Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/10/1 - June - September 1915 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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46 asd before we expladed our mine. Prob t send as of thought we were not going to explate yet been work jeuly ceases before a mine is explded. We have now to harrass of enemy to drawfire all wll can i patrols & schenes in order to kep him bay. The old Edea of letter him do all firm at night & never firing a shot ourselves enabled him to walk abbu pot of his truches, us he like once it was dark. (Now we have patrols on in part of al your trendies at night. It gives io offencers to som extent I hear the 14 in gun monetors 2 offen arried today at kekles. Our wakes guns were today shelling wellover this sde o1 hills what a schoolpasters army his is - Legge, Blowey, William, Fras, Cass I can knt of abonig - Capt Carter (515) ColBenact (6th) et the tste trks blew ap 3 mines last niyhe two were away over meer than own truck & nowhere I near any of our & dit agharm to anyone. The kind ws nearer us + the cant ofexplocion fellon one man. Tafoud as te ians bey as crushed. He set it - a sumph pacture- but I man die from shock or from some internalinfury before he left drising sti. Tee Tarks were scared by rour mine-explosing wh kelled their men - & so blew all this premaburely
AUS rti July 13. 1a our own 15s nor ws only can 689 84 SrS put e.3. Col Somon 5 O. C E To-Ashovels worash 1210036 r wakers i J. Popes- P04e lett Orago 6D Pops emploded 5 mersch 4226- Capt. Playfair 8 f 6 673 092 x Ot. ws in a very good Y1Cont Pa Steeles ixpn at walken & they were (stumubling n botter rorp 8 7 S 21AA Tey 3 ctle M 411 fC to taking &f they scraped & day- one man wosbot from 3& fell do Copt Strenderson plef reas his tains Capt. S. & ow It ws powen x15 of Olago Macsal t Shelling F C 1 at. 730 & 4.30 611 56P.7324 is 0 741 4300 S Jolly& Lib.P. Visc 9572 Mortar 03 6/10e0 Scrut fire It wast 31c. Chattans Midgelly o t Dunances Stage 667 fallen Cx Brown patches a cuttiy Dunning N Wo 4220 4.d 14th at quin 615O 23 62 My a 2 Es2 C. M.9. 14E c) p Star stells. 9.30.95 47 sells 2 te i Knocws Diret Duct Ketler) Achr B.I. R. B& the mag. 600U& W640l 2 212114 S.H Regand 2 DNSO Samderson & 100 & fon 20 &Otago. 25C11. adrang C SURYRA 611xolo 15-4 49.303n whef0t. 13-173 Tgh0 ngo 100 CTP.S ston 990 6
is Fidey cos sheep boy w crossed ndal waler flowing 6t & Cep- teny-D. Pa6 then in y2no of Ceswo.I raking A quinm and shops to poots B0. Max man - last podt -criinet goslee wire infore you stop hedge like true Abs 7.15 tis morning Iears a battles his (hinis scorse) blagiis away at Achi Bata News We resd late last night to 1 Allies were joing to attock down South & we were aske to make a demonstrate, secont y were cduse at 11.30 ky were goin to get an order to demonstrate. Order ared, at 1.00. They manner their truches at 7.30am & went over them at 8.15. The 5th Sent out a troop (26 men) ander 4 Ferguson. The moster ridge guns were onts them withen 10 seconds of theis leaving the Paropet - And followed them all way but only one naw ws het on 1 way out. A times 1 Sheapoel (10 Col. Kerie tells me) absolutely hit kem from view in I dust clouds but as I cloud cleared they is be s still going fowerd. They got out to Holly sour & bay there 48 Monday Tuby 12. (We made a demons Cratin this moming an order to relaen Tarkish troops here durig an attack (at abt 7. 30) at Helles] The 5th Bn ws apparently aske to madea diversion from its port. Col. Sleott called for voluntees+ were chose to ruh from our crate into 1 tarkisk crated (by way of a tunnee t have tateg dug) The Tarks & ourselves have fined at our another 77 from our respective barricade for some days. The tark finding we alway shot him; made a tannet tunnet from his cratis culo commn truck alst betw twocraters st 159 &find from Tendof 4 it We were to open up this tuanel 1omen w picks weref follow (altack) End Leet Gregg - newley arrived inding otuateed.Ten wery chosen but one oother voluatiers went out apo though not chosen-a orders or no orders mating 12 in all They found no tarks in I Tannel atall butabt £0 in craty. Therens some T festeved on in t Ramadan & protabl the
1 Grys mesing officers 4 wounded 49 were of thei uard py got into crate with opposite & 1 Trps all scrambled to fet out yf ct. Three were shot. We occupin (orater. Prand wrks came back to bombs & G. &all his party were wounded. They sent for help. 6 me were sent-l of them did not realise what ws to be done but dashed out from 1p crater to J. Officers Fench + found it fell of Tarks woking up at them. Two of men were hit by am. 9.& officers who watched it from Popes & who moughtwere tarks tell me he were sure these msn were (but by one your own m.go on walkers - they tenselves co scarcely repair from fing on them). It ws a bad bit of Sraps work Ar Nz0 s Divn ws not, ejomed of attack oneo few really badamissions our staff has made. They sd the adsee one of these men rushing buckwds offriods not knowing wh way to turn. [Two of thn got into crater anyway. I ws clear Tark hadremforced their trench & were attacking 5o gref now decie to return. He lost 2 men pom his party in 1 crates but sento restcl sately back. The last men retired ths (tanel G. standing at 1 month to his redolver in hand, head bleadin keeping 1 Turks at bay - he himself retirnng last. The Turks meanutill san round by open sap, areached I work of tunnel atmosted I same time as our men -& before gregf te
50 ws last (two seen of him. The sy Tarks the atackd is bomps our crater) - but this had to be held at all costs &he officer in charge of it himself stood w revolver nearest to 1 Turks. Five officers one after [othen were wounded here all of the (6 [ The 6th (an one fortnight in these truck lost - chiefl by gun fire from the 5in howitzer), 1952 men. Their trunches were pritty well crecfer7.
bad 51
my eye still bad with dust at Sunday July 18. So 3 1 Helles) wrote this in shorthand. Nevenion & Russell left this ig for 3. e 50 or Imbros via I aftends cutup to the m. m. sanwos sellin llesis Jock the truches. He shall always arriald before you can hear it. They were Ses 9 Cairstin, all over the cuss of the hill & a good no down the sully- "40SNC I suppose abt 40 shells burst while I ws there. The lines of the cuded 0.Bn have bn alsolutely toon to piece by shel - they look as raped as a dush ap scaacely five yards of truck without a shellin it. This is from a 6in. howitzes on top of long 700 wh fires though a narrow augly right abong this parld our truches, but especially on stecles. The Turks areable to engilady. both sides of our triaugle, but particulary this one. Yesterday I took Nevenson up to Guins -& Malcolin Ross also gurnns was absolutely transformed cince my last visit. It is laid out in terrace roch w a sshed or them a an vion roof, well sandbeged under wh I supports steep. We had tea t Col. Malone (Canterbury) on) a little terrow infort day out. The art of werfare he ad is 1 caltivate o1 domestic virtues.The had poses he god plant them there. The trenche are well bomb poofed M our fellows (the bomb throweas) can throw the bombe ofvon behind the
Had 53 wire. We have steel wopholes 2.m.9. emploiments on of at ws blown down but is up again, + loopholes are level wl ground. they dont fet much boubardment now Tly have abready exploded 16 mines in from of quinns. Wel have a series of trianels going u from the hill posnt MIIH & then a gallery connecting them & further tunels dippenyI down & branch tunnels to Cisteners in them. Our system is a defence agst the evemys manes. The Tork exaladed one mare under onr trench. Ithink Elswhere we have exploded at T. Toll 3 mines (as aget Turks 2 and as Lone Pine 2 agst their 3. The three they last exploded were hopeless failure - right away from ours. But the 2 before that opposite L. Pine were a success. The one we exploded opposite T. Folly () today at S plung 2 Turk bodies ito Pair) & made a byg craty in the to trench muct, have on above it. Se two others were exploded yest (one opposite Quins to a small charge & oe oph. Country Ad Hisworks's plauned by (engineers. Our fromes pretty well protee the we cout guaranter port Crenches every where, The wes take was we dinat begin, in a regular plan- we only woke upt t nec
54 later. The tarks new to find our thrneld by crawling Over I gunt at night & listening. We have put a sudden and to this - we have our own patrots out now waiting for 1 turks Last night one of them weka Turk, shot him wounded to a revolver, The thark ran down between I truches sherten Ahmed. Ahied until he shat from our truches When we used to allow them out at night bby not firing a shot) they placed two of our tunnels & day towards them straght aways & exploded miver under 2 of them near L. Pine. In C attack at Helles on July 12,13, 9 14- we seem to have lost abt 5000 not including, I think the Trench. Two battations wh went ahead of the rest were cut off br- a.T. counterattack - a rather, I first as cut off, at second on being sent to help it, got into distant truch & ws cut off also Ihy came back (the stapf hadnt known wherethywere)I suppose those trinctiesI will bern to be taken agn. we have advancd 400y0s & taken 470 prnioners. Io must be most disperitiry to have to take over again positins to you have alraady rushed because you rush them a little to early
for ther plans of staff. I can't help thinking to if wapoleon had be undertaking a postal assault on the Gallipoli Penensula, he wd have brought I line ap to them & not let them. have to dribble back to 1 line. July 19. Monday. The Turks have a m.9. in Twin Trenches &tained, it out the beach today S/ of S. depot - thy got 8 men -some killed. The shells on the beach yeaty got about 30 men t ow. most by two shells from Anafarte we heas that the turks intend to attak - probl tonight - on a signal giam from some boat in the Straits. They have not find one shell on beach all day. The remainder o1 Scothil Howitzin Bde is landing here & the 4.7 gea is imposite in a bep emplouient down at South endo (positi 8 one often hears companion betw1 posity of oun troops & those in Hlowns. Of counie we have beautiful weather, - only too hot we have att s wach artillery as they have - only what we have enjlades thinches a makes sare of getting in almost, shot oun nom will gety ingy et eary ngte tate tene tany in te 2f the much closes 6 PEveny But we have of the whole base & supplies of arry continually a continuvacly under shell file a withon range of rifle firm & even I hospital stip (had to mbre out on a/c of bullets. And t

just before we exploded our mine. Probly they
heard us & thought we were not going to 
explode yet bec. work genly ceases before a 
mine is exploded.
We have now to harrass / enemy
all we can w patrols & schemes ^ to draw fire in order to keep
him busy. The old idea of letting him do all / firing
at night & never firing a shot ourselves enabled
him to walk abt in front of his trenches as he
liked once it was dark. Now we have patrols out
in front of all our trenches at night. It gives us
/ offensive to some extent. W
I hear the 14 in gun monitors - 2 of them 
- arrived today at Helles. Our Helles guns were
today shelling well over this side o / hills.
What a schoolmasters army this
is - Legge, Blamey, Williams, Jess, Cass
I can think of at once - Capt Carter (5th)
Col Bennett (4th) etc.
The Turk Turks blew up 3 mines
last night. Two were away over near their
own trench & nowhere near any of ours
& did no harm to anyone. The third ws
nearer us & the earth o / explosion fell on
one man. Jack found his leg w the mans leg
ws crushed.  He set it - a simple fracture -
but / man died from shock or from some
internal injury before he left / dressing stn. The
Turks were scared by our mine explosion
wh killed their men - & so blew all these


July 13.  A sortie was made from Steeles by the 67th Bn
15 men went out.  Our own machine guns at Walkers
were never enough of them, nor ws Popes & they were
shot down by our own men.  You could see them stumbling about.
Only 5 came back.
Allowed to give up the attempt as Ot. had not xxx made good.
They were now sent with picks and xx shovels to
report to Colonel Monash.  They moved (100 of them)
from Walkers trenches down Popes gully (fired on
but lost very few) and were sent up to find the left
of Otago.  This was in the area not quite on Popes
gully and was a threat of being enfiladed.  They went
up and by some miracle in the dark found Capt
Playfair and started (about 6 of them at first) digging to expand
his trench to the gully.  OC ws in a very good
trench but OC Cant only had entrenching tools.  They tried
very hard to talk (they could hear
the Turks talking.)  They
scraped and dug -
one man ws shot
from the front & fell
right across Capt
Sanderson.  Another
was shot from the left rear &
his brains knocked all over
Capt. S.  Finally the men
rushed up and said Otago are
retreating.  It ws growing
daylight.  15 of Otago→
→bolted.  S. called out but could hear
no answer from the Otago
trench.  Fire was coming from everywhere
so he gave the order to retire by
ones and 2s from the right.
They retired.  There was a [[cobled?]]
of all sorts in the R.O gully [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]].  The→
→marines wanted to go down to the beach to
reform.  They said they had an order from an officer
and the officer said they had an order from a general.  S
put a sentry over them but finally let them go.
Col. Cannan told him the men
were to come back and they did.

G O trench?
Shells V1 V1
Shelling down south much closer
at 7.30 & 4.30 continued much later.
Few casualties at all got over - only
one going out.  It is [[shorthand]] guns got our range.  This began
4.30 we began to shell.  Lines covered with shrapnel but went forward.
Shelled Jolly & L.P. still
fired on them all night.
Rifle fire from great [[shorthand]].  2ce as great as before
Mortar ridge gun opened within 10 seconds.
Scrub fire begun.  Waste of ammunition etc.
Chathams post.  Midgelly xxx
said his men went back to their places [[shorthand]] but destroyer
had fired
Dummies on poles.
Stage soldiers and the fallen earth.

Brown patches of scrub & cutting thro scrub
Dummy [[shorthand]] Turks and
dummy [[shorthand]] Turks
dummy machine guns.
Position of 14th at Quinns
Pit deepest was about 130 yards down
German officers trench gully on left.
MG in German officers trench
saw originally a mg.
14th sent up Tuesday
star shells.
9.30. very hard
Helles.  Captured Turkish officers
would not go back.
Kereves Dere.
Helles beach  Achi B. shells.
A-B & the maj.
no more use than what most [[shorthand]].
An admiral then transferred his flag
from the s.  His show had no end.
Very much amused at the talk about him.
I.H's regard for the press.
French hold from his trenches with their artillery
Sanderson & 100 men
of Canterbury on May 2nd
were to support Otago.
At first it was a company which had to advance along
Walkers Ridge where there was only [[shorthand]] for 4 men
to go abreast.  This was not to be done until Otago
had made good.  About 9.30 there was tremendous
cheering and they tried to advance (the word came that Ot.
had made good which was not true)  They advanced and were
fired on.  They went back and reported that Ot had not made
good.  Col. J. sent them back again (the whole battalion
and not merely one company was now to go)
They went again but came back.  The trenches straight in
front of them were occupied.  They were then


Friday.  Went across the island.  Like a sketchy mountain road.  Azaleas in the valleys.
Cows, sheep bulls, boy leaning against a tree with crossed sandals
water flowing out of rocks. Cafe - tiny - men sitting outside -
Men in little [[shorthand]] room whom one had last seen with the bombs were
raking [[shorthand]] Quinns - shops old boots everyone simply
accepting the prices.  New man - last post - crickets
grass like wire therefore you stop - hedge like trench
Abt 7.15 this morning I saw a battleship (Prince George) blazing away at Achi Baba
News ws recd late last night tt / Allies were going to attack down South &
we were asked to make a demonstratn. Sixty second L.H. ^ Bde were advised at
11.30 they were going to get an order to demonstrate. Order arrd. at 12.40. They
manned their trenches at 7.30 am. & went over them at 8.15. The 6th sent
out a troop (26 men) under Lt Ferguson. The ^ two mortar ridge guns were onto
them within 10 seconds of their leaving the parapet - and followed them all / way
but only one man ws hit on / way out. At times / shrapnel (so Col. Ryrie 
tells me) absolutely hid them from view in / dust clouds but as / cloud 
cleared they cd be seen still going forward. They got out to Holly Spur
& lay there.

Monday July 12. We made a demonstratn
this morning in order to retain Turkish troops here
during an attack (at abt 7.30) at Helles. The
6th Bn ws apparently asked to make a diversion
from its front. Col. Elliott called for volunteers &
a small par  10 men were chosen to rush from
our crater into / Turkish crater (by way of a tunnel
they have lately dug). The Turks & ourselves have 
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
[*See also P/ 58.*]
fired at one another 
from our respective 
barricades for 
some days. The Turk, 
finding we always 
shot him, made a 
tunnel from his crater
into / commn trench 
betw / two craters 
& fired from / end of 
it. We were to open
up this tunnel (10 men w picks were to follow 
/ attack).
2nd Lieut Gregg - newly arrived - & many
men volunteered. Ten men were chosen but one
o / other volunteers went out agst orders 
though not chosen - aga  orders or no orders
- making 12 in all. They found no Turks
in / Tunnel at all - but abt 20 in /
crater. There ws some T. festival on in
connectn w Ramadan & probably they 


7th { Gregg missing
Bn {4 officers wounded

were off their guard. Gregg got into / crater without
oppositn & / Turks all scrambled to get out of
it. Three were shot.  We occupied / crater. Presently
Turks came back w bombs & all G. & all his
party were wounded. They sent for help. 6 men 
were sent - 4 of them did not realise what ws to
be done but dashed out from / p crater to G. Officers
Trench & found it full of Turks looking up at them.
Two of these men were hit by a m.g. &
officers who watched it from Popes & who
thought they were Turks tell me they were
sure these 2 men were hit by one of our own on Walkers - they themselves cd
scarcely refrain from firing on them. It ws a 
bad bit of staff work tt / NZ & A Divn
ws not informed o / attack - one o / few
really bad omissions our staff has made.
They sd they cd see one of these men rushing
wandering backwds & forwds not knowing
wh way to turn. Two of them got into /
crater anyway.
It ws clear / Turks had reinforced
their trench & were attacking so Gregg now decided
to return. He lost 2 men from his party in / crater
but sent / rest all safely back. The last
men retired thro' / tunnel, G. standing at /
mouth w his revolver in hand, head bleeding,
keeping / Turks at bay - he himself retiring
last. The Turks meanwhile ran round by /
open sap, & reached / mouth o / tunnel almost at
/ same time as our men - & before Gregg. That 


ws / last tt ws seen of him. The sap Turks
then attacked w bombs our crater - but
for This had to be held at all costs & the
officer in charge of it himself stood w revolver
& beat nearest to / Turks. Five officers one
after / other were wounded here, all of the 
6th. [The 6th in one fortnight in these trenches 
lost - chiefly by gunfire from the 6 in
howitzer, 192 men. Their trenches were 
pretty well wrecked]. 




Sunday July 18.  My eye still bad with / dust at Helles so I
wrote this in shorthand.  Nevinson & Russell left this mg. for Imbros via
Helles.  I afterwds went up to Jock. The 75 m.m. gun ws shelling
the trenches. The shell always arriving before you can hear it. They were
bursting all over the crest of the hills & a good no. down the gully -
I suppose abt 40 shells burst while I ws there. The lines of the
9th Bn ^ trenches have bn absolutely torn
to pieces by shell - they look as ragged as a dust heap -
scarcely five yards of trench without a shell in it. This 
is from a 6 in. howitzer on top of Long 700 wh fires through
a narrow angle right along this part of our trenches,
but especially on Steeles. The Turks are able to
enfilade both sides of our triangle, but particularly
this one.
Yesterday I took Nevinson up to Quinns
- & Malcolm Ross also. Quinns was absolutely
transformed since my last visit - It is laid out
in terraces each w a shed on them w an iron
roof, well sandbagged under wh / supports sleep.
We had tea w Col. Malone (Canterbury) on a little
terrace in front o his place dug out. "The art of warfare"
he sd "is / cultivation o / domestic virtues." If he
had roses he wd plant them there. The trenches
are well bomb proofed 
Hand drawn diagram - see original document 
our fellows (the bomb
throwers) can throw the bombs from behind the 


wire. We have steel loopholes with & 2 m.g.
emplacements on of wh ws blown down but is
up again, & / loopholes are level w / ground.
They dont get much bombardment now.
They have already exploded 16 mines in
front of Quinns. We have a series of tunnels
going in from the hill front 
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
& then a gallery connecting
them & further tunnels dipping
down & branch tunnels w listeners in them.
We ex Our system is a defence agst the enemys
mines. The Turks exploded one mine under 
our trench.
Elsewhere we have exploded ^ I think at J. Jolly
3 mines as agst Turks 2 and at Lone Pine
2 agst their 3. The three they last exploded 
were hopeless failures - right away from
ours. But the 2 before that, opposite
L. Pine were a success. The one we exploded 
opposite J. Jolly (?) today at 3 flung 2 Turk
bodies into / air & made a big crater
- the T. trench must have bn above it.
The Two others were exploded yesty (one opposite
Quinns w a small charge, & one opp. Courtneys.)
All this work is planned by / Engineers. Our
front is pretty well protected tho' we cdnt
guarantee / front trenches everywhere.
The mistake was we didnt begin w a 
regular plan - we only woke up to tt necessity 


The Turks need to find our tunnels by 
crawling over / ground at night & listening. We
have put a sudden end to this - we have
our own patrols out now waiting for / Turks.
Last night one of them met a Turk, shot him
w a revolver. The ^ wounded Turk ran down between /
trenches shouting "Ahmed! Ahmed!" until he
ws shot from our trenches. When we used to
allow them out at night (wby not firing a 
shot) they placed two of our tunnels & dug
towards them straight away ) & exploded 
mines under 2 of them near L. Pine.
In / attack at Helles on July 12, 13,
& 14 we seem to have lost abt 5000 - not
including, I think, the French. Two
battalions, wh went ahead of the rest
were cut off by a T. counterattack - or
rather, / first ws cut off, & / second,
on being sent to help it, got into a 
distant trench & ws cut off also. They
came back (the staff hadn't known 
where they were) & I suppose those
trenches will have to be taken agn. We
have advanced 400 yds & taken 470
prisoners. It must be most dispiriting to have
to take over again positns tt you have already
rushed because you rush them a little too early 


for the rest et plans o / staff. I cant help thinking
tt if Napoleon had bn undertaking a frontal
assault on the Gallipoli Peninsula he wd have
brought / line up to them & not let them have to
dribble back to / line.
July 19. Monday. The Turks have a m. g.
in Twin Trenches & turned it onto the beach today
S. of S. depot - they got 8 men - some killed. The
shells on the beach yesty got about 30 men k. &.w.
- most by two shells from Anafarta.
We hear that the Turks intend to
attack - probly tonight - on a signal given from some
boat in the Straits. They have not fired one shell on /
beach all day. The remainder o / Scottish Howitzer
Bde is landing here & the x 4.7 gun is in position in
a huge emplacement down at / South end o / positn.
A One often hears comparisons betw. / positn
of our troops & those in Flanders. Of course we
have beautiful weather - only too hot; & we
have not so much artillery as they have - only
what we have enfilades / trenches & makes
sure of getting in almost w every shot it fires.
If our own men will get into / tunnels they are much safer there
than in the trenches tho' much closer to / enemy.  But we
have (1) the whole base & supplies o / army
continually and continuously under shell fire
& within range of rifle fire - even / hospital
ship had to move out on a/c of bullets. And (2) 



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