Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/16/1 - August - September 1915 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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sunk to here was submarine about, but to 1 course of transports ws not attered This wants confermay. There are supposed to be abbout 5 or 6 submerines abl. We have toat E7 capterred, but we have captured a ferman in return in Bardanilles. It is strange th we fish for these fieat beasts now just as if they were cod or herrng. The more one thinks of it I more interesting is our teation in 1 Dardavelles. We are not one step nearer getting through than we were.I day we landed. We have used up our only atternative wle Bdy-& failed. Bulgaris likely to come in against
7 us. The winter is on top of us. sad 1 german's threaten a it may be only a treat to send 60000 men down to help. They wand get through the Austialian & N. Zralanders so long as there are ino of us left to hold a reasonably strong line. There's not fleast fear of that. The problim is only can we get this them. We cant get round - th chance ws thrown away at Suola. And if we cant - what is left. another landing. I suppose Tarks can have another 250,000 men ready by, spring.
I hear Mond. Sept 20h enver Pasha hav told 1 tarks tt 1 Germans are coming to their help through Bulgaria with 400,000 men. I seems quite possible - if they are held up in Iwest as we are this is I chief remaining outhet for their enerpy & once they have finished Rusoia they can hit England harder here than any when else in orld - Gallipoti, Egypt, Persian Galf, India. I don't know what we shd have to do - our force. One chance wd be to (Jermans for once might be tampted to waste their streegh in an expedition for from their country. aor

sunk tt there was ^a submarine
about, but tt / course of
transports ws not altered.
This wants confirming. There
are supposed to be about 5 or
6 submarines abt. We have
lost E7 captured, but we have
captured a German in return
plac, in / Dardanelles. It is
strange tt we fish for these great 
beasts now just as if they were
kell cod or herring.
The more one thinks of
it / more interesting is our
situation in / Dardanelles.
We are not one step nearer
getting through than we were /
day we landed. We have used
up our only alternative 
-Suvla Bay -& failed. Bulgaria
seems likely to come in against


us. The winter is on top of us.
And / Germans threaten - it may
be only a threat- to send 100,000
men down to help.
They won’t get through the
Australian & N. Zealanders,
so long as there are eno’ of us
left to hold a reasonably
strong line. There's not / least
fear of that. The problem is only
- can we get thro’ them. We
cant get round - tt chance ws
thrown away at Suvla. And
if we cant - what is left?
Another landing. I suppose /
Turks can have another
250,000 men ready by /


Mond. Sept 20 ^I hear Enver Pasha
seems to has told / Turks  tt
/ Germans are coming to their
help through Bulgaria with
400,000 men. It seems quite
possible - if they are held up in / West
as we are this is / chief remaining
outlet for their energy & once they
have finished Russia they can
hit England harder here than any where
else in / world - Gallipoli, Egypt,
Persian Gulf, India. I don't know
what we shd have to do - our
force. One chance wd be tt / Germans
for once might be tempted to waste
their strength in an expedition far
from their country.

[sketch - see original]
The men and their



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Arlene BaadeArlene Baade
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