Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/18/1 - October 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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if she breaks her word wo her ally - Germany can give her nothing oonly countryes from wh she can hope for anyther, France Stale & Butain, will of course have nothing for her if she breaks her word to Servic. For Venizelos posite see the "Messager of Oct. 59 amongst my papers So much for preece. France seems just to have sd. "I am going to land? & landes. The French pt adremins reception, I hear. But 1 greeks seem to be against it nevertheless To much for freece. He may be in I wrong now. But how has our diplomag bungled in allowen this state of affairs tto be brought about. I ws taking to graves, 1 other day, who ws consul in Balgaria for sometime & to certainly knows I last very well. a and this is practically ( biston Of problim as be explained it. Before 1 Balkan War Bulgarea bargained to Servia & freece for common cection on certain terms. Amprpst those terms one was th Bulgarea (wh wo to march aget constantinople) ws to have Askub & monaster &
First thing heard on lam ws to gen walker had o woundd. and abt Leanes French certain parts of macidonia whereh populate wt purely Bulgarian. whilst certain other parts over wh they cd not agree were to be referred after war to farbitiate O1 Czar. Hhe was ws made & did not go quite as expected. Bulgaria had to get Servian artillery to help her at Adnanople; and as Bulgaria ws fully occupied in port of Admanople & Chataldga Servic marched into I disputed parts of Macedonia& occupied them and into undesputed Bulgarian parts of Mtacedonia as well. When I was came to an end Divia sdto Batperia: You have. Few days ago 54 A o Mest 9 94t Ket. 32 Dw M 10ac Bid. Oct 16th. 3c. 1I. Tresd to Bd At 14. Came over to anxac by torp. boad & spent mostof nex & 3days getting information alt April 25 -2t
Oldorslunga Sc d Wil Vasptunga Sap nmt sap Leanes A4 truck attack AE notthg A0956 Ar Winser S.B of 11t crawled out at Iam on his somach at & tied rope round o gt him dragzed in (edsee him moving two perise. He was rif- & hit thro' legdend recovered. He went round, seemy to other drastrauans were dead as wd before he finished) 18. Went up to Col. Antill - now Coundy. 3LH. Bde - today, & found his partoI country enormously improved There is a continuous trench now thro from 101 out port to Hill 60 I believe - Den Godly went thro it a few days ago. The 1st. LH. hold No 1 outpost & Destroyer hill, with the pt Regt in Reserve on Old No 3. 4 Dest. Hill Camels H. £4:-:- IIAME Ne S. Det Hill The Lod LHB them takes on & holds sagar Loaf to Rhododindoon. Rhodo 7th Bde Rhodod. 14t He sugar t 144½ (oh is tunnelled Destr. I round to Chechere 4 Ridge. We have two or 3 commn trinches Wo1 towards Dist. Hill, all bull by 15t LH. Bde since last I ws here. Up the Sazli Dere Nor our road runs well above 1both
Of stream, at a gentle grade crossing it on tresles, like a mountain it - (the same has happened to Bridges Rd). In fact we seem to itt haveu ad all over 1 place so ao taved I streams. Only the S4 Dwn they lett me has piled its parapets up soth (evemng can knock them 28 yds w every shell. The SL t Bde has on spotter enemy m. go. gesty they opened to a howitze on one, on Batshy Hill & every time howitzer fire our M. J. kept to from removay it. Abt 4th st you wil hear Bang- Crunch ?r ta ta-1a tap I noticel it yestry. It annoyed Tarks- it bles their on9. into Iair at the 4th shot, Col. Antilsays. They openid fire w a m.g on B'ship H. wh we have bn searching for for a long time. Todary wes turnent howitzers on to this but they cdn't hit it. Young Hughes who is Antills bde major (tempy-Captain)
The Bde has had aber 2500 men. It has now 650 20 ws a Rhodes Scholar (elect). Save it up - came as pte- ws made officer, Staff captain when Macfarlan went away; & now, when Antill ws promoted, took his place as Bde Major. They have only gofficers in Bde who left aust. with it 8th has 2 Gtnone, 10th2, & Antill. Also one Doctor; I believe. Antill says tt on Aug.7 the Combardment stopped at 4.25. The charge took place at 4.30 be carefully checked watches Tohnstone ofartiller ws over to Intil Ill him some time agotasked why arty didn't support him Tohnston sd "delighted if wed known of it? Appty propamime as changed & I never got the changed propamme. Antill says there were at least Pm. gs. on Suypers Dest - at least 6om th Wek Flasgow says there is no chance of the Turks getting in opposite
Slaosor He hopes they i try it. What wd it matter if $1000 or 2000p thro ? Hh says; - what wd it have mattern at Popes? W shd sumply have captander killed ct. Even now of they got this Ilives of 54t whey let them. Whats I differenc we can hold. I sd what of 1 Germans brought their by artillery thro. whey were got our ships juno, to. If only we had I observatio t's all twe want. ButI wish we had got o topt ofridge we ought to have had to And Iargument want of abt Sari Bair. He thinks if only subla lot had for w. Wills we shd we had Sari Bair. Monash h thinks, dissplendidly - Cannon told him I men were absolutely done wante to dig in whenever they stopped - they were weak - they havn 1 steff in thret word hes an officer wa heart. 21 Destroyer - Rhodo - Cheshiri Ridge none at all. His men are fit now to they are getting good dect & canleen. He pives them 4 hours hard dying a day to keep them fit When a newcomer (there as a 4th Bdl Sqn in his Regt wt is now abt 450 strony) grumbles about wanting to fight the old hand next him says Sightin you'll bloody soon get your fill of fighten - you go on diggen if you take my advice He lets them know tt if they dont dig d fair and in their 4 hrs they be put on to dig 8- so they make a good job of it & they know its good for them. Glasgow & Bruns white - now Briggen. & Chief of Staf of Army Corpst were once both bant clerks in same town in Qvemslans. White sat for his artitlun exam & Clasgow became a pte in local corps. duy The Mnd L.H. Bdl who haveywar trinches on I right have ballothen
n as to wheteer they wanted to go away & decided not to They have day themehn winter grawten & ar afraid of some oher bde coming onto them. Te 3rd Bde are making winter quarters in their wonderfuly Frerches to anderged Aushalian French wh is I believe a development of our own. But the 3rd Bdedoes not want to dispense wits holidan altho we hear very varying acctil of Madios- Health of troops is not good there Ihear the wound Gent Walken recd on Oct. 11 is not serious He ws looking thro ms positi an the Black Hand truches (looking S. at T trunches opp Lames French, & on to the Knife Edge, a southern Extension of Snysers Ridge, when a shot came this & hit I man in front of him (who ws leaving on 1 m. 9. (eo. Farm, thit him thro' the arm (a nasty wound) & side - bullet remainwen but didn't pleace the totestine (see for details my cable of date, but it we protg a suipers
23 shot - one suiper is always firing in there & there wo not plate - Ihole ws very wide tho I place we a tunned & supposed to be Sccret.] A few days before Walken we lying in his duy out at 4 pm. & batwan first oringing him tea when 4.2 shell from Beach came thro' toof & exploded inside the sice of dug out just 3 ft above genls head It blew a hole wh it took 20 sand bags to fill in 1 earthen wall. it broke the 6x4 beam above I gents head - one half dropped as it on hinge & must have passed within iches of his head - other ws slewed round, gato. vron roof ws bent over it on 3 sides like an inverted I& earth thmbled ttrict onto fenl. servant who ar just entering wt ta shouted to I genl ws hit - a doctor who ws, next door w A.D.C (where I explsion sounded not so very close - as is way) rain in lifter the hinging beam s o & out calleof general - only his eyes being visible
24 thre dirt. There's nothing wrom to me I hegd as he crawled out & stood up - but he was badly bruised, worse than he admitted, & cut slightly also. He showed no signs of1 shock - but when a shell pom 1 Trenchman passed next day or day after whigzin past down full, & everyove in voluntarily duicked, the genl ducked tooIt is I first time he let by seen t do so Genl Hobbs has be given tempy command of division. Evenyone wd have liked goter white but I suppose he has a bypr got where he is - the Divn is onty½ Beles now others being still do Madoos (15t & Ind). The 3id H There have bn one or two little affairs on 1st lately. The other day a lrk ws subdinly seen coman in on the beach prom K. Tepe, Our Beach Post fired at him &
all from 5th LH. 25 lit him. The nan wsunarmd & the fellow who fired on him - strictly aptal roles as well as apet Commonsence - Tho have be court martialle. It ws in I sight of Turks who seeing what wt happening fired at I man also Our shot had hit him & he fell & crawled into I side of beach whereI to find at him till semret but never hit him. At srned we sent out a party of e Slo. 8 t abl 20 men as a covering party. The covering party went out X lay down, & 156s went forwd & jast as by gott man found & 560 com from opp. direction. The Turk had done exactlyI same. Our sbs fell flat & he coveri party advanced & bead of Tarks & gott man & carrie him back aftr dark. But he adn't speak - so much so it we thought he ws dimt

if she breaks her word w her 
ally - Germany can give her nothing 
& / only countries from wh she can 
hope for anything, France Italy & 
Britain, will of course have nothing 
for her if she breaks her word to Servia. 
[For Venizelos positn see the "Messager" 
of Oct. 5] amongst my papers].
So much for Greece.  France seems 
just to have sd: "I am going to land", & 
landed.  The French got a tremendous  
reception, I hear.  But / Greeks seem 
to be against it nevertheless.
So much for Greece.
She may be in / wrong now.  But how 
has our diplomacy bungled in allowing 
this state of affairs to be brought about. 
I ws talking to Graves, / other day, who 
ws consul in Bulgaria for sometime & 
certainly knows /∧near East very well.  
xxxx And this is practically / history 
o / present problem as he explained it. 
Before / Balkan war Bulgaria 
bargained w Servia & Greece for common 
action on certain terms.  Amongst 
those terms one was tt Bulgaria 
(wh ws to march agst Constantinople) 
ws to have Uskub & Monastir & 



First thing heard on landing 
ws tt Gen Walker had bn wounded. 
XAnd abt Leane's Trench

certain parts of Macedonia where 
population ws purely Bulgarian, 
whilst certain other parts over wh 
they cd not agree were to be referred 
after / war to / arbitratn o / Czar.
The war ws made & did not 
go quite as expected.  Bulgaria had 
to get Servian ∧heavy artillery to help her 
at Adrianople; and as Bulgaria 
ws fully occupied in front of Adrianople 
& Chataldja Servia marched into 
/ disputed parts of Macedonia & 
occupied them and into / undisputed 
Bulgarian parts of S Macedonia as well.  
When / war came to an end 
Servia sd to Bulgaria.  You have....
Few days ago
5 LH. on right got [[shorthand]]
from 94th Regt.
32 Divs.
10 A.C.
[shorthand] at Sarykamisch.
Frid. Oct 154th       
Oct 11.  Tuesd to Frid Oct 14.  
Came over to Anzac by torp. boat 
& spent most of next 3 days getting 
information abt. April 25 - 28 x 


Leanes Trench Attack  Aug 5/6
diagram, please see original
S.B of 11th crawled out at 11am on his stomach at X 
tied rope round wd. man & got him dragged in. cd see 
him moving thro perisc. He was rif & hit thro' leg and 
recovered.  He went round seeing tt other Australians 
were dead or wd before he finished).

Went up to Col. Antill - now Comdg. 
3 L.H. Bde - today, & found his line 
part o / country enormously improved.  
There is a continuous trench now 
thro from No 1 outpost to Hill 60, I 
believe - Gen. Godley went thro it a 
few days ago.  The 1st L.H. hold 
No 1 outpost & Destroyer hill, with 
the 1st Regt in Reserve on Old No. 3. 
diagram, please see original
The 3rd LHB then takes on 
& holds sugar loaf to Rhododendron.
diagram, please see original 
(wh is tunnelled) 
& round to Cheshire 
We have two of 3 commn trenches 
our No 1 towards Destr. Hill, all built 
by 1st L.H. Bde since last I ws 
here.  Up the Sazli Dere No 2 
our road runs well above / bottom



o / stream, at a gentle grade, 
crossing it on tressles like a mountain 
rly - (the same has happened to 
Bridges Rd).  In fact we seem to 
have numerous built roads all over / place 
so as to avoid / streams.  Only the 
54 Divn they tell me has piled its 
parapets up so tt / enemy can 
knock them 25 yds w every shell.
The 3 LH Bde has bn spotting 
enemy  Yesty they opened w 
a howitzer on one, on Bat'ship 
Hill & every time howitzer fired our 
m.g. kept Ts from removing it. 
Abt 4th St  You wd hear Bang - 
Crunch!! r- ta-ta-ta-tap ..... I 
noticed it yesty.  It annoyed / 
Turks & they opened - it blew 
their m.g. into / air at the 4th 
shot, col. Antill says.  They opened 
fire w a m.g. on B'ship H. wh 
we have bn searching for for a long 
time.  Today we turned howitzers on 
to this but they cdn't hit it.
Young Hughes who is 
Antill's bde Major ( tempy.  Captain)


The Bde has had over
2500 men.  It has now

ws a Rhodes Scholar (elect).  Gave 
it up - came as pte - ws made 
officer, Staff Captain when Macfarlane 
went away; & now, when Antill 
ws promoted, took his place as Bde 
Major.  They have only 4 officers in 
Bde who left Aust. with it - 8th 
has 2, 9th none, 10th 1, & Antill.  
Also one Doctor, I believe.
Antill says tt on Aug 7 
the Bde bombardment stopped at 
4.25.  The change took place at 
4.30 by carefully checked watches.  
Johnstone o / artillery ws over to 
see him some time ago & ∧Antill asked
why arty didn't support him.  
Johnston sd "delighted if we'd 
known of it".  Apptly programme 
ws changed & J. never got the 
changed programme.
Antill says there were at least 
3 on Snipers Rest - at least 
6 ∧firing on the Nek.
Glasgow says there is no 
chance of the Turks getting in opposite



He hopes they'll try it.  What 
wd it matter if 1000 or 2000 got 
thro?  He says, - what wd it 
have mattered at Popes?  we 
shd simply have captured or 
killed / lot.  Even now if 
they got thro / lines o / 54th 
- why let them.  What's / difference 
- we can hold.
I sd what if / Germans 
brought their big artillery thro?
Why? we've got our ships' guns. 
too. If only we had / observatn 
- tt's all we want.  My But I 
wish we had got / top o / ridge 
- we ought to have had tt.
And / argument went off 
abt Sari Bair.  He thinks if only / 
Suvla lot had got w. Hills we shd 
have had Sari Bair.  Monash, he 
thinks, did splendidly - Cannan 
told him / men were absolutely done, 
wanted to dig in wherever they 
stopped - they were weak - they hadnt 
/ stuff in them.
My word he's an officer w a 

Destroyer - Rhodo - Cheshire Ridge 
- none at all.  His men are fit 
now tt they are getting good diet 
& canteen.  He gives them 4 hours 
hard digging a day to keep them fit.  
When a new comer (there is a 
4th Bde Sqn. in his Rgt, wh is 
now abt 450 strong) grumbles 
about wanting to fight the old 
hand next him says "Fightin' - 
you'll bloody well soon get your 
fill of fightin' - you go on 
diggin' if you take my advice".  
He lets them know tt if they dont 
dig a fair amt in their 4 hrs they'll 
be put on to dig 8 - so they 
make a good job of it & they know 
its good for them.
[Glasgow & Bruno White - now 
Brig. Gen & Chief of Staff of Army Corps]
were once both bank clerks in 
same town in Queensland.  White
 sat for his Artillery exam & Glasgow 
became a pte in / local corps.]
The 2nd L.H. Bde who have ∧dug good 
trenches on / right have ballotted



as to whether they wanted to go away 
& decided not to.  They have dug themselves 
winter quarters & are afraid of some 
other bde coming into them.
The 3rd Bde are making winter 
quarters in their wonderful trenches 
- the undergrd Australian trench 
wh is I believe a development of 
our own.  But the 3rd Bde does 
not want to dispense w its holiday, 
altho' we hear very varying accts 
of Mudros - Health of troops is 
not good there.
I hear the wound Genl Walker 
recd on Oct. 11 is not serious.  
He ws looking thro m.g. positn in 
the Black Hand trenches (looking S. 
at T. trenches opp. Leanes Trench,
& onto the Knife Edge, a southern 
Extension of Snipers Ridge, when 
a shot came thro & hit / man in 
front of him (who ws leaning on / m.g.) 
thro' / arm, & hit him thro the 
arm (a nasty wound) & side - bullet 
remained in but didnt pierce the 
intestine (see for details my cable 
of date, but it ws probly a snipers



shot - one sniper is always firing 
in there & there ws no steel plate -
/ hole ws very wide tho' / place 
ws a tunnel & supposed to be 
A few days before Walker ws 
lying in his dug out at 4pm & 
batman just bringing him tea when 
4.2 shell from Beach came thro 
roof & exploded inside the side of 
dug out just 3 ft above Gen's head.  
It blew a hole wh it took 20 sand 
bags to fill in / earthen wall - 
it broke the 6 x 4 beam above / genl's 
head - one half dropped as if 
on hinge & must have passed within 
inches of his head - other ws slewed 
round, galv. iron roof ws bent
over it on 3 sides like an inverted 
U & earth tumbled thick onto Genl. 
Servant who ws just entering w tea 
shouted tt / Genl ws hit - a doctor 
who ws next door w / ADC (where 
/ explosion sounded not so very 
close - as is / way) ran in, lifted 
the hinging beam, & out called / 
General - only ∧/ red rims of his eyes being visible


thro / dirt.  " There's nothing wrong 
w me!" he sd as he crawled 
out & stood up - but he ws 
badly bruised, worse than he admitted, 
& cut slightly also.  He showed 
no signs o / shock - but when 
a shell from / Frenchman passed 
next day or day after, whizzing 
past down / gully, & everyone 
in voluntarily ducked, the Genl 
ducked too - It is / first time 
he had bn seen to do so
Genl. Hobbs has bn given tempy 
command o / division.  Everyone 
wd have liked Gen. White but I 
suppose he has a bigger job 
where he is - the divn is only 1 ½ 
Bdes. now / others being still at 
Mudros (1st & 2nd).
The 3rd LH 
There have bn one or two
little affairs on / rt lately.  The other 
day a Turk ws suddenly seen 
coming in on the beach from K. Tepe.  
Our Beach Post wh fired at him &


hit him.  The man ws unarmed & 
the fellow who fired on him - strictly 
agst all rules as well as agst 
common sense - shd have bn 
court martialled.  It ws in / sight 
of ad / Turks who seeing what 
ws happening fired at / man also.  
Our shot had hit him & he fell 
& crawled into / side o / beach 
where / Ts fired at him till sunset 
but never hit him.  At sunset 
we sent out a party of 4 
[*all from 5th L H.*] & Ts abt 20 men as a 
covering party.  To do this   
The covering party went out & 
lay down & / went 
forwd & just as they got to / 
man found 4 coming 
from opp. direction.  The Turks 
had done exactly / same.  Our fell flat & the covering 
party advanced & beat off / 
Turks & got / man & carried 
him back after dark.  But 
he wdn't speak - so much so 
tt we thought he ws dumb. 



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