Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/119A/1 - Photostats - Part 2
S.P 9
Ap. 26 3p.m.
Hand drawn diagram - see original
[*Glasfurd all this time ws doing really splendid work).
G. went off & found / signallers & H.Q. of the 4th just starting off. They sd / bn ws making a gen advance. Went on to see how they had
got on & found bits of them coming back. Led some men to path, worn eno' to be in, & they dug in there. A path gives a line.*]
Bridges & M'Cay were standing at 1. Bridges told Glasfurd to send up troops from 16
a further line X. G. went back to Clements' trench & took 2 more lots of men from
there to Y & Z. On his way back he asked Elliot or his successor (7 Bn) to send troops
7th up to S but they never got
so far or never stuck there.
G. went back to the Gen.
(then at M) & McCay showing Bridges a notefollow told him I'm going
he had written to Warliss - Wallace ws to take it. Gen
approved & told Glasfurd to take Wallace up & show him 1 (where
he had bn & where he wanted 5th to dig). Glasfurd did so [[?]] coming NZ's H.Q.
tumbled over HQ of 5 Bn at M - (w [[Wallis?]])
Bridges had sd: Well I think
I'm going home - town Glasfurd
You do as you like - G. sd
he thought he'd go & see / set
& / time. Bridges sd: if you do
tell Cook & T. how pleased I
am w / way / atk has gone
S.P. 10
Map - please see original
S.Y 11
Map - please see original
S.P. 12
Map - please see original
Map - please see original
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