Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/10/1 - June - September 1915 - Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
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Section [this Baltery was founed in 1876 as a voluaties Batty of Her art (2ques) Sr T. Forrest, gunner. Sir Stephen Vanker (aft. chief Tustice) w8 driver o Septema Burt R.C. gamer amay others. Them fore, Batty of F.A. (W. Austiatian) 32 oprs omen blunteered & served in various contiunts in SA. voon IV.C CDSC ABCM.I IrBill yCSDSA T. Decastella; FMW Parkw; B. Vernon, B Brown, suftmas. Edwards, The Burley, Sexxt Barry, Fr Corkhell, 371h Batty CMM.F, 1912xorm 37 38clepseet) 37 Batly odenteere to a naw – 7op of 2 Ballys came - noty 37th in batty had recdtang 37 supplied all officers 33ncost men. 33th Belly supplied 21ncor Fimen. Many offins in DH.C. M.BAC.] T tat t o Eogins from ty bather. (French 75) were engaging is t tok then on, with 2guns. The boys knew it b cssintal to kces our barst of fine sonng rapidly. when our frun, ws hat another detachment junped in and we. ind there them. Junae Stanley Carter ws severaly hit by sae shall dyjing with a few minutes aihis first remasknon regarning conscioumnes was, I I fu alright gengt in fast of his back ass Coma the te of them were blown all wans Seny Taylor afer t explosion taylo weo n Caotes detachment janged in & went on w pon) Fing tos triid to so, or bing we wounded. when helpes away be atorgly proleated tt lhag shd alted b Iohn book after henard & carter. ily thero bad by he- Im only scratched do taytor ha being has in 14 different parts of his v0 Horng Mercua this morin) sent down burriedly to say Tarks were withn a few feet of one of our mines. He mine as all ready tampe & f collon laid. Std th if fin. Jen Walker coub up ao white. I it ws fired. Ionly crumbled (grown a above it. I turks were heard ioaning the afternos. Piranswent into time afterwoos. The Pases were not out of at & some cought fire & burnt him badly. The turks recently stote some more were from in pout of our treches not 8o09 lengths like thy stote before + put up on sally but a bit of y They pha M. p onto one of our men fixcy wire Cother uyls & killer () him. A fare hoppned to be senbap cohile hear there. Pth Bally Thurs July 29th on 17t quanes to Barrett Lemard us serving No 2 guar when hys exptasive hit shriels of gun + metal driven tho he body. He insited 1 Look atter sent, Sir; Im all right. - well lads I'm done - Ifeel myelf sinking but by god You see Im dyny hard. only 20 yrs & age-leftarn shattere, lef High pacture, leg tom open about tence, Died in 1/ Mrs. (see opposite.) Spent whole of this day going roand first, second & 10th Bno setting sloeres of 1 day. An attack is possible tonight. The last thei is to Turks have by seen taking Ihead cover off the Taller they wd have to do this if an attack were on, by
5th a And Bn 120 Braund 5aand 6 7 Plation off Held sumoit fanie arrived there 26t 21 (suds om g tere on fft & loi a loty pehet ap were f 237 6. 1234 1000 a3 cane & 5/01c on sund & retired at B pm. I t a company of NG. /she ky ou. lie. Held posile all night rely in o 1 disposed 3 sevens 4 1115 at Co of Stephi 125.6. W.I) look up pon lest plank to beach. 13619 . 255 We Land V. on monden Henry shall fir 212 4130 Tunk How entaty byand shallig whi 9e an Cunt arided from wien Ene eat. dett. w t No 5elator nscuet take hit a 1 Deary (ee abod Gred Bo Md Bn Achore 7.20 near that Clus first h bn. (1541 md Con) 2. 9 of B3. Wolef. and half landed & ws sent at once D. co up snpupfli in Bie went up on eft past 53 Gurns pos, t7seotie Inchuder some N.2, wth were returing under 1251 43 b.& fa No. on. in trich on left. There ws a oniper in F.H.n onday gtintoit by tus reprted suspicioes tooking t thrks all 3 down man ridge Jws $10.30 ho Concanon cos te May. Burk, wounded in Co & Concannot toal st brenct. (2 in front of he D.CR). wstapen bayyonel We were in t.Y. w backs tera chapd up ridge when to attache be cnt ee. the in scrt CYldin as an old F rrench by advoging 25ds forwgh, C. killed 1810
a the 7Bn dit ton on fund 807 cte ferenping hty sane as so Eot canon took 24 was sutd onto 30 fo by Harrin at i aghin w advenced from 2s payonet beg. 404 125 p trus 5dy left alt 28 &. 50rd sn. Cop advanced in At 40/c he begin to retur but sone odd men were fou in the trench we fust vacated & the rebiist was stopped. apt F010 Hhack Ct at Em t bughs et gotout S bonb. Ser. wd 4 50& when thy got near parppet theyd call Hassan & bomb wd be theewr towards Pvoice. We were on down slopt sed seet hear (as they came over, c live tn light on fellow came up on me Indeav he called Don't shoot 2B Were bowld owngDB. Ca & 60 men in 155 44 hr - but got into depressionand crape, up w entricting tools, After te her got a little cover. Dugourselves in a little atter night. During night the turks were conig V F.bombe at Welliagton & shouti Hllah 2 Deytowehed m & pressed, the teer. Henod shothim & also got of the man who should Harsan. Bombsfell short, The chap P.) an Indians Abt 10 o/c. Mas. Hartof W.E. came up & while Staphenson ws showing hind round he ho shot. Abt 1010. a co. F03, or unded thay. Saunderson; I4ol ENI Bayles 5210412 as day break 26 men praying &ive disturbed the. I Bn never responded to Tsmers 3181p5 on Sunday 60171/16 8 6 932 Capt wallingbor we theve we were I on wed monning no 60/0. gen Walker arrd there Thesday at 106 Gordon ws between seobic & the left. Col waedagn baste scobed a rewfofe on lest at guins it wt green
2550 Steelis scotie wuntap by a iree I believe tbe A few NGs were there & were reting 143 days lossed f 2 17 offers 47 6947 thenday wt avy. all day long. 8th6 Pictdson charged do $1200 ome sunday He oo tol t pacross left ha sill of fulty say 7400 lestbefores of chuedhil. Here were paiks in tratly, tog. mpen Fally at weool san 20.0 304& rereating as we can along. We went over a sage on lep han cide of guilly & down into Caltagan Pretriato in small parties to a grodge at away vy were onsiladed on oun lett at aright sons. we sawour ony troops on I bid on our right advancing ppobe falle To capt. Richardson ordered fir bayonets charge Avo partosiomis own Bon under L Tones (the Ter of Dr Coy.). The to/ seemed our from ag At a 149 hesitate (te were in straap go heavy camatters) or sting our rusk they made off te were Boyos at ads. He last man sai. We wok 1pos whe we sotpiy we sa the refring sist 160. We flossed down & shot etl s o tha We remain there soms lne tillssone 2B 79 We remp camoalong att 2000. Ohe Parks were onty bying under cover sharting. N.3. went forward on our left – their officer wos cnadred& they came back. I shout ws omour left when we started from Tay scobie. when ordered to so up bill we went round on shouts left. We went perwd before shoot did shoulds to Col Braund on the right of Ld Br wen We came back we piched ho some shrgten decided to work trt & connect us if possible charsed on sery tarks comin i onou We went b our right from corp Kenning wa small party ws Boyds on ony righe from D Co 2nd 5 Bn. He had come up the other jully Remained neg here bill dark on top out of sight of gally. we suit back for remfs. big t elidne arrive spaid bery takoff & not being able to gete wuch wer retued abt 150 7ds to a small fully att woyds aleed of in dijully we edsed our menacious jully on night evd hiwe Galleng ephi we We camedown & joined 2 Barton areanaued there till roed. We sohonts an old F truch (across tox of rl1. Wr Cowie. was tatt there I ant gound as - rown (wok up on ont left amb live on our night. we held tell ref by May Steele who took charge on this aact mede allo tuday nigh 1 we resand our B onwes ofonof morning there wa an abtack N on our right flanky. The better in abous-
ro okips guas there thond ap o wa an alact lgond le Major Dauson? or on left on Mondan The fleet ws shalling od aferioon o Chissbrd heady riftefire Chisob tn) Conie hedtu dim in from own lest pent. capem les front hant wo is charg if the pair of the mys There we an attack, on our sy on thes e were sent to remfsce may bot after We were saued but allack petered ondwe came back T we a valler separtiat on 1ecalanders n mit ever got in defu us k wer golgt havit in tifvallig Capt. Richardia was would exn after the sen 6 misoved afen W Brown ws in mapnel brent. befor 1 char lys Corpt. Craddock als went to take off his puttie out C ordered to on intoprilive gully wh g up isgully ad in from stabsfully o ran at its aughs te it we lossoy eai there Whit Scotie Coldns to frenton tthe left wh be side of hill in orders to get out of wayo shaap is forward quient tiel porite af Steele waler 4 fi erf w rear of courti at tk bin poses. The Wary droppe 3 shl into ti Pops rdn. 2Bn 80 Lanb as alr 39c sent Bartons platoon Straight ap) Steele W. Tones, went on unp jully to ot of Posed to try opid rest of coy. He went to head of gally & found o dog t Zealanders. I wahopriele to corner off Cless board. When on tope there I saw several of my compay well dute to myse there - on Baly 700 or over it a corpt, a Nge reported to me to a party of tasmovting on his sile of Baby N0 towards Popes ridge catling the Cooff Wot being able t see anyoue on left I moved the men back to right of Popes Hid to the right o Chessfoard. There I met to campbell () and some oficer of Brd B (capt hear). we held on there & were down back beetwer 400 fyds. akind of & toles of our firm line. I moved along to rept to Lt Barton infey time e reted tho some Zxalas. sones from where the got to co pee. the sea o a turmponse We stood out top It thitl & saw) L.H. & the rditive The plation under Richardson wis to their left pout. Capt Brown can remnder (cing (soeed see the turks coming up by t farm to attack. Brown at at 30e. fu ti Where Browncharge there were Ansticling dead; but where they charge and ling there were many that was after we had retured - when the N.3/s had ast be reached on our right near quinns. ht shal off we bying one may his ad frest to seyt may Tones firng w ryht arm he ws a NZealander - He wa prop I rifle on 1 ground apt his elbow. He ws shot too read present
2Bn Bro. Bri battle onsperte we diseutly in pond of Clayton apse factous were rashed not to interfere t bapt foutpost Machine Junnin N. Ser Ed. Brain b him worked his gun with one hand shaltered Braund ba to tall bis men to fin bayonels I charge yor trd innight th Ao Brefor at tnd of bd sap wo held ropened under perfect, Conbisl When wanled to let a body of t5 come up of Brown. fotd pen (who were tyng ont thn o contin b ompond till Key sot. 50. yosover). face t hem switthed of fo adduty ante Pit /27 1o1sot taie 2 Br. 4 Moreshead of 2 Bn to to me: went forwd & ws near (now mast 1Bn abo Popes gully. We near Swannell when be Gs. K. (Swannell wo k. abt Old tirk H.2 on wside of Popes jully). Gordon reached top of Walkers Ridge & was takeng dispositis - trying to place his men. when he as shot tho (I think) the head. He ws just sayiy something to his men) when he wa hit - exactly sort of officer the Tonipers were booking out for a five square tal man, brave as they make them Moeshead went on - always on (lef, I thinks he made padually across head of Malones Gully & down sper either on Nor I side of it to I beach. He met Lawler there (see (2 (Bh notes) & saw him killed. Atewds they got a message from behind them tillingthe N.2.wI there (& He thinks had by firing at them). Col. D. Stewart of Canterbury sent him a measage to retire; but presnt t be got a second measage? stay where you are, we with come up to you. A litelelater a 3rdmenage came telling the again to retire (the shsapuel had by tremendously heavy in Iinterval)+ Col. Stewart ws almost immediate afterwa killed Moreshead's party retired down a spie to beach. The 15t (Bn they thought were son where on their right. They themselves were never on creat at (any rate of Balzz
or 10 Bn. BoC Co and in Olham & Cape. Tacob Butties Scouts under Talbot Smith I I Sonian to Pof. W on 24h Ap. Co at umerod Ar D Coy under M Bievor & Capt. Herbert 899.N 4 E ig. section Foxpound & Scousp This was done of Inbros 213 SJane 25th B.C Coy. & H.B. & Synaller P (PdWen Pefw, & Bucchante)] by woodin ladders specially made. Hoon wos down - edut see land. Men were steying on half deck meas deck & Capt. Cobby 6o 73p C) not coffer o lxoa in th 141710 100 py Nos. sd b tobe up all night we moved along fot ship I then Tows left ship, 2tows from each side i but all & got into To& 12 boats not inel steamboats wh D We sleamd to p Brighton Beach t Them tered o at least woyds out possibly me cal weir sd thereo no sound. The only thing we ad hear ws the splach of oars after we had cast offe to & 9½ we £.50 pa2s, i when Capt Loveingo heard a yell. Then one Thot rang out from Aoi Burnn knoll - We saw the flask & we cdijust see the outhing of a hill staeonms, w 2 in front one on lefts tone a good bit away or ae right oushois of hiell
83 We ead to how anthe 15 yards If ws 5whershot by navy tie. We got out of boats ent [(3C of weiter- stoney bollow shng wh apset many who adendawordhe bullets o hetii sparks out of the oelosiebule some men ifIoI. Tey flopd down on inshore fie of beacht to looan packs & fix Itf We shd have goo themop if we had had no packs a fen sabit ing down [thek is to get seared beg de were making no noie. 9101 st well mied I ordered an advance. Bix Sofbo y (men sprang to their feet of all 300s12i9/417/6 hih a I here were a few To in the tranch of the Cittle but & The Turks were fering from E we storne hat spaihg f Annear, ws kelled getting to too Mal Robertsonf9 w wounded there o Noturks wailed on tog. Tha rifles were tade ater taking. Geri Burnny sably 114ue E 5/34 134 returend 8t fie paturally followes then & sprappel [eutly stort. By tume in 15A 203 Coy from the deslroyer had f beach. (Itws ourt light of Jobn Tepe gams had geed on te of specpael all the tnks who were in inds of 6 were tayongeted tricd all
84 way over after to they were paring (ofI doad or wounded. when we got on Phes Platern we d found turks firing from across the call to our right font Had no means of saying how man. We lost (a few man.] We wing shaught down shrap, jully & bp other side f The turks fine onig from 400 platedn we came across the 400 plattar losing some men & there were men moning in out on spyline ot gan 4 our jot as to take 9 on guit Ridge. There was a huth- we werent setting much firm, when we got to the Nrear 102 of J. Tolley The Brigadier as in t French on Razor Back We reonganised for the t on S. Ridge Tha everg started to put troops in our lettws in the air. Des- we sutin on our lift abo wirgsuky 78.10 on Fottyu H.Co. On our/ rt wp B3 to of the 9th & 114 Buymised. e were inposit abt 6.30. We were the only on pritty well whole- We had tl abt I dipng in 461/6.30 to 7ve coser troops on you of your patrols in pout-down the dreek were hive in. They reported it the banks o HCH. were very stirp, abt 304 hights Hundercut by ran Lots of good water
85 in it I Jui edho gespa 1/opesidd & so worked S.. The every seeued to have alof of his troop (in fabay vepe & thee were working up found out fan Ridge. he reported on strugt of this to Bugadiel to g was on [Sun Ridge (co not be taken r told hs todis in We fought paross E00 Platean all of moning. The eveing didn't seem to gev along beyond fun ridge until midday. Abl, midday we saw a greet number of toogs moving to our North over gun Ridge + we (cd. till then principel by the dust [haten on the day (be tw Tox they. came over the E shoulder of Baby 700 abt 2000 gos away in close foration (over the tiell in what haked like company cotumng, & extended when ty for over the hil. They were foo fay for us to get at at o/ rifle. They diployed f gotout of sight of attack u alt 409in 36 had sprap on us all 1igrning bas in before 141 0/ is ws N bad ? Thys shap fam from NC Wifedsee te flashes. Maj. Biowt wf on fur left Befor big attact or sund attere te c hea ts yive orders attiged tong. [Tte all act caune at hs from NE. Meany (Wies of tuites coming up to wihing 40vyas from NE. We got at them after they got onto skyling of I.Solley. we kad another count

[This Battery was formed in 1876 as a Volunteer Batty Section of Horse
Arty. (2 guns) Sir J. Forrest, Gunner. Sir Stephen Parker (aft. Chief
Justice) ws driver. Septimus Burt K.C. gunner & many others. These 
formed Batty of F.A. (W. Australian). 32 offrs & men volunteered & served in
various contingents in S.A. & won 1 V.C. 4 DSOs 4 DCM.s Edwards
FW Bell VC; D.S.O. J. DeCastella ; FMW Parker; Lt. Vernon; B. Brown; Sergt Maj.
Edwards, Tpr Burley, Sergt Barry, Tpr Corkhill. 37th Batty C.M.F; 1912 formed
37 & 38 (left section); 37 Batty volunteered to a man - 77% of 2 Batty came - mostly
37th. 111 men in batty had recd training - 37th supplied all officers 33 ncos &
men. 38th Batty supplied 21 ncos & men. Many others in DAC & BAC.]
3 officers of 38th
went to other batteries
4 guns from I battery (French 75s) were engaging us &
we took them on with 2 guns. The boys knew it ws essential
to keep our burst of fire going rapidly - When our gun ws hit another
detachment jumped in and we smothered them.
Gunner Stanley Carter ws severely hit by same shell dying
within a few minutes. His first remark on regaining
consciousness was: "Is / gun alright Sergt" - Part of his
back ws torn away.
The three of them were blown all ways.
Sergt Taylor: after / explosion Taylor went on (Another
detachment jumped in & went on w / firing) Taylor tried 
to go on firing tho' wounded. When helped away he
strongly protested tt they shd attend to / others. Look
after Lennard & Carter.  They're only They're badly hurt -
I'm only scratched. Taylor had been hit in 14
different parts of his body.
[*Mills commanded 6th, Spurge Capt in 5th, Macadam commanded section of D.A.C.
Thompson reinf. 
Leschen reinf for 37th battery
No one ws left to command 
batty. Therefore old retired 
Sergt Maj Jose came
forwd & commanded both
batteries in Australia
w trainee boys as officers. 
They have the 37th guns.
38th guns were brought
at line
Waggons of 37 Batty went to
48 draughts & 10 riding
horses were Batty horses
from W.A. Rest were
horses bought in S Austr.

Young Mirams this morning sent down hurriedly
to say / Turks were within a few feet of one of our
mines. Shd he give /  The mine ws all ready
tamped & g. cotton laid. Shd the ^ Gen. like it fired.
Gen Walker went up w White & it ws
fired. It only crumbled / ground a lot
xx above it. 3 Turks were heard moaning
there afterwds.
Mirams went into / mine afterwds.
The gases were not out of it & some caught 
fire & burnt him badly.
The Turks recently stole some more
wire from in front of our trenches - not 8 or 9
lengths like they stole before & put up on / Jolly,
but a bit of it.
They got a m.g. onto one of our men
fixing wire / other night & killed (?) him. A flare
happened to be sent up while he ws there.
Thurs July 29. On 17th Gunner D. Barrett Lennard, ^ 8th Batty ws
serving No 2 gun when high explosive hit shield of
gun & metal driven thro' his body. He insisted
"Look after / Sergt, Sir; I'm all right. -- Well lads
I'm done - I feel myself sinking but by god you
see Im dying hard." Only 20 yrs of age - Left arm
shattered, left thigh fractured, leg torn open above knee.
Died in 1½ hrs. (see opposite.)
Spent whole of this day going round first,
second & 10th Bns getting stories of 1st day -
An attack is possible tonight. The last thing is tt /
Turks have bn seen taking / head cover off the Jolly,
They wd have to do this if an attack were on, but


Ap 25th.
2nd Bn.
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
12 o'c.  This was occupied permanently by Colonel Brand & 5 and 6
& 7 Platoons of B.
Held summit of ridge arrived there
abt 2. Subj to m g fire on left & lost a lot of
men getting up ridge (237 b to 234 c)
1000 NZ came up about 5 o'c. on Sunday & retired.
At 8 pm we received a company of NZ. The reinforced our
line. Held positn all night & dug in
F.H destroyed 11.15 at request of Stephenson ? Stevens
12th Co N.Z took up from left flank to beach.
13th battalion retreat 2.30 o'clock on Monday.
No hard fighting on Monday.
Heavy shell fire directed on Turks trenches.
Tues 4.30 Turk Howitzer batty began shelling ships
5 a.m.
9.15 am Reinfs arrived from beach 2nd Bn. Est depot
for ammn & stores  No 5 platoon ws sent to take
T. trench at 10.30

Diary (see ahead)
2nd Bn.     2nd Bn
Ashore 7.30
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
first ½ bn, (1st & 2nd bns) 2 plns of B. whole of C.
2nd half landed & ws sent at once to
D Co ws sent up to reinforce the 3rd
Bde. Went up & in on left past
Quinns post. to Major Scobie.
I picked up some N.Zs wh were retiring under
[[shorthand]] officer.  No one in trench on left.
There ws a sniper in F.H. on 
Monday, got into it by trench.
[*N Z ridge
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
2 Platoons  
of B sent
here & withdrawn as N.Z.s
were to take over place.
& some of C.*]
10.10. Tues reported suspicious looking trench.
Stragglers Turks abt 3 in afternoon were coming down main
ridge. It ws 10.30 we advanced.  Concannon ws k &
Maj. Burk wounded in that advance. Concannon took
T. trench (? in front of the Nek). ws taken w / bayonet.
We were in T trench w backs to sea & charged up
ridge when Ts attacked, we cdnt see them in
scrub.  The trench we were in ws an old T. Trench.
We advanced 125 yds forwd - C. killed.


2 Bn
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
1st day
out of touch w
exc left
T. trench.  Taken by Concannon
at 8 o'c. on Tuesday morning
Mond prac same as Sund exc. for sniping & shelling.
Tues. Concannon took T. trench abt 8.
was pushed out of it
Got in again & ws reinforced by Harrison w 30
Abt 10 we advanced from tt trench with the bayonet bec.
Turks were firing on them close in the scrub. 125 yards and tried to dig
in. Col. advanced in left abt 2 o'c 50 yds farther 
At 4 o'c he began to retire - but some
odd men were found in the T trench we
first vacated & the retreat was stopped.
abt 5 o'c.
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
Attack started at 8 pm
w bugles etc got onto
parapet with bombs. Sev. wd
go & when they got near
parapet they'd call "Hassan" & bomb wd be
thrown towards / voice. We were on downslope
& cd see & hear (as they came over sky line in
moonlight. On fellow came up on hands and knees
and when he got up he called Dont shoot me Indian

2 Bn
were bowled over with machine guns.  B. Co lost 4 officers
& 60 men in 1st ¼ hr - but got into
depressions & scraped up w entrenching tools.
After ¼ hr got a little cover. Dug ourselves
in a little after night. During night the
Turks were coming right up to the parapet throwing bombs at /
Wellington machine guns, blowing bugles & shouting Allah.
He touched my bayonet.
I pressed the trigger. Herrod shot him & also got
the man who shouted Hassan. Bombs fell
short. The chap who said he was an Indians
Abt 10 o'c Maj Hart o / N.Z. came up &
while Stephenson ws showing him round he ws
Abt 11 o'c a Co. of N.Z. arrived under Maj.
Sanderson; we got a heavy attack about midnight. Bugles
mostly between 10 & 12. At daybreak we saw 6 men
praying & we disturbed them.
The Bn never responded to T. snipers
on Sunday night.  The men would say at outset don't shoot don't shoot let him come
closer.  Then where would be an argument as to who had shot him.
Capt Wallingford ws there.
We were relieved on Wed morning at 6 o'c.
Gen Walker arrd there Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.
Gordon ws between Scobie & the left.
Col. Maclagan wanted Scobie to reinforce
our left at Quinns - wh ws v. green.


2 Bn
Scobie went up by a tree I believe to be Steeles
A few N.Zs were there & were retiring.
1st 3 days losses of 2nd Bn
17 offcrs
477 o.r.
Tuesday ws heavy all day long.
Richardson w 16th platoon charged at 12 o'c on Sunday. He
ws told to go across left hand side o / gully. They
got right in amongst the Turks.  R left before Sc. climbed / hill.
[*They went to the right of Popes*]
[*Capt Brown*]
There were Turks in / valley & top o /
gully at that time.  We only saw 20 or 30 ^ I killed my first Turk here. & retreating
as we came along. We went over a ridge on
left hand side of gully & down into gully again.
T.s. retreated in small parties to a ridge abt
80 yds way. We were enfiladed on our left
front & right front. We saw our own troops on
a hill on our right advancing up the gully.
So Capt. Richardson ordered fix bayonets &
charge. It ws part of our own Bn under Lt.
Jones (then Sergt Major D. Coy. w 14th platoon) The Ts ^ in our front seemed
to hesitate ^ as we charged (^ in gully we were in shrap fire heavy casualties).
On seeing our rush they made off. They were 80 yds
away. The last man ran when we were abt 30 yds. We took / positn
- when we got there we saw the retiring Ts, perh
50 or 60. We flopped down & shot abt 20 of them.
We remained there some time till some
[*The big hill
ws on our
right & /
us from
our own

2 Bn
N Z reinfs came along abt 2 o'c. The Turks were
only lying under cover & shooting. N.Z. went forward
on our left - their officer ws wounded - & they
came back.
Lt Shout ws on our left when we started from
Maj. Scobie. When ordered to go up hill we went
round on Shouts left. We went forwd before
Shout did. Shout ws w Col. Braund on the right
 of 2nd Bn.
When NZ came back we picked up some stragglers
& decided to work to rt & connect up if possible.
[*Capt Richardson ws wounded just before
Corp. Kennedy joined us.*]
We went to our right front & charged on seeing Turks coming in on our right flank. Corpl. Kennedy w a small
party xxxx ws 30 yds on our right from D Co 2nd
Bn. He had come up the other gully. Remained
here till ^ nearly dark on top out of sight of gully.
We sent back for reinfs. but they didnt arrive.
Afraid of being cut off & not being able to get in touch
we retired abt 150 yds to a small gully
abt 100 yds ahead of main gully.
We cd see our men across gully on right
(prob they were in gully ? X of sphinx).
Late We came down & joined Lt Barton
& remained there till Wed. We got into an
old T. trench across top of ridge. Lt Cowie
& Maj Lamb joined us - we saw Maj. Lamb there  Cowie took up on 
our left - Lamb xxxx connected line on our right.
We held till reinforced by Maj. Steele who took
charge on Tues. Attacks made all Tuesday night.
On Wed aft. we rejoined our Bn.
Mond morning there ws an attack
on our right flank. They belted in at us.
NZ trench
dug in
on our


2 Bn
No ships guns there. Mond aft. there ws an 
attack beyond our left. We cd see N.Z. under
Major Dawson ? on our left on Monday.
The fleet ws shelling on Mond afternoon another
?Chessboard, heavy rifle fire (not like
Chessbd then).
[*Chessbd to
start w
ws on our
right front 
Finally on
our left
Col Monash
w know.*]
Cowie had bn driven in from our left front.
Lamb came from our left front Lamb ws in charge of
this part of the line.
There ws an attack on our right on Tues.
afternoon & we were sent to reinforce by Maj. Lamb -
we went round but attack petered out & we
came back. There ws a valley separating us
from / N Zealanders. No Turks ever got in behind
us & never looked like it.
[*It ws Popes
Hill where
we were*]
We got hit heavily in tt valley.
Capt. Richardson ws wounded soon after the second
charge. Brown ws in middle of 6 men over where
a shrapnel burst.
[*We were
at Steeles
Corpl. Craddock ^ before 1st charge ws wounded in both legs.
His mate went to take off his putties but C. ordered
him to go on into firing line. (in gully where shrap ws
falling). This gully ws in front o / big gully & ran at
right angles to it. We lost very heavily there.
[*We were
from NZ on
our right.*]
When Scobie told us to reinf on the left we
went round the other side o / hill in order to get out o /
way o / shrap. & bn went forward quickly.
In our first positn at Steeles we were
we were firing across rear of Courtney at Turks
behind Popes. The Navy dropped 3 shots into our own
men on Popes ridge.

2 Bn
Lamb at abt ? 9 o'c. sent Bartons platoon
straight up Steeles. Lt. Jones went on up gully to
rt of Popes to try & find rest of Coy. He went to 
head of gully & found ½ doz N Zealanders. 
I went w them to / top o / ridge to the left top
corner o / Chessboard. When on top there I saw
several of my Company well out to my right
there - on Baby 700 or over it - a Corpl. o /
NZs reported to me tt a party of Ts ws moving
on this side of Baby 700 towards Popes ridge
cutting the Coy off. Not being able to see anyone on
left I moved the men back to / right of
Popes Hill to the right o / Chessboard. There I
met Lt Campbell (2nd Bn) and some officer of 3rd Bn
(Capt Lear). We held on there & were driven back.
We were 400 yds ahead of & to left of our
firing line. I moved along to right to Lt Barton
in firing line. We retired thro some N. Zealanders.
of this.
(Brown & Jones
had evidently bn
talking it over
& their ideas
were mixed
thro' this).*]
Jones from where he got to cd see the sea & a farm house.
We stood on top o / hill & saw F.H. & the "railway."
The platoon under Richardson ws to their left front.
Capt Brown can remember seeing / sea.  Jones cd
see the Turks coming up by / farm to attack Brown
at abt 3 o'c.
Where Brown charged ^ first time there were many no Australian
dead; but where they charged 2nd time there were many.
That was after we had retired - when the N.Z.s had
just bn reached on our right near Quinns.
One man w his arm right left hand shot off ws lying
next to Sergt Maj jones when firing w right arm
- he ws a N Zealander - He wd prop / rifle on / ground
agst his elbow. He ws shot thro / head presently. 


2 Bn
3rd Bn battle outpost ws directly in front of Clayton
& Magee - Instrns were issued not to interfere w / 
battle outpost.
Machine gunner N.Z. w Col. Braund by him worked 
his gun with one hand shattered. Braund had to 
tell his men to fix bayonets & charge 4 or 5 times
in / night.
20th May. 2nd Bn fire at end of blind sap
ws held & opened under perfect control.
When wanted to let a body of Ts come up Capt Brown
told men (who were turning on them) to continue
to fire on front till they got 50 yds over
the surface & then switched off suddenly onto
them. Only 2 or 3 of 50 got back.

2 Bn.
Lt Moreshead (now Maj). of 2 Bn told me: went forwd & ws near
1 Bn abt Popes Gully. ws near Swannell when 
he ws. k. (Swannell ws k. abt Old Turk
H.Q. on W side of Popes Gully). Gordon reached top of Walkers
Ridge & was taking dispositns - trying to place his men -
when he ws shot thro' ( I think) the head. He ws just
saying something to his men when he ws hit - exactly /
sort of officer the T. snipers were looking out for -
a fine square tall man, brave as they make them.
Moreshead went on - always on
left, & thinks he made gradually across head of
Malones Gully & down spur either on N or S side
of it to / beach. He met Lawler there (see 12 Bn notes).
& saw him killed. Afterwds they got a message from
behind them telling them N.Z. ws there (& he thinks had
bn firing at them). Col. D. Stewart o / Canterburys
sent him a message to retire; but presently he
got a second message: "stay where you are; we
will come up to you." A little later a 3rd message 
came telling them to retire again to retire (the shrapnel
had bn tremendously heavy in / interval) &
Col. Stewart ws almost immediately afterwd killed.
Moreshead's party retired down a
spur to / beach. The 1st Bn they thought were
somewhere on their right. They themselves were 
never on / xxxxx crest at any rate of Baby 700. 


10 Bn.
B & C Co under Major Oldham & Capt Jacob & Bn HQ
scouts under Talbot Smith transferred from the Ionian to P of W
on 24th Ap afternoon. at Mudros.
A & D Coys under Major Beevor & Capt Herbert
respectively transferred to torpedo destroyers with the m.g. section Foxhound & Scourge.
This was done off Imbros about midnight (?).
3 a.m. 25th B & C Coys & H.Q. & Signallers
left P of W in P of W & Bacchante boats by wooden
ladders specially made. Moon ws down - cdnt
see land. Men were sleeping on half deck mess deck
& Capts Lobby (outside his cabin)  They had hot coffee & cocoa in the
morning.  Major of marines gave the colonel his cabin.  Most of the officers had cabins, pyjamas
Nos. sd they wd be up all night.

We moved along w / ship. Then
Tows left ship, 2 tows from each side one behind
the other but all 4 got into line. 12 boats not
incl steamboats wh took no passengers.
We steamed about beside Brighton Beach.  Then
turned N at least 100 yds out - possibly more.
Col Weir sd "There's no sound." The only
thing we cd hear ws the splash o / oars after
we had cast off.  We rowed for the shore.  We were 50 yards or 30 yards
away when Capt Lorenzo heard a yell. Then one
shot rang out from Ari Burnu Knoll - we
saw the flash - we cd just see the outline of a 
hill. Then rifles and machine guns started. One m.g. ws directly
in front, one on left, & one a good bit away
on the right on slopes of hill. 


We had to row another 15 yards.
It ws 4.15 when / shots were fired by navy
time. We got out o / boats into 3 feet of water -
stoney bottom slimey wh upset many men who
made inland without a word. The bullets were knocking
sparks out of the stones & men when they were explosive bullets. 
Some men were shot in the bodies. They flopped down on
inshore side o / beach to loosen packs & fix
bayonets.  We shd have got the m.g. if we had had no
packs. A few men were hit lying down. Turks began
to get scared bec. we were making no noise.
9.10.11 pretty well mixed. I ordered
an advance. "Fix bayonets and advance" Men sprang to
their feet & all 3 bns together went straight up over the top of that
hill. There were a few Turks in the trench & the
little hut.  The Turks were firing from trench on the top.
We stormed that straight. - Annear (11th) ws killed
getting to top - Maj. Robertson of 9th ws killed
wounded there. No Turks waited on top -
The rifles were loaded after taking Ari Burnu
Knoll. So at top of hill we barraged them with rifle fire. They
retired SE & we naturally followed them
to Shrapnel Gully.
Shortly By time we were on top of the hill A & B
Coy from the destroyers had reached beach. It ws
fairly light & Gaba Tepe guns had opened
on them w shrapnel.
All the Turks who were k. in first
trench - 5 or 6 - were bayoneted. All 


way over after tt they were passing odd Ts
dead or wounded.
When we got on Plugges Plateau we
cd see Turks found Turks firing from across
the gully to our right front. Had no means of
saying how many. We lost a few men. We

went straight down Shrap. Gully & up the
other side. The Turks fired on us from 400
plateau. We came across the 400 plateau losing
some men & there were men moving in & out
on / skyline on gun ridge.
Our job ws to take 9 guns on Gun
Ridge. There was a lull - we werent getting much
firing when we got to the near top of J. Jolly.
The Brigadier ws in T. Trench on Razor Back.
We reorganised for the attempt on G. Ridge The
enemy started to put troops in. Our left ws
in the air. D Co. we put in on our left abt
wire gully & C. Co on Jolly - next A. Co.  On
our rt ws B Co & then 9th & 11th Bn mixed.
We were in positn abt 6.30. We were
the only bn pretty well whole. We had till abt
8 digging in. Abt 6.30 to 7 we cd see troops
on Gun Ridge & our patrols in front down the
creek were driven in. They reported tt the
banks o / ck. were very steep, abt 30 ft
high, & undercut by rain. Lots of good water 


in it. They cdnt get up / other side & so
worked S. The enemy seemed to have a lot of
his troops in Gaba Tepe & these were
working up round into Gun Ridge.
We reported on strength of this to 
Brigadier tt 9 guns on Gun Ridge cd not be taken.
Brig told us to dig in.
We fought across 400 Plateau all / morning.
The enemy didnt seem to get along beyond Gun
ridge. until midday. Abt midday we
saw a great number of troops moving to our
North over Gun Ridge - we cd tell them principaly
by the dust [Later in the day betw. 3 & 4 they
came over the E Shoulder of Baby 700 abt 2000
yds away in close formation over the hill.
- in what looked like company column, & extended
when they got over the hill. They were too far for us
to get at w / rifle. They deployed, got out of
sight & attacked us abt 4 o'c. in afternoon. They
had shrap. on us all / morning but in afternoon
before 4 o'c it ws particularly bad. This shrap came
from N.E.  We cd see the flashes.
Maj. Brown ws on our left - Before
big attack on Sund. afternoon we cd hear him giving
orders all night long. The attack came at us from
N. E. Heavy lines of Turks coming up to within
400 yds from NE. We got at them after they got
onto skyline of J. Jolly. We had another counter 



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