Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/12/1 - August 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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110 yds. Marson (Ple) behind him had one bey & cut of ? w m. g. fire . Two vo got out togeticn. E Bourne then gave order to stand, Had they gone out less them 100 wd b on soldi post. Didnt I take a minute. Artillery didn't get at them at all + G.O.T was not taken. To exposed himselves a lot I.LHR.) At first casuating were & 2 teavy as men a crowded in truch. When Enemys bomb thinI them out they were able to dodge. Abt 107 left in the end. in, and send over boub & rollone down ed Cannels 5 335 33384233 S15L HR scubout first & bomb thowers (Each w a & man a bayonet beside him to bomb out To. Afterwoos 3lines of bayoulls. This ws a mistake. 1t tine 6 of bayonets ought t have ad one borb each - pereassin for choice. (But of course to have better bombs than we ombknowers four aus ort of 13 Bn & As it 14TR. Topes Bay 19 and time & other lines. Enemy bombed & fired but didnt C. attack. HHtR. Popes Post. 2S9. of 1At H. undr Maj. T.W. Glasgow D.S.O. moved out from both flanks of Popes Postal 4.30 instantly. As soon as loops jot into view heavy fire opened but they reached 3rd Even G& took poyds of it. in counter attack by boub, sifle & gun forced mat glass. setire after 2 hs. B. were bombed out is stick boubs- & few there when we reached - Harris got tupe 3 truc & fot our bombs & 1. bounts also tell thiy sw him waving his he over trench. went on & joined him Reternd t good order, many wd brought back (we can see T. s helping wod. out of th King May. L.Y Ree & Lieut B.P. Wettleton missing - prob. k 250 k. 31 miss Cox & Holman, 1to Reid, white Capts
All 1 massing were dead. The wounded were brought back out of 32d bene. A few were overboked in second truck but a sergt who returned from their after 48 his sdt woundss man be ths only knew of was dead & the Tarks had not visited trench. (They genly only occupy if by day - then have fille it in since). L. Tenson. Crawled in his after fight to by badt shot away by bomb. He died later. To did Cox who had be & arm broken 1LHR. Popes. AMy) Ext Macmellan, Tinson, Stewart, weer, & Harris W 87 or. wd. Harris tho' severely wel wo bomb cont to trow bombs for 2his & (w his hoop) covered retirenent of remander. 10.35 pm. Every opend heavy fore (2.5m but did not to to leave yr th 9.45 by ruses a hot fine ws draw. from quins. Arth fire arrayed for but didnt reach I trenches At night fire ws drawn ser times, 9t 4.15 am. Quinns & Popes made heaw fire demonste. Evemy stood up to fere We turned on mg.sfcas did some damage. cilar tacties other nights each time drawing heavy fire, 11.S0 mgs obsere enemy masing is 10 frout of L. Pine truche – and did son damage
8LH. Kille Maj. Redford. Lieut. G. Grant E.G. Wilson L.W.H. Anderson (Duntes 24. C. G. Maosh. LFCol. AH. White. C. Talbot woods T Howard C. Carther EC. Dale (Duntroon K. Borthwick EE. Henty wounded. Maj. Aw mclaur Capt FL Hool at t Robinson A crawford 61t NE. Divl. Order 1. IIILHB. 4 lines: 8R Wid1er him 150 10 (wa) 3 4 Offrs Or. Kw. m. w.m. Ir. Siph. 841 3.5. 8. 10. 58. 126 4. 6. 924. 1.2. 1014. 4.2. 3. 23. 49 51 SRwF 1. 3 11. 46. 4 2 9.1 8th Cheshin 2.2 JIC.RE. Allmissing killed 355 435
GLH 10L14 Capt &m lapt Lt But K. D. Col Mcell wd. topt F G. Code wd. 4 aw W Laughry. AP Rowan V.F. Piesse R.T. Macmasters T. T. Heller e D.A. Fackson t A P. Turnbull Tryile Blue RhodesSc L.T.C. Roscom IIL CH Compared Wotches 106N 2 slaff C Gat 2 places. Pegs put in parapet & footholds so as to 70t Hlash. 2nd time gave them a leg over. Fout truch has no parapet. All cntanglement removed before midnight, men had ig in cach line 4 do t stabs of gan cotton to break down overhead cover. 1st live took 2 ladder ( halfe In farvie got back s & He got to foot of parapet of tY on it. Shot) A6s11 I wd. w him He ws in truch a Tirks - I at parapet 3C Each R had 4C
IILLH good h "10y 201 3 tui MncSerrie 7 15B3✓ To Ms S 2nd 4& 3n teir f 9.) waist t & shot from there. Some. tin pasito got at from suipers Ridge. First line 01 bombs - tru Fa He 83 Some 5006 got back from cliff on lett hand side where 6 lay wdl, all day. C.L Cto YeSn. wanted to We had 2 shallow nimes made)o
IIICH 2 &f if we succeeded. Signallers & To tt lines. They moved out W24c 2nd B Each man & NI2 sand bays Presonrsoverhead. M. ss w o & synallers. Tarks shelled us here all night. men is 1 we shertsleeves, bagonet antigas engires ready. No firing man had 200s i him, 65 154 fell 7 4 line had 2slovels to Spick & French wirl cntanglement. IBr of Cheshire Rept ws to make trunches good in port. 27
LLH Part of 1st line Pt from sap firng line & ad from main firing time Gardmnes of W.Z. arty. Laste hr. 13 2 casnalless in Footine. after slay up. (st lie wo to take 15t line of Trenches. but so beyond. 20 as soon as in position - to go beyond. 4th fatigue -ualissheld up 25 and line is c on heels of others. 3id tive n 3 2 All had to be got M. Kingie, Col. White, Hughes had if in 4 save (3-66 10. At the time gave C. word 90. End live 2006 2 3rd his 2 men at end of No8 Sap were waiting for flag. They sent Fagis 1000 atter4 153 pr Ror5 aminate into the Nek Bomb. G4.30 on tick: Last shell &c after t man over parapet
N Lone Pine. Heyb (cont) Those who watched from left say to they saw the 4 men on 1 extreme left of the front line as it went across dancing the last part of way. Maj. Cass tells me he saw it. He also says to when he got over there be saw a rife ao bayonet fixed byiy on 1 parapet. The bayonet ws broken off stort. The rif as drenched to butt w blood. The magazine ws fall but I p cut offes closed &1 safety calel down - so it owner evident intended to dot work wI bayonet a boyonet only It ws a 4 Ba rife Sr marked 4 Bn on 1 butt. And others
Lone P. was a name decepherable on 125 Mills sting belonged to He oten wondere if it eone of those men who had I dawad acras It as there it ws found & it must have belonged to a man early in Signathr McIbroy of the 2nd Bn has, I believe, bu recommended for the V.C. He carried 1 line across several times during 1 day of fight & ws recommended for the D.C.M. for that. But this ws attewds - when the 2nt Bn 15 in L.P. a 4.2 sell -high explosive - came in & burst abmost outside Bn A.G. It knocked one officer flat - be says there were 3 Explosions- half stanned 2 ofthe synallers an then day out - kined smen & swept w Hame I surface
Lone P. of sand bay parapet setting it abyut. There were also some bagson the sent ofte firestep wh started t blaze. One of Synatters, M Thoy realied t these baps were bays containing dinamite bomb. He rushed for a shovel & heaped sand onto the banquelli until I flame us out. There were 270 bombe on 1 pap of wh 120 had bu swashed by Explosion.


10 yds. Marson (Pte) behind him had one leg
cut of [[shorthand]] w m. g. fire . Two [[shorthand]] got out together.
Bourne then gave order to stand. Had they gone
out less than 100 wd h bn holding / post. Didnt
take a minute. Artillery didn't get at them at all &
G.O.T was not taken. Ts exposed themselves a lot
& we got heavy fire into them. We got 50 in front of Q. & some in front of
Popes where we had trenches enfiladed.
Logan is abt 5 yds ahead of trench.
The mine ws not reported till abt
2 mins after 4.30. Glasgows
attack wd have stirred them up
by then.
(1. L H R.) At first casuatlies were v.
heavy as men [[shorthand]] crowded in [[Shorthand]]
trench. When Enemys bombs thinned
them out they were able to dodge.
Abt 17 left in the end. En. wd send
over bomb & roll one down
Commn tunnels - 2 [[shorthand]]
1st L H R sent out first
bomb throwers (Each w a
man w bayonet beside him)
to bomb out Ts. Afterwds
3 lines of bayonets. This
ws a mistake. 1st line
of bayonets ought to have
had one bomb each - percussion
for choice. (But of course Ts
have better bombs than we).
As it ws bomb throwers found
old dug outs of 13 Bn &
[*stayed there throwing bombs into 1st trench till there ws no one
left to bayonet. Bombs
headcover. *]
1 LHR. Popes Aug 7                    19
^2nd line & other lines. Enemy bombed & fired but didnt
c. attack.
1 LHR. Popes Post. 2 Sq. of 1 A.L.H. undr
Maj. T.W. Glasgow D.S.O. moved out
from both flanks of Popes Post at 4.30
instantly. As soon as troops got into
view heavy fire opened but they reached
3rd Enemy trench & took 100 yds of it.
Counter attack by bomb, rifle & ^m. gun
forced Maj. Glasg. to retire after 2 hrs.
(Ts. were bombed out w stick bombs-
v. few there when we reached - Harris got
into 3 trench & got our bombs & T. bombs
also till they saw him waving his hand
over / trench. G. went on & joined him
Retired in good order, many wd. brought
back [we can see T.s helping wd. out of L. Pine)]
Maj. J.M. Reid & Lieut B.R. Nettleton
missing - prob. k 25 or k, 31 missing,
Capts Cox & Holman, Lts Reid, White;



All / missing were dead. The
wounded were brought back
out of 3rd trench. A few were
overlooked in second trench
but an offr. a sergt who returned
from there after 48 hrs sd tt
the only missing wounded man he
knew of was dead & the
Turks had not visited /
trench. (They genly only
occupy it by day - they
have filled it in since).
Lt. Tinson crawled in
24 hrs after fight w leg badly
shot away by bomb. He
died later. So did Cox who
had leg & arm broken.
 xxx 1 LH.R. Popes. Aug 7        20
Macmillan, Tinson, Stewart, Weir,
& Harris w 87 o.r. wd.
Harris tho' severely wd w bomb contd
to throw bombs for 2 hrs & (w his troop) covered
retirement o / remainder.
10.35 p.m. Enemy opened heavy fire (r. & m.g)
but did not [[shorthand]] to leave trench.
8th. 9.45 by ruses a hot fire ws drawn
from Quinns. Arty fire arranged for but
didn't reach / trenches.
At night fire ws drawn sev. times.
9th. 4.15 a.m. Quinns & Popes made heavy
fire demonstn. Enemy stood up to fire.
We turned on m.g & suffered casualties
did some damage.
Similar tactics other nights each
time drawing heavy fire.
10th 11.30 m.g.s observed enemy massing in
front of L. Pine trenches – and did some



8 LH. Killed
Maj. Redford.
Lieut. G. Grant
— E.G. Wilson
— L.W.H. Anderson (Duntroon)
2 Lt. C. G. Marsh.
Lt Col. A H. White.
Lt Col. Talbot Woods
T. Howard
C. Carthew
C. C. Dale (Duntroon)
K. Borthwick
E. E. Henty
Maj. AW McLaurin
Capt F L Hore
Lieut W Robinson
 " A Crawford
 III L. H.                   21
NZ. Divl. Order 11.
4 lines: 8 R (Vic) 1st Line 150
 2 ———
10 (WA) 3 ———
4 ———

    Offrs     Or.    
  k. w. m. k. w. m.  
3rd Sigls   1          
8 LH. 3. 5. 8. 10. 58 126  
9 LH. 1. 2.   4. 6.    
10 LH. 4 2. 3. 23. 49. 51  
^8th RW.F. 1. 3. - 11. 46. 4.  
8th Cheshire       2. 9. 1  
71 G.R.E.         2. 2  

All missing killed.



9 LH.  k. Lt. Col Miell.
wd. Capt F G. Code
wd. Lt A W McLaughry.
10 LH Capt A P Rowan
 " V.F. Piesse
Hon Capt. R.T. Macmasters
Lt. T. J. Heller
D. A. Jackson
2nd A P. Turnbull Triple Blue }
Rhodes Sch }
L. J. C. Roscoms }
[* Received
their Commission
before. *]
 III L.H.            22
Compared Watches 10 [[shorthand]]
2 staff [[shorthand]]  at 2 places.
Pegs put in parapet & footholds so as
to [[shorthand]] flash.
2nd line gave them a leg over.
Front trench has no parapet. All entanglement
removed before midnight. Men had [[shorthand]]
In each line 4 [[shorthand]] w slabs of gun cotton
to break down overhead cover.
1st line took 2 ladder [[shorthand]]
McGarvie got back [[shorthand]]x He got to
foot of parapet of U Y trench on rt.
Shot [[shorthand]x A [[shorthand]]
/ wd. w him
He ws in trench [[shorthand]]
Turks [[shorthand]] parapet
Each [[shorthand]] had 4 [[shorthand]]



III LH             23
Good [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] 3 tiers 
[[shorthand]] 1st [[shorthand]] McGarvie
[[shorthand]] 2nd
[[shorthand]] 3rd tier [[shorthand]] waist [[shorthand]]
& shot from there.
Some [[shorthand]] in positn [[ shorthand]]
got at from Snipers Ridge.
First line [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] bombs - threw [[shorthand]] He
Some 5 or 6 got back from cliff on
left hand side where 6 lay wd. all day.
[[shorthand]] Gen.
wanted to [[shorthand]]
We had 2 shallow mines made [[shorthand]]



III LH                       24
[[shorthand]] if we succeeded.
Signallers & [[shorthand]] the 4
lines. They moved into [[shorthand]]
Each man [[shorthand]] 2 sand bags
Prisoners [[shorthand]] overhead. w [[shorthand]] & signallers.
Turks shelled us here all night.
Men in / we shirtsleeves, bayonet,
anti gas engines ready. No firing [[shorthand]]
man had 200 [[shorthand]] w him, [[shorthand]],
[[shorthand]] full [[shorthand]]
4 line had 2 shovels to 1 pick &
French wire entanglement.
1 Bn of Cheshire Regt ws to
make trenches good in front.



111 L.H.
Part of 1st line [[shorthand]] from sap firing line
& 2nd from main firing line.
Gardiner of N.Z. Arty.
Lasted ¼ hr.
132 casualties in 3rd line.
after flag up.
1st line ws to take 1st line of Trenches
2nd " go beyond.
3rd as soon as in position - to go
4th fatigue - unless held up.
2nd line is [[shorthand]] on heels of others.
3rd line [[shorthand]]  xAll had to
be got
McKenzie, Col. White, Hughes had [[shorthand]] in their hands
3 [[shorthand]] gave ( 3 [[shorthand]] to go.
At the time gave L. word go.
2nd line 2 [[shorthand]]
3rd line -
2 men at end of No 8 sap were
waiting for flag. They sent [[shorthand]]
Flag is [[shorthand]] after x
75 [[shorthand]] 4 or 5 a minute into the Nek,
Bomb. [[shorthand]] 4.30 on tick. Last shell [[shorthand]] after
1st man over parapet.



Lone Pine. Aug 6. (cont)
Those who watched from left
say tt they saw the 4 men on /
extreme left of the front line as
it went across dancing the
last part o / way. Maj. Cass
tells me he saw it.
He also says tt when he got
over there be saw a Turkish
rifle w bayonet fixed lying on /
parapet. The bayonet ws broken
off short. The rifle ws drenched to /
butt w blood. The magazine ws
full but / p cut off ws closed & /
safety catch down - so tt /
owner evidently intended
to do / work w / bayonet
& bayonet only.
He after It ws a 4 Bn rifle
marked 4 Bn on / butt. And there



Lone P.
was a name decipherable on /
sling - Mills -
He after wondered if it were belonged to one
of those men who had danced across.
It ws there it ws found & it must
have belonged to a man early in.
Signaller McIlroy of the 2nd Bn
has, I believe, bn recommended
for the V.C.
He carried / line across several
times during / day o / fight & ws
recommended for the D.C.M. for
that. But this ws afterwds - when
the 2nd Bn ws in L.P. a 4.2 shell
- high explosive - came in & burst
almost outside Bn H.Q.
It knocked one officer flat - he
says there were 3 explosions - &
half stunned 2 of the signallers in
their dug out - killed 2 men
& swept w flame / surface



Lone P.
o / sandbag parapet setting it alight.
There were also some bags on
the seat of the firestep
wh started to blaze. One o /
Signallers, M'Ilroy realised
tt these bags were bags
containing dynamite bombs.
He rushed for a shovel &
heaped sand onto the banquette
until / flame ws out. There
were 270 bombs in / bags of wh
120 had bn smashed by /



Hand drawn diagram - see original document



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