Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/19/1 - October - November 1915 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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69 To have changed troops in pont of Annt Dew 10 Dion now has it on Asnal Dere lift on know Dere. 77 Regt. left on asmall Ro on twin trenches 1515 Regt. Echelon Bevid, T. Dripain, Pii Ridge, 1B ptill 48t on Wei Redge; 13 Regs. in front of t. Pine. 128 in Dolly 57 still in G.OP. 2 Regto in reserve in vallings mow Roja Der, (wh 1arks call minarsheni) Relievey Stn at Akbashi Liman - (like mudws) most of bus now abt 850 stron & some regts have 4bns. But bulk of new mens have not had more than? mantraining. Behin Gua Ridge- 2 resiroe refto H8v Lon of 15 Rept. Rosa Dere is exacty due t of scrubly kn c is a little Noft of Lone Fine.
Duncan & 1. Tark Cooking 1other way. Newcom of gas. Posith dung. winter. The sd flet on 15 sund in Oct. s 2il Themind buapers. K.Edwd 178½ Sund Nos J. Came over G Lubras again yesty & got newspoper apt at 14th - Sulsos is alway a week of not two abe of us ar Auza0. By the papers it appears to mudder there heve by taking 1 Ballan very much to heart in England Milie &1Hof Lords askedwite this as not our opportunity of getting out of Deranelles "a4 dynity (I wish he cd see as try). Ribblisdale
1 71
72 backed him up. Landowns sd he ws san indicate naturaly not going to by one way of 1other. Kitcherer has behear, left London on dity; & manso has gone to eeyot. Putting merthing together - it looks ver certain where Kitthmen has gove. That is what Maywell tanks anyw berive is shought opposed to any idea of moving off and certainly be aremak preparations for stayen 40 botmakers, for example, are due here; & antionties after decidin to make tubros a rest amp, them deciding agt it & moving all I men & year away, are now deciding upon a making it a rest camp again. As for Peninsula - it is all 15 tal of deep digrey at present. I have only e t deep posites funshed tocos in the 2ndh HBde line Nevenson of Ward Price Are, so Marwell says, youn to Salonica. Wax well himself has by ordered to report at the was Office in London. A seems to me to (chiefs are move + move nervous aft I peninsula further you get away from it.

Ts have changed troops in front of Aust Div
10 Divn now has it on Asmak Dere left
on Kuni Dere - 77 Regt. left on Asmak
Rt on twin trenches...  15th Regt. Echelon
Bird, T. Dropain, Pine Ridge;  1 Bn
48th on Weir Ridge; 13 Regt still in front of
L. Pine. 125 in Jolly.  57 still in G.O.T.
2 Regts in reserve in valleys  near Koja Dere,
(wh Turks call Minarskeui)
Relieving stn at Akbashi Liman -
(like Mudros) most o / bns now abt 850
strong & some regts have 4bns. But bulk of
new men have not had more than 3
months training.
Behind Gun Ridge- 2 reserve regts &
HQ. & 1 bn of 15 Regt. Koja Dere is
exactly due E of Scrubby Kn. wh
is a little N of E of Lone Pine.


Sketch, see original document


Duncan & / Turk looking / other way.
Newcom & / gas.
Positon durg winter. 
The gd fleet on 1st Sund in Oct.

Hand drawn sketch


Sund Nov 7. Came over to Imbros
again yesty & got newspapers
up to Oct 15th - Imbros is always
a week if not two ahead of us at
By the papers it appears tt
they have bn taking / Balkan xxxx muddle 
very much to heart in England.
Milner in / H of Lords asked whether 
this ws not our opportunity of getting
out o / Dardanelles "w dignity"
(I wish he cd see us try). Ribbavale



 Sketch, see original scanned document


backed him up. Lansdowne sd he ws
naturally not going to say ^give an indication one way or /other. Kitchener
has, we hear, left London London on
duty; &  Munro has gone to Egypt.
Putting every thing one & one together - it looks very
certain where Kitchener has gone. That is
what Maxwell thinks anyway.
I believe B. is strongly opposed to
any idea of moving off and certainly
we are making preparations for staying.
40 bootmakers, for example, are
due here;  & / authorities after deciding
to make Imbros a rest camp, then
deciding agst it & moving all / men
& gear away, are now deciding
upon it making it a rest camp again.
As for / Peninsula - it is all
talk of deep digging at present. 
I have only seen two one deep position finished

 - tt  cos in the 2nd LH Bde lines
Nevinson & Ward Price are, so Maxwell
says, going to Salonica. Maxwell himself
has bn ordered to report at the War 
Office in London.
It seems to me tt / chiefs are
more & more nervous abt / peninsula
/ further you get away from it.



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Sandy MudieSandy Mudie
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