Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/19/1 - October - November 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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at 2.30 on 29 t shout camn on, hed a take w Sass. They decied thy togo further They got small candbay paity together sass got rifle shout bombs. Shout had god lookround to see how things were & be & sass went foicod first 2abeast Saas shooting shout bombin. Pushed barrice down & went on - cd hear screams. of Turks - bustle of arms & accoutrements round A man had be bombs to keep shoutgong shout had ; they sandbeged again short staps. Then saw place wh ad make god spor for sinalbanicade & stopped shout tadln town Combs all time & trit to light 3 at once so as to make 1 final dash . (Rob rr at Ceast). 2nd or 3rd bomb got him. I took one hand, most of other land, one eye, gashed his cheek across, & pelets in breast & lg He sabap in stretcher + had a drink of tea & directed message to be sent to his wife slight aounded. He ws very cool & excutinly active. we lost about j0yds of sax, but when left it cs soyds loy. Now known as sasses say L. Corpt. Keyser near truch where Scobie ws k. Tarks were bombery v. Leavily 5 Keyser on sev. occasions caught, toubs in his ham & knew tam back without letter them fall into truch. On other occasions he trew
5 Lone Pine Bt B pr Coy sot order to reiforcialt aeed t e ted gay 20 sterli to Spike Can wh distroyin good on beach. Got 2oyls. at Hill 60 Seytm. t ri o Throssell, Hinderson Dein MCHee, Lures Stanly 7 Tork were trowing bombs ally time. Bit best of lot in a pty as Noll name of Hrrier in tel1 60. 104) Hl krow out wellover 100 T. bomts for 5hs bags or coats (A Smotheret them – 4 timed slightly wit but cod not go away. He krew a st many bombs himself. He ws a good thrower & we but to every seation o line - for 50 hours he must have ben throwing bombs & noting elss. supers opened. Poblzonly one or two. Serft in charge decited to go back - 5 turned blink eye, dedn't bear; as snypers wereit doing any danlage they on. Wills sent back two from point 2o0 gds further on. We arly had 5 biscuils & bottl of wates I thought swe end for quiet. We crossed many treushes running all sorts of ways – factoy Acti Baba, w green stuff growing in them on side 3005 yrs of at reast. Ty were gente on hill lops. Abt 600yds out ater turig St ps we heard a rustty in Ibusk. We dicited best by ws to past)on - sowe did. The sound as abb 20 yds away - it woonly be ove. we were joing croached up - crawled over creats. Every time are crossed will. the searchlyle caught us- Alfaras we know we werent. seen - probl the man wt a saiper going for his positn. Att 1500 yds we came to a ck a both oles where Ibushes were too thick. Went up it. still bushes, turne down - found an open space where many men + howes had crossed abt 9 to R H bank on near side – otherside flat we pllowed ck op at back of bushes tro cuthvater along, broad track running NE where horses & men had be (not wide eno for wheehe trafftc). Jot abt 500 yds up. There a clips abt. vofe high on our it - sandy i fhe bushes - too noisy to clmb. There was a cutting going thro' it wh looked as if it had bee
8 31 aat by man, - as fit in middle of it as if for gun facig S. The cliff had forced us but ofour original director looking for an openig. Cultivaler ended at cuttin Stream branched. We followed aloly creat of it, amidst pive scrub - vsy going, lettle undergrowth - for abt 500 yds. Then we looked for place to te in during day. We looked down I where we inagun pun ws - it tooked tike open plain. A bt of scrub hadbn recently cap so we sot green buches & some dead & got into a recently scooped hole (wrob. observeng post for suiper)), while tooking for it we cans across 7 shand coppen wirl ah we cat - it i tied to bushes & we tood abt 20f outs tiel 1 two ends to bushes, Seant no tarks at daylight w plaases wel sees another crest in pout where we tight I plain was. After tooking to see if any 15 we decided to more outs next crestt Across I. ckcol sew a then vallery mist. This turned out to be smoke fron numbers of cooking fires. E ele men moving abt; Abt 7 am. A big pos came out off one by day but. some men came along & got him breekfast. he hada wash in vasin - another man held his coat - He sut on a long grey cost, sword, took a whip - in centre f valley. Abt I am. they all seemed to vansh. They had dug outo a green stuff over them, Carobe not over week old e ps not trampled)I Abt 9we were watcheng for a route when a gua fired abt 2/300 yds on it portoon next crest. If fined sev. shots & we co see two men on crest making jestures
32 in yous director. The were secuned top from camp towards yon. We picked up beaving of gun. Orchard crawld out in poul & Cot poI view of rear of Gate Tipe. 2 slept while other water, We heard several mothings but as one came close. orchard ed see a sunken od leaving into what looked like an arch in J. Tepe. males & packages & in one instance a gaa wheel on a mule + what samed boren of ammin allping in - a striam moven there all day long. We also saw an observate post in side of G. Tipe bacing our beach. T spotted it by seemg tim change their observers. [We afterwos went out on Bacchants she shelled this positen & knocked it in (on 1. thurs) I tried to pick out camp but it ws raning mist covered it - we went round sof S. Tepe - I saw it once but mist came down oe again - went up into Aerver post. They opened casteen for us + did us well.] Noting ned hexpened dury day. We c 92 lines & part of Bt - (tey were pring after 2500 to where we were - afterwar) Wead hear our guns going ovr - all during night bullets were flyng all over as there at a big fight on. Durin day 5 bullets came at tht trajectory close over as - be lay close for an howr. Aabt s pm camp people seemor to return & do some more cooking- Our view of our own lines, ended w tasmanis post shat out by righ between. Ab 7 0c. or shortly afer derk we decided to lat wire & return. We calaire & lied bot ends to prevent them finding cut
33 (we had orders to cut any wires) we came down same cutting in diff to track, then cut Straight across cultivate (in case they had seen our fortileps at (crossin). Woe went in single file at 2 paces intervall- Will leadin. If front man saw anything he stopper & other 2 stoppe instantly. We crossed ct sushed our way tro bushes where they were thin - butrying in case they foum cut were - seeichlight & diff. aswe were fain it. I times we heard movenents &2ce were fire on by suipers probl at abt 100 yds. A time we were sing down dry bed - suiper as on crest of hill & find 3 thots, pretty close - We pashed up gully 3o0yds further at foot of another valler as a caltivater - barley or oats waist high: We stumbled across several corpser in it. Tnipers were across otherend of cultivate between us & our own lines, We kepton for 1 smipers & rr tine they retired. We were getten bullets pretty hot, prob from our own line also. Abt 200 yds from our our times - we cdsee them agat 1 sky w men firing (flashes) (you cant see flast of Tsnipers rifle - proby silenced We made back for creston left to setts b Searehligtt's caught as there at close range - We jot down past some old Jun pits, past to 2 trees then over skyling being find at double all
34 I way)o this as proble opon or 1pm. scarcllight made it too bright. We moved b dozen yds at a time. We got to 1 scarchlighy beam on our right ffanth & it was steady al night so we waited. bent to sleep for an no.At daylight scarchlight switchet off & as it ws bo-dark for J. Tepe suiers we doubted round to outpost. They seemed to be expectinguo. Gent. Bidges sent for us 1 day atter Compliments as In the Blaney excursion - had be lying in water of Ck. t Dr. then want on. Almost and After crossing we heard a motting on our left. orhew ab 207s pomsentry, but nadil seen him. Suddenly a sentr challenger 1 patrol (4 ws p we knew of him) ICutivate S We had seen him before be challenged them. e had made noiss in Ck& auttivate The momeet be challeyed thyy answered & then bunched up + had a whispertd conversate. They secmed very undecided for 2 mins + not san on coming toward us. This time thay had bayonets abrubst pointing into ground - extended again but at less tan a yard. When they were abt 5 yds away bechard fired on Sentry. 8 be fell.
N 54 They seemed to bunch together & we pulled on them for all we were worth. I saw 3 Pashes, And bulles went past my ear -betw me & major. They all should Alak & fell Exc.2 - who ran towards ck. we fired at them & they seemed to go down where they were. We then made straight back for twmnt Frenches wh we folld for home. Abb mank after Landing we went out to ma trenches betw us & G. Tipe. Harrington & wills always even together till to ws w. (now in ingland. Beiely got him on leg. went out alsow copl scott & looked into to Trenchon Moyorback. Chier B. Tabbering - saw one cmpty length - & 10ated 2 m. gs. Mond. Nov1. Information Sheet Says to Britich French & Russian forts I have (after some delay in arrivng at decision I concluded to send 500,000 men to helr Servia. If Ruosia cannot get to Roumania she will poobly land troops I I dont believe she will - she wdnt Isay so before hand any way. There to be two Winston, in (worls down to see while for a yorm etonight. Rerdwood has gone over to Smbros Iagain. Bythebye, when he ws over 78 there abt Sept. 19 to see Hamilton ada noese of vigorous bombardment tos
one Vine time of Our left flank at L. Pine offencive had for months carefully bn towere kept open - is not thoroughty entreched bec. we had never pressed then then - They hield is otates redoubts & trucs o of ten wered, & trust to Lawful nature of county The warships of course helped to present them cutting us off along sea coast. They id never do this themother cddo us Ang7 Further Cattack repulser 8pm 9 sm. Evemy bombey very heavily. Replid at bombs & wseal men exc these may to resut a rush, thus diminishing carnathe kept men in Aunnels & rear truble 10 pm. All, trunches held 36 one Ping KTBA Aro 2.30 began moning to Broyns Dip in rear of 26n. y 3.65 in piitn in reserve trenckes off brgade office A.5.02 A loy under Davidson. t man old fire truch betw B5 &B9. 6.20. BCy gotorders to reinforce (under Capt. Carter) but were blocked in B5. 4 Aloy advonced over old fire truck & supported 2nd Bn. B&D folld atonce Rro B5. Sep as clear by 7. 4 8 psn 2 plations of C to centre of L Pie P.30 Remai plation of C. to 4 Bm. Mar88. (tro B8)? Clering truckes & fighty all night Augt I am order: Bn will be wited rawn duray mor 1135. Relief begun by7Bn. I pm Relief complete sx for 100 men lefte 43 3.10. orders to renfore Puple & L. Pine iatily. 6pm. Bn absorbed & holding central cositi. Trenches, crowded to dear &caumded. Pr. to bombing a heavil. stream of w constant, all trusles held Our bont supply not good. 11. pm.bombin Stacklin 16.30 evemys attack didd out Ang 8.4 am. Heavy shelling rifle & boabin by ine
5.30. yen say the sent to know penl situation an Col. Bennett replier. We retain all positis - Enemy's shelling rifhfire & Bir sem off bombry continue. Bombs are very in Ras swere & our stream of w. is constant It is most diff. to make wide trenches at all safe. Sitrater requires relieving from without if possible as we cannot C attack from Within. Men extremely tired but determined to hold on 7roam. Large quantities of bombs reed. 18 am. Pressure relieved 2pm. Relieved by 7 Bn. Coys reorgamred Augg. 728am ordend to rensuce by Brs. but not needed. 941 Reld 3 Bn. Ther Sass & Shout. The tarks i trech across an attack up this & a light barricade of Sandbays shwe s After tis vomber party had bn up sass took his pty down trench. 245 Mas Kindon hit -bst an aye & bride of nose from shelling by 75 just at No2 Section H.D. my quiet - light bombing by botin Sides, casualties light. Aug 10. No casualties. Aug 17. Mas Davidson wounded while directing relief - hit by Mgh Expt shell in lung - died on 1912.
38 Sept 3/4 at O.30 a.m. Bontaltack bus to in No 2 Section L. Pine at D.E augle. Casnalties abt 13, one officer 26 Parkes (Sir H Parkes son, lost mos offingers of one hand tho boub aome). 4 am. all quiet again. Abt 100 must have come out proby a try on. Takiry 43hrs shifts in Lone Pine; then Sept P. Relieved at Dam. 48 hrs in S. No2 Opp. t Tolly. At 3 pm. Bn left trenches & Cibonachi in white valley. 4 pm. order to be prepared to Embark 287 th night. Sent away Mednight moved 3 off 2790& to Walsons Pier. 2am. Embardd on lighters - to the AS Partridge 6.15am lift Auzac. Arr. Mudsa 12 An you chrenb for caurp at West Mundras No Cantien Turkeys abt 3/6 to Start a - abt 18/. till & tofwish w. Not much siakness most men who wentill had bee Sick at Anzac towards our jaundia broke out, Tenbs were abready pukcys for us Next day rest of bn came over 100AV 465 or. Letbehind 1of

some time later At 2.30 pm. Short came on, had a
talk w Sass. They decided they cd go further -
They got small sandbag party together -
Sass got rifle, Short bombs. Short had
good look round to see how things were
& he & Sass went forwd first 2 abreast -
Sass shooting Short bombing. Pushed barricade
down & went on - cd hear screams of 
Turks - & ^a heavy bustle of arms & accoutrements round corner
A man had 12 bombs to keep Short going -
Short had 4; they sandbagged again &
short stops. Then saw place wh wd make
good spot for final barricade & stopped.
Short had been throwing bombs all / time
& tried to light 3 at once so as to make
/ final dash. (Prob 12 at least). 2nd or 3rd
bomb got him. It took one hand, most 
of the other hand, one eye, gashed his cheek
across, & pellets in breast & leg.
He sat up in stretcher & had a drink
of tea & directed message to be sent to his
wife slightly wounded. He was very cool
& exceedingly active.
We lost about 10 yds of sap but when
left it was 30 yds long. Now known as Sasse's sap.
L. Corpl. L. Keyser
Near trench where Scobie ws k.
Turks were bombing v. heavily; Keyser
on sev. occasions caught bombs in his hand
& threw them back without letting them fall
into trench. On other occasions he threw


Lone Pine.
1st Bn: 
1st Coy got order to reinforce abt
Hand drawn diagram, see original
May 9th 20 started ^(from 12th one arty bombr Orchard) to spike gun
wh destroying goods on
beach. Got 300 yds.
At Hill 60
Throssell, ^Sergt m. Henderson D C M Mc'Nee, (w rifle on barricade)
Stanley & 3 ors k. were throwing bombs
all / time. But best o / lot in tt party ws
Note name of Ferrier (10th) in Hill 60.
He threw out well over 100 T.bombs -
for 6 hours.
[*Came out w
 shoulder blown 
off at 5.10 am*]

bags or coats & smothered them - 4 times
slightly wX. but wd not go away. He threw
a gt many bombs himself. He ws a good
thrower & ws lent to every section o / 
line - for 50 hours he must have bn
throwing bombs & nothing else. 
snipers opened. Probly only one or two. Sergt in charge
decided to go back - 5 turned blind eye, didnt
hear; as snipers weren't doing any damage they
went on. Wills sent back two from point 200
yds further on. We only had 5 biscuits & bottle of water
& thought 3 ws eno' for quiet. We crossed many
trenches running all sorts of ways - some
facing Achi Baba; w green stuff growing in them
& on sides - 3 or 5 yrs old at least. They were
genly on hill tops. Abt 600 yds out after turning SE
we heard a rustling - ^in front in / bush. We decided best 
thing ws to push on - so we did. The sound 
ws abt 20 yds away - it wd only be one.

In We were going crouched up - crawled over
crests. Every time we crossed hill the searchlights
caught us. As far as we know we werent
seen - probly the man ws a sniper going for
his positn. Abt 1500 yds we came to a ck
where / bushes ^on both sides were too thick. Went up it -
still bushes; turned down - found an open 
space where many men & horses had crossed,
abt 9 to 12 ft bank on near side - other side flat.
We followed ck up at back of bushes thro'
cultivatn along broad track running NE
where horses & men had bn (not wide eno' for
wheeled traffic.) Got abt 500 yds up. There ws
a cliff abt 100 ft high on our rt - sandy w few
bushes - too noisy to climb. There ws a
cutting going thro" it wh looked as if is had bn


ie. Apparently cut 
next day on
way back*]

cut by men. - w pit in middle of it - as
if for gun facing S. The cliff had forced us
out of our original directn looking for an
opening. Cultivatn ended at cutting.
Stream branched - we followed along crest
of it, amidst pine scrub - easy going, little
undergrowth - for abt 500 yds. Then we looked
for place to lie in during day.  We looked down
S where we imagined gun ws - it looked
like open plain. A lot o / scrub had bn
recently cut so we got green bushes & some
dead & got into a recently scooped hole (prob.
observing post for sniper). While looking for
it we came across 7 strand copper wire
[*X*] wh we cut - it was tied to bushes & we
took abt 20 ft out & tied / two ends to
bushes. Heard no Turks.

At daylight w glasses we cd
see there ws another crest in front
where we thought / plain was. After
looking to see if any Ts we decided to
move onto next crest. Across / ck we
saw a thin valley mist. This turned out
to be smoke from numbers of cooking fires -
Cd see men moving abt; Abt 7 a.m. a
big pot came out of one big dug out -
Some men came along & got him breakfast - 
he had a wash in basin - another man  
held his coat - He put on a long grey coat,
sword, took a whip - in centre of valley. Abt
8 a.m. they all seemed to vanish - They had
dug outs w green stuff over them (probly
not over week old bec. xx not trampled).
Abt 9 we were watching for a route when
a gun fired abt 2/300 yds on rt front over
next crest. It fired sev. shots & we cd
see two men on crest making gestures


in guns directn. The wire seemed to go from
camp towards gun.

We picked up bearing of gun. Orchard
crawled out in front & got good view of rear of
Gabe Tepe. 2 slept while other watched. We
heard several rustlings but no one came close.
Orchard cd see a sunken rd leading into
what looked like an arch in G. Tepe -
mules & packages & in one instance a
gun wheel on a mule & what seemed
boxes of ammn all going in - a stream
moving there all day long. We also saw an
observatn post in side of G. Tepe facing our
beach - we Orchard spotted it by seeing them change their
observers. [We afterwds went out on Bacchante
- she shelled this positn & knocked it in (on / Thurs)
& I tried to pick out camp but it ws raining
& mist covered it - we went round S of
G. Tepe - I saw it once but mist came down
again - went up into crows nest observation post. They
opened canteen for us & did us well.]

Nothing much happened during day. We
cd see 9th Lines & part of 12th - (they were
firing after at 2500 to where we were - afterwds)
We cd hear our guns going over - all during
night bullets were flying all over us There
ws a big fight on. During day 5 bullets came
at flat trajectory close over us - we lay
close for an hour.

At abt 5 p.m. camp people seemed
to return & do some more cooking - our view
of our own lines ended w Tasmania post
- shut out by ridge between.

Abt 7 o'c. or shortly after dark we
decided to cut wire & return. We cut wire
& tied both ends to prevent them finding cut - 


(we had orders to cut any wires) we came 
down same cutting in cliff to track, then cut
straight across cultivatn (in case they had
seen our footsteps at / crossing). We went
in single file at 2 paces intervals - Will
leading. If frontman saw anything he stopped
& other 2 stopped instantly. We crossed ck.
pushed our way thro' bushes where they
were thin - hurrying in case they found cut
wire - searchlight v. diff. as we were facing
it. 3 times we heard movements & 2ce
were fired on by snipers probly at abt
100 yds. 1st time we were going down dry
bed - sniper ws on crest of hill & fired
3 shots, pretty close - we pushed up gully;
300 yds further at foot of another valley
ws a cultivatn - barley or oats waist
high. We stumbled across several corpses
in it. Snipers were across other end of
vall cultivatn between us & our own lines. 
Hand drawn diagram- see original document

We kept on for / snipers &
they retired - we were getting
bullets pretty hot, probly
from our own line also. 

Abt 200 yds from our own
lines - we cd see them agst / sky w
men firing (flashes) [You cant see flash
of T snipers rifle - probly silenced]
We made break for crest on left to get to beach
Searchlights caught us there at close
range - we got down past some
old gun pits, past the 2 trees, &
then over skyline being fired at (double all


/ way). This ws probly 10 pm or 11 p.m.
Searchlight made it too bright. We moved
½ dozen yds at a time. We got to / searchlight
beam on our right flank, & it was steady all
night so we waited. Went to sleep for an
hour. At day light searchlight switched off
& as it ws too dark for G. Tepe snipers
we doubled round to outpost. They seemed 
to be expecting xx us.
Genl. Bridges sent for us / day after &
complimented us.
In the Blamey excursion - had bn lying in
water of ck. ½ hr. then went on. Almost imd.
after crossing we heard a rustling on our left.
Hand drawn diagram, see original document

Orchard ws abt 20 yds
from sentry, but hadn't
seen him. Suddenly
a sentry challenged
/ patrol (tt ws 1st
we knew of him)
We had seen him 
before he challenged
them - we had made noise in ck & cultivatn.
The moment he challenged they answered & then
bunched up & had a whispered conversatn.
They seemed very undecided for 2 mins
& not keen xxx on coming toward us. This
time they had bayonets almost pointing into
ground - extended again but at less than
a yard.

Orchard When they were abt 5 yds
away Orchard fired on sentry & he fell.


They seemed to bunch together & we pulled
on them for all we were worth. I saw 3
flashes, and bullet went past my ear - betw
me & major. They all shouted Allah & fell
exc. 2 - who ran towards ck. we fired at
them & they seemed to go down where they
were. We then made straight back for Twin
trenches wh we folld for home.
Abt month after landing we went out
to map trenches betw us & G.Tepe.
- Harrington & Wills always went together
till he ws w. (now in England - Beachy
got him in leg). Went out also w
Corpl Scott & looked into T. Trench on
Razorback. Cd hear Ts. jabbering - saw one
empty length - & located 2
Mon. Nov 1. Information Sheet
says tt British French & Russian Govts
have (after some delay in arriving at decision)
concluded to send 500,000 men to help
Servia. If Russia cannot get thro
Roumania she will probly land troops
(I dont believe she will - she wdnt
say so before hand any way - There
cant be two Winstons in / world).

Down to see White for a yarn
tonight. Birdwood has gone over to Imbros
again. By the bye, when he ws over
there abt Sept. 19 to see Hamilton
a noise of vigorous bombardment ws
[*heard in direction of Anzac. Birdie
wanted to get across. The torp. bt ws too
slow or had gone - so he got into an aeroplane
flew across; saw it ws nothing doing, came back
& told / guard (Australian) - alright - its nothing.*]


Lone Pine.
Our left flank at ^time of L. Pine offensive
had for months carefully bn 
kept open  - i.e. ^Ts were not thoroughly
entrenched bec. we had never
pressed them there - They
held isolated redoubts & trenches
some of them wired,
& trusted to / awful nature o / 

The warships of course helped to
prevent them cutting us off along /
sea coast. They cd never do this

Hand drawn diagram, see original

Aug 7.
8 p.m. Further c. attack repulsed.
9 pm. Enemy bombing very heavily.
Replied w bombs & withdrew all
men exc those necy to resist
a rush. Thus diminishing casualties
kept men in tunnels & rear trenches
10 p.m. All trenches held.
[*abt 10 posts
2 men at post
others under overhd cover
went to sleep standing up*]

Lone Pine 1st Bn.
Aug 6
2.30 began moving to Browns Dip in rear of 2 bn.
3.45 in positn in reserve undergrd trenches off brigade office
At 5.42 A Coy under Davidson moved to man
old fire trench betw B5 & B9.
6.20. B Coy got orders to reinforce (under Capt Carter)
but were blocked in B5.
7.4 A Coy advanced over old fire trench
& supported 3rd Bn. B & D folld at once
thro' B5. sap ws clear by 7.4
8 p.m. 2 platoons of C to centre of L. Pine.
8.30 Remaining platoon of C. to 4 Bn. near B8
(thro B8).
Clearing trenches & fighting all night.
Aug 7.
9 am order: Bn will be withdrawn
during morning.
11.35 Relief begun by 7 Bn.
1 pm Relief complete exc for 100 men left w 4 Bn.
3.10. orders to reinforce Pimple & L. Pine
6 p.m. Bn absorbed & holding central
positn. Trenches crowded w dead
& wounded.
7 p.m. Ts bombing v. heavily; stream of w
constant; all trenches held.
Our bomb supply not good.
11.p.m. bombing slackening.
11.30 Enemys attack died out.
Aug 8. 4am Heavy shelling rifle & bombing
by enemy.


5.30 a.m: Gen Smythe sent to know genl situation.
Col. Bennett replied: We retain all
positns. Enemy's shelling, rifle fire &
bombing continue. Bombs are very
severe & our stream of w. is constant.
It is most diff. to make these wide 
trenches at all safe. Situatn requires
relieving from without if possible as
we cannot c-attack from within. Men
extremely tired but determined to hold on."
[*B was 
senr offr 
in Pine.*]
7.20 a.m. Large quantities of bombs recd.
8 am. Pressure relieved.
2 pm. Relieved by 7 Bn. Coys reorganised.

Aug 9. 7.28 am. Ordered to reinforce by B.M. but 
not needed.
9.41 Reld 3 Bn.
Then Sass & Short. The Turks made
an attack up this commn trench across
wh we had a light barricade of sandbags.
After this ^small bombing party had bn up,
Sass took his pty down trench.

2.45 Maj Kindon hit - lost an
eye & bridge of nose from shelling by
75 - just at No 2 Section H.Q.
Evening quiet - light bombing by both
sides, casualties light.

Aug 10. No casualties.

Aug 17. Maj Davidson wounded while
directing relief - hit by High Expl. shell
in lung - died on 19th.


Sept 3/4 at 0.30 a.m. Bomb attack
by Ts in No 2 Section L.Pine at S.E
angle. Casualties abt 13. One officer
2 Lt Parkes (Sir H Parkes son, lost most
of fingers of one hand thro' bomb

4 a.m. all quiet again.
Abt 100 must have come out -
probly a try on.
Taking 48 hrs shifts in Lone Pine; then
48 hrs in S. No 2
opp. the Jolly.

Sept 8. Relieved at 10 a.m.
At 3 p.m. Bn left trenches & bivouacked
in White Valley.
4 pm. order to be prepared to
embark 287 tt night.
Sent away
Midnight moved ^½ bn 8 offrs 279 o.r.
to Watsons Pier.  xx

9 Sept 2 a.m. Embarked on lighters - to the
6.15 a.m. left Anzac. Arr. Mudros 12 pm.
1 pm disemb for Camp at West Mudros.
[*No canteen 
till end*]
Turkeys abt 3/6 to start w - abt 18/-
to finish w. Not much sickness
- most men who went ill had bn
sick at Anzac -
[*Small free 
issue of 
stout to 
Towards end jaundice broke out.
Tents were already put up for us
Next day rest of bn came over.
10 offrs 445 o.r. Left behind 1 offr


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Deb ParkinsonDeb Parkinson
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