Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/18/1 - October 1915 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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it little further up On I night 01 20 a thork we seen by our sentry al waters meet high up his valley. They had be heard before. He wo fined on & can away. On Oct. 21 we sent ap some men at dust to wait for I tarks if they came sie enough at 9.30 a man put his head round corner o tgulty abt 10yds from on your sentrges. The sentry fired, Turt fired, sentry fired again & beller him He as dragged in - At 3.30 a.m. Another tark put his head ronn corner & was fired at answered 1 shot. He too ws found dead. Possibly a third as wounded Our men lay out for 1 patrol last night bubit did not tern up. I think they are lying up in biffer numbers tonight (one of full moon) The tarks are very active to their mngs& simy at Walkers wek tonight - prob. bec. to truche are now to close. Both
45 the dead teks were badly clothing ir light summer clothing - Ithey wore yeomanry trowsers (3) The Turks have evidently by deging (as we have) a roadd to avoid eiver in Mulevaller Legpe fully. Our m. gs from 1 top of Monash fully saw them crown confineste part of aap hear the junction of there two i d between 120 20 & some makes Heard tody partimlars ofdeath of Dawkins. Iws on May 12h am uncovered pipe tie had be law over 1 flet month of Shapriel fally stream. He went out ao a party to cover it? He as facin Beasly Bill when the first shell of day came over & buist low. in poit of him - perk joyds away He fell bit in S places. throat & knee being two. An Engineer ran up to him & te set his arms round his week &
46 tried to say something (so the man thought ut c onaccof womn He died within S menates. I was wrong after all V. Co have bee give for home Pine (4to 7Bn & 8 to 15t or mc versa)s & I believe Ltol New Zealanders. These are two bus wh were not an 1 first rush. The explanaton probly is to Col. Bennett & Col. Elliott, who survive. (eir regiments also suffered less than Pothers, even in I case of the 7h, Sthnk) I know how to report their men. Whereas Col. Brown Col. Scobie oft 3 ad were killed, & Col. MacWaughten of 4th wounded & utterly worn uthad to be carried from I fight & sent Chospital. Bennett. Sd befoehand to be would get sometin for his men out of this fight
mond apy 47 I am glad bittle showt got one. But the 2ad Brd & 6tn if they get nove after makeng I charp alone I certainly doing most oI work will naturally o reasonably be anspeakablle billes about it Henwood 10Bn6. SN& abt am 6 os To Duny Patch wt n 150 ahead. we were in a I saced in thie PcA Cort of Y I am 6) Sgot into 14 95 Ca The y dipper away left of as & wecd se. D. in tell it there) 7k Meways I ✓7539 A 1193 fancy they came. I. right be & ewing the left I git ws what we i to do 5. c & May laken 1 152 asked
Wm 191 N W N11 1 2 PE4 y N o 117 6or 3 1 87 7 48 95 a 26.CP. He asked 4. & ab 200- moved in ISx wes as D.P. & them formed 1 sakes we kabt 20 paces out The cargt of A Co Cay Virgo 4 51 4 6 or left SIS D. a Devy wh 255 T.Sre 116 ✓ 266 334 on th hill conering n 502 5 1 4 27 Sir writhlion I this in ta
43 t 18 to N 2 Brod is 4 01 n thr murch &P.S p 2 1 0 M MC nothing Down V5 49 it diont ran out onto flats. we nevw saw our ow & there & we co has one own up the valley to the left & in the night time it hear tho deginy We sot to 1 lop 6 night fall &. sent on an outpost abt 70 yards onto a small ridge in port the fround fell away half rept (r by valley neming up to qninns He outpost ws report any enemy movement fom th WWe had heard fyty on our less pont & all monday mackine gaus fight & rifle spul flame there as hardas they co After dark outpost ir. party eveny C from 2. abt. Scrubby knott in toward Angh four line w I firing ting They id hear 6 to [ & see them - abt 25 yds Away
771 471 25 M 75 7 7 S7 ps p MI tore 12 1 41 3 t mmesb nec 71 r they were moving up 8. Y0 attacking. The people in 1 Dansy Patel IiW ty 9C E.C We didnt fire trk ee 1 on th positin On Monday I buyle calls right away by 9712 T w& firing from the line on maclaarns thill o we c see t m firing thao Iscrub. We ed I till 124m early) wh alt 9.30 tneerly atl 1 left half gor ap & retired. We questione srill acked virso r Henwood 4 5 We sd CaC4 & Abt 12 fuls acted on it thes i from our N. to 5 on the right Ja.V Patiol went out at 9ain on L. Pe
265 t t 47 40 yn 2 717 Jnn i1 729 16. 6 MmFrn 7 Th1 IN 51 01 Gully rmoned n 400 8 28 C1 we waited 1 hs on ond place & then Abt 10.30 i 1. 1 again & heard C6 weel still see the t Valley - very finc cap an 9s. all. a ws on the lest. That (3 after me. There seen to be rather a byg valley right at Fend of I hill a good way to E of us. We were withd Sehut. D.P. Cour. Jo. B.). on Wside of D Later I got i 9s1obn & a 1sd Ade major took 4C met the 101h Bn. 10 Bo wt t on thend 6 L 4 15 But 2 is fighting at head of shoop wall enforcements were
ws h J 112 orr 62 1 0 12t wrs gdw 2 15 of ty nt 651 boul od w 7 -1t always on our left 52 On the Sunddy Henwood at 30- ws lying down near wire Gally when he saw a party o our men who had come up to E of Dany Patch 7 bushes & saw Ccurround att 6 or 82. 2 13 20 in a wadewon our V & surrouded S 87& they i pustng 90 to their bayonets 20att 1520 over hill behind we kept other party so raped fire at 100 ly & our own Some20 ana helmet helnet 3or 6 1 helnt others & They ducked& fell back & got behind a mound2 boat come up & fire o deppen a wood had i common on him H ght thas afternon with be
t 9 5 ry 10 9 07 6 [a 26p 6 20 M to We atheritt 720 do (9 s I Bate. 21 53 distance. Message came from bryadier Inquire why mauntain batty has ceased fire Bdin ws well on left from us. in o nen thites vail c2 to find out answer ws valtery out of action It ha 20 4 then 8 man ws k takeng the mean Mr Balts Abt Cam 9 sun Firi we got over. G & began to so into a gully ? o 4 thy 62 69. & He sun) an 18per Koup 23. P. J. an 18pd. He sun be facing t There ) No/10 men took at tents & In15 0r 20 4as nt 3A. While a I Maj. Brand came up & for or7 CI pueked up o pict

little further up. & ar On / night
o /  20th a Turk ws seen by our
sentry at / waters meet high
up this valley. They had bn heard
before. He ws fired on & ran
away. On Oct. 21 we sent up
some men at dusk to wait for
/ Turks if they came; sure enough
at 9.30 a man put his head round
/ corner o / gully abt 10 yds from
one of our sentries. The sentry fired, Turk
fired, sentry fired again & killed him
He ws dragged in - At 3.30 am.
another Turk put his head round /
corner & was fired at & answered
/ shot. He too ws found dead.
Possibly a third ws wounded.

Our men lay out for / patrol
last night but it did not turn up.
I think they are lying up in bigger
numbers tonight (one off full moon).

The Turks are very active w their
mgs & jumpy at Walkers Nek tonight - prob.
bec. the trenches are now so close. Both


the dead Turks were badly clothed
in light summer clothing - & they 
wore yeomanry trowsers.

(3) The Turks have evidently
bn digging (as we have) a road to
avoid / river in Mule Valley &
Legge Gully. Our from / top
of Monash Gully saw them crossing
part of an ^unfinished sap near the junction of
these two & killed hit between 12 & 20
& some mules.

Heard today particulars of / death
of Dawkins. It ws on May 12. An
uncovered pipe line had bn laid
over / flat mouth of / Shrapnel
Gully stream. He went out w a
party to cover it. He ws facing
Beachy Bill when the first shell o /
day came over & burst low,
in front of him - perh. 10 yds away.
He fell hit in 3 places, throat & knee
being two. An engineer ran up to him
& D put his arms round his neck &


tried to say something (so the man
thought) but cdn't on acc. o / wound.
He died within 3 minutes.

I was wrong after all -
7 V.Cs have bn give for Lone Pine,
(4 to 7 Bn & 3 to 1st or vice versa); &
I believe 1 to / New Zealanders.
These are / two bns wh were not
in / first rush. The explanation
probly is tt Col. Bennett & Col.
Elliott, who survived, (their
regiments also suffered less
than / others, even in / case of
the 7th, I think) & knew how to
report their men. Whereas
Col. Brown & Col. Scobie of /
3rd & 2nd were killed, & Col. MacNaughton
of 4th wounded & utterly worn
out had to be carried from / fight
& sent to hospital. Bennett sd
before hand tt he would get
something for his men out of this fight.


Apr. 26

I am glad Little Shout got one -
But the 2nd 3rd & 4th if they
get none after making / charge
alone & certainly doing most
o / work will naturally &
reasonably be unspeakably
bitter about it.
Lieut Henwood 10 Bn [[shorthand]]
Abt 12am [[shorthand]] (N.Z.)
[[shorthand]] Daisy Patch ws ~ 150
[[shorthand]] ahead. We were in a trench - 
/ faced. DP & A sort of trench [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] I got into [[shorthand]] 8am. 
[[shorthand]] I saw [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] The trench dipped away
left of us us. We cd see [[shorthand]] D.P.
& tell tt there) open [[shorthand]]
Messages were [[shorthand]] Saker.
[[shorthand]] trench.  [shorthand]]I  fancy they came from
right. [[shorthand]] he & swing 
to the left. I [[shorthand]] tt ws what we [[shorthand]]
to do before we left the trench. Maj Saker
stood up and asked for if anyone ws ready


T. Smith told his 
scouts to leave packs in boat.
We [[shorthand]]  to the top of the hill without oppositn
& killed 2 Turks in trench on top.
Cdnt see far to left & right [[shorthand]]
That ws how we cd see m.g 
on our left - we were about 30
yds away on top when it
ceased firing. It ws over the sheer
part o / cliff looking out toward
Sphinx. That ws 1st trench we
were into & we [[shorthand]] it down.
Henwood in Owens Gully
saw an officer lying wounded in
Owens Gully - he hd bn there since
Sund night - 2nd or 5th Bn.
V. badly wounded - a lieutenant.
He ws taken in.



[[shorthand]] He stood up & 
asked if we were ready. Abt 200 could be
moved in [[shorthand]]. We ran as[far as
D.P. & then formed left [[shorthand]].
Saker ws k abt 20 paces out from 
trench. The sergt of A Co (Sergt Virgo)
was [[shorthand]] form
left [[shorthand]]
a heavy [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] 971 [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] on the [[?Jn]] [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] hill cowering [[shorthand]] 50. [[shorthand]]
I quietened [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] & dug in on top. We cd see


The a pause wh is a long time
- one or 2 minutes. (The blessed
old Foxhound ws letting out sparks
all the time)

We were [[shorthand]]

We touched just > S of Ari Burnu.
Bn [[shorthand]] together. Everyone
ran on [[shorthand]]. T Smith climbed
the slope a bit & shouted "10th Bn 
scouts are you ready?" We
went straight on [[shorthand]] 4 per old
coy, 32 altogether & then [[??]]
file. Then Bn. Abt 3 [[shorthand]] after
landing we started. The Ts were 
firing at the boats. We were not 
hit or fired at. (Order on beach
genly ws - Fix bayonets. Load w
5 cartridges. Cut off closed,
safety catches out - nothing in
chambers, Packs off.)

nothing [[shorthand]] our [[shorthand]]. Down below to the right
we could see a long way [[shorthand]] it didn't run
out onto flats. We never saw our own
[[shorthand]] there. We cd hear our own troops 
up the valley to the left & in the
night time we could hear the digging.

We got to / top [[shorthand]] nightfall &
sent on an outpost abt 70 yards
onto a small ridge in front - the 
ground fell away half right ([[shorthand]]
big valley running up to Quinns).
The outpost ws to report any enemy

movement from tt trench.

(We had heard fighting on our

left front & all Monday night we could see
Machine guns fighting & rifles spurting
flame there as hard as they cd.

After dark outpost retired the 
party & enemy [[shorthand]]
abt Scrubby Knoll in towards 
angle of our line w / firing line.

They cd hear 6 Ts [[shorthand]] & see
them - abt 25 yds away


& only this one gun emplacement 
for ammunition.

They cdnt see us till we opened 
fire Gully ws 20 or 30 ft deep &
a gentle slope.
Talbot Smith ws wounded
w / m.g. He did some [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] hit you."

T Smith had been lecturing us on
the P of W 10pm the night before.
He sketched on the breech of a big 
gun "Look out for any lights
or any signals as you are landing"
he sd. [[shorthand]] in Casements gun 1st on
Starbd side. A gunner ws [[shorthand]]
how to damage the gun the night 
before [[shorthand]] tea, He sd - ^They could easily
repair the breech block, but
not / screw inside, he sd

First shot [[shorthand]] trench ws the 1st shot.



- they were moving up [[shorthand]]
attacking. The people in / Daisy 
Patch [[shorthand]] & I thought
[[shorthand]] We didn't fire - Turks 
[[shorthand]] on tt positn.
On Monday [[shorthand]] bugle calls
right away by 97 [[shorthand]]. There
ws firing from the line on Maclaurins 
Hill & we cd see T. m.g. firing
thro / scrub. We [[shorthand]] till 12 pm
(nearly) when abt 9.30 [[shorthand]]
given & nearly all / left half got
up & retired. We questioned [[shorthand]]
Grills asked Virgo & Henwood
[[shorthand]] stand by him. We sd [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] Abt 12 [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] & Mr Grills acted on it.

This [[shorthand]] from our [[shorthand]])
[[shorthand]] on the right [[shorthand]]
Patrol went out at 9 pm on L. Pine


from our side in a NE trench.

[Diagram - see original scan]

They were / only Ts on Gun Ridge I saw in a 
good look. They were going from [[?Leyja]] Valley
The mules had been attached to
/ gun They were being led. 
The gully ran parallel 
w Gun Ridge  [[shorthand]]
watercourse at the bottom

of it - water in places
(1) 1 gun  [[shorthand]]
(3) 1 gun (w / mules)
ws blown to bits
& on wheel broken
other still on axle.
(2) another [[shorthand]] gun [[shorthand]]
Major Brand, officer of 9th &
abt 80 of our men [[shorthand]] remaind [[shorthand]]
No shields on these guns - new
looking spare parts - all one type


side of / gully & moved [[shorthand]] 400 [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] We waited 1/2 hour on
one place & then [[shorthand]]
abt 10.30 [[shorthand]] I again & heard 
[[shorthand]] We cd still see the [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] valley - very fierce esp
mgs. all w. ws on the left.
That [[shorthand]] after me. There seemed 
to be rather a big valley right at
/ end of / hill a good way to / 
E of us. We were withdrawn
behind D.P. (our [[shorthand]])
on W side of D.P.
Later I got [[shorthand]] 9 [[shorthand]] 10 Bn & a
1st Bde major took  [[shorthand]]
met the 10th Bn.

10th Bn ws  [[shorthand]] on Tuesday -
or  [[shorthand]] on
Tues [[shorthand]]. But
fighting at the head of Shrap Valley.
Reinforcements were wanted


extremely v burred the screw
inside the [[shorthand]]. Ten trenches [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] w these  [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] Maj Brand  [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] D.H.Q [[shorthand]]

They were Krupp guns [[shorthand]]
& just too the left [[shorthand]] ws a
dug out 7 feet deep 12 ft square
Ammunition in [[shorthand]]. The 
dug out ws roofed. I [[shorthand]]
2 tents 20 yds [[shorthand]]
Inside a lot of tobacco, a
flute & leather bags w spare parts 
having German names.

Mr Bates ws not there.
I left [[shorthand]] 6.30.

I had seen a lot of mules
& some men going over Gun Ridge 


always on our left.
On the Sunday Henwood - abt
3.30 - ws lying down near Wire
Gully when he saw a party of our
men who had see come up to 
E of Daisy Patch [[shorthand]] bushes
& saw ( surround abt 6 or 8 [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] in a waterway
[[shorthand]] They [[shorthand]] pushing [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] w their bayonets 
when [[shorthand]] abt 15 - 20
came over the hill behind. We kept 6
other party [[shorthand]] rapid fire at 1000
yds & our own [[shorthand]]
Some [[shorthand]] a regular 
helmet [[shorthand]] helmet. 3 or 4 / helmets
others [[shorthand]]. They ducked & fell 
back & got behind a mound [[shorthand]]
wd come up & fire & disappear agn.
Henwood had [[shorthand]] commn on his 
right this afternoon within speaking


in confusion [[shorthand]]
I went back & met 
4 [[shorthand]] 9 Bn [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] assist
[[shorthand]] killing 
we [[shorthand]]
unobserved [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] crawling.
[[shorthand]] knoll
on the Northern
[[shorthand]] We each
put in 10 [[shorthand]] & opened [[shorthand]]
There were [[?T]] in 20 -15 
[[shorthand]] We killed [[shorthand]] Turks.
2 [[shorthand]]
disabled the guns [[shorthand]]
out the breech blocks & w my


distance. Message came [[shorthand]] in
[[shorthand]] from brigadier. Inquire why
mountain batty has ceased firing.
(Bdier ws well on left from us,
[[shorthand]] near Whites Valley
[[shorthand]] to find out. Answer
ws "battery out of action". It had
[[shorthand]] 20 [[shorthand]] & then stopped.
One man ws k taking the message.

[* Guns on 1st day Weatherill
Lt. Bates*]
Mr Bates
Abt 6 am [[shorthand]]
Firing [[shorthand]] gun [[shorthand]]
We got over [[?G.]] & began to go into
a gully [[shorthand]]. They
[[shorthand]].  The gun)
an 18 pdr Krupp [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] an 18 pdr. The gun
ws facing [[shorthand]] There [[shorthand]] of us
[[shorthand]] men were having a look at
tents. I [[shorthand]] w 15 or 20 of wd. We
cdnt [[shorthand]]. While [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] Maj Brand came up. [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] I picked up a pick



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