Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/10/1 - June - September 1915 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
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8 Dnert Hasals. cartril what pebles, bite of dd Shills Crisk. Cin can yr aloae 1 fon getions. Frences at steeles rapped. get i ? I6.v.. The od motes Rit Beutet Entenanet wanaen 56 a great part of supply, work wh goes on in France & at Helles in wagjons has to be done by men, here. For 2) days I have watched of men draging hap row girders & taubs ap hill to make a reservoia on side of Madagans ridge yest it ws1 Maories one hage chap in port about 5 Pt cubed. with his mascles trembluy under I strain. tonight I saw 110 men hanling one tank. All our gavs have had to be hauled by hand We have only abt I horses ashove- attagether. Alnost dll (water has tabe carried to ( truch by hand – brsnits, provision of all sorts, firewood. The carts take sove of provisions & all I amvonit up to I depots but a great deal remains to be carried. Gisty. a peaceful Sunday afternoon - I bistend to the bangbang bang of musketry in I gully below backs dressng state - our men shooting at To yes ranges within our own lines. Some of our reinforcements dont know how to bad - try to load one carlrige of a time. July 20- Tuesday, I slept last night up at Boddection Headquarters in case the Tattack mynt come off - but it didnt. They seemed very reattess to start off with but woldd down abb mednight. I hear now attack not likely to come of antil July 23or 24.
Peter Schales amived today & is staying io me. Iim apaid all my hospitality really is Bagley's hospitalily- all work falls on him. We had 4to dinier as 00 T. came down & stayed & hada bate afterwards. I do hope we all get through this all right - it will be someting to talk of o think of afterwards between in all. Pete told me to Sir Jan Hamilton ws keen to have any stuf published in England as well as Austialia - but I dont see how it can be done. took Peter up to the 5th & then weat on to see Brand who knows as much abt 1 fint day as anyone. He od no one ws one gun Rigs 1 first day. Milne, Fortescue + one or two others of the 9th & l0t may havept to the bottom of it – he doubts it. Cl. Hachagen had made up his wint quite early th such an extent of country ad not be held w scattered troops, a decetordy in o sccond ridge insteed; a parly at Lonesome Pine covered Hew main advanced body whilet it d in abt the Wheeffield. Brand showed are ten sages wonderfy worted - jirst Andengount, then enno to Oreak down abony woment. They were vey to doso, but 1thanks of Ts attacking decided them not to. They have a whole firig tine capori underground - recassed + all & a sufeman stepping on I roope it wod break it in. Then have flan 1 beaches below with were & left the tim roof - wh wd break af any tark attack. Then
Gut. t 58 cd beauen below waiting st another paint I saw in D21 our men waiting behiend sandbags with cut down [ riftes opposite To barricade of a similar sert. This was where preg went out 1other day. Tne Turbs Coub as here, but we are degping to right & left. mides rige below bomb heve two quninghy is a elcth use aguey sad sonshypi on a bulton with blow ten up 1 mount [Is. make an allack? & shiem2 This with wire must bigat up atfet ph comes. any These trenches are simply bragged wo I effect o1 6 high Explosins 10 01 French 73 (wh comes without your hearing it) There secined to be some small gen from Olos prove anumber today - it took I opposite direction in comg thro the parapet. Our men bave to tak in whispers in these saps- theyare easy fer 1 ts to hear if they talk. The pick pick of miners resounded very land + past in one nl from wh ed lighe glowed. Vehib Paste took over command of the Southern gone from Weber Pasha on July 8th I suppose Essad Pashs is still O.C. of this northern Gone (Buldir to (Kaba Trpe). Blarney says t at one time as many as $50,000 Caops were against us? At present poobly I division + a bit 110, 2 Dions directly opposite our front
tne own (of 4regts ?) to the Seath of us connestin Kaba Tepe (with Rum Tepes& one Dion on reserve. The Tarks are also going to push in ane their 00,000 troops apt us. They have had all sorts of Alemad, journalists, notables viniting their lines to see the posite for themselves. The allack will pidly be in all within thei days. They are able to relieve thei worked out Dions & are now doing 50 25. tho St Dion & I believe the 15thh have pne one to Constantinoply, the itten to Keshan. Of our own troops the 29th Dwn is played out ? is reorganining alLemass, the R.U.D. thy say or be used again, the wanchesters are down to between 3000 & 4,000, & the Lowland Din has been rather heavily handled in the ast fight. July 21 Wednesday, Perfectly quiet day. Not one shell either today or yest on 1 beach. Biielwood has cssed an order to 1 men att 1-possible attack. Dt. ends a double isue of fum begins "Boys wil probably t found in their trenches July 22. Thunnday dnaperte gun opened tootey to first time for two days. Nevinson & Ashinead Baotlett came over from Imbres today having heard of chance of an attack & A.B being anxious to get the camena pictures which tinest Brooks had bn ping to take. As he wanted to see quinns we went up here first.
60 For I first time I wentinto one o1 tuanels at Guinns. If seemed to be near I extreme left. We entered fairly low down in I billsed + worked up - presently downwards, lit caudles, & then pad a cscond Fallery down a steep slope into a 5quarish chamber in wh ws sitting a man in a felt but. A heap of fallen tark ws in the lep land cooned. Our party, + I men around them were making a good deal of noie but when they got silence Gibbs (the inf officer in charg ssaid then they are & you could hear a faint pick pick pick very raped - as if some one were tapping on wood. Ir cs 1 tarks picking about 8 feet away. They were above as + I think oar people had crased working You cd stand up 3 straight inur chan ber the the tumuel wo only 341 or 3/56 in height. Gibbo to to me he exploded a wine here a few who ago. He ws as lefarly oficer (to a mining engs in private life o so they wdnt let him blow of more then 30 lbo of gun catton iso One o1 turkish saps wo setting close, so they put in a small charge, tamped it down, +blew it up. It only cracked the surfece. Thyed hear I tarks above them laughing & joking. The Tarks ad actially see their canalle gleaning thro 1 crack because hn they held it up to 1 crack. I laughing & poking cease for They decided to go one better, than 1 Turks They took of boots crept in without a candle; put in a good by charge & tamped up, a solid backing behind it. Fostwo hours they worked & hin s mind ws ready. They blew it up & rashed in to 1 crates. Where their chamber had be was a heap of rube they id has no sound of any human being & see no movement. ori only from undermeathr to rubble came I ticking of a watch Preventl 1 Tarks came stealing up to I same place, They sea shadow across 1 crate first -& wa reyowver then I hoad of a turk. They shot him o? as I companions
They day the name of the Endmonitor is the Roberts. Te Bt is1 Aberctombie. I don't know the 3rd. Their weyhness is want of defensive armour- 7 The domonitod is the Humber there is a scheme now for our support (en divt orders) by ( pravy etc? an The tarks can hear us (& ae then) taking in those tunnels, so we have to keep silence. We rust the Claters as soon as we can - but here is always a danger of Jas. A bi 1V.3. Enginer captain told no to the first sign of gas we when his companion fell anconscious. He himself found his knew weaking. Ie next thing he knew he was laughing out in Popen ane saying to himself I words how they are at sgemed to him going to get we out tought it a trenedens joke - he ws told he had be laughing all I time. Intto tattt cenlyys treat over trach. Legge Blancy to Caro (22) Water. Twynn Cos. RE STON Monter got hit a Tabot fing at Aolie B. e09.10. Humber. Wets Tuby 23. Fiday As today to Canneversayo Turkash constitution we expected a Turkish attack Iahan minister was our authonz, I beliege. (the, M.Df&J. Nevenson Scaale, I accordigly went up to a posity on Walkers Ridge where one of machineguas of 10t5 T.H.R. used, to be (the trence is suspeciously ragged - a gun fom Mortar Ridge gets Straight outs it until knocked out by our mountain guen - it seuly gets 2003 shot in first). We sta spt there all night frae 11 to to when it ws quite light. Our men had be given orders to hold on chissbour theis fire - the howitzers fired io oughont 1 night ote ag y t hour behind Iadian gan fired star shell fl o german officers hill osett scrub on fire. Abt 2 am
thei bursh out a leavy fire - the moon went down abt 12.30 - &il Castd for t bour. The Turks did most of it - we cd bear then m.9. the NG1 A Dion only firet 500 rounds n.g.5700 Afles. I dont know how meat Austoter Dion fired. The password we clyde - & it, got us past several sagsulden sentries. The Iudian Teutry in I resess. tres next to where we were we very doubtful as to our bona fides. Every now & then I colsee his head appear over traverse & tis appear again. As there woo no attack last night an attack is half expected this night. Col Whit is very sceptical - thinks we may be having our legpulend. I went up to see& take him some letters - Hoil dressing ste is very complet & ready - System all worked out. Hc'l only take the serious cases himself - otherwise wit superviss see wh cases are wh can walk, ah mas be carried, how the men are dony their work etc. bandagiy t equipments for s of his men is ready in 3 clean buindes. Percy Allen sent me a cutting from the Sunday Times EWhich is very angry becaue I say the Tarks are not committeng abrocitien on Austalians and quotes a lob of letters from wounded men which relail alte usual third hand rubbist we gt here. We aregoing into I trenche on Walkers ridge tonight again.
63 Sat. July 24. hast night quieter tham (one before. The tarks did throw two or three cncundeany bombs – one, abt right a 1lime near Tarmania Post before we up to on place (it had a plane 8ft Cony aburit for hour hernlessly) & one near I trunctes or Walker's Top. 1, But allt time we were there thy did nothing at all. Nevnson slept on I maching yiu platter jusr under ledge of parapet, bec. it as a pod flet shelf. I thought it we danguous - 1 paripit wI low & several bap were out of it. I woke up on Inight to hear a bullet rick p33333377 off the top of 1 parspit. I sd to schale, "I dont like old Nevmsons bein apthers. avois came from 1ot Dide Of parepet Alright im not up there - I had one like to just before The Turks hawe tatel been turning their Anafarte gun outs (beach. Today they switched on & Howilzer from behin Scrublly kholl wh fire at as once a twise before, & supsivnal nost shots it. As Nevnson & A. Bartler were leaving a couple of shells went vow their peninca. A Barthtt wonted to get a cenena picture of a shell explading & sot some good onn this morning. The aback o1 Turks is still expected & tonight seems really more likely. The
64 To are very resteas & at Abt B they shot of a s bit of ammo. A 10 ps reports came in from 2 different sdes to they Ihear trks apparently being addressed & exhorted in (pully wheretey assemble; & cheering excitement. Or men want o fight ? Tome of them think it a pity we fire star shell - they think it frightion (tanks from att acking & what they waites an attack new Our water scheme is now nearly complet. There is a by reservoir of tanks up on 1 hill to N of my day out - all hauled up by hand by teams of as many as 110 men, pipes are now connected up. There are furdie connecte so tanks up at back of N.3. ridge on left of thei time. (The part of scheme is I believe to beging tonight en kepp Joes tomonrow, to command o organies the Decond Divn - it was to have bee M Cay (ByI bye M. C., macagan, Tonash, Ryrie all get I title of Brjadeer gent (by todays orders. This is quite right - why shd they be frnios to every other Brygadren they meet Mn C. gd have been Maj. gen Sir J. M.C. if he had had I luck togo on a the End Dwn & do well.) Gwvyn from Duntroon (R.E.) becomes C. of S. Blaney G.S.O.2, Wateon & Sould aregoing to Organice signallers o1 Dwn & they aretaking many cherps. Toon tells me to we smash as m
2 65 as 3o periscopis some days of to it takes (in tons of blac, to five poy to rny man in division The N.Y. No3 outpost have reported to the tarks have made emplocements for two funs on the pant near Suvle Day (or rater in the round hell just inide 1 point). Capt. Samson the aviator has I believe, reported this also & I am told he saw the guns!- They hevent opened yet. The warships found then making emplouements tere all the sod day of our landiy & blew them to small bits CA0.28 Sand Juby 25. the Tarkish gua wh fired down this july abt 100C. lst niger blazes down it again t morning + afternoon. About dinner time she ceemed to be registeriy – quite te old times burating a lot of Shrapnell high in the air over sea & then coming gradually enland until she struck the beach. Thm sweeping up & down the beach very well. The had started off oy wstys at the 64or ridg, I shrapnel pellets pattery, down gully & on patt outiide. The gun ws to be N.E. Presently another gua howetzer - to the Estarted plging wito our gulley - one thot just by the cookhouse just mening of ud. Donelley I saw him rubbing his hear after; too or three others buroting exactty above 1 general and staff dugouts. Two pas to 1 NE also put in a quick salvo down 1 gally - 15 pdr stuff probly. Something like a biyl monitor must be pooping off near Kaba ripe tonight for there have bn sone trenedous heart thimps from there Dur Dusl Ammunition Collan has on getting itil int toouble in Alex-over it anoate to get here, I dont know Idetails.

Hand drawn diagram - see original document
Man who looked out & got the gas
The mountain gun
The German flames
High Exp. burst
Aft. [[shorthand]] on the shrapnel evg sounds 
like it
The double crack of the rifle
The [[shorthand]] mountain guns
Harmless Shrapnel

What [[shorthand]] - cartridges,
pebbles, bits of old [[shorthand]].
aeropl. often as good as a battery of artillery.

Shells. Crack.
6 in. [[shorthand]]  "Cant yer leave / spoons
alone!" Iron rations. Trenches at Steeles
ragged. Get into tunnel [[shorthand]] The old mortar
Hand drawn diagram - see original document

Rick Bullet
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
double crack of Mauser

a great part o / supply work wh goes on
in France & at Helles in waggons has to be
done by men here. For 2 days I have watched
teams of men dragging huge iron girders &
tanks up hill to make a reservoir on /
side of Maclagans ridge. Yesty it ws / Maories
- one huge chap in front - about 5ft cubed -
with his muscles trembling under / strain.
Tonight I saw 110 men hauling one tank. All
our guns have had to be hauled by hand - we
have only abt 8 horses ashore altogether.
Almost all / water has to be carried to / trenches
by hand - biscuits, provisions of all sorts,
firewood. The carts take some o / provisions
& all / ammunition up to / depots but a
great deal remains to be carried. Yesty -
a peaceful Sunday afternoon - I listened to
the bang bang bang of musketry in / gully
below Jacks dressing statn - our men
shooting at min 30 yds. ranges within
our own lines. Some of our reinforcements
dont know how to load - try to load one
cartridge at a time.

July 20. Tuesday. I slept last night up at
3rd Section Headquarters in case the T. attack
might come off - but it didnt. They seemed
very restless to start off with but cooled down
abt midnight. I hear now / attack is
not likely to come off until July 23 or 24.


Peter Schuler arrived today & is staying w me. I'm
afraid all my hospitality really is Bazley's hospitality -
all / work falls on him - We had 4 to dinner as old J.
came down & stayed & had a bathe afterwards. I do hope
we all get through this all right - it will be something to 
talk of & think of afterwards between us all.

Peter told me tt Sir Ian Hamilton ws
keen to have my stuff published in England as well as
Australia - but I dont see how it can be done.

While Took Peter up to the 5th & then went
on to see Brand who knows as much abt / first
day as anyone. He sd no one ws on Gun Ridge
/ first day. Milne, Fortescue & one or two others
of the 9th & 10th may have got to the bottom of it - he
doubts it. Col. MacLagan had made up his mind
quite early tt such an extent of country cd not be
held w scattered troops, & decided to dig in on /
second ridge instead; a party at Lonesome Pine
covered their main advanced body whilst it
dug in abt the Wheatfield.

Brand showed me their saps - wonderful
works - just underground, thin eno to break
down at any moment. They were going to do so,
but / chance o / T.s attacking decided them
not to. They have a whole firing line cut out
underground - recessed & all & a sniperman
stepping on / roof of it wd break it in. They
have filled / benches below with wire & left the
thin roof - wh wd break up any Turk attack. There


Gregg. Tunnel.

wd be men below waiting.

At another point I saw in D 21 our
men waiting behind sandbags with cut down T
rifles opposite T. barricade 
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
of a similar sort. This
was where Gregg went out
/ other day. The Turks bomb
us here, but we are digging to right & left to
bomb them. We have also two mines right below
German offrs trench w electr. lines already laid so that the person on the
button will blow them up / moment / Ts. make an attack.  This & / hidden trench
with wire must break up any attack wh comes.

These trenches are simply ragged w
/ effect o / 6 in high explosives & o / French
75 (wh comes without your hearing it). There
seemed to be some small gun from Olive Grove
in / number today - it took / opposite 
direction in coming thro the parapet.

Our men have to talk in whispers in
these saps - they are extraodina easy for /
T.s to hear if they talk. The pick pick of
miners resounded very loud & fast in one
tunnel from wh / red light glowed.

Vehib Pasha took over command of the 
Southern Zone from Weber Pasha on July 8th.
I suppose Essad Pasha is still O.C. of this
northern zone (Bulair to Kaba Tepe). Blamey
says tt at one time as many as 50,000
troops were against us. At present probly 3 divisions
& a bit i.e. 2 Divns directly opposite our front - 


One Divn (of 4 regts?) to the South of us connecting
Kaba Tepe with Kum Tepe ; & one Divn in reserve.

The Turks are also going to push in another
100,000 troops agst us. They have had all sorts of
ulemas, journalists , notables visiting their
lines to see the positn for themselves. The attack
will probly be made within three days. They are able 
to relieve their worked out Divns & are now doing
so. e.g. The 5th Divn & I believe the 15th have gone,
one to Kesh Constantinople, the other to Keshan.
Of our own troops the 29th Divn is played out &
is reorganising at Lemnos; the R.N.D. they say
will not be used again; the Manchesters 
are down to between 3000 & 4000 ; & the Lowland
Divn has been rather heavily handled in the
last fight.

July 21 Wednesday. Perfectly quiet day. Not one
shell either today of yesty on / beach. Birdwood has
issued an order to / men abt / possible attack. It 
begins : "Boys" . . . . & ends "a double issue of rum
will probably be found in their trenches."

July 27. Thursday. Anafarta gun opened today
for first time for two days.

Nevinson & Ashmead Bartlett came over from Imbros today
having heard o / chance of an attack & A.B being
anxious to get the camera pictures which Ernest
Brooks had bn going to take. As he wanted to see Quinns
we went up there first.


For / first time I went into one o / tunnels at Quinns. It
seemed to be near / extreme left. We entered low down in
/ hillside & worked up - presently downwards, lit candles, & then
past a second (?) gallery down a steep slope into a squarish chamber
in wh ws sitting a man in a felt hat. A heap of fallen earth ws in the
left hand corner. Our party & / men around them were making a good
deal of noise but when they got silence Gibbs (the inf. officer in charge)
skecs said "There they are" - & you could hear a faint pick pick pick -
very rapid - as if some one were tapping on wood. It ws / Turks
picking about 8 feet away. They were above us & I think
our people had ceased working. You cd stand up
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
straight in our tunnel chamber tho the tunnel ws only
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
3ft of 3ft 6 in height.

Gibbs told me he exploded a mine there a few wks 
ago. He ws a ^ N.Z. Infantry officer (tho' a mining engr in private
life) & so they wdnt let him blow off more than 30 lbs of gun cotton.
They thought this 30 lbs enough One o / Turkish saps ws
getting close, so they put in a small charge, tamped
it down, & blew it up. It only cracked the surface. They cd
hear / Turks above them laughing & joking. The Turks cd
actually see their candle gleaming thro / crack because
when they held it up to / crack / laughing & joking
ceased ^ for a time. They decided to go one better than / Turks.
They took off boots & xxxxx crept in without a candle; put
in a good big charge & tamped up a solid backing behind it.
For two hours they worked & then / mine ws ready. They
blew it up & rushed in to / crater. Where their chamber had
bn was a heap of rubble. & underneath it They cd hear no
watch ticking sound of any human being & see no movement.
But presently from u Only from underneath tt
rubble came / ticking of a watch.

Presently / Turks came stealing up to / same place.
They cd see all a shadow across / crater first - &
then / head of a Turk. They shot him ^ w a revolver & his 2 companions


They say the name of the 2nd monitor is the
Roberts. The 1st is / Abercrombie. I dont
know the 3rd. Their weakness is want of
defensive armour - only 4 in.  The old monitor
is the "Humber."
There is a scheme now for our support
(see Divl orders ) by / Navy etc.
[*30 pound a day*]

[[?]] dn.  XXXXXX
The G Turks can hear us (& we them) talking
in those tunnels, so we have to keep silence.
We rush the craters as soon as we can - but
there is always a danger of gas. A big N.Z.
Engineer captain told us tt the first sign of gas
ws when his companion fell unconscious. He
himself found his knees weakening. The next
thing he knew he was laughing out in / open
air saying to himself "I wonder how they are
going to get me out". He thought it It seemed to him a tremendous
joke - he ws told he had bn laughing all / time.
Incend. Bomb at Tas. Post. 8 ft long burnt for an hour. Anafarta
Indian Txxxxx sentrys head over trench.
Legge Blamey to Cairo (? 2 months) Watson. Gwynn C of S. RE.
Monitor GS04 got hit - Talbot firing at Achi B. between 9 & 10. [*47*]

Humber.  water.

July 23. Friday. As today is / anniversary o /
Turkish Constitution we expected a Turkish attack
(the Italian Minister was our authority, I believe.) Nevinson Schuler & I accordingly
went up to a positn on Walkers Ridge where one o /
machine guns of 10th L.H.R. used to be (the trench is
suspiciously ragged - a gun from Mortar Ridge gets
straight onto it until knocked out by our mountain
gun - it genly gets 2 or 3 shots in first). We
slept stayed there all night from 11 to 4 when it ws
quite light. Our men had bn given orders to hold
their fire - The howitzers fired ^ on / Chessboard throughout / night & then
Indian gun fired star shells (we only abt every ½ hour behind
German officers hill & set / scrub on fire. Abt 2 a.m


there burst out a heavy fire - the moon went down abt
12.30 - & it lasted for ¼ hour. The Turks did most of it - we
cd hear their m.g. xxx The NZ & A Divn only fired
500 rounds m.g. & 700 rifles. I dont know how much
Austrln Divn fired.

The password ws Clyde - & it got us past several
very sudden sentries. The Indian sentry in / recess o /
trees next to where we were ws very doubtful as to our
bona fides. Every now & then I cd see his head appear
over / traverse & disappear again.

As there ws no attack last night an attack
is half expected this night. Col. White is very
sceptical - thinks we may be having our leg pulled.
I went up to see J. & take him some letters - His
dressing stn is very complete & ready - system
all worked out. He'll only take the serious 
cases himself - otherwise will supervise
see wh cases are impt. urgent, wh can walk, wh must
be carried, how the men are doing their work etc.
As ^ Three bandaging equipments for each three of his men is ready in 3
clean bundles.

Percy Allen sent me a cutting from the Sunday
Times X which is very angry because I say the
Turks are not committing atrocities on Australians
and quotes a lot of letters from wounded men which
retail all the usual third hand rubbish we get

We are going into / trenches on
Walkers ridge tonight again.


Sat. July 24. Last night quieter than
/ one before. The Turks did throw two or three
incendiary bombs - one at / right o / line
near Tasmania Post before we got went up to our
place (it had a flame 8ft long & burnt for
½ hour harmlessly) & one near / trenches on
Walker's Top. But all / time we were
there they did nothing at all. Nevinson
slept on / machine gun platform just under
/ edge o / parapet bec. it ws a good flat
shelf. I thought it ws dangerous - / parapet
ws low & several bays were out of it.
I woke up in / night to hear a bullet rick -
pZZZzzzzzz — off the top of / parapet.
I sd to Schuler, "I dont like old Nevinsons
being up there." A voice came from / other side
o / parapet "Alright I'm not up there - I
had one like tt just before."

The Turks have lately been turning their
Anafarta gun onto / beach. Today they switched
on / Howitzer from behind Scrubby Knoll wh
fired at us once or twice before, & put several
nasty shots it. As Nevinson & A. Bartlett were
leaving a couple of shells went over their
penino a.  A Bartlett wanted to get a cinema
picture of a shell exploding & got some good ones
this morning.

The attack o / Turks is still expected &
tonight seems really more likely. The


T.s are very restless & at abt 12.p.m. they shot
off a number good bit of ammn. At 10 p.m. reports 
came in from 2 different Bdes tt they cd hear /
Turks apparently being addressed & exhorted
in / gully where they assemble; & cheering &

Our men want / fight. Some of them think
it a pity we fire star shell - they think it frightens 
/ Turks from attacking & what they want is
an attack.

Our ^ new water scheme is now nearly complete.
There is a big reservoir of tanks up on / hill to /
facing my N. of my dug out - all hauled up by
hand by teams of as many as 110 men: & /
pipes are now connected up. There are further
sup connected tanks up at / back of N.Z. ridge on left of
their line. This point o / scheme is I believe to
begin tonight.

Gen. Legge goes tomorrow to command &
organise the Second Divn - it was to have bn
M'Cay (By / bye M'C., Maclagan, Monash,
Ryrie all get / title of Brigadier Genl by todays
orders. This is quite right - why shd they be
junior to every other Brigadier they meet. M'C.
wd have been Maj. Gen Sir J. M'C. if he had
had / luck to go in w the 2nd Divn & do well.)
Gwynn from Duntroon (R.E.) becomes C. of S.
Blamey G.S.O.2; Watson & Gould are going to
organise / signallers o / Divn. & they are taking
many clerks.

Foote tells me tt we smash as many


as 30 periscopes some days, & tt takes 1¼ tons
of tobacco to give 4oz to every man in /

The N.Z. No3 outpost have reported tt the Turks have 
made emplacements for two guns on the point near Suvla
Bay (or rather on the round hill just inside / point). Capt. Samson
the aviator has, I believe, reported this also & I am told he 
saw the guns. They havent opened yet. The warships
found them making emplacements there abt the 3rd day of our
landing & blew them to small bits.
Ap. 28?

Sund July 25. The Turkish gun wh fired
down this gully abt 10 o'c. last night blazed down
it again this morning & afternoon. About dinner time
she seemed to be registering - quite like old times -
bursting a lot of shrapnel high in the air over / sea
& then coming gradually inland until she struck the
beach. Then sweeping up & down the beach very
well. She had started off by firing down the bursting at the top o /
ridge, / shrapnel pellets pattering down / gully & on /
path outside. This gun ws to the N.E. Presently
another gun - howitzer - to the E started plugging into
our gully - one shot just by the cookhouse just
missing Q.M.S. Donelly - I saw him rubbing his head
after; two or three others bursting exactly above / generals
and staff dug outs. Two guns to / NE also put in
a quick salvo down / gully - 15 pdr stuff probly.

Something like a big monitor must be
pooping off near Kaba Tepe tonight for there
have bn some tremendous heart thumps from there.

Our Divl Ammunition Column has bn
getting itself into trouble in Alex. over its
anxiety to get here. I dont know / details.



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Deb ParkinsonDeb Parkinson
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