Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/119A/1 - Photostats - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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p26 Sp 10 11 pelin harts i dom Jay 1171 4 Gld inour thing horm bon Chinte af te in te e e e ele son e e all mays Cmetmnd 28 t Selers L. French brdgs Wilay mistending at Lhe Brudge ti gestfard to send a ta fom 4. a furthr live &. I went back t Clmenls brind a lst 2 more lite of mn from ther 6 fo2 on his way back he asked eller or his seaan y n) t snd Wit5 bet tymg 90 to for or never stuct thns. Tpe s el S Go ventback to the Sen homet Glesped Dn do seyoa like. em bn at) & a last hid pre he led with to wanters wata us t tle i At Brigg orhim raspro to tke unce
any cank vernlly argonied for tr Other Conches in good or fair ortor Oanogos or Peused Cremkes Wire enlangtements Our Dailion Obeerelion wle Ovg outs a ps m m RETERENCE aarsss mg nd 1 SS SCALE 1:5000. Roads and ground The Village is in ruins generally are cut up badly by Artillery fire. Sueely suma Woll dolined crecks uoed be enemy manen sured sie lint or cable i Hedges Hedge, well or sitch, (not known which Culldinge in ruIn 10 35 Nore: The faet that an on the mes, that one doe 16 reer ena accossart 1/1/
Ews by seale no 9 we 01 or sem t1 80 1013 Scale 5.000 50 8 N 5 D:42 0 130 0 12.8.18. Centours From Captured German Mag NS. Our nes put Mongaet s am AlaC se 2 d FERME O/ MOUOUET. 810 22 000 100
telh 6 an vins onvrils agenient for ho One canshes in good or tot oer conesed a sicued crenches Wre calangtments Ove elien crlied nte Ovyoule FAA. ACMA A M 181 RETERENCE AsSs a anente mnen n fereny Tnren Mississipppipin an MIn POZIERES SCALE 1:S000. Tho Village is trrho Roads and ground generally are out be badly by Artillery tiro. Seply Times Well delard cracks und by mnomy sured aoe tine or cabte Hedge Hospe, Fall or Fich, Cadt Fromn Mhrith sulsdings in outn 103 l 340 CONACOREO UP TO 18.4. 18 Nore: The faet that an obstacts is not represented on the mea) does not mean recessartly chat one 500 13
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S.P       9
Ap. 26  3p.m.
Hand drawn diagram  - see original
[*Glasfurd  all this time ws doing really splendid work).
G. went off & found / signallers & H.Q. of the 4th just starting off. They sd / bn ws making a gen advance. Went on to see how they had
got on & found bits of them coming back. Led some men to path,  worn eno' to be in, & they dug in there. A path gives a line.*]
Bridges & M'Cay were standing at 1.  Bridges told Glasfurd to send up troops from 16
a further line X. G. went back to Clements' trench & took 2 more lots of men from
there to Y & Z.  On his way back he asked Elliot or his successor (7 Bn) to send troops
7th up to S but they never got 
so far or never stuck there.
G. went back to the Gen.
(then at M) & McCay showing Bridges a note
follow told him I'm going
he had written to Warliss - Wallace ws to take it. Gen
approved & told Glasfurd to take Wallace up & show him 1 (where
he had bn & where he wanted 5th to dig). Glasfurd did so [[?]] coming NZ's H.Q.
tumbled over HQ of 5 Bn at M - (w [[Wallis?]])
Bridges had sd: Well I think
I'm going home - town Glasfurd
You do as you like - G. sd
he thought he'd go & see / set
& / time. Bridges sd: if you do
tell Cook & T.  how pleased I 
am w / way /  atk has gone


 S.P.      10
Map - please see original


S.Y     11
Map - please see original


S.P.     12
Map - please see original


Map - please see original

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