Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/12/1 - August 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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9 III LHBde. Gen Hughs L) 6t S.Go 9.SH 10.WA. 10. 11pm. 6 AM. Mn by Howitzers 7Ang 41430 Sent outon 410 15DEach5 Nek In 1000c0l J N.S. strush to bomb & bagevet. - to End Yf Subsidia 2ad line trenches right &lett Warks never bs JM.G.S. Chief attack on VE R.W. Tunliers, & Bn were to be in Bully Bef sap but+ LX() flagin corner of truckes. Httack 4.30 when 8.85 SJ Yonts Chessboard. At 4.25205 a murderous
Autill 10.157 after 4.30 12) truces 1J. Sc for RWF in monash jully to so ahead. SC & sn who put up flag. Others &79.40 We bried to put our ings chess board over of s.8t0 pt200, 10th Snd &4th B 7th M man 2& By time Sord (130 men in line, went 3Cor & 4th P2'line of t & carriers etc commn ydypes water it. There as a bu of Cheshuris kept in sr Yourth line carried or to as other 3 tgithe, also scattes& gancodor. As soon as bu saw flagap te D
11 sent od lin1 BuF NCSC wentag 3y lost S 50men. They stated in5 1s -2 empty sandbays. The flay soon went down in I truch & what few men were left were 6 & these sent down Bully Beef Y Fewgot to 7 I parapets Eveniey of 712 two men (in garry of 85 returne. He got 1fr V & told me no one had got inside. End & 3rdlie Ifall of bayonets. Smpers West had not be taken & men who were on left of attack were got from then sol white Ion leading. They are a hew sax to get his Bdehad 92. 13w. 112n Or 50 o 1. 170w. 182m 1402
table top copte A toden Turks Post 12 8LH only had 180 wek left. We had 4 mgs traine on Chumnk Bair from low part of Walkers Ridge wh got willinto Le& (From Turks Post on Aug91B- the 13Bn] Brigadeer Smy the I1 As prBDe H.Q. near C of Sasses sap just after stand to (48. turks came along sanses Sap. C 7 Fyds. 1 our barricadi ws abt 4 H 6. Howell for I from Frech just south a line He irs & put o20 paratlel ys6 bus. Sas sap & saw them 8 "1532
Plis Ward Perkin 22s lind top of sap. or 8 2110 7 etally wounde Col Brown Tudday in acl betw d us) Catt 7 am H I tark Beekin wounded White & Garnhan Austin)IJ. O & Dran of Sydney 1960 of BS Tunnel ws hit in stomach but saved by his cholera &o buckely 3RDBn. B. C. 2 plations 6 C CO.S al 2 old King gave cc at Land of 134 McConaghy at oter ent of 135 repeate DoA C lates in similar formates aked up a Major Moreshead 2Bn on right also estab. I with 4 Br-Bro commo Y in rear. morning of Auy 7 saw &of 2
35 link up w 4X Encin began to notice bomb. we gotso within wyds of lBn. (to Howell Price & FD M clead. Capt scott of th supported. Mr cleod ws k. at head of his men in sasses sap. am 9th we had c.attack 5 2wgs D.T lin ove 20 Br. retiring thre reCe four false order to retirn- stoppe the order in loyw tree -rallier Auster brighlful 3ta captured 2 mps onet had our Tte of Boosb it 14 3Bn 2 Bn Orals Pia at J. pe endeed on Sabt A an hours ti paropet, shot down Pte. Hamilton mounte bomb throwers Er when 60 in i & stand On 3 given I comnr had to pukl men up & cout
get men to stand wake. The asteep at posts too on head by shell Col Brown ws hit leaveng y r rr hit a 28 nt K. satmorning at over ab 2am. came along i a surk. Hct in O. Sap ab vo et brust. Price came up. Iin done 7C. abt 7 pm. us on telephone near S. Sap. 4 Bn Sqquall 3 Bnsiuallers had t B M. Kaught An you Sengt Adors & DWren. 30/3✓ Smp 2s 7x20 l 75 e 79 ward ws there. I one Twile He dropped & 22 They edse terksin d 2 bombay 4t ter ptop (52 hear S6 & put hea sandbay ten were smping Ia (as stap at to in road PCA 200. Shoolin at 800. I tw 0 21 eyi ping Price] V (n d) yto b they wildland w head &stoulders over parapet rifte rest on it . (this boy ws at it) & By time we left they had binisloed that Commn bf somper . We had man w &trigp - thy had another all 10 right.
our by Lolbeniere bombs got the 15t under bee. knock T parapits abt. We command 7 toS. Tepe (200 me claim bit by suipers 4 Br. Mackaughter wat over w second hie abt 4 her after first. The first men found many to in tunnele had to stip nto trent foot forenest tho mankoles. Tark oe bu frighten r co have Filleat all tise men. We watthe some. Mack, got telephone tos w ellers to Cl. Brown in hn c. attack a part of tne cut off down a advanced sat by a M.C. on T. Folly which fired straght ap 30 (coming truck). There ws also m. 11 E f. N Surpershooting up deagonal trench. Some of our men were cal off at B- comples ampistaoting b Andiagonal broch, Capt Scott & another managed to get into a dead augle at A to throw bombe over & keep bock Turks 16 wanted to make. B Tarks have some sort of a sap in here. Xx- our mugn have twice struck the head cover in making sap across
whilet building up a sort of wall across 1 trench. They tosn I mens refler to men building I wall & go supply of Combs back - diontwant too by supply of bombs because I. s night rash them. When wall as, built they rushed men over it & got oi timselves - Mg. must have on lother Day One nis Scott bs in when to & thought he saw something like a head obe them 15 Looked but cub Idt in beside am Throws at him & see Pitched ap a t but of eark - thein didat movey Sdpon wthing by Peclend up a lump of rarth about 6in hlaved it - It got a Parke faur the face. He as up betied parapit prob waiting till their backs were turned men who were near Scott say he cos thro 14hrs of sheer hell - never got a scrateh 19 May Note for t9 may, L Felligan, 4 Bu, ws standing watchin Tucks jumping over paragect. And to count. One over, dend over, 2 doed; Loow 3 dead, 4ovs dead; Sover – Sudget away. ar os that man somebody. This vasarback 19. 0. One man near ws shooting for allhe we work - a t each time. Tns been in kangaros drives, he panted, but this beats everyteng Her getons t each time.
170 200 A x B squadrons Signal ws explosion of a mins wh edot be heard & & had b comeup to line to tell (1 off & Col. Stodtay arrived JC.S Bowrne gave the order to go - conveyed by messenger lop te ated no fnl an Bourneet Tmcke. Nank t 4 42 L Burge- Comma Left N Right p Logan (Hinton i this pary). Bomb Proof ws out of od. (taken down in Dark.) one 9 intront– one in i from G.O.7. 2on Deadman's Ridge, only got 516yas most of casualties on parapet Kight m. J. ws on to G. Officers gun No artillere bombardment here. 53 casualtis, Cd ser F bayonets, their ben the were filled 2or3 deep. NoC attack. July 15t line 2 of 50 men g0 out. They were out on the tick at 4.30. Bomb profea w taken, 110 yds of 2 to beattackd 2mgsfiring, Bothers there. One man got out & got back unt Bury on lett ttank only got 2CHR. quiins Aug 7. 18 L.LH Bele. th This night from 8. Sopi 2s to made to draw fire by ruse, 7 Inselade each -).82 c I manne 4.30ac Tgromp of Eg in part 7th. of quinns & yLI Popes and E. of Deadman Yc Two Squadions of 2L.H. under maj. Bowrn organised 4lines. Deft. to get out of post owing to tarbed were wh is too far out to be o tovered or drawn in & were nettirg Voshields. E in pont of left centre A mine uer May ogan us o from both Co trned. M.9.f & rifle fire from front. First line ws moued down & no on oy Magi Logan. HHiton, to Burge 15 or t ONorris, B or. wd. 2 Col. Stodart &ban.

III LH Bde. Gen Hughes took over on the 6th.
8 Victorians 9.SA 10.WA.
10-11pm. 6 Aug. Bombardment by Howitzers
7 Aug 4 to 4.30 - big bombardment.
Sent out in 4 lines 150 each on to the Nek
which was about 100 yards wide from N to S.
1st rush w bomb & bayonet.
2nd line to go to 2nd trench and subsidiary
trenches right & left
Turks never disclosed their m.g.s.
Chief attack on U trenches.
R.W. Fusiliers ½ Bn were to be in Bully Beef
sap, but not to make attack until they saw a flag in
corner of
Hand drawn diagram - see original document

Attack 4.30 when bombardment ceased but it was understood that the ships and

[[shorthand]] were to lift from range onto Chessboard.
At 4.25 Turks opened a murderous fire



10 to 15 minutes after 4.30 the flag was put in the
U trenches which was the signal for RWF. in
Monash Gully to go ahead.  Must have been
very few men who put up flag.
Others never got over the trench.
We tried to put our mgs on to the Chess
board over heads of our men.  8th were
to be in 1st 2 lines. 10th 3rd & 4th lines
9th already to man trenches.

By time 3rd (150 men in line)
went there was no hope. 4th line would have been a line
of engineers & carriers etc. commn trench diggers water parties.

There ws a bn of Cheshires kept
in reserve. Fourth line carried as many
reserve bombs as other 3 together, also
scaling ladders, wire engineers cutters &
gun cotton.

As soon as they saw flag up they


sent 3rd line.  It never got any distance.
RWF were put in when the flag went up. They
lost 3 officers and 60 men. They started about 5.
Each man carried 2 empty sandbags.

The flag soon went down in / trench
& what few men were left were [[shorthand]] &
these sent down to support men in the Bully Beef
trenches. Few got to bottom of the parapets.
Evening of 7th two men (M'Garry of 8th)
returned. He got to firing parapet & told me
no one had got inside. 2nd & 3rd line
of trenches full of bayonets.

Snipers Nest had not bn taken
& men who were on left of attack were
got from there.

Col White insisted on leading. They are digging
a new sap to get his [[shorthand]]
Bde had 9 offrs k. 13 w. 11 m.
Or 50 or k. 170 w. 182 m (402)


Hand drawn diagram - see original document
Lone Pine.

8 LH only had 180 men left.
We had 4 mgs trained on Chunuk
Bair from low part of Walkers Ridge
wh got well into Turks.  (From Turks Post)

On night morning of Aug 9th - the day 3 Bn was relieved
Brigadier Smythe was at advance 1st Bde H.Q.
near junction of Sasse's sap when
just after stand to (4 o.c.) probably about 5 o'c. - 
Turks came along Sasse's Sap but they had bombed
us there very badly and had driven us back about 5 yds.

Our barricade ws abt 4 ft 6 -
Howell Price saw from trench just south a line
of Turks coming up the sap.  He went round & put up men on the
parallel trench to meet them.  They went round to Sasse's
sap & saw them coming up to the sap 3 deep towards him
about 15 yards away.  I looked straight down on them and they were so
astounded that they could not shoot.


I fired about 2 shots and one man [[shorthand]] up his rifle and had
a shot at me.  Ptes Ward, Perkins Jenkins
& 2 others ran across and lined top of sap  Brigadier
and colonel and A.D.C brining up the rear with revolvers.  Nobody was
leading them but some one could be heard urging them on from the rear.
Col Brown ws fatally wounded
2nd day in trench betw two
dead ends to NE of our position (abt
7 am) & had to go back
He was stung with a shrapnel bullet in the head going
across; hit in the fingers tt same night.
Brought out of trench / was so chocked

w dead as to make it easily

enfiladed. That trench ws lost on

night of Sund. May 8 (?) but

does not seem to have been occupied by the Turks.

Somebody saw Beekin wounded
in getting across. White & Garnham
are also missing but probably on top.


Austin was shot through the stomach.  Dean of Sydney
who came over this night of B5 Tunnel ws hit in
stomach but saved by his cholera belt buckle.
3 RD Bn.
B. Co. 2 platoons in new firing line
2  _________  old ____

C Co.   2 _________  new
2 __________ old
King gave signal at 1 end of B5
McConaghy at other end of B5 repeated it.
D & A followed later in similar formatns.
Linked up w Major Moreshead

of 2 Bn on right.
 Also estab. communication with
4 Bn thro commn trench in rear.
Morning of Aug 7 saw instead of getting 2 small


Commn trenches to link up w 4th
Enemy noticed move & began to
bomb. We got ^ one trench & so to within
10 yds of 4 Bn. Lts Howell Price &
F D M'Cleod. Capt Scott of
4th supported. M'Cleod ws k.
at head of his men in Sasses Sap.

5 am 9th we had c.attack
2 mgs on this occasion.

Lt D. T. Moore supervised making of
line tho' wounded. (Bayoneted by
one of our own bayonets after shot thro rump)
H. Price found Bn. retiring thro'
false order to retire - stopped
the order in Coy w M'C.
Austin frightfully wounded - rallied

3 Bn captured 2 mgs one damaged &
had one in action agst Turks in


Hand drawn diagram - see original document

Pte. Hamilton mounted parapet, shot down
bomb throwers.

On 3rd morning when 60 hours in trenches & stand to
given /  commdr had to pull men up & cdnt


get men to stand wake. They were
asleep at posts.  They were my posts too.

Col Brown ws hit ^ on head by shell leaving trench.
Went across shortly afterwards & ws hit in 2 fingers.
Went over abt 2 am. K. Sat. morning
abt 7.  Came along w a Turk. Hit in x. Sap
thro' rt breast. Price came up. "I'm done - can you get me out of this.
M'C. abt 7 p.m. ws on telephone
near S. Sap. 4 Bn signallers.
3 Bn signallers had  taken a line to 


Sergt Adams & Lt Wren. 3 of us were to be
sniping.  2 men got down.  2 men got up.
Shrapnel started to get up and 75 started to get over
Ward ws there.  Shot one Turk
He dropped bomb and killed 2 others.  They cd see
Turks over in communication trench bombing 4th
There was another on the beach top (5 altogether)
[*head and shoulders
evidently put heads

as step.*]
Men were sniping on extreme right 
at Turks in road.  Till dawn they
about 200 - shooting at 800.
Two Turks were looking over the sniping position and got shot dead.

They were quite close.

There was a boy (12 years old) sniping.  Price was after him with
revolver.  To start with they wd stand w head
& shoulders over parapet rifle resting
on it - (This boy ws at it). By time we left
they had finished that.)

Commn trench sniper - we had man w
finger on trigger - they had another all day & night.


Our big Lotbiniere bombs got the Ts
under bec. knock T. parapets abt.
We command T. communications to G. Tepe
(200 men claimed hit by snipers)

4 Bn. MacNaughton went over w /
second line abt ½ hr after first.
The first men found many Ts in
tunnels. We had to step into trenches
foot foremost thro' manholes. Turks
must have bn frightened or cd have
killed all these men. We battled some.

MacN. got telephone thro' w
3 Bn signallers to Col. Brown in
new firing line.

During c. attack a party of
Australians got cut off down
an advanced sap by a M.G.
on J. Jolly which fired straight up
the sap (commn trench). There ws also


Hand drawn diagram - see original document

Sniper shooting up diagonal
trench. Some of our men
were cut off at B - completely.

A sniper shooting up

a diagonal trench. 

Hand drawn diagram - see original document

Capt Scott & another
managed to get
into a dead
angle at A to throw bombs
over & keep back Turks

Turks have
some sort of a
sap in here -
XY - our Engrs
have twice struck
the head cover
in making
sap across.


Whilst building up a sort of wall
across / trench. They tossed / mens
rifles to / men building / wall & got
supply of bombs back - didnt want
too big supply of bombs because T.s might
rush them. When wall ws built
they rushed / men over it & got over
themselves - m.g. must have bn
looking / other way.

One morning Scott ws in sap
when looked round & thought he
saw something like a head observing
them - 15 ft away. Looked again
but cdnt be sure. Sd to man
beside him "Throw something up
at him & see." Pitched up a bric
bit of earth - thing didnt move,
Sd "heave something big." Picked up
a lump of earth about 6 in square
& heaved it - It got a Turk fair in
the face. He ws up behind parapet,

[*bayonet - Back of T’s line - men who danced*]


prob. waiting till their backs were turned.
Men who were near Scott say he ws
thro 14 hrs of sheer hell - never got
a scratch.
19 May.
Note for 19 May, Lt Milligan, 4 Bn, ws
standing watching Turks jumping over
parapet. Used to count. "One over, 1 dead,
"2 over, 2 dead; 3 over 3 dead; 4 over
"4 dead; 5 over –  5 wd get away - get
"that man somebody." This was at back
of G.O.T.

One man near ws shooting for all he
ws worth - a T. each time. "I've been
"in kangaroo drives," he panted, "but
"this beats everything." He'd get one T.
each time.


200 - A & B squadrons. Signal ws explosion
of a mine wh cdnt be heard.  Engineer had to
come up to line to tell them it had gone off. Col. Stoddart
arrived saying that he didn't feel justified in leaving post. Bourne gave
the order to go - conveyed by messenger
Hand drawn diagram - see original document

Bomb Proof ws out of rd (taken down in Dark.)
One m.g. in front – one in communication trench from G.O.T.
2 on Deadman's Ridge.  Only got 5 or 6 yds
Most of casualties on parapet.
Right m.g. ws on to G. Officers gun.
No artillery bombardment here. 53 casualties.
Cd see T. bayonets, their trenches were filled
2 or 3 deep. No c.attack.
Only 1st line consisting of 50 men got out.
They were out on the tick at 4.30.
Bomb proof ^ wire at B ws taken, 110 yds of trench to be attacked
2 mgs firing, 3 others there. One man got out & got
back unhurt. Bury on left flank only got [[shorthand]]


2 LHR. Quinns Aug 7.
1.LH Bde.
6th. This night from 8.30 pm frequent attempts  
made to draw fire by ruses, bomb throwing. 
Fusilade resulted in each case showing that the trenches were
fully manned.

7th. 4.30 am 1 group of trenches in front
of Quinns & trenches in front of Popes imd
E. of Deadmans ridge were attacked.
Two Squadions of 2 L.H. under Maj. Bourne
organised into 4 lines.
Diff. to get out of post owing to barbed
wire wh is too far out to be properly 
covered or drawn in & wire
netting bomb shields.

A mine was exploded in front of left centre
& 1st line under Maj. Logan rushed enemy's trenches.
Immed. m.g. fire was brought to bear from both flanks 
& rifle fire from front. First line ws
mowed down & no one reached the enemy's trenches.
Maj. Logan. Lt Hinton, Lt Burge 15 o.r. k.
Lt Norris, 33 o.r. wd. Lt Col. Stodart stopped

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