Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/19/1 - October - November 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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9 ectiver recultta abesever you p on tiiss of commn you find increasing numbers of them in safe confortable billets - servant (when ty get good food &. shelter & leas fatigur) clerk, orderly etc. He has abo sued an order to as soon as I weather rstifies it sheepskin jockets are to be to antialian o N.3. troops, & cardigans, mits, 2 shirts, sants stc to all troops. The 2nd Austialian Dion: has mostly now be issue to wootlen clothing. It left egyst in khaki dritt. What person ws responsible for this godness knows. The that! sill was used because it someone thought it wd be hot in September. Ad. Gelly is back – he's indefatigable. The Daily Mirron on Sept. 13, 1915 sublished a perfect photipaph of a periscope rifte - taken in our truches showin I man firing it (was office order to as not to send Photes ws before I begining of September or before Sept & any way It sol this wshow we kept down suyers here at Anzac. we aren't even allowed to refer to Texistence of such things – I have seen then heated at in 1 British Press in an owlish way. Keall Britain does not deserve to wen a war when she has not I courage to Exforce on
10 her newspipers (ony they do I damag a rale wh she enforces upon her soldiers Followin bist of V.C Dated 15Oct.) Bt Br. Capt. A.S. Shour (killed) De Hanitton tos Pti 2 Keysor (958) 30Bn Ple I. Hamitton (943) W.W.S. Symons 7Bn. L.T.H. subb Corpl. A.S. Burton 388 (killed) Corpl. W. Dunston 2130 106H. 2 A.H. Throssell N. 3. Di. Sigual by. Corph. C. R. G. Bassett, & 515. Maj. 1. G. Mackay ws in advance of his be when it realled L Pine. twice wounded but went on till edut move. Col. MVaughton we wounded but connaned till Aug 10. Capt. Dunlp Tearched open ground in poit of munches after dark & made sure no men were left thee wounded I reserve. CaptA.G. Lutterton went across, & did shwe workds Dunlop, clearing wounds from open to stretcher, + working till Bn relieved ( trenched Cant D.F. Moore, badly wounded at sart
Dev Sis. C & RG. Gordon, regainng times under firs. U.R.G. Hamitton Div. Sg. 6 manting Communicetis. Znt to Dicke Brockian attd. 2nd T.Co. opening commo trencle too B6.B8. E ereity were. tto V. Woodford G. Steen (1en) V.S. Smy the 31 Pwoods EBn, CW, Foster 4 Bn. CapR. F. Dgev 1st S. C. Eages, H Bichtol 13 F C Evyes mininy at G.O. French. L7.W. T. Vates SBn futzee officer. but heldn & organie bis sectn. 4Bn CaaH.Scotlheld trench during superior bombatack till all Capts cbunded remove apenods Collman retook it to bayonet Anderson Capt AR. Lloy took command. 1Bo endungerd portions H Howell Price Shot 3 Trks 3By HL.O MLeod K. retaking trench from wh garrisonhad on driven out 2H H. Greenway 2 Field Co. Engis. Opened up wnnet the injured by gases HMassey Adgt 4 Bn. repectedly traversed front of poitt diry ngh 6 4Bn HW. T. Macdonald, 1ot officer across open on left Blocked + held mays trech leading to T. Tally W. Hadbullet extracted. Returnd to duty til ordered to hoop. 4 Ross. [Battl. Kept gun in action & 8hirs till wounded - continuouily shelled at close range. by eveiy & cont reply Epaitment knocked down several times & rebuilt C.S. Collman M.J. Officer (A Bde. 42 Capt J.S. S anderson. Statcap. G.S. Cook (sesirely w.) repilled repected cale W. stack aame. under fire in enfiluted 2. W.W.R. FFrench orderly officer, Boe manntain Fs touch io units unde fire.
the i teat ite cone 22 A lot of reinforcements landing When shrapnd bursts over them Say Bell; that Il be something to wich home about? sd one of them. A man ws on I beach bathin one morning when the 11in gun on a cruiser in Dandanalles put a shell into I water 20 feet of 1 beach. It blew back & the huge circular stab of the base ws lifter stowly in Cair & plantet sted in 1 beach. The man ws puttin on his trousers & had one leg in them He didn't even look round. Cowe out you, foola shouted tapt (now Mas) Switt of police. The man slowle pht his troweers on & then strotted in between boxes on beach witient so much as turning his head. Why se can't run away sd man Wext. Swith, es got is bloody hobbles on Te beach is now under the arvouce Base commiandant, LofC but is under Birdwood for administer They are charing beach fast & have got Smith to Oanial a regular sobie service with a station & beats No sd hed want abt 50 police at of they raise their Eyibrows at forit However they told him, be cd pick from s territonal wh is doin bach work & he has got 42 good
3 men & is fetting 8 move. He had a police Ste; & a gaol around by 1 Sphix away from I public Eye in a port in dle of it to wh men can be tied as a last resort. The Australian gives no troable in way oferime unless he can get to lequor - but whereve iiqnor teaks out, as very occasionally happens, there is crime. Gelly, this evening, told me he wished the Southland stony had be published own as it wd counter all rubbisk latter abt Austalians not being possible for disciptive. The Navy - the naval censor & wI stupedity of wa most British censors has censoned out Every word referring to it, I believe. They had to let there the Royal Edward bec. 1000 men were dis Preports But they sappress Southlan & say Semply Gen. Lenton died? They cant think Turken submarine doesn't know it bit a transport - so they must be apaid to tell 1 Bril. public. Instead of geving them. a heroic example for Britial troops to follow they are
Serys. Claydon 43n Corpl. Ett Stone I drove 30 of enemy down Ste FFLynn a truch at L.P.6a Pte. GW Hewitt deadend & fored them to surrendn. Sey & Crawford 4 Bn worked down Evv french driving me before him; wo in falie but com when force to witdraw du & in sood order bringing wounded 7Br. Corpl. Hwelt, O.Ellis, detailed to smother bombs to sandbays or throwing back into Eneiy. Ant 30 till Ellis, W. K. & webb had his hant blown off BaPte G. Ball - after atl officers & MEOs in neighbourhood all k or. w, took charge of party of men + kept trey in checkI 12Bn Pte T CVanhan: On night of 9th as he ao trovey a bomb 2 o/1 weings bouts fell near him. He threw his own. There th one ofenamps wh burst on leavey his hand i thei smothered other wsandbay. French ws full men. 14 -as asual - hashin a mishap from 1 British people I wonder if it were a British Berkenhead whether they wd be so sibet. But I dore would. Tuesday Eg 26h Mosdby Round with Holmes. Gelly wo talking over officers of15tDen Waylil He has a wonderful knowredge of them - sldgelliban - a most keen might into character; las able to be hoadwinked even than White or Rasperd & I think even move appreciation I think while Birdwood is manding the M.E.F. he is trying to stagghter up our Lines of Commot for as bing men back qurcher, see to there are no 6/ aday Austialian Servants to Billish officers on Lo/C. Stc. we have a tiny 3pde gun in a hidten emplacement on walkers firing on L. Pine from behind a should I saw the ground in poit of Walkers today. It is still semply letter w our dead. I saw 20 lyn within a few yds; $150050 more just besidt them: we are diping (hegges ides) a Lage pet apthere.
15 teAreport has be going round beach of how t patrol of tarks got right down monash fully betw. Popes & quinns to the supply barrier, four men, two of whom were shot while others got away The brak is to - tmile further up, at 1 last outpost wh we have up Monash valle - where there is a were fince across 1f gully bed & a picket behind some bogs - the Turks were heard several wights ago moving in scrub further ap gully. ea patrol is sentout up gally at night from I barbed were A up 1forks o1 gully. A senly to ginl placed at night at B& at C The night of Oct 28 the tarks were ceen ap gally in Pemd & fired they retreated & as Hintons Re Niston Lat Regt so dif oursentry. Post who a The night 01 2416 Call Rowelts afterssk VLB we lay quiet & Pot poet June 291 at abt 9.30 a tark put his head around I corner at D alt 10yds from our senter who fired at him The Turk fell +us draffed in. At att 3.30 Inextmorning another to put his head around comon. &as also fired at it turk ws also fired on from C & someof scouts thought he we hit. There as no trace of this; but at dawn the second man at D ws foun dead, Both were very bdl closted & booted today I went out quietly to
Gen. Holnes up I valley to see No Spot. There you co look right upt valle to edgeo I ridge which is in Turbish territory. The rally is fall of tash scrub & between 1 two watercourses is a knoll (a spur reall) of some 20ft at its tower end. The bottom of gully- I little dry stran bed- is full of old beeftins & chocolate crappe; & wet were a few bits of clothingo dead tarks; & a skull, tumbled off a body of a dead Tark much highes up 1 hellsile. a sniper I suppose. col Oct 2 wed. Wuite warm aga tomht By monitor bonbarrin down P.I getna phots of the ffast bt jost to late i ioup whole hougs H fatter Beach a beach to be th loga cass cruness were out here mmediately sot out filler whole vall 2 say 2 funs wfie t t sone, whe le little low 1t days andday trenche today very cloud Attobe 2. Thurid. Had braakfut w 1 12 Bn getting Margetls story of first week. He ws furtedt Baby 700 way. At 12, while I ws still there, Tarkistarte a very freice Combardmt. They put in 10 shells in a salvo, or 6 & 6 straight away, & kept it ap at obt rate of 3or 4 salvoes aninate for Aminutes - One burst not 10 feet away & several pellits slathered up brench jast outside headguarters. 16
tallin thy say our acroplonss report 1tS. have now, a t0 gun battery at Olie Grove. tt ws what our cruisers were shelling yist today a new 4.5 or 5. in howelyer bath of 4 guas also, at I same time, played on Taodidendion + killed afew men & 1 French guus also, I believe. Thetarks were shalby whole line from end to end They did a fair auitd damage. They have a big Lyddile shellish drops onto Hill C. I saw it burst this afternoon. SroLH. Bde - on Rhodo! 2 We send a patiol 1 out into Sagli Dere from Rhode Every night - Antill X makes L young officer Of bde, a different one, goout every night in company w an experienced Scout They have had some interestin times. Several times they have mett T patrol. one of the t patrols comes down from B'shyp Hid every night also - att 8man It splits out 2 near a plation half way down & there one party goes to I right apt gully abmost to 1 Apex; (ote ves down I wall night long they hoe up & down & report to each otther at intervals when they weet our patiots have
The duel The w his Gaue L. H. men wh per (14 Bn Wadeed man of 60 who ared ately found bodies, one day & another of at least 8 men - mort wills, but some Yerkhas - who got there on Ang 10. The say alto 1wilts cxc. als 25 are now accounted for. There as an unsatisfactory signally at Hl named Rickards. Gol Antill at last gered of him snt him back to truches (he ws quite keen to go) & he went out scouting. He has proved a splundi Scout. He is now a corperal. He ws out other night when ks came on 1 bodies of three men at bottom of Rhods. two were Wilts. one a thippa (Bahadier ws on his idiatity dis) The others er iit of that made of bows. In thut were man's boots & patties, & his kit, Partrity full. He ws lying some way from hit on his face. some way away a other man bying to his forehead hashed in. On 1 forchead, covering it, ws al. fez. The one man may have seen his mate but & trut to go out to him & bu hit himself TheT must have shot him, & the smashed tothers heads & possibly tried to screen wound fom view. The to don't seem to have gathered trifles of these men. The scret is thick; our hill v. steep - you can only get down it in two places by ladder (a narrow putter down

& clever w / result tt a yl
wherever you go on lines of commn you
find increasing numbers of them in
safe comfortable billets - servant (where
they get good food &. shelter & less fatigue)
clerk, orderly etc.

He has also issued an order tt as
soon as / weather justifies it sheepskin
jackets  are to be given issued to Australian &
N.Z. troops, & cardigans, mits, 2 shirts,
pants etc to all troops.

The 2nd Australian Divn. has mostly
now bn issued w woollen clothing. It left
Egypt in khaki drill. What person ws
responsible for this goodness knows. The khaki
drill was used because it someone thought it
wd be hot in September.

Old. Gelly is back – he's indefatigable.

The "Daily Mirror" on Sept. 13. 1915
published a perfect photograph of a
periscope rifle - taken in our trenches,
showing / man firing it (war office order to
us not to send photos ws before / beginning
of September or before Sept 6 any way) -
It sd this ws how we kept down
snipers here at Anzac.

We aren't even allowed to refer
to / existence of such things – I have
seen them hinted at in / British Press
in an owlish way. Really Britain
does not deserve to win a war when
she has not / courage to enforce on


her newspapers (∧if only they do / damage)
a rule wh she enforces upon her
soldiers - 

Following list of V.Cs
(Dated 15 Oct.)
1st Bn    Capt. A.S. Short (killed)
               Pte. J Hamilton (943)
               Pte L Keysor (968)
3rd Bn   Pte J. Hamilton (943) √
7Bn        Lt. W.J. Symons
               Lt. F.H. Tubb
               Corpl. A.S. Burton 384 (killed)
               Corpl. W. Dunston 2130
10 L.H. 2 Lt H.V.H. Throssell √
N.Z. Divl. Signal Coy. Corpl. C. R. G. Bassett, 4/515.
Maj. I. G. Mackay ws in advance of
his line when it reached L Pine.
Twice wounded but went on till
cdn't move.
Col. McNaughton ws wounded but
commanded till Aug 10.
Capt. Dunlop searched / open ground in
front of trenches after dark & made
sure no men were left there wounded.
Capt A.G. Fullerton  went across ∧w reserve & did
same work as Dunlop, clearing wounded
from open to stretchers, & working till Bn relieved
(in trenches)
Capt D.T. Moore, badly wounded at start


Lt R.G. Gordon, Div. Sig. Co regaining lines under fire.
" R.G. Hamilton Div. Sg. Co. maintaining
2nd Lt Drake Brockman attd. 2nd F.Co. opening Commn
trenches thro B6 & B8. xx
& erecting wire. 
Lts. V. Woodford ∧(1Bn) G. Steer (1 Bn) V.S. Smythe 3 Bn
P Woods 3 Bn, C.W. Foster 4 Bn.
Capt R. J. Dyer 1st F. Co. Engrs, ^Lt H Bechtold 1st F Co Engrs
mining at G.O. Trench.
Lt. W. T. Yates 5 Bn Intgce officer.

but held on & organised his sectn.
Capt. A.H. Scott 4Bn held all trench during
superior bomb attack till all
wounded removed & afterwards
retook it w bayonet
Capt A.E. Lloyd 1 Bn  took command of
endangered portions
Lt ∧OG Howell Price 3 Bn shot 3 Turks
Lt. L.O M'Leod 3 Bn k. retaking trench
from wh garrison had bn driven out
2nd Lt. H. Greenway 2 Field Co. Engrs. Opened
up tunnel tho' injured by gases
Lt RJA Massey Adgt 4 Bn. repeatedly
traversed front of position during night
& ws w.
Lt. W. T. Macdonald, ∧4 Bn 1st officer across /
open on left. Blocked & held
enemys trench leading to J. Jolly
W. Had bullet extracted. Returned
to duty till ordered to hosp.
Lt P.J. Ross. 7 Batty. Kept gun in action 48 hrs
till wounded - continuously shelled
at close range by enemy & cont reply
epaulment knocked down several
times & rebuilt
4Bn Capt C.S. Collman M.G. Officer 1st Bde.
             “     J.S.S. Anderson. Staff Capt.
             "     G.S. Cook (severely w.) repelled repeated c-attacks
              "      W. Stack AAMC. under fire in enfiladed trench
Lone Pine
Lt. W.W.R. Ffrench orderly officer, Bde maintaining
touch w units under fire.


Two of "Bill" Smith's stories (H.P.M.)       

A lot of reinforcements landing
when shrapnel bursts over them:
"Say Bill; that'Il be something to write home about"
sd one of them.

A man ws on / beach bathing one morning
when the 11 in gun on a cruiser front in
Dardenelles put a shell into / water
20 feet off / beach. It blew back
& the huge circular slab of the base
ws lifted slowly in / air & planted
itself on / beach. The man ws putting
on his trousers & had one leg in them.
He didn't even look round. "Come
out you, fool" shouted Capt (now
Maj) Smith o / police. The man
slowly put his trousers on & then strolled
in between / boxes on / beach without
so much as turning his head. "Why
'e can't run away," sd / man next
to Smith, "e's got 'is bloody hobbles on."

The beach is now under the
Advanced Base Commandant, L of C.
but is under Birdwood for administration.
They are clearing / beach fast & have
got Smith to organise a regular
police service with a station & beats.
He sd he'd want abt 50 police, at
wh they raised their eyebrows at first.
However they told him he cd pick from
/ Essex territorial Rgt Btn wh is doing
beach work & he has got 42 good


men & is getting 8 more. He has
a police stn, & a gaol around by /
Sphinx away from / public eye
w a post in / middle of it to wh men
can be tied as a last resort.

The Australian gives no trouble in /
way of crime unless he can get to
liquor - but wherever liquor leaks out,
as very occasionally happens, there
is crime. Gelly, this evening, told
me he wished the Southland story
had bn published owing as it wd
counter all / rubbish talked abt
Australians not being possible for
discipline. The Navy - the naval
censor - w / stupidity of naval most
British censors has censored out
every word referring to it, I believe.
they had to let thro' the Royal
Edward bec. 1000 men were drowned.
But they suppress / Southland & ∧ / reports say
simply Gen. Linton "died." They cant
think / Turkish dont submarine doesn't
know it hit a transport - so they
must be afraid to tell / Brit. public.
Instead of giving them a heroic example
for British troops to follow they are


4 Bn  Sergt. R. Clayton)
           Corpl. EH Stone    )
           Pte JJ Lynn            ) drove 30 of enemy down
           Pte. GW Hewitt     ) a trench at L.P. to a 
                                                dead end & forced them
                                                to surrender.
Sergt.∧R. Crawford 4 Bn worked down
enemy trench driving many
before him; wounded in face
but commanded men &
when forced to withdraw did
so in good order bringing wounded
7 Bn. Corpl. H Webb, Pte. O.Ellis, detailed to
smother bombs w sandbags or
throwing back into enemy. Did so till
Ellis ws. k. & Webb had his hand
blown off.
7 Bn. Pte G. Ball - after all officers & NCOs in
neighbourhood all k or. w, took charge of
party of men & kept enemy in check - o
12 Bn Pte J C Vaughan: On night of 9th as he
ws throwing a bomb 2 of / enemys bombs
fell near him. He threw his own.
Then threw one o / enemys wh burst
on leaving his hand; then smothered
/ other w / sandbag. Trench ws full
of men.

- as usual- hushing a mishap
from / British people.
I wonder if it were a British
Birkenhead whether they wd be so
silent. But I daresay they would.

Aug Oct 26th Monday Tuesday
Round with Holmes. Gelly ws talking
over officers o / 1st Divn tonight - 
He has a wonderful knowledge of
them - old Gellibrand - a most
keen insight into character; less
able to be hoodwinked even than
White or Glasfurd & I think even more

I think while Birdwood is
comanding the M.E.F. he is trying
to straighten up our Lines of Commn
for us; bringing men back quicker; see
tt there are no 6/- a day Australian
servants to British Officers on L of C. etc.

We have a tiny 3 pdr gun in a
hidden emplacement on Walkers
firing on L. Pine from behind a shoulder.

I saw the ground in front of Walkers
today. It is still simply littered w
our dead. I saw 20 lying within a
few yds; & 15 or so more just beside
them. We are digging (Legges idea) a
huge pit up there.


A report has bn going round / beach
of how the patrol of Turks got right down
Monash Gully betw. Popes & Quinns to
the supply barrier, four men, two of whom
were shot while / others got away.

The truth is tt - 1/3 mile further
up, at / last outpost wh we have up
Monash Valley - where there is a wire
fence across / gully bed & a picket behind
some bags - the Turks were heard several
nights ago moving in / scrub further up 
/ gully.  Ea A patrol is sent out up /
gully at night - from / barbed wire A up
Diagram- see original document
/ forks of the gully. A
sentry is genly placed at B & at C.
The night of Oct 23 
the Turks were seen up /
gully in / scrub & fired 
at - they retreated &
so did our sentry.
The night o / 24th
we lay quiet & they 
at about 9.30 a Turk
put his head around / corner at D abt
10yds from our sentry who fired at him.
The Turk fell & ws dragged in. At abt 3.30
/ next morning another T put his head
around / corner & ws also fired at. A Turk
ws also fired on from C & some o / scouts
thought he ws hit. There ws no trace of this; but
at dawn the second man at D ws found dead.
Both were very badly clothed & booted.

Today I went out quietly w


Gen. Holmes up / valley to see /
spot. ∧ From There you cd look right up / valley
to / edge o / ridge which is in / Turkish
territory. The valley is full of tall scrub
& between / two watercourses is a knoll
(a spur really) of some 20ft at its lower
end. The bottom o / gully - / little dry stream
bed - is full of old beef tins & chocolate wrappers;
& in it were a few bits o / clothing o /
dead Turks; & a skull, tumbled off a body of
a dead Turk much higher up / hillside.
A sniper I suppose.

Bitter cold morning.               
Oct 27 Wed. Quite warm again
tonight.  Big monitor
bombarding down S. I wanted to 
get a photo of the flash tonight
but just too late - it lit up
whole horizon.
Beach, ∧whole of his battery - 
6 guns - got onto beach today.

I don't know why he did so, because
two Edgar class cruisers were
out here & immediately got onto
him, & filled / whole valley
up with dust. They say 2 guns were
seen withdrawing afterwards.
I got some photos o / 
little low 1st day & 2nd day
trenches today - very cloudy.

October 28. Thursd.
Had breakfast w / 12 Bn getting
Margetts’ story o / first week. He ws
furthest Baby 700 way.

At 12, while I ws still there, /
Turks started a very fierce bombardment.
They put in 10 shells in a salvo, or 6 & 4
straight away, & kept it up at abt /
rate of 3 or 4 salvoes a minute for
10 minutes - One burst not 10 feet
away & several pellets slathered up
/ trench just outside / headquarters.


They say our aeroplanes report / Ts. have
now a 10 gun battery at Olive Grove; tt
ws what our cruisers were shelling yesty.
Today a new 4.5 or 5 in howitzer batty
of 4 guns also, at / same time, played
on Rhododendron & killed a few men
& / French guns also, I believe. The Turks
were shelling / whole line from end to end.
They did a fair amt of damage. They
have a big Lyddite shell wh drops onto
Hill 60. I saw it burst this afternoon.

After lunch I went up Col. to / H.Q.
o / 3rd L.H. Bde -  on Rhodo.

Diagram - see original document

We send a patrol
out into Sazli
Dere from Rhodo
every night - Antill
makes 1 young officer
o / bde, a different one, go out every night
in company w an experienced scout.
They have had some interesting times.
Several times they have met / T. patrol.
One of the T. patrols comes down from
B'ship Hill every night also - abt 8 men.
It splits into 2 near a plateau half
way down & there one party goes to / right
up / gully almost to / Apex; / other goes
down, & all night long they move up &
down & report to each other at A intervals
when they meet.

The Turks Our patrols have


The duel in / trench (3rd Bn.)
The Russian man w / paper (14 Bn)
w his name on it - dead.
Game L.H. men - man of 60
man who cried
lately found / bodies, one day & another
of at least 8 men - mostly Wilts, but some
Gurkhas - who got there on Aug 10. They
say all / Wilts exc. abt 25 are now
accounted for.

There ws an unsatisfactory signaller
at H.Q. named Rickards. Col Antill at
last got rid of him - sent him back to /
trenches (he ws quite keen to go) & he went
out scouting. He has proved a splendid
scout. He is now a Corporal. He ws out /
other night when he came on / bodies of
three men at / bottom of Rhodo. Two were
Wilts. one a Gurkha (Bahadur ws on his
identity disc) The others were near a 
sort of hut made of bows. In / hut were
a man's boots & puttees, & his kit, cartridge
case pouches full. He ws lying some way from /
hut on his face. Some way away ws
/ other man lying w his forehead bashed
in. On / forehead, covering it, ws a T.

The one man may have seen his mate
hit & tried to go out to him & bn hit himself
The en T, must have shot him, & then
smashed / others head; & possibly tried to
screen / wound from view.

The Ts don't seem to have gathered
/ rifles of these men. Rent The scrub is
thick; over hill v. steep - you can
only get down it in two places
by / ladder (a narrow gutter down

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