Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/16/1 - August - September 1915 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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Mitzlene again we found then is a biys harbour 10 meles further in – Callone oveout to the hot baths Thermal, in afternoon & bock to dinner w Heathcote Smith who ws telling us abb refugees. The expalsion began before I war really after 1 Balhan was, in May 1914. All I people hepubit downt fe Te was After Lenian von Sanden arrived the word went down 1 coast in mysterious way in wh such orders pass in tarkey, it preeks were to be given such rough time th the wd have & withe a few to clear out
Phockia The town from wh thepreeks marseitles. colonised E110 poulos so he ws weas thoikia atttime of massacr- object ws to terri smyrna. He & Britich cousat at Singrowa when at Mitylene had brought oo them a turkes policeman who (like all (others) we dressed in civilion clottes when massacre occurred- They made him undress - & there were his uneform under his ordinary clothes. I wee ordered to do it, he sd. monts I tarks Ladcleare cocandry of 1000 upon $1000 The lks wered coursevery numerous all down thit coast. The I5. didn't marde so many of them- except at certain 1 plades (sone name tibe Phockia near Smyria as one), but they wal murder one here & there & when complaints were made to wd tkish governor he showl cead to he woit in Eined abb s toppy it you can't think what it is like? one of refupies told as he waa young it who owned afaime wort $00000, with famelie working on it onlar divaly & its a very fanny
33 feeling - to lose confidens in Goot you have tgo - its no good one month - two months - you cant stand it. There's nothing to see - they used t hear shots round their farm every night of tarks ad tell their work people It will be your turn some day? Societin you cod gooat for a walk + on way back pass 2o3 bodies t dead onroe & yo knew 1 authorities weredai nothing to stop it. If you comply the governor wd say Oh but it cant be true. If you asked him to tome ittd be a not today - I'm too besn there was some or erhess
50 small trouble but you know these people created a disturbance & what can I do. To keg all Aft - as may & came to divaly. Mrs Heleopulos - a young Smyrna English gut ne La Fontaine Ap ber home for Sonyrna one night on a days visit- so She thought - & never came back. Early an Novmmber Heliopoulos brought at his 35 families to Witzline? found work formost of tem He is now superintending aousfo distributing food to repyees - Thereare 70,000 known repycisin Mitytene & at least wood
more - They all ask anxiously when they are to go back. The Turkmakes war on a population - noton an arn & his good behaviour (To far as we know it) towards as is, ace to Heathete Smith, prob¬ doe to Austrations having ven him a good fright to start off with. I think this py be doubtful. from four to last I ferar TherGerman have oever rained a fenger to stop these proceedings, & Sept 15. Wednesday CApt. grant of the Canopus dined w as tonight. He tells me that the Canopus on May 23() Saw 1 Albeon ws
aground just at day light abt 4am The Albrn made a signal to her. They steamed in & pasted a howser but this broke. Then they trud to set some destroyers to tow her of but this failed. I hen then anchored, passed another hauses asaid & worked ap to 10 knots. The Turks were hitting the Canopus w shrapuel at this time. He went up onto bridge for a noment to pumpship onto a bucket there as he didn't like to do so below & a shell burst right over him. The Canopus ws plastering ap and down whole lengt o Olive hove searching for (suns
5 but I gans wenton ferng Itws a gt relief when the got her off bec. they have had togo one. They were lighter the albion and getteng sid of all confidential documents lythlening her cheef by sumpiny out water from Der Canks + shifting weight. The Treump - as she cont get much way on a net out had gone into shallowaster before she ws toyedoed Canopers once saw a or Submarnic De paratel her ouliese Madies - on
58 Surfall. Submaries have several times by really seen by sippers of transports etc & taken for ours & not reported. When tramph Sank ove trawler afterwar sd to I submarine ws derectly Underneeth her +f crew were shooting at et w rifles! fouly 1 ideots had reported it Sept. 16 Turadan Thee or four days ago a week was reported as incervoned Diepani on hisland in the gulf of ryrna about 15 days before
59 He was one of a party of S Gecks who were determined to so back to one of greek villaps + find a treasure brove. His heart fail at lastmngment & be weald to this istand. The others landed & met 3 gendarmes. Theey killed them. Then they iot to carriage to I men & 3women - They killed the I men. Then it struck them & if thiy lefe women they wd be betrayed, so they killed women too. Ivey kille For 4 others & then got away. MityCve. They told whole stor themselves quite openly b authoritie; & when I circum. stances came to be considee idis not beem put to doanyt to them. Sstuta Sept. 1 Cenhapbill behind town yesty 3s toden
went first up to village afterwards to Thermae where we had hot baths + denners Englishpeople heres at home seem to have very little idea of the real situation in Callepoti. Sept. t8Solarda Do 14 ventured for first time in my life into Irealm of piracy and brzganday. Besidis our own forces ber in the sevant we have a queer collection of Greek levies rcised from the former sugle & brigands of the Asian coast with whom we prrisse Ismal estand Adramnylic Sul

Mitzlene again we found there
is a bigger harbour 10 miles
further in – Callone.
Drove out to the hot
baths, Thermal, in / afternoon
& back to dinner w Heathcote
Smith who ws telling us abt /
refugees. The expulsion
began before / war-
really after / Balkan war, 
in May 1914. All / people
here put it down to / Germans.
The war After Levian von
Sanders arrived the word
went down / coast in / 
mysterious way in wh such
orders pass in Turkey, tt
/ Greeks were to be given such
a rough time tt they wd have
to clear out - & within a few


The town from wh The Greeks
colonised Marseilles.
Eliopoulos sd he ws near
Thoikia at / time o / massacre-/
object ws to terrify Smyrna. He & /
British consul at Smyrna when at
Mitylene had brought to them a Turkish
policeman who (like all / others) ws
dressed in civilian clothes when /
massacre occurred. They made him
undress - & there ws his uniform
under his ordinary clothes. “I was
ordered to do it,” he sd.


months I tarks Ladcleare
cocandry of 1000 upon $1000
The lks wered coursevery
numerous all down thit
coast. The I5. didn't marde
so many of them-
except at
certain 1 plades (sone name
tibe Phockia near Smyria
as one), but they wal murder
one here & there & when
complaints were made to
tkish governor he showl
cead to he woit in Eined
abb s toppy it
you can't think what it is
like? one of refupies told as
he waa young it who owned
afaime wort $00000, with
famelie working on it onlar
divaly & its a very fanny


feeling - to lose confidens in Goot
you have tgo - its no good
one month - two months - you
cant stand it. There's nothing
to see - they used t hear
shots round their farm every
night of tarks ad tell
their work people
It will be
your turn some day? Societin
you cod gooat for a walk +
on way back pass 2o3
bodies t dead onroe & yo
knew 1 authorities weredai
nothing to stop it. If you comply
the governor wd say Oh but
it cant be true. If you
asked him to tome ittd be
a not today - I'm too besn
there was some


small trouble
but you know
these people created a
disturbance & what can I do.
To keg all Aft - as may
& came to divaly. Mrs
Heleopulos - a young Smyrna
English gut ne La Fontaine
Ap ber home for Sonyrna one
night on a days visit- so
She thought - & never came
back. Early an Novmmber
Heliopoulos brought at his
35 families to Witzline?
found work formost of tem
He is now superintending
aousfo distributing
food to repyees - Thereare
70,000 known repycisin
Mitytene & at least wood


more - They all ask anxiously
when they are to go back.
The Turkmakes war on a
population - noton an arn
& his good behaviour (To far
as we know it) towards as
is, ace to Heathete Smith, prob¬
doe to Austrations having ven
him a good fright to start off with.
I think this py be doubtful.
from four to last I ferar
have oever rained a fenger to
stop these proceedings, &
Sept 15. Wednesday
CApt. grant of the Canopus
dined w as tonight. He tells
me that the Canopus on
May 23() Saw 1 Albeon ws


aground just at day light
abt 4am The Albrn
made a signal to her. They
steamed in & pasted a howser
but this broke. Then they trud
to set some destroyers to tow
her of but this failed. I hen then
anchored, passed another
hauses asaid & worked ap
to 10 knots. The Turks were
hitting the Canopus w shrapuel
at this time. He went up onto
bridge for a noment to
pumpship onto a bucket there
as he didn't like to do so below
& a shell burst right over him.
The Canopus ws plastering ap
and down whole lengt o
Olive hove searching for (suns


but I gans wenton ferng
Itws a gt relief when the
got her off bec. they have
had togo one. They were lighter
the albion and getteng sid of all
confidential documents
lythlening her cheef by sumpiny
out water from Der Canks +
shifting weight.
The Treump - as she cont
get much way on a net out
had gone into shallowaster
before she ws toyedoed
Canopers once saw a
Submarnic De
her ouliese Madies - on


Surfall. Submaries have
several times by really seen
by sippers of transports
etc & taken for ours & not
reported. When tramph
Sank ove trawler afterwar
sd to I submarine ws derectly
Underneeth her +f crew
were shooting at et w rifles!
fouly 1 ideots had reported
Sept. 16 Turadan
Thee or four days ago a
week was reported as incervoned
on hisland in the gulf of
ryrna about 15 days before


He was one of a party of S Gecks
who were determined to so back to
one of greek villaps + find a
treasure brove. His heart fail at
lastmngment & be weald to this
istand. The others landed & met
3 gendarmes. Theey killed them.
Then they iot to carriage to I men
& 3women - They killed the I men.
Then it struck them & if thiy lefe
women they wd be betrayed, so
they killed women too. Ivey kille
For 4 others & then got away.
MityCve. They told whole stor
themselves quite openly b
authoritie; & when I circum.
stances came to be considee
idis not beem put to doanyt
to them.
Sept. 1 Cenhapbill
behind town yesty 3s toden


went first up to village
afterwards to Thermae
where we had hot baths +
Englishpeople heres at home
seem to have very little idea
of the real situation in
Sept. t8Solarda
ventured for first time in my
life into Irealm of piracy and
Besidis our own forces ber
in the sevant we have a queer
collection of Greek levies
rcised from the former sugle
& brigands of the Asian coast
with whom we prrisse Ismal
Adramnylic Sul


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