head. I am to ld to gen. Walker ordered b 1 Dentyy ws never to carry firearms again - & he became a peonier. 41 an austialian officer asaid where he is going bad trech. H sd the trench had fallen in on him in there was as trench left. He just wanted the sd) to get outside & shake he dust out of his clotes. our officer - a kit of a Tasmancan in glasses sent him back. I ao several times mistaken for apy that night. Wed prdeo panday may This afternoon the Turks made a fierce attack on our right. But they had no chance. Onr new are now shooting splendity - jast picking their tarpts. Some Turks got within D0 yds, but none got any further. A mg opened on them from our left. We are strengthening our right by cutting down Scrat, half cutting it thro, bending it over, putting wire through it. We have made two little forts on hills down there & Maj. Rosen thats battery is right up in the firing time. A shell yesty went theo the shield of one of our yous sorasting the Elevatiny year. Another went thi0 a gun shilld today doing no herm at all. Tarkish shells are not ceptodiy at all well, boit if a people but by Shrapnel on this beach are not hurt ut all. White was hit yesty at lunch & laughed as it hit him.
AUS 16687 44 43 all day on one long cable. I hear t Advianophe Corps is being brought apt as. The 3ionists have been sent back. I believe that all reinforcements are now pay to the British. Mey & French form an entrenched line across penincale, Brit. on right. French on lef. I believe they are getting the seey Brigade (wh ws to have come here) & the E.Lanca division. We have the C.PRC here) loval The Naval Division wh we have here is getting decidedly jumpy. (Ap S Pn Friday night Australians of 16th had awougt thehe to be put in to steady them. This morning they caught our Col. Mr Nicol & one of their own officers comncry apa conmanicate trench & fired at them. Lackily they wissed them. They their tried to payonel them but I suppose Mr Nicot was too tough for the bayonets only went in a little way. I haven't seen enough of these people to judge them; but what I have seen has been rather feeble - in fact hopeless. One min on Friday night starled lifting his rifle above the trench with bote Lands & firny. "Thats a good idea he said. Another fatman like a pork butcher in, a night cap came crawling along the trench. I must say it was a very
42 ffrom Ramsays Diary Ap. 28: Marine Bde arrived 3000 stro. Successful attack on an observate post on Nibranest Pt. Att 100 N.J. make landing at dawn & sneaked in on 1 tarks. They found senty asleep & all men in treches also asleep. Three showed fight but were shot, woundet some & took 15 priconers & Lestroyst were but edat get I instrunct. tee this bray. Glasperds dery (ends). 43 Poor 6 office in port of 8th. Periscopes wanted. (manies 76) CEw Bodiary May 2. Volunteers were called for from 9th to land at Kaba Tepe & blow up observing station. Went along with inqucers. & at about 5.30. Hape explosion showed they had done their work. Must fint out how got on. This morning New Zealanders went out early in boats & captured 15 Turks in observate station at point beyond Fisherman's Hat. They were asleep. Two or three pendarmes on emart blue anifrm were amongst them. One or two coceped. This morning & again all right mnormous bombandingg far to south. Sometimes sound is tremendous - Always a doable rumble - "roll-roll?- soft but tremendously formidable - shaking this place. Seldon stops. tonight at 7 ships in harbour bombarded fierely the Hill in 224D3 - a 600 pot beight Tust over a wete from Samuet of 900 Hill. After ten or fifteen menates bomboodment & fierse rifle fire from us Monash's Brigade wh ws formed up in head of gully took position apparently citout firing a not. At any rate no bullets swished over as down here. I have recd permission to write & have spent
40 Glasperd's Deary Night of E9.Apr. 5 15th 10/3 No up. C& MuchamaE. 28th Aps. 2. Bno RM BDe sent up & t of some of [ und Col Owen 2ad Bo witdoaws pou left. Rect of 18 Bde also sent to Rest camps MCayleft in 10.2Bde in 29Apt. Strafters being sorted into Rest camp. scattered men ses bey collected. Truckes fairly badintit. 636 restry Marine Brigade has to over some pretty bad t dig by our 4th Bde. Sometimes a rough line of tncounected Spets, some & shaltow.
Extracts from Signals. F. pur 4te report Turks massiy in watercourse tho 2245. 3.35. 4 Bn reports valley in its rear being shilled, M. gfere on truches. 4.26 pur Message from Maj.Lamb O.C. B Coy Brd Bn. In form M. Laurin thet 3rd Bn is sending out to more an Enemys machins gun & attack a treach on thir post. Notify mashine puns & artillery. (Reed to N3rA Dira) 450. Anroplain has caused enemy yaus to cease fire. Please keep acropt up as long as porsitle- from Col. Owen to D.H.Q. DHaske Queen to do this. 5.02 pm. Cdowen asks for aroplane at dark as it keeps gan firs down our nen are suffery terribly. [musage sent on to Qveen) 6.56 pm. Reip wrjlly regud on our left flank. matter of life & death. Col Owen. I told to I comnanciate direct w Col. Monash This cont be done but Monash being askedby DH.O sdke ad send a plation (all he cd spare) & give flanking fire support. 7.45 pm. Enery reported to be masing 500,600 gdo in post of truches held by 10 Bn ditril in may. glasfes sketch (see opp) This flank has on heavily shilled this afterin Oven noned 48. att woyds. 9.50 pm To Col. Maclagan Coundy 3rd b/ Bde. In case of any weakness tooight in the line held by Col Oren the G.O.C. wishes me to lett you to have yer commant ready for any emergency. C.B.B. White Stasfirds dear 27 April. 4 Pm. 1. B 5 15. Citoof 88 9.10 eie A e A13. 15.1 0 . Esened but te Baly g07 8.500 sting but 45 well ufen $ e fig tend 556 re 1150 e Sper mont 39 McLaurin
36 (Head of Bridgs Rd. Raprback, Whites V7. MCays Hill Cewk. Slasfds. Deary 27th Ap. 9 am. from Capt Wellis B R. 223 100 m 516 of 1812 ta Le it 10 am. 27apr. Col Monach. Bit of 18832 114/124 BSK N. mat16,15,142 parto of 9, 10,11.12 0f 103. 6.7.5. mixed 235 5pns 4as mo Erdart se Bde 87
glasperds diry 35 26th. Attack 6 6th in morning Ap. 26. Part of Bn an good trench helt on & gave covering fire white indin cond & coutley attacked Brove tacks taake this a camp of gtent. [wrks took up fore positen I back & apuned w I Mgs. & feld battery from left flank. then yr retire toot Y. This caused much runnin abt & Shoatey men were outof hand & dibul know that to do bee of mo officers beng lost. glaef only sw tepis on t00 men (FN.Cor Trks am on pretty troughagst Col. Bolton all night abl every 1 her Right; Warehigs a + machine puns are all on right. Lep abt 15. (48t) 630 Pm Ap. 26. N1t 3rd 164 Pead 11th 5234 10½ 9th Bitsdall buo 55 51 TE S a Allack 253 t tt t Ackrt Youn
32 Glasperd's deariy ant The fully. 8th Bu was mooe in to support Reght of 64, all one Company. This lef gap of 600 yds betw. Et right & read 8t pn. Mr Bde being bord on by Batteryt of it– at Kogaders Prisoner sd Twrbich 9th Deon atHacdos 8 Gakipoli drab a Maidos, attaction Enads H at Taifuk Kene our acroploues boubed Maidos 21 ago & killed many 2o 26 Ar 130 Irdble D 11th 15th 516 and onstowt 52 percpes amendamfin. & bot 2d ona. adent. & equas fter 8p
Ma Detaits copidpon jasturds Mary (suice lost or untraciable This is not, a verbally accuntOur B. Copy. Ilastd. Explaind some of this details & his commts & mins are allod, Gles gave them to me Seleat abt thedays. He promised we his deary After I war b hd after he ws kilk his rerentors were unable Ean5 of tie he t trace it. all 1 of had not prestd Copye it when ae went to Helles /En. B. Preturned it to him Karpe lande sunder ses0 met ellivt of 7t i & coy mpt out loyt left 25 And tit pe nist ralat Arly an ysit Fret in HO. cully be will? Them over artilling vack to mon Cally &behand tate Hill mdBor 2hee Cafter puet Jor Ble was lening Bis lntont D.H. S A. C. gully chasen for thes Ede H0 in anzae gult Glastards diary exugev nis pouti 260 32 68 2464 Whole 2nd 83 9rmactar 44 wt a counte allo th de 2. of Eaccler of t nct 2 1058.W lepe d dentfet f . Lelton Starf s. Noval Jamo to deb 2 24 K &. [otshishagan he wo bery reinfora) by Eloys tet 16.15. told Brackwaite NZOhelp us by Advaniing towards 224.C.6 Brait 5d ONe NG Bnwas ir 224 B.2-3. Gen Walker to Comman NG. 11.20 Madagun I Eneny are coning on to 2248 mountain -s will soon begin to shell them 24600, 67-1,917. C matcy, 63L -2 anyhow. same thing abt QEliz wh settled I ome wales a o Synalters H& En Bus now arried & putin. 11.45. Col. Hobbe yo no approach for artilry as here & Fisherman Hat. Thinks be dgebap 237LMS. 31

Firing was v. accurate on the beach [[Shorthand]] but 
ceased shortly after & became very wild. Very little
doing all day.
On Wed May April 28, abt time the British Royal Naval
Divn, arrived here from Bulair (4 o'c. pm) one
of our aeroplanes thought it discovered men
entrenching on the peninsula to N. It flew over
very low 3 times – 3rd time it was hit in a
float & had to be towed home very swiftly
by a motor boat when it landed alighted,
Two ships then steamed in & shelled the point.
15 dead A party landed from 2 destroyers
next morning. They found 15 dead Turks.
& an observatn stn.
[Hand drawn diagram - see original] Men I thought were decking themselves
with flowers are really out after snipers.
May 2. Something like a howitzer opened on us this
afternoon - 2 shells together- always falling at sea. I believe
Ap. 29 I believe the Turks planned a big attack.
So did we but put it off. Prisoners say
that they their leader addressed them. He sd
you have been suffering heavily from rifle
fire & heavily from Naval guns. You must
attack somewhere where Guns cannot keep.
hurt you. The attack petered out after a
very x considerable slaughter.
[*The Goeben when shelled on Frid. Ap. 30 was nearly hit. 1st
shells landed 200 yds short. Next 100. Next 5 yards & then she cut for it.*]



Col. Braund ws shot on / hill wh ws afterwds christened w his name.
A sentry had bn posted on / hill almost in / bn's own camp – not a
very good place. The Colonel had been told he wd prob. be wanted to
reinforce / Marines- & he had gone off in his overcoat to see what /
situation was. He walked along / path towards this sentry & /
man shot him when he ws 5 yds away. He lay there w his
hands still in his overcoat pockets & a huge wound in his
head. I am told tt  Gen. Walker ordered tt / sentry ws never to
carry firearms again - & he became a pioneer.

bad trench. ^ An Australian officer asked where he ws going. He sd the trench had fallen in on
him - there was no trench left. He just wanted
(he sd) to get outside & shake he dust out of his clothes.
Our officer - a kid of a Tasmanian in glasses -
sent him back. I ws several times mistaken for
a spy that night.
Wed. April 28th
This afternoon ^ Sunday May 2 the Turks made a fierce attack on
our right. But they had no chance. Our men are
now shooting splendidly - just picking their targets.
Some Turks got within 50 yds, but none got any
further. A m.g. opened on them from our left.
We are strengthening our right by cutting down
scrub, half cutting it thro, bending it over, &
putting wire through it. We have made two little
forts on hills down there & Maj. Rosenthals
battery is right up in the firing line.
A shell yesty went thro' the shield of one of
our guns smashing the elevating gear.
Another went thro' a gun shield today
doing no harm at all. Turkish shells are
not exploding at all well. Most of the
people hit by shrapnel on this beach
are not hurt at all. White was hit yesty
at lunch & laughed as it hit him.


all day on one long cable. I hear the Adrianople
Corps is being brought agst us. The Zionists have
been sent back. I believe that all reinforcements
are now going to the British. They & French form
an entrenched line across peninsula, Brit. on
right & French on left. I believe they are getting the Suez
Brigade (wh ws to have come here) & the E. Lancs
division. (We have the C.P.R.C. here).
The ^ Royal Naval Division wh we have here is getting
decidedly jumpy.
On Friday (Apr.30) night Australians of 16th had
to be put in ^ amongst them to steady them. This morning they
caught our Col. McNicol & one of their own officers
coming up a communicatn trench & fired at
them. Luckily they missed them. They then tried
to bayonet them but I suppose McNicol was
too tough for the bayonets only went in a little
way. I haven't seen enough of these people to
judge them; but what I have seen has been
very rather feeble - in fact hopeless. One man
on Friday night started lifting his rifle above the
trench with both hands & firing. "Thats a good
idea" he said. Another fat man like a
pork butcher in a night cap came crawling
along the trench. I must say it was a very


(from Ramsays Diary)
Ap. 28: Marine Bde arrived 3000 strong. Successful attack on an
observatn post on Nibrunesi Pt. Abt 100 N.Z. made landing at dawn & sneaked
in on / Turks. They found sentry asleep & all men in trenches also asleep.
Three showed fight but were shot, wounded some & took 15 prisoners & destroyed
wire but cdnt get / instrument.

Glasfurds diary (ends).
Poss [[Shorthand]] of fire in front of 8th.
Periscopes wanted. (marines [[Shorthand]])
C.E.W.Bs diary
is of
May 2. Volunteers were called for from 9th to land at Kaba
Tepe & blow up observing station. Went along with
Engineers & at about 5.30. Huge explosion abt showed
they had done their work. Must find out how got on.
This morning New Zealanders went out early in
boats & captured 15 Turks in observatn station at
point beyond Fisherman's Hut. They were asleep.
Two or three gendarmes in smart blue uniform were
amongst them. One or two escaped.

This morning & again all night enormous bombardment
far to south. Sometimes sound is tremendous - always
a double rumble - "roll-roll"- soft but tremendously
formidable - shaking this place. Seldom stops.

Tonight at 7 ships in harbour bombarded
fiercely the Hill in 224 D 3 - a 600 foot height
Just over a mile from summit of 900 Hill. After ten
or fifteen minutes bombardment & fierce rifle fire
from us the Monash's Brigade wh ws formed up in
head of gully took position apparently without
firing a shot. At any rate no bullets swished
over us down here.
I have recd permission to write & have spent


Glasfurd's Diary
Night of 27. Apr.

[Hand drawn diagram - see original]

28th Apr. No imp. [[Shorthand]].  Much amn [[Shorthand]].
2 Bns RM Bde sent up & [[Shorthand]] of some of [[Shorthand]] and Col. Owen
2nd Bn withdrawn from left. Rest of 1st Bde also sent
to Rest camp. McCay left in. i.e. 2 Bdes in [[Shorthand]]

29 Apr. Stragglers being sorted into Rest camp.
Scattered men [[Shorthand]] being collected.
[Hand drawn diagram - see original]

Marine Brigade has [[Shorthand]] over some pretty bad trenches
dug by our 4th Bde. Sometimes a rough line of
unconnected [[Shorthand]] pits, some v. shallow.



Extracts from Signals.
3. pm. 4 Bn report Turks massing in watercourse thro 224S.
3.35. 4 Bn reports valley in its rear being shelled ; m.g. fire on trenches.
4.26 pm. Message from Maj. Lamb O.C. B Coy 3rd Bn : Inform McLaurin that 3rd Bn is sending
out to move an enemys machine gun & attack a trench on their front. Notify machine guns
& artillery. (Recd thro NZ &A Divn)
450. "Aeroplane has caused enemy guns to cease fire. Please keep aeropl. up as long as
possible "- from Col. Owen to D.H.Q. DHQ asked Queen to do this.
5.42 p.m. Col owen asks for aeroplane and "until dark as it keeps gun fire down. Our men are suffering
terribly." [Message sent on to Queen]
6.56 p.m. Reifs urgently reqird on our left flank. Matter of life & death. Col. Owen.
[Told to  communicate direct w Col. Monash.] This cdnt be done but
Monash being asked by DH.Q sd he wd send a platoon (all he cd spare) & give
flanking fire support.
7.45 p.m. Enemy reported to be massing 500-600 yds in front of trenches held by 10 Bn details
in Maj. Glasfds sketch (see opp) This flank has bn heavily shelled this afternoon.
Col. Owen.
Owen moved H.Q. abt 100 yds.
9.50 p.m To Col. Maclagan Comdg 3rd Inf Bde. In case of any weakness tonight in the
line held by Col Owen the G.O.C. wishes me to tell you to have yr. command
ready for any emergency. C.B.B. White

Glasfurd's Diary.
27 April. 4 pm.

[Hand drawn diagram - see original]

[Hand drawn diagram - see original]


[Head of Bridges Rd,
Razorback, Whites V7.
McCays Hill]

Glasfds Diary
27th Ap. 9 a.m. from Capt Willis 15th
[Hand drawn diagram - see original]

10a.m. 27 Apr.

[Hand drawn diagram - see original]


Glasfurds diary.
26th. Attack by 14th 4th in morning Ap. 26.
Part of Bn in good trench held on & gave
covering fire whilst 2nd in Comd & Coulter attacked
Drove Turks back thro a camp of 9 tents.
Turks took up fire position [[Shorthand]] back & opened w
3 m.g.s. & field battery. from left flank.
Men [[Shorthand]] retire to old trenches. This caused much
running abt & shouting. Men were out of
hand & didn't know what to do bec. of many
officers being lost.  Glasfd only saw 1 officer
in 400 men (& 4th coy)
Turks came on pretty strongly agst Col.
Bolton all night abt every ½hr
Right; warships [[Shorthand]] & machine guns are all
on right. Left abt W5. (of 8th)

6.30 pm Ap. 26.
[Hand drawn diagram - see original]


Glasfurd's diary
The gully.  [Hand drawn diagram - see original]
8th Bn was moved in to support right of 6th, all [[Shorthand]] one
Company. This left gap of 600 yds betw. extreme Coy on right
& rest of 8th Bn.
2nd Bde being fired on by Battery E of it –  ? at Kojadere.
Prisoner sd Turkish 9th Divn at Maidos
8th     "    "    Gallipoli
Arab   "   " Maidos, attacking
Essads HQ at Taifuk Keni
our aeroplanes bombed Maidos 2 [[Shorthand]] ago
& killed many [[Shorthand]].
26. Apr. 430
3rd Bde.
[Hand drawn diagram - see original]


Details copied from ^ Maj. Glasfurds Diary (since lost or untraceable
This is not a verbally accurate
copy. Glasfd. explained some of these details & his
comments & mine are added.  Glasfd gave them to me
abt. the 6th day. me. He
promised me
his diary
after / war but
after he ws killed
his executors
were unable 
to trace it. I
had not finished copying
it when we
went to Helles
& returned it to him.  C.E.W.B.
[Hand drawn diagram - see original]

Goodwin & Vowles [[Shorthand]] for Triumph [[Shorthand]] all S of line from
2 2 4 Q 5 to 2 1 5 C 6
Clowes for Majestic all N. of same line

Glasfd landed 5.35 [[Shorthand]] 
5.40 saw MacLagan under spur
5.50 met Elliott of 7th w 1 Coy.  Glasfd sent Coy to left
5.55 reported that 12th Bn got ridge on right & [[?]]

Rendezvous now chosen
First in H.Q. gully bec. well [[Shorthand]]
Then over Artillery Neck to main gully
& behind Mule Hill
2nd Bde [[Shorthand]] here (after [[Shorthand]])

[Hand drawn diagram - see original]

1st Bde now landing  3 & 5 Bn first
D.H.Q. Gully & A.C. Gully chosen for them
Bde H.Q. in Anzac Gully.

Glasfurd's diary.
[Hand drawn diagram - see original]

8.25 7th mixed w 9th.  Maclagan w 9th who wish to meet
w counter attack due E. of Bacchante

[Hand drawn diagram - see original]

(Bns of 1st Bde
? at 8.25)

10.55  Maclagan sd doubtful if cd hold on
Glasfd [Shorthand] Naval guns to shell 2 2 4 K & P
Told McLagan he ws being reinforced by 2 Coys 1st
16, 15.  Told Braithwaite NZ cd help us by advancing
towards 2 2 4.C.6  Braith. sd X the NZ Bn was
in 2 2 4 B.2-3.  Gen Walker to command NZ.
11.20  Maclagan [[Shorthand]] enemy are coming on to 2 2 4 D
Mountain [[Shorthand]] will soon begin to shell them.
[[Shorthand]] matey, [[Shorthand]] anyhow.
Same thing abt Q Eliz wh settled
some mules [[Shorthand]] signallers)
1st & 3rd Bns now arrived & put in.
11.45. Col. Hobbs [[Shorthand]] no approach for artillery
[[Shorthand]] here & Fishermans Hut.  Thinks he cd get up
2 3 7 L M S.

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