Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/16/1 - August - September 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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28 up Mosters Ridge, 48th R. had sattered at Leanes 47 by bombt. 12.13. Tat K. Dere Afler CP. 13 as bot over, possibly some of 12 Oneba 13 55 put into Tolly as 125 only had 2 bas less its losses; its 3rd Bn (a redif On) being in reserve W 48t Bm. The 87th as badly calap & replaced the bn of 13 wh hadbu in Tolly rchole of 13 ws moveduto Pinc. Some of 48 we moved up to strengthen Folly: &77w5 sheped closer up t our et flank. there have by runours from SH K 1Dion has left here but t is prob. abt as true as their
that statement at 125 Begt had let wh is absolutely untrue. G.H.Q. Sayste are near Rolosto - ch is quite impossible. CMd.CP. S Army Corps. Please state No of infecrous dicease wth have accurred on you wait, Answer. No cases. the Turk of 18Bn ws a schoolmaster on an oplandnear smyrna & like all cctoolmasters ws sent for 6m. to military acadeiy on mobilisatin to be tened into officer. If they show well 1 trainy continues for 12 monts. schoolmasters are asagenerel normally office they they are excupt from service but if they take them theymake them into officers
An 22 10 aree 8 61 Gend. Gent. Sav Gent. Gen Ger gend 3Di (the 3Dis. Ciryl. 3Dw 1Ry. Esclune 3D Crest 3r 70w 72 Dw 2Ry 11Dw (2 Rys. Regt. Trest 7D. Cor 11Dw. (2 naw from res plen 12 Dis Kep Dio from Ansay Boghals Div 45, 1916 Devs 5. 19,16 204 59 i.4, 59 Anzac Div Rep 18.84 Rest. 18164. 9119.16 Rep 18 19.16 DivG from Disgfrom Ry. B8.64 Ry to 18. 33. 64 Reto. 18,33 DwEfrom Asia 4484 Ryt 41 from Helles Diss 1. B.13. Divs) Divo 1. 10.13 Dro 1.10. Helles Devs 1. 10.13 Dwo 1.10. 13.1411 1411(ls 11les om 14. 1 ew 124) Cles 1y 13.14les Wlestrt. are Regt) Omeky Devs W.7.9.12 Divs 459 Resenve Dus 12.25 Dev 12 D. 25. 6 Nroo 25 6(lss 12yt) 25, Oless (lsstryt) 256 (un1u) ansac Eto Anyec. E(lees tky) 1y) 11 to subla 11try 11(1est leavey 12, 25 (1ayt) 1 (tri) 6(6s) 11 (127 8 from Asco 12 to Surle Asia. Dros2.8. Div3 Din 2 tes Dis 24 Cleatry Rept of Dion 11& the of Dun 12 and in Suola area night of Aug 10 There are also troops move to Bulair not wich her Est. NOS Ana: 617. 10. 15 22 8. 9 is Scote 3000 5000 7000 9000 20,00 0 Exclaer 38000 38,000 47000 41,000 25000 31,000 Angac. 33,000, 33,000 83,000 33000 26000 26,000 Helles. 39,000 20,000 2000 25,00l Kineve. (42000 (w 8x 12000 12,000 11000 emoony Deen) movengt Secola Anze to Suvla) 7000 12,000 12000 7000 12,000 12,000 Asia s00now an additional 4000 were No altee for losses - prot 28,000. on Augs, poesn't wellve Bulaen found at wil
Capt Cooper got right up to suall tree & Cot back safe but hit next day, 800 80 Buany 64 6 Si Ae 4 Comins there. i ox ter Toat trend apen re out o ten Youal E Capt Connetty wik. on parapet) for He ws jast at left or commn aa brech Those on left had scinbon front of thea & got fairle will thro it. The restgot finished in oner fiets. the t 4Bde. Aug. 27. 1001312 Bn 100 14 Bn 50 15Bn under to Coladums 100 17 Bn Adams we C0.14 Bn, wounded at guians. had come bact. Adavs put 100 in each line disjy party 50 in hand an Ya (they were all under Bryfen Russell). I shells fell near by tree & one in truch - small shell. Lowitzer Bombt Man formed up along bank opperiety exs of Kavasit X in o & parth robuging them of 350 - 206 casualties. all a officers all Kor w. Adams in sent 50 reserves were
I kedflay still here (Sept 10) the Tarks have held brack Ir forlong time ponash's sap goes in here Aug. 21-22. 212 14 i 126 107. 13 915. 25262 103 14 58 29 14. 91 12 1 15 11. 16 1 212 Offrs 1. F.H. Dadson, VTE. Coottie 14. K. 4 kiscrabbe. Captgiesor Cantsidless 17 W7 Dewilson, J. Scobie Sept 10. Monashs Bde now abt 850 33 Ato 70 men of diff units were found next day amongst NZ. in the part of trench 26 men missing - not prisoners. Monash's fegures - they are very Encorrect) gen It was Coxs idea to make it a day operation. Runell Monach wanted night operating Coxe idea ws bombar ament I then walk in - may be all right for indian troop Ay 2228. Fris fywes in 13 44 84 14 6 14 86 39 13 58 15 21 22 16 17 (unten. officer 154
adve & May 2 Ap. 25 On Ap.25. Th a16.d 13 1616, & 2 0f15 under Maj. Carter of 15th They can on Decan Bee & were sent to renfore 10Pn on Mackuri's Hill. Got there gm The tarks were blowing bagles OC. in front kept on shouting out ing night or carly mo top to machine funr. Io le on right. M.g. on right cd see they werent Indeam. They came quite close & stopped. (men were on firing when san Obt 401c. on mound we were forced back. We had to dishead cover as 11 in trenches &edat fets the cent to Popes (Tesd Palled out of Popes on Friday for rest - in on May2. They got into one 250 Offrs K. 27. AM. k HN Brierly, M. Clart 13 F.T. Anoni (just returned from Sick Cease) 14. Capt. C.E. Conelly PNI E) Cap R.W. Graham next 2a (Capt G.Cooper) Capt W.W. Coombes 15 (resumnd gat 34
tuday 11 Gond 2. Sept. Gor some money from Maj. Griffiths & decided to clear out on my holeday trep right away. went to the 11Br to see if Iedgetan ap of the 2ad taking of Leanes truch (Aug5 or 4). Col. Tohns on promised me his note when I gotback. Saw Anderson, Bde Maj. -no, Staff Capt. 15t hfBde, onmy way there & he told me the 4th deeray their charge got right round to Mule Gally - (on Ap. 26) I think it must havebn in retirement. Then Bazely I cleared out abbice is Imbros (via Savla Bay) by the 2.30 trawler. ferry & after givery the Cook & oncoI clerks what eggs frait etc we had in the carder The Savle Ferry gave us our -or rather my Ferst tria into
Invle Bay. Were not quite so far along the Razor Back as I thought we were - were not to the Neck, we had to come back abit SOvEA BAL SaH lake. and were only obt 1/e wele cnland N of Salt take t dedn't get the big hill behind Anaforte at al - (Theretos at Sevt An awisticeh I believe for a few bours, to bury dead The Tarks set fire to lscrub oct piob. burnt a lot of wouded. This pict opsel onr advance for some time. we did get wt Avelarte
defantely- a small party. Ashm. Bart lett say the Parks have always used their artillery for better than ours. On Aug 21 they hardly turned it on at wehet Choc. Hill cept all until our infantry were on the bill they wanted to take then it was - bangbang bang bang banyg bang bang bang bang right outs them as hard as thy id fire. abn of They were taking the hane. ir across to Tubros to put with their own cster battation in the 29th Dr
So the 29th is not being sent hove after all. B Reached camp + hada plle gooddinner. Nevinson inbested on my drinking some champaue & so did Bartlett, whoes rather seed himself. Ross & I are thinking of going to attens to get our winter clothes etc. Out Maxwell has a trip to Miteline for the whole lot of as on the boards first. Sand 12. Sept. Write me old notes into deary of Ap. 30. are last night there was ntenual heavy was pour N.P continuous rumble runble 3

up Mortar Ridge.
48th R. had suffered at Leanes
47 by bombt.
12. 13. were at K. Dere.
After L.P. 13 ws bit over, possibly some of 12.
One bn 13 ws put into Jolly as 125
only had 2 bns less its losses; its
3rd Bn (a redif bn) being in reserve
w 48th Bn.
The 47th ws badly cut up &
replaced the bn of 13 wh had bn in
Jolly & whole of 13 ws moved into
Pine. Some of 48 ws moved up
to strengthen Jolly: & 77 ws
shifted closer up to our rt flank.

There have bn rumours from
G.H.Q. th 16 Divn has left here but
th is prob. abt as true as their


statement abt that 125 Regt had
left wh is absolutely untrue.
G.H.Q. says they are near
Rodosto - wh is quite impossible.
Chief.Md.Offr. 5 Army Corps. Please state
No of infectious disease wh
have occurred in you unit,
Answer. No cases.
The Turk of 18 Bn ws a schoolmaster
on an island near Smyrna & like
all schoolmasters ws sent for 6 m.
to military academy on mobilisatn
to be turned into officer. If they
show well / training continues for
12 months. All Schoolmasters are
normally officers; but as a general
thing they are exempt from service
but if they take them they make
them into officers










Suvla &













3rd Div

(1 regt)









3rd Div (1 Rgt)

7 Div (1 Regt)

from reserve







3 Div 1 Rgt

7 Div 2 Regt

from res








3 D (1 rgt)

7 D. (Completed)










3 Div. (1 rgt.)

7 Div.

11 Div. (2


12 Divn. from





3 Div (1 Regt

7 Div.

11 Div. (2 Regs

12 Div.

4 Div from

Anzac (Boghali














Divs. 5. 19. 16

Regs 18, 64








Divs. 5. 9. 16.

Regs 18. 54.

Div 4 from res.






Div. 4, 5, 19, 16

Regt 18, 64.

Div 9 from res







Div. 4, 5,

9, 19, 16

Reg 18. 64










Divs. 4, 5, 9,

19, 16

Regts 18. 33. 64

Div 8 from Asia

Rgt 41 from


Divs. 5. 8. 9. 19

 - 16

Regts 18, 33,

41, 64














Divs. 1. 10. 13.

14. 11 (less

one Regt)

Divs. 1. 10. 13. 14

11 (less one Regt)



Divs. 1. 10. 13.

14. 11 (less 1 rgt)



Divs. 1. 10.

13. 14. 11

(less 1 rgt)




Divs. 1. 10.

13. 14 (less

one Regt)

Divs. 1. 10. 13.

14 less 1 regt.

















Divs. 4. 7. 9. 12

25, 6 (less 1 regt)

11 (less 1 regt)








Divs 4 & 9

moving to

Anzac, 7

to Suvla.

Leaving 12, 25,

6 (less 1) 11 (1 regt)

Divs 12.25

6 (less 1 regt)

11 (1 regt)

8 from Asia






Divs 12,

25, 6 (less

1 regt) 11

(1 regt)

8 from Asia








Ds. 25, 6

(less 1 regt)

8 to Anzac

11 (1 regt) &

12 to Suvla




Divs 25,

6 (less 1 Regt)
















Divs 2. 8.



Divs 2. 8.



Div 2. 

8 Crossing

Div 2




Divs 2. 3 (less

1 regt)


Divs 2. 3

(less 1 regt)


1 Regt of Div 11 & 1 regt of Divn 12 arrd in
Suvla area night of Aug 10.
There are also troops moved to Bulair not incl here

    Est _ Nos.      
Area: 6/7. 8. 9. 10. 15. 22.
3000 5000 7000 9000 20,000 26000
Anzac. 25,000 31,000 38000 38,000 47,000 41,000
Helles. 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 26,000 26,000
















& 11,000

moving to

Suvla & Anzac.



(& 2000


to Suvla)



(w 8th






























5000 cross)










No allce for losses - prob 28,000. An additional 4,000 were
found at Suvla on Aug 11. Doesn't include Bulair.
[*Aug 30 30
En. guns seen: Sq. 105 22° 3'
Also below U in Purar 93 U.*]

No allowance for losses.


Capt Cooper got right up to
small tree & got back safe but
hit next day.

Diagram- see original document

Capt Connelly ws k. on parapet
He ws just at left of Commn

Those on left had scrub in
front of them & got fairly well
thro it. The rest got finished in
the ploughed field open field.


Aug. 27. 4 Bde.
100 13th Bn )
100 14 Bn     )
50 15 Bn       ) under Lt Col Adams
100 17 Bn     )

Adams ws C.O. 14 Bn, wounded at
Quinns; had come back.
Adams put 100 in each line
50 in hand as digging party. (They were
all under Brig Gen Russell).
2 shells fell near big tree ( one
was in trench - small shell -
howitzer Bombt.

Men formed up along bank
of Kaiajik apparently in existing trenches & partly
prolonging them.

Of 350 - 206 casualties.
all 9 officers all k or w. Adams
50 reserves were not sent out


Diagram - see original document
*Aug. 21-22. 212


  k w m  


(9) 15


(52) 62


(10) 30

14. 14 58 29 91
15 1. 11.   12
16 1. 1.   2


14. k. Lt KW Crabbe.
Capt Gilleson.
w. Lts F.M. Dodson, V.J.C. Cootie
Capt Gilleson.
13.   Lts. F.V. Thompson, DE Wilson,
W.F. Scobie

Sept 10.
Monashs Bde now abt

Abt 70 men of diff. units were found
next day amongst NZ in the part
of trench

26 men missing - not prisoners.
[Monash's figures - they are very incorrect]
It was ^Gen Cox's idea to make it
a day operation. Russell &
Monash wanted night operatns.
Cox's idea ws bombardment &
then walk in - may be all right
for Indian troops

Aug 27-28 True figures






x 4





6 6





1 1





2 3




















16 Bn

Ap. 25 & May 2
On Ap.25. There was x 1 Co. of
13. 1 Co 16, & 2 of 15 under
Maj. Carter of 15th. They came
on Seeang Bee & were sent to
reinforce 10 Bn where on
Maclaurin's Hill. Got there 9 pm.
The Turks were blowing bugles
O.C. in front kept on shouting out
during night or early morning
Stop tt machine gun. Indians
advancing on right. M.g. on right cd see
they werent Indians. They came
quite close & stopped. (Men went
on firing when saw).

Abt 4 o'c. on Monday
we were forced back. We had
to dig head cover as 10 Bn
ws in trenches & cdnt let us
in. ^16th Then sent to Popes (Tuesday).
Pulled out of Popes on Friday for
rest - in on May 2. They got into one

Offrs k. 27. Aug.




13.   Lt N Brierly, M. Clarke
J.J. Anoni
14. Capt C. E. Conelly (just 
returned from sick leave)
Capt R.W. Graham
(Capt G. Cooper next day)
15. Capt W. W. Coombes
(resumed duty)

[*Trench on May 2. There
were lots of wounded
coming down & dead
Turks in it. Got out
once during night to
get into 2nd trench
But T.s had lit fire
in scrub - enfiladed
us & (for first time)
used bombs. They seemed
to be about 80 yards away
We were constantly being
told to "deploy to the
left." heavy fire got
us on the left &
possibly our own
people on Popes.*]


11 Sept Divisnl
13 — [[shorthand]]
2 days
26. 1st Oct
Mond 12. Saturday 11 Sept. Got some money from
Maj. Griffiths & decided to clear out
on my holiday trip right away -
Went to the 11 Bn to see if I cd get an
a/c of the 2nd taking of Leane's trench
(Aug 5 or 4). Col. Johnson promised
me his note when I get back.
Saw Anderson, Bde Maj. - no,
Staff Capt. 1st Inf Bde, on my
way there & he told me the 4th
during their charge got right round
to Mule Gully - (on Ap. 26) I
think it must have bn in /
retirement. Then Bazely &
I cleared out at once to Imbros
(via Suvla Bay) by the 2.30 trawler -
ferry - after giving the Cook &
one o / clerks what eggs
fruit etc we had in the larder.

The Suvla Ferry gave us our
- or rather my - first trip into


Suvla Bay. We're not quite so
far along the Razor Back as I
thought we were - were not to
the Neck, we had to come back
a bit

Diagram-see original document

and were only abt ½ mile
inland N o / Salt lake &
didn't get the big hill behind
Anafarta at all - (There ws
an armistice there at Suvla I believe
for a few hours, to bury dead)
The Turks set fire to / scrub
& it prob. burnt a lot of
wounded. This prob upset
our advance for some time.

We did get into Anafarta


definitely - a small
party. Ashm. Bartlett says
the Turks have always used
their artillery far better
than ours. On Aug 21
they hardly turned it on at
all, except for a few mo except behind Choc. Hill,
until our infantry were on
the hill they wanted to take
- & then it was - bang bang
bang —— bang bang bang
——  bang bang bang, right
onto them as hard as they cd

They were taking ^a bn of the Lanc.
Fusiliers across to Imbros
to put with their own
sister battalion in the 29th Divn.


So the 29th is not being sent
home after all. B

Reached camp & had a
jolly good dinner. Nevinson
insisted on my drinking
some champagne & so did
Bartlett, who is rather seedy
himself. Ross & I are thinking
of going to Athens to get our
winter clothes etc. but
Maxwell has a trip to
Mitylene for the whole lot
of us on the boards first.

Sund 12. Sept. Wrote my old
notes into diary of Ap. 30. -

All last night there was
continual heavy rain from N. &
continuous rumble rumble



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