Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/212/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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further E & as I light grew & they ad see Mo S they made straight for it down 1 dip across Brasso Redoutt. Te only barsage they cd see as our own barsage playing on Mr H Q, on I villige There as a very leevy ferman barrage falling on Iriver & on the W. Slopes of it, where A evidently expected us to cross, c As there were so many ferms on Irt flank, Capt Allen with 4Small & arranged who as k. in ths fight that
A Coy should go on clarin out the ferms from tark woodand Hake, whileC Coy went on & took ap A's original jot of making gott mit wns & aber Alles. In te ravit and the woods arount it a st namber of ferms were found. The Coy. Edut laveany men to iscort 1 possoners back they simply had to leave ferms & strain back tremselves. here were mss. & arnss in plenty left behind - but the germs wod be picked up by our wounded men on I way back - & hove made an attempt to fight. Te Terms, were scared altopten.
on reaching one post of thim at Limber lost wood Sergt Rixon samply jumped straght in w a Lewis fan (wh he had taken from one of its crew The ws hit)s K.3 ferms of remainng 20 he brought up as pusoners Tust as ACoy cot involved in Park wood A Swells Cog roved ahead towds Cott mit has, as A coy ws entanled Icdut get clear Park Wood. was tick, & Halle was in pretty food repair to plenty of cover. Oer getting past Iravine te men simply worked in little groups thoough Park
Wood & Hate. Herevsa lot of my fire but 2ot. many cernatties Aten himself & a party worked out outs te to Edge of Park wood (there were bivoies in 1wood, a few P.S. wayons etc) he cd see tree other loys just chargeng ap Mr H Q. -a regular of feshiones charge, + germans clearing out in font of them He reported &I village ws taken & Kings were going right At this time the my fire from. I directe of Honna & Pragul I ws verry heavy; & on A loy working cear of Park wood it came under it ? casustiies were A lot 01
susterned as Imen worked out on the Peronne Side Park wood of Hae Tud as they lefs Pask wood 1 ferman began a leasy shel d Apt Allen at his time had with him apt fab his 2 runners - the two other offes (H Robertson & to Phelps) were at this tme also in Park wood w two little pties & Serft Rixon bat a pty somewhere b Sanken Adrumnin from Halle to Ratefonde - & so on. Allen sent his runners out & collected abt 10 men & w tese went across t a tatt a few hundred yds prk N. of the N to Corner of Park wood, I then
thro' this 7 up thro Gottlick & Sase 2 to the paint where I ave meets agrain Alley, & tere estebd a prt. O Phelps & a few ven were abready there soll having dodged across t it. A lot of Mg. fire ws Com foma small wosd wh is not marked on maps) at the N.E Endof avenue of trees along the Peroune Rd. she pot ed epsee these & cd cuplede ferms 4 - Ed see fforms Slovina into 1 Small wood moving hopping out fom & also y Tohaunes y ito Horma
hoppin abt in Hoyina Y. This ws reported, & taker in 1 day,th when they found that post as not in ott mit uns., as it had thought it was at first, teprn & a Pickers Mg. posit as established on the W. side of somme enfilaby Horina Y & ho movement ar san there after - the feris got out of it quickly The post may have bi at the Tunction of Salaty Save, or Agrain & Save it looked directly onto Swell wood as a distance Elan of betes 200 & sooyds
He post stopped there til Ba as relieved abt 11 am on Sept 1. When Allm found he Cod not ae Tott met wno he went round & found some of 19 Bn (a Ceptein Hinds) in Agrain Alley from the St Denis Clery Rd to E the Edge of Mr H Q where he as in touch with some of 17 Bn. His G as very stallow bey had heda numberd casnatties w M.9. fire fom 1 acrodrome, + T.Mos from village Nothing happened durn day exc. to 1Germs pt
downa heary barrays just behind Gottlich Y& Brasso Red oubt - just necssary then. Daring this afternoon dick here as a minor attact by 23 Bn. Tey went the ough the little wood Ne of IR'd, very i cleared finely termans out of it, but they dis not hold it. He ferms cane back again The ferms Sot into it. in, apparently tho Tohaunes 2 - (in (night tey cd have walked vow anywhere) + sd into a position somewhere near the 5
Junction of Cottlicb & Florna Y. Some of them seeme, by then flares; actually to work down Kholin Y They came at Allens post creeping up on all sides & trow a few bombs. But men sost had 2. Lewis funs & a ferman gun - They had only one bourt, but they had opened up a pritt 1 terman heavy fire when day Jigglins in prss flares sailed over them, I import. germs probl th ought to there were move men than time were. The ferms with does gottliel to tin post near & Iloing I were pring their gua 5 all nynt. Allm went down

further E & as / light
grew & they cd see Mt St Q

they made straight for it down
/ dip across Brasso Redoubt.
The only barrage they cd see
ws our own barrage playing
on Mt St Q. on / village.
There ws a very heavy German
barrage falling on / river
& onto the W. slopes of it, where
he evidently expected us to cross.
Hand drawn diagram - see original
As there were so many Germs
on / rt flank, Capt Allen
arranged with Lt Small
(who ws k. in this fight) that


A Coy should go on clearing
out the Germs from Park
Wood & Halle while C
Coy went on & took up
A's original job of making
Gott mit uns & Uber Alles.
In the ravine and the
woods around it a gt number

of Germs were found.  The
Coy cdnt leave any men to
escort / prisoners back -
they simply had to leave /
Germs to stream back themselves.
There were & arms in
plenty left behind - but the
Germs wd be picked up by
our wounded men on / way
back - & none made an
attempt to fight.
The Germs. were scared altogether.


On reaching one post of them
at Limber lost Wood Sergt
Rixon simply jumped straight
in w a Lewis Gun (wh he had
taken from one of its crew who
ws hit), k. 3 Germs & /
remaining 20 he brought
up as prisoners.
Just at A Coy got involved
in Park Wood Lt Smalls Coy
moved ahead towds Gott Mit
Uns, as A Coy ws entangled
& cdnt get clear.
Park Wood was thick,
& Halle was in pretty good
repair w plenty of cover.
After reaching getting past / ravine
the men simply worked in
little groups through Park


Wood & Halle.  There ws a
lot of m.g. fire but not
many casualties.
Allen himself w a
party worked out onto the
E edge of Park Wood
(there were bivvies in / wood,
a few S.S. waggons etc) he cd see
/ three other Coys just charging
up Mt St Q. - a regular old
fashioned charge, & / Germans
clearing out in front of them.
He reported tt / village ws
taken & things were going right.
At this time the m.g.
fire from / directn of Florina
& Prague trenches ws very heavy;
& on A Coy working clear of
Park Wood it came under it -
a lot o / casualties were


sustained as / men worked
out on the Peronne Side
of Halle & Park Wood.
Just as they left Park wood / German began a heavy shelling
of it wh
lasted all day.  Capt Allen at this time
had with him a pty of abt
his 2 runners - the two
other offrs (Lt Robertson &
Lt Phelps) were at this time
also in Park Wood w
two little pties & Sergt Rixon
had a pty somewhere by /
Sunken Rd running from Halle
to Radegonde - & so on.
Allen sent his runners
out & collected abt 10 men
& w these worked went
across to a trench abt a few
hundred yds from the N. of the
NE Corner of Park Wood, & then



thro' this trench up thro'
Gottlieb & Save trench to the point
where Save meets Agram
Alley, & there estabd a
post.  Lt Phelps & a few men
were already there -
probly having dodged across
to it.
A lot of m.g. fire ws
coming from a small wood
(wh is not marked on /
maps) at the N.E. end o /
avenue of trees along the
Peronne Rd.  Germs cd
see ^Our post cd exp see these
Germs & cd enfilade
Florina trench - cd see / Germs
moving into / small wood
& also hopping out from
Johannes trench into Florina trench &




hopping abt in Florina trench.
This ws reported, x later in /
day, the 5th m.g. when they
found that / post ws not in
Gott Mit Uns, as it had
thought it was at first;
xxxx & a Vickers m.g.
positn ws established on the
W. side o / Somme enfilading
Florina trench & no movement
ws seen there after - the
Germs got out of it quickly.
The post may have bn
at the Junction of Galatz &
Save, or Agram & Save -
it looked directly onto /
Small wood as a distance
xxxx of betw 200 & 300 yds.


The post stopped there till
Bn ws relieved abt
11 am on Sept 1.
When Allen found he
ws not in Gott Mit Uns
he went round & found
some of 19 Bn (x Captain
Hinds) in Agram Alley from the
St Denis Clery Rd to
In the Edge of Mt St Q where
he ws in touch with
some of 17 Bn.  His trench
ws very shallow & they
had had a number of
casualties w m.g. fire from
/ aerodrome, & T.M.s from
/ village.
Nothing happened during
/ day Exc. tt / Germs put


down a heavy barrage
just behind Gottlieb trench &
Brasso Redoubt - just
missing them.
During this night afternoon
dusk there ws a minor
attack by 23 Bn.  They
went through the little
Wood N. of / Rd, very
finely, & cleared /
Germans out of it, but
they did not hold it.  The
Germs came back again
into it.  The Germs got
in, apparently thro
Johannes trench - (in / night
they cd have walked over
anywhere) & got into a
position somewhere near the


Junction of Gottlieb & Florina
trench.  Some of them seemed,
by their flares, actually
to work down Kholm trench.
They came at Allens post
creeping up on all sides -
& threw a few bombs.  But
/ post ^(15 men) had 2 Lewis Guns &
a German Gun - They had
only one bomb, but they
had opened up a pretty
heavy fire when / German
flares sailed over them, x & lay fizzling in / grass in front, &
/ Germs probly thought tt there
were more men than there
were.  The Germs withdrew
to their post near Save Gottlieb & Florina
& were firing their guns
all night.  Allen ^then went down





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