Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/12/1 - August 1915 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR16061/217 Title: Diary, August 1975 includes reference to Lone Pine, German Officers’ Trench, the Chessboard and the Nek. AWMISS-SDRLCO6H21
8 7 In M [ 33 383 8 2 + 83 1 5 0 2. 208 E 0 8 532 132 38 52 2 5 "0 2:5 2 5 5 5 3 re12
Miary 12 Ang 8f En Bean Battle of Aug 6ti. Diary 12h Aug6. obtained as soon as I was able to get about - Ang 10to14
we blew adi asservo feriste (t The dale shd be any 10. Cenbs.) 1 often whole iw. were brucke bricks with revelled whis wl t be 29 abject of being enfiladed Obei all bact live vy 9. Cont. stiry of Ang 6 as Peter Schuler got it today yor ten left from 2 lines of truches At head of each sap were officer r NCO whiches. As soon as Maj. King t lew his the others bew their. Men went over ( trench, some of them, on ladders. 18 When pot to I trinches found tem beams and Gruspevood covered w wa brine to occasional holes in it for Skylight. It ws thoo these t our men fire down at Turks who had jone into 1 Tannels some of our slippe doson two thes hole feet foremost. Ts had gone outs tranch. They werent expectin Contordoal attack &. sech. feebleness of Combardment dednt pert then wisl. We had knocked he headcover alt a bit in previous the days & they were tannels where our men arrd our chaps ad see them terl
Stip sometim 3/ rob aswas sleeping mines were very deep & were on by cleared 53 2a sandbags at Spim Case end) & had 20k. & 70 right section to night d wn Wrtb7B at amon 8t te had attect abartikery & rifte fir did no goo & stood fering at them. Tarkise tunnels were splended made wledges bI where man ced le leaving the centril passige open. Trenches v. deep to snng dug outs. Icontained lots of amma & Ferman N.9 Bn Suphelks (4 Bn) went along telling new to fel down into Frinca, tarks were ofen to Tonvels ru towards our lincs. We don't know yet where some of tunnels leadto. They have plenty of Commn brenches & tunnel. Our dero mop didn't shorall. An officer ad run along some of this mage of trenches & suddenly at some corne be wod fall . Men behind him wd wait & snipe from behind braverse at man who had not their off
dotted portion 3 bount 8) after 2 of 12.30 Sutl they bobd is out of this bomb but Bn front 165 yards, Saben 250 120 wetout as LB 56 of parap it 67 Cover pa D co f to rend in odil went near 160 Aod 2 Barea. Posity captured by 5.45 in St advan In one case thy found a heap of 6 deat austalions on one sids & 8 deed to on other of one of these receives. Generall bettle of bombs. We hadat many men kelled consider swerity of attack. Wajont were slynlly wounded. we sand bagyed end of tomn. trenches. Weare sniped from S.Tolly & allsides - in fact adcover is needed. arenches were ver deep 10. & day (Ang 9) haw On Cargily accped an deapy T dead outof them, (abt 100 of theirs o 50 of ours buried by fatyus parties of Tommies). Dead lay I deep in some trenches - in some cases were simply buried there. In one sape teading our way I end ws blocked by 30 T. dead. On The Sunday night they counter attacken to bombs mosth throwa from 1 Comun
Turk toto Nicholson. acting orderly to col. of Ryt a reservet) & also another a Serft,184 Balk. & sd t presday we had caused lot of losses by bombardment. On day of real bombardment they took most of men into taweels – they were there when troops charged. Seyt 30 diont Exp attack having had bombandments before. when he got wond from obser efficir loot out English are coming a 4e rashed to get men Cntlf Cl but it us too late. Befor be id do it Enf were here. He thought 13 officers were t trenches, These bombers had bract range of our truches where we didn't know exactl when thay were. But we calue to know &then our case amxed. Our mex k. on exercesed in Combtovr Sey10 all day (Any 9) by order of one lot. at least (lass now 2 Bn vice Scobie K. one men at last pt saperioul in cas bombey supply of bombs unlumeted. 4 Ba ws taken out for 24hrs but put in ago on Sunday nght. Seventin 600 stong & came out To0 strong this morning Soue British treops areson in reseive. We are thinking of pathir haad cover over tranches tonight. Norks had appll got ever available pinstiee for wites &
The Popes H. machine guns - or one of them -wh ws taken out of its truck & pubon 1 parepet of support truc & fired back over caught a number of it crowach behient L. Pine on Ang 809. The gun we opened on them & one tark ws seen to doof onlef another on I right, & so on - over about a roodd ground. The facburs I barrel 81 gun is so worn to it spraysets bubets - as I saw also at lep of live when Capt Rose ws firmg at (. observers. About 1 twelfth time gua ws veed in this posite on Popes one bet as put thro & it ws telar down & and- a 75 stell landed within 6 feet of where it had bn, followed by h advzen others. pet into the place. We can see into 1 gully from it. The attack on R.O. French. At 110c. a mine ws exploded, at 11.15 another. Two others at 11.40. We gave femes 20 mins. to cleas & then rushed fom tunnels we adnt go over top bee. The forwd concealed firy has ws there not broker through We had to gater in tunnck & fo thro from heve. Mass of man crowded along all tunnels. A ead of them were officers & men to post. Trench ws only few yds away. At 12 men started to go out. They semply fell back wto arig of man waiting behind. Doctor Black says everymen lad
AN-on L. Pine One man in 3 Bn got 4 sandbays arreed them out in pout of trench filled them, lay behind them & observed for his officer & tole him where bombthrowers were. He got tho alried. one chap got into 3rd truel. awa T. who ron. As ron afterlain tell Turk ws jou by 3 TS. Then his turn to runn poubled round corner after cornen till met baustialians. Two knitt, two tood, & when 15 appeared letten have it. E men on jumping i sap faell of terks. wanted to take them presoner but G.() officer fired They shot him & then took rest -52. There were. 400 T Dead in onesection mosth k by bonbardment. more than one bullet in him. It O seens To hadlaid m.g. on place read the behad t waiy wounded had to be drazed to Men behi had to go out of over them. 3 officers were killed. I fancy Iregt broke. They were brought up to it again once or twice butonly 10men or so cd go atonce & they want or cdnt face it. I believe walker got- onto Forsyth & told him he ought to have bu on Spot organisay attack. Bennett, I Colorel, we territly cut ap + offered to throw away his life. A 3rd allengst ts ordered, but message afterwos arrived saying a it ws not to be delivered until order geven - &order af not given. I believe only one o
mine craters ws actuclly under trench – possibly none of them. The attack might conservably have succeesed if (men stole out & quietly Dorryth 64 Bn. (att bos) ordered to atteck Sto made Battacks - In cancelled. 11 pm 8 under lefd trench. O 11.30 second- 11.60 together Had to get men autito tnel cant be sure yet whether wines were under is yet. alld 207s into place ar jees etc. -5 Black is 18141 se bounds
men in I, scare con't get men out. Tobut to 63.1 not7 second attach ordered 55 adt took place. 214s on or 51 Fn Lx Bennett P & Dione Forsy 13Lx Fercyth 611 gave CEx & glast came along w notebook- Forsythwent I so before 2nd t fnow Den P31. a 3nd L& to he shd be there & ws ordered reoy s & stond leady but Nothing more happen After tis glack o

Official History,
1914-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.
Diaries and Notebooks
Item number: 3DRL606/12/1
Title: diary, August 1915
Includes reference to lone Pine, German
Officers' Trench, the Chessboard and the Nek.


Diary No.12.
AWM383DRL 606 ITEM 12 [1]
THE use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms
of gift to the Australian War Memorial. But, apart from those terms, I wish the
following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every
reader and writer who may use them.
These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be
true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what
was then in the writer's mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep;
also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so - but it does not
follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct his mistakes when
discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.
These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what
their author, at the time of writing, believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch
for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he
did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had 
seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand
evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed
upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that
those who passed on such stories themselves believed them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.
16 Sept.,1946


Diary 12.
Aug 6/7
Battle of Aus 6th.
Diary 12-Aug 6-7
(obtained as soon as I was
able to get about - Aug
10 to 14)


(X The [[?]]shd be
any 10.(.EW.DS.)
We blew up mines at L. Pine
abr afternoon at ------
Often whole trench ws covered
wooden loopholes were bricked up
w sand bricks with revelled
Trenches all seemed to be
made w object of being enfiladed
from N. Observation posts all back
from fire line.

Aug 9.Cont. X
got it today: Story of Aug 6. as Peter Schuler
Our men left from 2 lines of Trenches.
At head of each sap were officers or NCOs or
whistles. As soon as Maj. King
blew his the others blew theirs.
Men went over ( trench, some of them,
on ladders.
When got to T trenches found them
covered w xxxxxxxxxx beams beams and brushwood
w occasional holes in it for
skylight. It ws thro' there tt our
men fired down at / Turks
who had gone into / tunnels.
Some of our men stepped down thro'
these holes feet foremost.
T's had gone into tunnels. They werent
expecting bombardment attack &.
perh. feebleness of bombardment didnt
put them wise. We had knocked
their head cover abt a bit in
previous three days & they were
in tunnels when our men arrd.
our chaps cds see them there


slip sometimes 3 ft
-prob. used as
sleeping [[sh]]
(Diagram - see original)
Mines were very deep & were
finally cleared
by [[?]]
(Diagram - see original)
Cass went in at 8pm Sat
night (2nd) & had 20K. & 70
wd. in right secton tt night.
At 5 pm. on 8th reld by 7 Bn
at 11 am. on 8th the 2nd had attacked
the artillery & rifle fire did no good.

& stood firing at them.
Turkish tunnels were splendidly
made w ledges (Diagram-see original) wher men
wd lie leaving the central passage
open. Trenches v. deep w snug
dug outs. [contained lots of ammo
& German]
[[?Stephenson]] (4 Bn) ?2 Bn and went
along telling men to get down into trench.
Turks were often in Tunnels running
down out towards our lines. We dont
know yet where some o / tunnels
lead to. They have plenty of
Common Trenches & tunnels. Our
Aero map didn't show all.
An officer wd run along some
of this maze of trenches &
suddenly at some corner he
wd fall. Men behind him wd
wait & snipe from behind [[?traverse]]
at men who had shot their offr.


(Diagram-see original)
T's bombed us out of dotted portion
12.30 [[?]](Aus 9) after [[?]] a few
bombs they bombed us out of this
Bn front 165 yards, salient 250
Stephens 2 Bn: 120 went out of
recesses, 66 out of parapet
B Coy out of recesses, C over par.
A reserve. D coy came sam
was as first two.
1st line went over T [[sh]] to 2nd line
2nd line went to nearest trench.
100 dead [[?]] area. Positin
captured by 5.45 in S advance

In one case they found a heap of 6
dead Australians on one side & 8
dead Ts. on other of one of these
recesses. Generally battle of bombs.
We hadnt many men killed considering
severity of attack. Majority were slightly
We sand bagged end of [[?Commn]]
trenches. We are sniped from J.Jolly
& all sides - in fact head cover is 
needed. Trenches were very deep
& day (Aug 9 Aug 10)hav bn largely
occupied in digging T. dead out of
them, (abt 100 of theirs & 50 of ours buried
by fatyine parties of Tommies). Dead
lay 3 deep in some trenches - in
some cases were simply buried there -
In one sap leading our way / end
ws blocked by 30 T. dead.
On The Sunday night they
counter attacked w bombs
mostly thrown from / Commn


Turk told Nicholson:
Acting orderly to Col. og Rgt"(a reservist) & also another Cl
Sergt, 1 [[?]] Balk. {{/}} sd tt
[[?prou]] we had caused lot of losses
by bombardment. On day of real
bombardment they took most of men
into tunnels - they were there when
out troops charged.
Sergt sd didnt exp attack
having had bombardment before.
When he got word from observing officer
"Look out / English are coming: He
rushed to get men out of tunnel
but it ws too late. Before he cd
do it Engl. were there. He thought
his officers were K.

trenches. These bombers had /
exact range of our trenches whereas
we didn't know exactly where
they were. But we came to know
& then our case improved. Our
men h. bn exercised in bomb theory
all day (Aug 9 Aug 10) by order of one Col. at
least (Cass now 2 Bn vice Scobie K,)
Our men at last fot superiority in
bombing. ^Our Supply of bombs unlimited.
4 Bn ws taken out for 24 hrs
but put in agn on Sunday night.
It went in 600 strong & came out
200 strong this morning.
Some British troops are now
in reserve.
We are thinking of putting
head cover over trenches tonight -
Turks had appily got every
available pine tree for miles &


The Popes ft. machine guns - or
one one of them - wh ws taken out of its
trench & put on / parapet o /
support trench & fired back over
it - caught a number of xxxxx Turks
lying down crowded behind L.Pine on Aug
8 or 9. The gun ws opened on
them & one Turk ws  seen to drop
on / left, another on / right, &
so on - over about a rood of
ground. The fast ws / barel o /
gun is so worn tt it sprays its
bullets - as I saw also at
left of line when Capt Rose ws
firing at T. observers.
About / twelfth time /
gun ws used in this postitn
on Popes one left ws put thro'
& it ws taken down & ind.
a 75 shell landed within 6

feet of where it had bn, followed
by 1/2 a dozen others.

put into the place. We can see
into / gully from it.
The attack on G.) Trench.
At 11 o'c. a mine ws exploded;
at 11.15 another. Two others at 11.40.
We gave Fermes 20 mins. to cleat & then
rushed from tunnels.
We cdnt go over top bec. ite
forwd concealed firing line ws there not
broken through.
We cdnt: had to gather in
tunnels & go thro from there. Mass
of men crowded along [[?]] all
tunnels. At end of them were officers
& men to go out. Trench ws only
few yds away. At 12 men started
to go out. They simply fell back
into arms of men waiting behind.
Doctor Black says every man had



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