Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/48/1 - June - July 1916 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
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78 up. The 25 & 26 are I believe sull in the trenches, & part of 2nd Bll, I faucy. 24th Din is taking their places. The NE sector has be extended to take our old 6th Bde sector, & the 4th Dun will reach up to them - the N.E. gans are in place now We looked in at the 9th By toclay. They had be told to prepare for a route march. In I afternoon early we saw omer They them off - to St. 3 didn't seem to know it ws real thing. Tansport isI fy. Things simply have to di be kown away. The men are also a bit soff after truck work for weeks & monts. When coming back all
79 1.80 met near Ontersteen a pact of fellows in every pattern of running things running towards us down tibe a big paperchise They were Austialians. They must be training for some raid- Two heavyg officer brought up I rear, solemnly trothing. Griffith's showed By the bye me the papers in those two cases of politicil interference one by Hughes & one by Fisher. which I thought had occurred. Fishers letter on behalf of Reynold was a very fair manly one God forbid to I should tlo anythen wh ad increase but it struck your dificulties.
81 me that he did not do one then wh is generally done by mny under I same circum stances & that is - blame his superiors. To on, th latter as referred by wirdwood t ws decided to Walke to give Res another chanch. In the case of Billy Hughes constitulnt who wanted to be sent back to Anstralia Hughes simply sent on the man's letter (wh ws quite a proper thing to do). The staff made inquiries & found it I man as in hospital & I matter ws left there. Nothing was done on this letter griffith also tells me t although everyone is a Legge is bit against Legge
Juby W. July 1. 82 a very able administrator &c dever man. Ofiths says Legges ore idea (so he thinks I is a what is good for Austialia. He dresn't think Legge is always out for himself but for his country firmans raided NEs Down to Mynecourt. atmushroom last nyh or night before. L2/t French fby many dead. Ind Auzac not success. Story of Tuly 2 continued we walked along this brench until the wood of Incourt (we had thought it ws a much mone distant wood) came in sight; son 1edge of hill we began to see the yellowish stumps of blys of Frecourt standing up agst
33 The white hapes under the wood are the buft. coloured ruins of Fricour I a port of tem a trensh lading of the hill. Two Trucks standing in what had by Fucourt station, or Siding. It was womans tand I I suppose they had stood there for 2years wer since the Station staff hurried off on 1 approach of Ahlans - or Since fermans, using BBench rlylines after their rush on Aweins, had had to dig in & go to ground harriedl on approach ofallees turning movement in October 1914. 84 lark shadows of the woods interior 2.62 2 Rnins (buft) Freish mea were going into the wood & others were peering over some of the Northern ruins wito further the vterior of the village. Ones heart was lightened as it is when one arrives at a cricket match & finds that your own team has got rest good start of the other side- 180 on the board only one wicket down. clearly we had taken Dicourt. 4
6 84 cadge engrested to we shd move along our trench a little - so we walked along the parapet & sound 1 corner of hill where we cd see up toward Montanban & manety wood. There were some men walking about in 1 ton grass ahead of us - add on lookers, I thought, One party of them was lying cowh in the paripet of the trunch or setting on it. The trench was cut ke our gadipoli ones sleep + narrow winding & the sides of it were not revetted- but were simply of red eark just as in Galliioli. We lay down near hesr
85 chaps - or sat on the parapet. One of them had a telephone I was apparently also passing orders at times to someone with a telephone in a dujont in the treach. Evidutl the had installed their telephonl in some desanted dupont off this commanication truch some sort of signallers, I thought. They were in communication with two people - & it graduall became cleas to some of them were observing & passing observates back to infanty Down the opposite slope oI hill as coming a party srather of prisoners - along a road wh san up 1 bottom 01 valley. The observers
6 36 (one or two officers & at bast one man or N.C.O. were tookin thro' telescopes) were watching the apper corner of Iricourt word. What are those men there. sd one. Theyre our's I suppose! But teyrs coming this way areut key - theyre coming back Theyie got heir hands up teyrs prisoners. me I was trying to get glases outs the point describe Ross saw them, but I didn't. while I was doing so I heard pagments of conversation not very clearly our men fired on them ome of en drapped. Sead eu back again-
87 They werend having any? Telephone to Major.8 say. "Another byg lot of prisoners is coming in. was searchay shytine o I hill opposite to tryt make out I positi of our pout line; when I turn my glass off it there were prcioners - a big bath pirhaps a hundred, com slowly down 1 opposite hill. Whether some others were shot & turned into wood again, or whether that referret to some incident Earlies in 1 day I dont know. But it I have put things down exactl as I remember them. Our men had the whole slope of hill opposite
88 men waed to rur here aos yoang en e e Shelter wood. 24 A 484 E22 topense weed men sheltery below it 10 I t4e Cruyin 89 as N.E. of Fricourt - right to the wood on 1 top - wh the called Shelter word. Occasionale one saw them in a red trench on Philstop but I am not suce to they had whole of tis. It seemed to run to corner of Rrecourt wood; just where it entered sicourt wood tere were some men leging not in trench but outside of it. I sat listen. 6t Colonel w1 observate men The Poodles. party takking about out r truch Shellis Wood, Logenge wood- the Poodles & trying to wate out what thes places were (Our infantry is still held up near the toodles be that maching gun! "Te colohel


up. The 25 & 26 are I believe
still in the trenches, & part
of 2nd Bde, I fancy. 24th
Divn is taking their places.
The NZ sector has bn extended
to take our old 6th Bde
sector, & the 4th Divn will
reach up to them - the N.Z.
guns are in place now.
    We looked in at the 9th Bn
today. They had bn told to
prepare for a route march.
In / afternoon early we saw
them off - to St. Omer They
didn't seem to know it ws /
real thing.
Transport is / gt

diffy. Things simply have to
be thrown way. The men are
also a bit soft after trench
work for weeks & months.
When coming back we




(sketch of man running)

met near Outersteen a
pack of fellows in every
pattern of running things
running towards us down /
road like a big paperchase.
They were Australians. They
must be training for some
raid - Two heavy officers
brought up / rear, solemnly

By the bye - Griffiths showed
me the papers in those two
cases of political interference 
- one by Hughes & one by Fisher -
which I thought had occurred.
Fisher's letter on behalf of Reynolds
was a very fair manly one
"God forbid tt I should do
anything wh wd increase
your difficulties - but it struck



me that he did not do one
thing wh is generally done
by many under / same circumstances 

& that is - blame his
superiors."  & so on.  The
latter was referred by Birdwood
to Walker & It ws decided 
to give Reynolds another chance.
In the case of Billy Hughes
constituent who wanted
to be sent back to Australia,
Hughes simply sent on the
man's letter (wh ws quite
a proper thing to do). The
staff made inquiries &
found tt / man ws in
hospital & / matter ws
left there. Nothing was done
on this letter.
Griffiths also tells me
tt although everyone is a
bit against Legge, Legge is



a very able administrator
& a clever man. Griffiths
says Legges one idea (so he
thinks) is " What is good for

Australia?". He doesn't
think Legge is always out
for himself so much as but
for his country.

July 10.  Down to Vignacourt.  Germans raided NZs at Mushroom last night or night before. Left "many dead".

July 11. Trench [[?]] 2nd Anzac not success.

(Story of July 2 continued) 
we walked along this trench
until the wood of Fricourt
(we had thought it ws a much more
distant wood) came in sight, & round
/ edge o / hill we began to see
the yellowish stumps o / blgs
of Fricourt standing up agst



(words refer to sketch on opposite page)
The white shapes under
the wood are the buff -
coloured ruins of Fricourt  ⇢
In front of them a trench leading
up the hill. 

Two Trucks standing in what
had bn Fricourt station, or ⇢
Siding. It was Nomans land &
I suppose they had stood there
for 2 years ever since the
station staff hurried off on /
approach o / - [[?]] - or
since / Germans, using / French
rly lines after their rush on Amiens,
but had to dig in & go to
ground hurriedly on / approach
o / allies turning movement in
October 1914.


the dark shadows of the woods interior
(sketch of Fricourt wood and ruins)
Men were going into the wood
& others were peering over
some of the Northern ruins into
the ^further interior of the village.
One's heart was
lightened as it is when one
arrives at a cricket
match & finds that your
own team has got a
real good start of the other
side - 180 on the board
only one wicket down.
Clearly we had taken



Cadge suggested tt we shd
move along our trench a
little - so we walked along
the parapet & round /
corner o / hill where we cd
see up towards Montauban
& Mametz wood.
There were some men
walking about in / long
grass ahead of us - odd
onlookers, I thought. One
party of them was lying
down in the parapet
of the trench or sitting
on it. (The trench was
cut like our Gallipoli
ones, deep & narrow &
winding & the sides of it
were not revetted- but
were simply of red earth
just as in Gallipoli.
We lay down near the



chaps - or sat on the parapet.
One of them had a telephone &
was apparently also passing
orders at times to someone
with a telephone in a dugout
in the trench. Evidently they
had installed their telephone
in some deserted dugout off
this communication trench.
Some sort of signallers, I
thought. They were in
communication with two
people - & it gradually
became clear tt some of them
were observing & passing
observations back to infantry.
Down the opposite slope
o / hill ws coming a party
of prisoners - ^or rather along a road
wh ran up / bottom o /
valley. I watched them
step outThe observers


(one or two officers & at least
one man or N.C.O. were looking
thro' telescopes) were watching
the upper corner of Fricourt
"What are those men there?.
sd one.
"They're our's I suppose!"
"But they're coming this way
aren't they - they're coming
"They've got their hands up
- they're prisoners."
I was trying to get my
glasses onto the point described
- Ross saw them, but I didn't.
While I was doing so I heard
fragments of conversation - 
not very clearly.
 "Our men fired on them

 - some of 'em dropped - "
"Sent 'em back again-"



"They weren't having any."
"Telephone to Major . . . . &
say. " Another big lot of
prisoners is coming in."
I was searching /
skyline o / hill opposite to
try & make out / position of
our front line; when I
turned my glass off it there
were prisoners - a big batch,
perhaps a hundred, coming
slowly down / opposite
hill. Whether some others
were shot & turned into /
wood again, or whether that
referred to some incident
earlier in / day I don't
know. But x I have put
things down exactly as I
remember them.
Our men had the
whole slope o / hill opposite


(sketch which includes the words below)

Men used to run here
as if a m.g. sniped them

Heads of our men
Shelter Wood.

Lozenge Wood

men sheltering below it


The Crucifix

us N.E. of Fricourt - right to
the wood on / top - wh they
called Shelter wood. Occasionally
one saw them in a red trench
on / hilltop but I am not
sure tt they had / whole of
this. It seemed to run to /
corner of Fricourt Wood; &
just where it entered
Fricourt Wood there were
some men lying not in /
trench but outside of it.
(sketch continued)

I sat listening to the 

Colonel w / observation

party talking about

Shelter Wood, Lozenge 

Wood -- & The Poodles & trying to

make out what these places 

were ("Our infantry is still

held up near the Poodles by

that machine gun!") the colonel


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