Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/10/1 - June - September 1915 - Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
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9t A fierse outburst of firing for 10 minutes at att 10.30 p.m. Evidently a counter attack at Despair Posd Cat we took last night te tarks have Alol of R.FA. gans have by arriving here . An order has fone out to oway t acroplan visits 2lc all gans are to be concealid. When I want ap Reserve fully yjesteg thene were all the R.F.A. Juns in A neighbourhood out on a white path without an attempt at concealment - there were a few sprays of holly (on lumbers) bud gans a guncarriage absolutely an covered obvious A Tanbe flew over tonight towards Arbsos other turned towards Helles. AF. & British anroplone - 2 of him almost immediately appeared here sailed over us &fN. for abt t an hour. Owr man; thinking tt one wo thin Terman, thought they had pt bong tooked for anr duel at last. Te water scheme ws handed over to Royal Engls atter I first filling yest. I has sice broken down - I don't know whys The fols. is an any. of tasting ito figityg e Iepy men glom A8C& Dcoys took part in the first
rust. They were to g0 out as soon as the me exploded as follow. no 12.12 e panway 9 19 D CC A Bea 60. ACo Cept. Tockan t Bankin W Puctell Cpp. nakliff. man Poe6 1114 Batation. O. Bombin holes 150 pp4 / 514, 2, A were extended into tunnels for mines - but No. 4 did not explode. pomon trench Te distum is abt 80. 40 y os on t ript att 50 on the left. A1 7.26 the moon had jast nun; a red light we put on 1 parapet. The Light Horse in 1 sente & the GBn in I nork ofeed fire to draw fire of the 11 Br two omines exploded- one at either and of truch. Most of parties aboce dached forwd (without waiting for other mines but some, who knew there shd have bn & exploaions waites. The thind mine exploded late. The 4th winl didn’t explocle ahall. I am not sere to
98 sidmane did not explade ater our men had got into trench because I saw an trustralion o a Turk being duy out from beneath a part of trunch wh had faller in. If wohed as if they had been there ping one anoter when mene weret of but of course I tark may have be Grig there Killet &C Cuustalian may have bu bariet by a high exploing shell next moning when tl Tarks were shelling trench. The right flank party (50d AC. under Capt. Rochliffe) consuty like all others of 50 me 26 storming party, 20 workers? 4 bomb th overs The vorking party carrent picks & Shovels & Eack man gand bsentay in pout ofin Rockliffe saw I mine veplode & then rushd ad once sones of other parti waited for 1 kid or 4 mine to explode. & so caught it prety severel on Iway over]. The turk's opposite Rockliffes party retreated into IComnis trench at theer cods trend, waiting there for any other mined to Explade. Rockliffes party just get bub 1 brend as 1. Turksstarted to come back wit it from 1 commn treach. Onr of our men we lying when I osthen bday right beyond trench, by 1 edge of this Tleist Comme. brengh Hr Was carrgay amuunition for 1 Quachur guns. He was hit on way on &woondered anndessly off in a dazed condity in quite, Gwrong directo.
Rochliffes first act wot get sandays across to cmma brenct. Rochliffes party t a few bap pom s parapet & begon pili them across, (wort of tred when tarks began to return With bombs & lob them over into our brench. ur sarlhad te bomb thowers 2ach W D boul -, 32! in DC. all ix boubtowers got acrosssfely as they advenced they had roson bouls ito Itrusnes. They w.soon ran thro'g their stock & I cititor benue v. bad. They devint Cnow what ws going to hagken When Rochliffe inotield a box tot out on surface. He sut for it thrng to it wa amoa when he got et in he found it wa fall of bombs. The boy carrong is hed tn his & hadoun back Four to time theug were much casier drove 1.Ts back down ( comm brenh when by + do lttle harn + barriated the antrance. The 1swa one or two attaks later in Mish. Bit thee were mon out of a their comn trar + mad have suffersoverely
Aug 516 But Teanes trench dusg 3. Prapslanding, shelled at night. Dd Whenn Wight of S. 6. in Aug. Ang. Tansport s can may 18 boub 4.35. an Bridges & Birdgd wanted Maclay to take habetin to camenp gully We ad he didnt want to owing to diffy of Shower of bombs on right of y s) far as Vtrend, L Robertson ws k in2 holding it. Our whole attack is a while Capt. Aarons )i Y4 Bombo a bay in wh 4or5 Isi is& much apt the cllack on extreme S probbed sa bag a sarous throw it on I essued. It ws to have come off yest. o fon bag till avoy its wihity sall) hores. Ra10. d1& on beach wden aft 14a got spiinte in tence. continuous work f Col Leasties wt Turks parpt b not more than 2his steepperday. 2piaas& wain beof enyk showing Cwhole Tack has to charge out (20mity the commoty Bombs. 6 hs I throwny after the first tine over &N oftruch to put up a notice today Warshaw K. or boabed 1 Everybody in lest as Faltin-o Ove your man sol on e bays. died vc inclidm apt hearing it - Lets see if we cant in ake L. Roberts on (rif. anrd. before) is bloody votice fall We putup on wed. an answer.! To will Stambout Tarkss GHA operations have not been on P.Br St Tarks mass under the spot at Helles- the Co. &C.IC are end o leaves y at A. Parli I believe bitterly oppose. of 30s ander tt Hall (3 f arriveat) were a I supports out of Oratinga (r trench (abt 60'c) charged across wheatfeeld. The got I on edge of cliffs m.g. from suipers of and Knife Edg at abt 200 yds: 4 Hall fell over 180 may wall A4924 n with 61 cleny us in confortak 4 23 Ded bazy xtunder out bagged & wall to ot Sn Giias 12 is have o one ten an foreti fout of the believe B St corpe pr
45 Bridges Ne od holdeng Our is right whte Kato continue not 2piday Tach after the To p as Fal hearenit co blood an an Gott the Spot believ TeAnes Frinch cliff dead - k.w bomb. Att. 10 men were found at bothom of cliff. te men got into trench. The so had run on seem (come. onownwhen the roI ordered to fe as soon as they rai did s (J0C.ofo c.i& 6 m.9 officer s 6900& n tarks were in lyon right for 2 brs. Poctor C as f oldesl W Lo men Abt 60c. Some potonto back of r & stood gs into trench. second. Af under to. Franklin were sent outi Poctor ws k. by shell almoston parapet. Tranklin as hit by Shrap. in liver ans Cx They got all t5 out of truck & took 6.20 in tunnet E dead in tumeel We had a -5. bombs in trench & each y had bombsI from first some of Poctors charge got to right of end of 2 & were lost in pont of it Tarks had put a paripit in I timuel of a bags. Re Smith of A Coy maning down tuwnel heard a click in front of hi rou back was only 180 many wall Au924 awno with 0 61 denly us in confortad p by. 23 Deed o hazy Ln X. tandery bogges to wall 1) is Dre Ve rwas 262 is have o one t an for they out of te believe p. St Kring Corps
up Bridge He sd holding Our con ive ryt wift Kat contine not 2iac Sac afe th T as ta hearing io blod an Ay Got the Spot belie k. W. May 6 Lea is1 V 2oa may 7. went out burying dead. Fired on Capt. Bage (antaret w Mawson) went out to sight l on silt spur. He got find on as he it, a in pegs a leave got one thro' putties. Re. Kondyke greeves (H.A. Cook)o] 1 buryn a coverig 4 & when (7Go on he crawled forward & stayed in hole. Sot hold of ig & stayed I till dust crawted in&ws cf st beour man. K. & w in original attack 0r0 offro. 0 38 65 2 2 103 105 and attack: 260 Total Leane's Frevid 180 Aag6. Shelling travlers in morning. many wale trawlens in opfin & F. Stel t. Fordeary rest of Aug 6 to Aug 24 Dee small notibooks wh I carried round with aneset one left in right secrion f) Yes. N0 off& wished t two tunnl to bring 01 up supports. clearly the attacking line never us; in hill cot is very close. A few the boy were kowerthh top confortal Past Brennans C C, or tasmenigs i of 4 7.23 post 6 & burat 30a killed I wounded hazy & now of guard. Olive grove did this menk trandery boged tho anke opening to a side of twt to sty By abt of the tring ws over De Jemas 12 Someone Cousited 163 dead - bombs + rifle fire from Yo Of O.R. be lost km: 4. is have 44 40 100 wounted. 3. oone 11 messing Officers Hall K. H. Robertson K. am an 4 Proctor died in re fore then 4 Franklin p on 72 W. Cpt. Rockliffe - shock + bont. W. Cap. Aarons. fout of te Stoment believe Oniman in attack chucked back 6 bombo He Lucky 116n D. St siens almost toa suchesipul but. Ar y corp is my authority.
Hug.S Bridges We sd holding Our ise rigt wt Eate continues not 2piaa Sac after the To as Fal heavin bloo an an G.t the spot behed k. W. May 6. Lean is1 N h 0 may 7. went out burying dead. Fired on Capt. P Director of bats. Ap. 25 Ri. Ari Burne Bn 10 Pn Tows so vmixed. 915 Pone of directing naval ofien i lnd Your ann 180 Ang6. Shalling travlers in morning. mary wall trawlers in opfing & To. Shelig at. Fordeary rest of Aug6 to Aug 24 see small notebooks wh I carried round with Aug 25. today ws & be the begining o raing season & 1 weather has clearly changed. It is very magge - I ws in bed w laryngitis & most an confortak bot - but a lttle rain fill. Aug. 23 was the first noticeable charge - bazy to a spongS. wind. Aug. 24 thundery & some a I am having my dugout bagged in for 1 winter - Bagley buill quies a nice 1100king pont well. the mar well whoes now suiping - post sniper at quines post, 2in a pasy " 12hro on & 12 hrs off - tells me to the Turks have periscope rifle. He first saw one on or about Aug 19 o 20. Did the tomorre have te on their trench on Chance k Bair before they legged it on Aug 10. 2 On Aug. 2300 24 the hight Horse wentout of the extreme left ofour line & bagged I believe about 100 Tarks & only lost 3, wounded, It seens almost too successful but Army Corps is my authority.
101 Case ws in yesty Te titts me 15t Austh Divn is to be relieved at last - the 2nd Dion will take its place. Bas to be moved out at intervals of 3 days one after other & taken a Tmbros for a month - Good canteen to be there & men allowed 2 good beer druks, a day 8Bn will go out first wnte. Fine trenches. 2000s one af others will relieve it. it will retieve god of 37d tkgo to pbos & So it starts. Will they deserve it if ever men did. Brig. Gen. Maclagan, Col. White, & Col. Brandare all ill g On Rosp, ships, so its about time, we went. a says be found abt 500 yos down Owes Gulley, Ma- T. Wonterin plaa. He pointed it out to Bde – the to make go there & a prisoner has confirmed this, but howitzers wout to for it. Apait of wastin ammn. Arthur manwell also tells ane they (he & Danc.) who are supers (see. E. Bpir better 2I) spotter a M.9. but guns wont go for it. This, if true, seems tie sheir idrocy. Our 1 machine yau does abt as much damage; as one British field gun - probably more & the guns cout have a better objectwe. The fighting at Love Pinehaba very
102 interesting, Things are do close there to we actuall have a peephol thro anto a 1 trech cappe (ats kept carefully covered up). Ht only shows the opposite wall & so far no one (as far as is known) has walked along it. The 1s have tried to mane but de blew down then tunnel + are now, counter -mining or sapping at any rate. we have tree bong dead end commnn. trenches A B & C. In the Combiy contist at B the Turbs have come off badtl. the have some wire matterases for overhead bor cover. We trud to knock, theis down o they ours – but toth failed to by guind. The we put a lckey Cotb. Court under their ((the Light Horse did) & hout it. (Cas has 153 effectiuves mo Bn& a squadron from 2(HBde) Tey then gai in bombs & managed to sheft some na roofso t15 practically had to leave sap. All of a sudden one night before anyone realied what ws happeng Is brought up a. M.g. st their sap & cut a note in our barricale - & then withd I gun & fired thro bags. our men saw sparks coming from I bags & cdnt wads out what ws up. When they discovered they buill upa second barricade 5 ft this side & are filling in interior w earth.

A fierce outburst of firing for 10 minutes at abt 10.30pm. Evidently a counter attack at Despair Post (wh we took last night). The Turks have   A lot of R.F.A  have  arriving here - an order has gone out  owing to aeroplane visits all guns etc are to be concealed. When I went up to Reserve Gully yesterday there were all the R.F.A guns  in the neighbourhood out on a white path without an attempt at concealment - there were a few sprays of holly on 1 _ but guns and gun carriages absolutely uncovered & obvious. 

A Tanube flew over tonight toward _ often _ towards _ . A Fr.  British aeroplane - 2 of them - almost immediately appeared  here and sailed over us  and  for all 1/2 an hour. Our men, thinking there one was 1 German thought they had for their  for air duel at last! 

The _ scheme was handed over to 1 Royal _ after 1 first filing year. It has since broken down- I don’t know why. 

The _ is an act.  _ last nights fighting fifty men from _ ABC & D took part in the first 





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