Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/19/1 - October - November 1915 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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Aper 49 Jun emplocements behind Chunuk Bair, some behind Koj a Chemen Tepe & some behew Abdel Rahman Bair The gunsfiring on the aper are prot jast on I reverse spers of K. Chemen Tepe The Abdel Rahman tunnel gias are usually fired tothen way, on Choc. Hills but sometimes cn the Slpek. The Gun Ridge a Scrubly kndgens firt ont Khododendson. The whills guns co pobli still fire on our beach but the have them tur round facing the Suold people There is a by 92 away Nw of Ansite. After I war he will give. ane any maps or particulars. I want Ofgins on any dates Es. Ap. 25, May 1572, May 19, Aug 6-10. Our old 5 in howetzer sights are abit rocky but our 6i howitzer (17th) are doing splended work. The
of 50 hau never yet Socated two howitzers wt have on firing from first or second day. They once put One shell outo them - it is only one. Nov. 3. Wednesday. Col. A.l. Cynden-Bell C.B, CMng (to Ampp-rank of Mas. Gen) is C.G.S. CBs for Col. Harold Bridgwood Walker D.SO (temp B. fin) Col. Honble. James Whitesid McCay Col. John Monast. W Col. Harols Pope- H Col. Granvelle John Barnage. H Cl. Arthur Plugse S auck) REet. has by (Snwoodward B.9. A D.A.G. W. Campbell Maj. Gen is D.C.M.G.) Hear in Was News A last Sunday wh the Gar so goodlye in I sout of Russia to a larp force of all arms - So there to s light on 1 Loyzon here I suppose they come by Roumania The men (some 1000 or so reniforeng Who came in last night tell of an incident wh illustrates ( Strange qualities
51 of Austiation discipting. We have just had austole battation on 1 Soukland showing what Austole troops are like in essentials of discipting – when discipling, rater, is really sutiil. Their case ws exactly I same as tt 01 British regulars or the m. Ifoget name (wh as torpedued in April of Lemnos & they came out of trial very much better. Now we have a transport the Borda; belong in Lemnos for over a week by 1 Awful slowness there the troops were not all to have 1shyp on boats, or 2ow abt - (they certain would have gone ashore & got some drink & perhaps disturbed 1 place) On the sixth day, or abt them - $ before they sailed o they got an iolea. right or wrong (but sometimes I fully beheve the timg has occurred on troopships) to I canteen ws selling thim geft stiff. Cards "From 1 people of queensland, were sol to have by found wh had be taken out of chocolate boris, &chocolates sold to troops fom 1 ships canteen. There is nodoubt these things are broken into & sold & I have had mave than one stoyy told me of theis being sold in ships canteens
52 Te men ad. have gove to thei offars & without I slightest doubt, if they had any real cvidece, I officers ad have taken tthing up & not let it rest antil I men guilty got 200 3years to repent it in gaol. But they chase to take (kin buto their own hands - broke into 80 cases of bottled stout in. I hold (wh Ibelieve as soin to canteens for own worn out & tered troops at Lemnos) an ran amuck geeath - were lying drank alt ship, a section of them at any rate. Of course there's something wrong here. I have as sympatly whatever for ships authorities; but this sort of in disciptiong breaks down all arrangements. In this care, for example, refieshments (beer & other tings) had bee arrayed to be sent to our woon out troops in Keinnos after their wks in I trenches; that arrangunt is upset by $1000 men shaight from the beer & bxuries wh they cay get in Sgypt who have not bu dony work done by these pallipote mln but have be waiting in Australia wnitil a sood dealos work as over. Stardee tells me. we have now exploded nomines in Quinus alone probt 100 in all parts. 150 have explated
Details of mine explosion on Oct. 2.9 Mine ws to be blown up alt 12, Maj. Newcorn (at Scotts Point, wire fully) has lunching w Col. Elliott. hesd ho ws going up to see it - Elliott sd is ad be all right - However they started up, but on I way heard I mine go off if felt it rather) - To came back. Prntly amessage came down pom W Bowra by a young chap who st mine had bu blown & to he thought Bowra we thinking of going down it to see might stay to see after it, Newcome told him t lett Bowsa to come along to lunch & not think of going down pat it in friendly terms wh 1. boy & Bowra. knew meant come down & have yr lunch & dont be a fool. Houysh went back & Eold Bowia. Bowra knew there ws a working pts due in an hours time (Newcome had not forotten this & would have taken adequale sleps - gone down himself, I think. Howeer Moara went down 1 mine & 1 boy after have - & they did not come back. A measunger came running to Newcome to say to Bowra wo down / mine & had not come up He & Thom at once huren up - I think elliott & found that Lient Bagley of the 22nd hed fone down a a man name turrington. There ws a ladder down 1.shaft (whws abt 11 ft deep). Barley had come back, gassed but curring too the he started upI ladder seems to have fallen back - & he too did not return at quinns king own P.L. Bayley isf Carrington (1 PS 6300 d I cunt up spented for a settors t sis a rope Thom & I wert daw whas rin trid aft reperators w. thom me out went to top, teed 221 Heped 2 rep stal post. is a stroy man Thoma phewd go doct. Slething. be wont ci the rope "round him. I wogdiccalanghg prope aske him I sesn to pull H y. Ponpe a pt macD. ewerel times . 109 g. I nem peed hin agoin I, ws cetting exhaiched ye I knew stef ps coming u I cofeel myself fetting weak. cnotes fillow came up. I got out & shat more fellows down sene Ens tgr not c st. to ts contant I an back to 1 Shap, s ws knocked aut altogit. relieff Keping thepms going r sows 950 another fellow whom was t an i I.A draingal opesML 1 19W60s6 72 o0 Coypl Park & Shaw csJ.S Parke 7 Co Mill & Bowdon too 9 pobt 150U Ch. of ammondl. rs 10C5 2019 1UG Y. Thin sI detonated Col. Mliott wenter took l
2 54 Ell 2 1a16. 923 8 CC V thom 135 co vs. "32 4 31 a 5X 22 W. Bowra 9.N.8 8 1c2.42 14 TCSec11 s 932 32 Sor Jo 62540 S The Tarks 1 other day blew a mere only a few feet over I head bfore of our deep uunnels Lewon The offcer had toloman working in our deep D.hennel: Yours alight. If thy blow you, you I will protl be cul off fom us by falling earth. but you'l have plenty of air s if you take some a water to you you cant come to any harn. Tast 3E stay still & don't sel pightened & Ill did you out Witinhour. The To did blow I mine - O. killed a man in a tunnel jirst above them The earl felin on this old chap & be sat down to wait & be dug out - when he saw o light counny over (top of eark. That showed there us a lole- He scraped for all he was worth & got out by himself at once. Another man ws Docking when I To blew 3 a mine. A crack opened, large one to let in gas I found myself on my kases "hadd a I Just ran out. Now I think of it you'll find my
Another older truch 55 Nov 4. Last night we opened a new truch on Narris Ridge abt 100yds S. from Chathams Poor, our previous ot. There erested here some dead ground betw Chath & Berd Frenches. This ao not be seen pou Chath. Post. It ho therefore determined to c some & an old F truch as party to be ased for a common trinch. A tunnet we driven abt 70 yds & then turned a little to left &s rift pers were beig prepared on ouler slope of crest but were not ready tho!tey shd have be ready tonight. Last night however we opened up 1 old F truch (built to appose our landin at Kaba Tipe, & som firepits off it near I crest of Harris Ridge (13-13) He had bn in old tark trid at 1 night before cleasing it & working at a sap att send of it to 5o fornd to 1 crest. There it will meet another old trech proby older than 1 first) and will just tap it & seveng to I lef. The tarks thi nomay saw it we were in hese truces tonght at 8.30 a party of
12 earlies It ws abt 11 pon . I had goue ap to the H.R. of 26HBde. on heaving 1 noine - andI as sitting there w Pold Bdier & Foster whill messages came in & were sent out. They were Wilson it] v. insistent at 1 Bell on 1 necessity of taking place wI bayonet if neay - & had sent out a The 5t finel message asking tatsteps shd hadsd t be taken to send out a patrol to make had sure to this sangar we not permanent & if possible brin back 1 bags. A lot of messages ater were coming in wh Foster read, out, but C I ws waiting for answer to this ore. Presentt a redmessage came in wh F. began to read out lond - & then handed to Bdier. The old chap took it in his li hand & read it. Then he read it again. He took his pipe out of his month for a minute, still tooking hard at message, & res laid pipe down. Then he shaled his exes to his right elbow on 1 table & read it over & over - looking v serious. I knew as well as if he had told me what ws in th message. They sd to they ladt place absolutely under contral by bombs; to they id turn I cnlans outa bombs & whenever thetylike but that it ad maan loss of life to send but a patrol - and Ryrle ws wondering within himself whether he ought to send these few men, whose death or wounding wo almost certain, out to their deak. Two or 3 wd be killed at least. Was it essential? For 5 minutes he thought. Then he sl somethin to made me guess he had decided ago it. He sroke to Col Wilson on 1 teleplone, & told him it ws not necy to go. 56 up within 55 9ds o I trened Turks can end on STE, buill a little sangar & bombed. The CO.5L.H. reported this & at once gpts message fom ble a Please state steps you mend to take to drive meing out o'barricale and cinse you intend don. To. In 5 L1.I man had bn K. & 12w. Our bombs Cesp the Thaughai Batty - six in action this night, but one lost a rubber & had to be withdrawn) drove I turks out o1 sangar. (Shaughais will work sable to abt 150 but break strings over to. but you can work 150 tell Doonsday. 18in Ratber has to be stretched to 5ft for 22oyds.) Pels are still being worked for quick work they work docible ships. short ships & no contractminer our worked harder Fom I dead ground behind this knoll 2 te B idesfilede Ryries Post & He reason for our hunnelling ws to they had on doin some work at 1 back & in dead ground. They had not snixed from there get but they e were apparently raiing as for 1 knoll. White it as who originally wanted us to fet (1 to Chattam B) to this fenoll (5), but, not necessarity 515 Maclagan opposed V when it ws decidet on he fought for keeping backtis left. Turks for in I C.C established I canestrend Then when Chathans we finished that. H, were so pleased wt it to key s carcely wanted to go farther
Nov. 514 r Rickard's Patrol work 5 s 111 F e cr 4 A ust Aidty . This Birdcage is possibly asorin or an observate post - were in front of it. T Patrob 5016 Garkhes al A. Wills rifleat B. (old T. trinch there) C. Drad Wills shot Rio heart. D. Natural dug out. One bed at Pack End leaves underneath on wh they aad bn sleeping sty sawbap under 1 bed. Oatside 2 men lying -in bed of Ck, one without boots & putties, bare feet; other alongonde him. Tomeone puta white shirt over oneaen's head. Only one had a clisc. Inside, on little ledge we prayer book w Sergents name (from glasgow) razor, shaving brack, pr boots in bottom of gally, another in duy outo ket there & 700 rounds, rifes, 10 mess time, I water bottle w beg stone in it (wh settled), gurklas wate bottle, one mess tin fad of fresh water. Abt a dozen empty emergence retion bep, but nothing in any of the
58 old tea tins from Emery, reting, E. in bed of CK. Gurkha without righ: F. in bottom of Ck. two wills without rifles, w one entrenching shovel & ballet hole tro the centre of it. (lot down near Snpers Nest]. Near Sugar loaf where 3nd LHe are we got 2 mre disco - [Welts, one L.N.Lanes. These two meet have be chans. One we shot thro Ihead. wandered the bush- We found rifle in on place (tracking him Rro Scrub) squipment in another. The L.N.b is lying face down a has waterbottle in his hand - you can't get it out. His sifle had no bolt. Their say books have bn taken out of al ther pockets. Hho signaller of wills wt E flages farther down Rickends put letters on a tree-all were taken wext dayi we stusk theee letters all our 1tree. Every night up thise gutties you can hear I shouting thro wyaphone on beach. One was of a T. Tother night on I trench started to coace when heard it. Our Pattols used to whistle but I turtes got out it & cxied it. telone 20yt Two oour men ovhedt trinch. Relievd at midnight. Shortly Cafterone pulledin. In morning he as four callout tother hit on head a rifle & knift put thro s his heart. He us a god bushman psoble sitting a little outside truch t patrots tan get out much soone

gun emplacements behind Chunuk
Bair, some behind Koja Chemen Tepe,
& some behind Abdel Rahman Bair.
The guns firing on the Apex are prob
just on / reverse spurs of K. Chemen
[Sketch - see original scan
The Abdel Rahman
tunnel guns are
usually fired / other
way, on Choc. Hills..
but sometimes on
the Apex. The Gun Ridge
or Scrubby Knoll guns fire
on Knt Rhododendron.

The W hills guns cd
probly still fire on our beach
but they have them turned
round facing the Suvla people.
There is a big 9.2 away NW of
After / war he will give me
any maps or particulars I want
o / guns on any dates e.g. Apr. 25,
May 1, & 2, May 19, Aug 6-10.
Our old 5 in howitzer sights are
a bit rocky but our 6 in howitzer
(17th) are doing splendid work. The


Ts have never yet located / two
howitzers wh have bn firing from /
first or second day - They once put
one shell onto them - it is / only one.

Nov. 3. Wednesday.
Col. A.L. Lynden-Bell C.B, CMG
(w tempy. rank of Maj. Gen) is C.G.S.
C.Bs for Col. Harold Bridgwood Walker DSO
(temp B. Gen)
Col. Honble. James Whiteside Mc'Cay
Col. John Monash
Lt Col. Harold Pope-
Lt Col. Granville John Burnage.
Lt Col. Arthur Plugge 3rd (Auck) Regt.
(E M Woodward B.G. is has bn D.A.G.)
(W. Campbell Maj. Gen is D.Q.M.G.)
Hear in War Office News tt last Sunday wk the
Czar sd goodlye in / "south" of Russia to
"a large force of all arms" - So there
is some mvt once again light on / horizon here.
I suppose they come by Roumania.
The men (some 1000 or so reinforcements)
who came in last night tell of an
incident wh illustrates / strange qualities


of Australian discipline. We have just
had our a new Austrln battation on / Southland
showing what Austrln troops are like in /
essentials of discipline – when discipline,
rather, is really essential. Their case
ws exactly / same as tt o / British
regulars on the M_____, I forget /
name (wh ws torpedoed in April off Lemnos)
& they came out o / trial very much
better. Here Now we have a transport,
the Borda, held up in Lemnos ^harbour for
over a week by / awful slowness there;
the troops were not alld to leave / ship
on boats, or row abt - (they ∧almost certainly
would have gone ashore & got some
drink & perhaps disturbed / place).
On the sixth day, or abt then - just 2 days
before they sailed - they got an idea,
right or wrong (but sometimes I
fully believe the thing has occurred on
troopships) tt / canteen ws selling
them gift stuff. Cards "From / people of
Queensland," were sd to have bn found,
wh had bn taken out of chocolate
boxes, & / chocolates sold to / troops
from / ships canteen. There is no doubt
these things are broken into & sold &
I have had more than one story told
me of their being sold in ships canteens.


The men cd. have gone to their officers
& without / slightest doubt, if they had
any real evidence, / officers wd have taken
/ thing up & not let it rest until
/ men guilty got 2 or 3 years to repent it
in gaol. But they chose to take / thing
into their own hands - broke into 80
cases of bottled stout in / hold (wh
ws ^I believe going to canteens for their our own
worn out & tired troops at Lemnos) and
ran amuck generally - were lying
drunk abt / ship, a section of them at
any rate.
Of course there's something wrong here.
I have no sympathy whatever for /
ships authorities; but this sort of indiscipline
breaks down all arrangements. In this
care, for example, refreshments (beer &
other things) had bn arranged to be sent to
our worn out troops in Lemnos after
their 19 wks in / trenches; that arrangement
is upset by 1000 men straight from
the beer & luxuries wh they can get in
Egypt who have not bn doing /
work done by these Gallipoli men but
have bn waiting in Australia until
a good deal o / worst work ws over.

Sturdee tells me we have now
exploded 40 mines in Quinns alone
probly 120 in all parts. Ts. have exploded


Details of mine explosion on Oct. 2.9
Mine ws to be blown up abt 12, Maj. Newcome
(at Scotts Point, Wire Gully) was lunching w Col. Elliott - 
he sd he ws going up to see it - Elliott sd it wd be
all right - However they started up, but on / way
heard / mine go off (felt it rather) - so came
back. Presently a message came down from
Lt Bowra by a young chap who sd tt / mine
had bn blown & tt he thought Bowra ws thinking
of going down it to see might stay to see after it,
Bowra Newcome told him tell Bowra to
come along to lunch & not think of going down
- put it in friendly terms wh / boy & Bowra
knew meant "Come down & have yr lunch &
dont be a fool." The youngster went back & told
Bowra. Bowra knew there ws a working
pty due in an hours time (Newcome quite
had not forotten this & would have taken
adequale steps - gone down himself, I think.
However Bowra The two went down / mine & / boy after
him - & they did not come back. A
messenger came running to Newcome to say tt
Bowra ws down / mine & had not come up.
He & Thom at once hurried up - & I think Elliott -
& found that Lieut Bazley of the 22nd had gone
down w a man name Currington. There ws
a ladder down / shaft
(wh ws abt 11 ft deep).

Bazley had come back gassed but Currington
tho he started up / ladder seems to have fallen
back - & he too did not return

8 at Quinns
[[Shorthand]] Bazley [[Shorthand]] Currington  [[Shorthand]] letter king owing
[[Shorthand]]  sous serving
I went up shouted for a fellow to get a rope
Thom & I went down - wont run - tried to get respirators

Thom went to top tied ropes to steel post. Helped 2 men out

Thom said he would go down. I let him - he is a strong man
- he wdnt tie the rope around him. I ws disentangling / rope. I asked him 
several times "shall I pull yet"  MacD & I began to pull. He sd "Dont pull 
yet" three times. I never heard him again. I was
getting exhausted.
I knew / stuff ws coming up I cd feel myself getting weak.
Another fellow came up. I got out & sent more
fellows down & gave instrns not to stay too long. Constant
reliefs keeping the pump going. I went back to / shaft I was knocked out altogether
& so ws
& so ws another
fellow whom I was

dragging along. 3 Ropes [[Shorthand]] ] 
Corpl Park & Shaw [[Shorthand]] 
Parke [[Shorthand]] 
Corpl Miller & Corpl Bowden w J too x.
probly J x.
150lb Ch. of Ammonal.
Thing [[Shorthand]] detonated
Col. Elliott went & took [[?]] &


Ell [[Shorthand]] 
Thom [[Shorthand]] 
[[Shorthand]] Bowra [[Shorthand]] 
[[Shorthand]] or 625 ft 

The Turks / other day blew a mine only a
few feet over / head of one of our deep tunnels 2nd Div
The officer had told / man working in our deep
tunnel: You're alright. If they blow you, you
will probly be cut off from us by falling earth;
but you'll have plenty of air & if you take some
water w you you cant come to any harm. Just
stay still & don't get frightened & I'll dig you out
within / hour. The Ts did blow / mine - &
killed a man in a tunnel just above them.
The earth fell in on this old chap & he sat
down to wait & be dug out - when he saw
light coming over / top o / earth. That showed
there ws a hole - He scraped for all he ws worth
& got out by himself at once.
Another man ws working when / Ts blew
a mine. A crack opened, large eno' to let in gas
"I found myself on my knees" he sd "and I
just ran out. Now I think of it you'll find my
[* pick there in / right hand corner lying with / handle towards / face  - no it wasn't it was the iron towards / face" (this ws just after). Newcome found the pick there alright.*]


[Diagram - see original scan]

Nov 4. Last night we opened a new trench
on Harris Ridge abt 100 yds S. from
Chathams Post, our previous [[?ot]].
There existed here some dead ground
betw Chath. & Bird Trenches. This
cd not be seen from Chath. Post. It ws
therefore determined to occupy make some rifle
shelters pits & an old T trench ws partly
to be used for a commn trench.
A tunnel ws driven abt 70 yds
& then turned a little to left & some the
rifle pits (A-A') were being prepared on
/ outer slope o / crest but were
not ready tho' they shd have bn ready
tonight. Last night however we
opened up / old T trench (built
to oppose our landing at Kaba Tepe)
& some firepits off it near / crest of
Harris Ridge (B-B') We had bn in /
old Turk trench all / night before,
clearing it & working at a sap
at / S end of it to go forwd to /
crest. There it will meet another
old trench & will (probly older than /
first) and will just tap it & swing
to / left. The Turks this morning
saw tt we were in these trenches.

Tonight at 8.30 a party of


It ws abt 11 pm . I had gone up ^earlier to the
H.Q. of 2 LH Bde. on hearing / noise - and I
ws sitting there w / old Bdier & Foster while
messages came in & were sent out. They were
v. insistent at / Bde on / necessity of taking /
place w / bayonet if necy - & had sent out a
final message asking that steps shd being
be taken to send out a patrol to peti make
sure tt this sangar ws not permanent &
if possible bring back / bags. A lot of messages
were coming in wh Foster read out, but
I ws waiting for / answer to this one.

[*Wilson of the 5th had sd tt they had / place under control by bombs.]
Presently a rcd message came in wh
F. began to read out loud - & then handed to /
Bdier. The old chap took it in his right left hand
& read it. Then he read it again. He took his
pipe out of his month for a minute, still
looking hard at / message, & rested his hand
put the laid / pipe down. Then he shaded his
eyes w his right elbow on / table &
read it over & over - looking v. serious. I
knew as well as if he had told me what
ws in tt message. They sd tt they had / place
absolutely under control by bombs; tt they cd
turn / enemy out w bombs whenever they liked;
but that it wd mean loss of life to send out a
patrol - and Ryrie ws wondering within himself
whether he ought to send these few men, whose
death or wounding ws almost certain, out to
their death. Two or 3 wd be killed at least. Was
it essential? For 5 minutes he thought. Then he
sd somethin to made me guess he had decided agst it.
He spoke to Col Wilson on / teleplone, & told him it ws not necy to go.

Turks came up within 15 yds o / trench
end on S&E, built a little sangar & bombed. The
C.O. 5 L.H. reported this & at once got message from bde.
"Please state steps you mean to take to
drive enemy out o barricade and
time you intend doing so."
In 5 LH. 1 man had bn k. & 12 w. Our bombs
(esp the Shanghai Batty - six in action
this night, but one lost a rubber & had to
be withdrawn) drove / Turks out
o / sangar. (Shanghais will work safely
to abt 150 but break strings over tt.
but you can work 150 till Doomsday.
16 in rubber has to be stretched to 5ft for
220 yds.) Pits are still being worked
- for quick work they work double shifts & 
short shifts & no contract miner ever
worked harder.
From / dead ground behind this knoll Z
the Ts enfilade Ryries Post &
the reason for our tunnelling ws
tt they had bn doing some work
at / back & in / dead ground. They
had not sniped from there yet but
they would were apparently racing
us for / knoll.

White it ws who originally wanted us to get
(1) to Chathams (2) to this knoll (3), but not necessarily  B'P.
Maclagan opposed & when it ws decided
on he fought for keeping back his left. Turks got in &
established Leanes trench L-L.  Then when Chathams ws
finished the L.H, were so pleased w it they scarcely wanted to go further.


[Nov. 5th]

Sergt Corpl Rickard's Patrol work
[Diagram - see original scan]

This Birdcage is

possibly a screen

or an observation 
front of it.
5 or 6 Gurkhas at A.
Wilts rifle at B. (old T. trench there)
C. Dead Wilts shot thro heart.
D. Natural dug out. One bed at each end - leaves
underneath on wh they had bn sleeping
Empty sandbags under 1 bed.
Outside 2 men lying - in bed of Ck, one
without boots & putties, bare feet; other
alongside him. Someone put a white
shirt over one man's head. Only one
had a disc. Inside, on little ledge
ws prayer book w Sergeants name
(from Glasgow), razor, shaving brush,
1 pr boots in bottom of gully, another
in dug out, kit there & 700 rounds,
rifles, 10 mess tins, I water bottle w
big stone in it (wh rattled), Gurkhas
water bottle, one mess tin full of fresh
water. Abt a dozen empty emergency
ration bags, but nothing in any of these


old tea tins from Emerg. rations.
E. in bed of Ck. one Gurkha without rifle.
F. in bottom of Ck. two Wilts without rifles, w
one entrenching shovel & bullet hole thro' the
centre of it.
[Lot down near Snipers Nest].
Near Sugarloaf where 3rd L.H. are we got 2 more
discs - 1 Wilts, one L.N.Lancs. These two must
have be chums. One ws shot thro' / head - 
wandered thro bush - we found rifle in
on place (tracking him thro' scrub) equipment
in another. The L.N.L is lying face down
w his waterbottle in his hand - you
cant get it out. His rifle had no bolt.
Their pay books have bn taken out of all
their pockets.
Also signaller of Wilts w one 2 flags further down.

Rickards put letters on a tree - all
were taken next day - we stuck these letters
all over / tree.
Every night up these gullies you
can hear / shouting thro megaphone on
beach. One wag of a T. / other night in
I trench started to cooee when ^he heard it.
Our Patrols used to whistle but / Turks got onto it
& copied it.
Two our men were stationed 20 yds

outside trench. Relieved at midnight. Shortly
[*after one called out tt / other ws shot; he ws*]
pulled in. In morning he ws found
hit on head w rifle & knife put thro'
his heart. He ws a good bushman - 
probly sitting a little outside trench.
T. patrols can get out much sooner


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