Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/10/1 - June - September 1915 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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Sonetimes A case guted asone of spying is. Agun of puticite a tenull ours i mountain g between Courtreys & 1t Br lines. The tunnel had bu prepard for it 1 day before wa square opening & a wide road t dray 1 gunout? The emplosment as timbere. It was opend at down nixt day &t gun got two shot outo A burkish emplecement at mostar Ridge - one of 2 guns there. It got 2 more above it. &I wext two in. The mortar Ridge gun had by lawd on it - without queste get two shots ust above the emplocement, ut It ws then withdrawn (there are 4Emplacement t notinemplocement when omshels entered itIt ws by this time in Awther Emplacement from wh it petion 40 shots in queek succession to our tunad, It diont harm I gua. The secret muctes are sometimes found by 12starks, bee our people will stick periscope up there. MC wanted to from the sax between Courtneys & 650, Ba but Tess pecnded we hadst got one 36 asked me to dinner & a great little dinner it was – T. or Coly the Padre, Price (the adjutent) I. M.C. told us during dinner of a conference he had been to in the afternoon at Bde H.9 at wh he ll other Colonels had been askw their opinion on a certain plan) & he gave us all his weas about it - with the Cook looking on. That in the way news gets out here. A dont know how new gets from onr men to the evemy- but it does sometines get there. For instance therrs a percistent Ntatement to when the 2nd L.H.R. went first into I truches at Quina’s te Tarks shoutedt. Hallo and light Horse hes know you're there. The 2C44. Were very green & I dareny 1. tarks heasd them shouten you had & tak in whispers at quirns at txtime. George WoyI says he know of one anw leaked from hir to en. I see are you sure They think to beco of our having german settlers in Australia - plinty of Germans have died in this pce fighty for us e picb have opces. We think they have gaies amoget this preek labourers itc.) Hesd only fools are sure! This afternoon an extraorlinary pooition arose is nat sap. We exploded this trnml nob very efecting under German Officers treck the other day - as a matter of fact we expladed 2mies one neas eiter end of it. This wo fairly near tho N cornes of it, Parto parapet fell in but I Thirks remained in net of truck, & rushed out occysied crates We didd pleat bombed
37 tem out of crater. We had a sentry in tunnel. They got into I crater again t begn to digdeeper We had sandbaggedend of tunel, but the duy until day light actually appeared between sandbags. Kings were tike this when senly bo wildrewn y, I dont know. The Trks seized I moment (it looks as tho' they fightiet him to steal down & move our sand bags atory twand att 12 feet & take it for auselves. When Col. Ellrott came down to see - there we barrier & a tark. cetry fired two shots at him. The Turks were behind the bags & Theadove (the peel interprete) + an officer crept ap ia awieed see sevnal tarks then is an officer awfully pleased to themselves att trick the had played us. we have a stran guard now in (tannel. Hhe last few mornings the Turks have opened on quines to 2 m mountain guns, one in a communica, truck abt 350 & one at the back of hone Pime ration parker 5.. They take (risk of hitting their own trunchesoat dawn open up quietely fire 10,70, or 30 shots at Quinns, S krockdover parepet protecting a m. 9.1 on the left but our ren got the M.9. away. And they het 2 men in 1 trench I same morning. MAj. Ferguson is going to try & get them with
38 one of his Guns tomonow at dawn. The Srd Bn reinforcements have been giving a bst of trouble. One young fool told his NC0. (when the R.CO. ordered him to go with a water fatigue) to so & get - te Come clony boys, e addred sos dets followed him - recfor also. He is ap for gen. Court martial - th otn fools were given by. M.C. the choice to le shd deal to hhim - & they chose it. He gave te 28 days. No more insubordination from those reiforcements after thas The older man ad at back tim up o thy know the companye cout be run on those tines at 9 Brid the tathe we twod agot to t Te turk head cover opp. Quinus Post has be burning ever since 5 pm yesty. We set it on fire w bombs. Abt 12 f of it is burnt. The N.Z. trops inanaged t draw puirk fire excellently Cast night by cheering & holdn a few dumnies over I truck. The reply wt very beevy it seeme to me. Tonight there as firvy at Walkers Top 6o but nothing important I went ap to section H.B. & had a look at Williams - machap& Farry & had a night cap. Col. Tohnston ws ten. A trawlr was noticed today Bidtulade att opm close up to
Germ Officers Truch Crate Turkih Sap DSep Tamping Lo H Ap our new boub proof shellisg or ie en tampay for end explrion 10 4 ae e thar per to he exple Facts as to this tunnel. Fuly P.A. 1.35 this morning Engineers repored sound of enemy movey behind bogbarricade in Tunnel D 21. It turnd oat t thy were removey 1 bags. A senty ws posted. 1.57 D.H.Q. ws informed to light cdnow be can thro the tamping at head of tunnel where mine fired on night of Sanday July 4. Instructis awaited? 1.58 Sergt. Brown instructed to doop a Tep. bonb into the crater. 2. pom. lept sabection we rp of this o told to warn Tentry in I tinnel. Message we received connstly but was twisted in being verbally pusced, into a merage to I centoy to with & saw. He willdrew. when he returnd t5 men. tale be found toeveing had troken doen our sandbags, & come 8or 10ft 33 along 1 tunnel, Oldg up sandbags again & placyg 29 a centry post behind. We built, a Carricade, 12/6 one from their barricede. 650 Reporte to D. G.O. Als uatel tt no inatras yet received. 335.3 638 O.c. Let Sibaecto ordered to take action to present evemy taken advanteg of Darkness. [July 91/3. 30pen) charge placed in port of our barricade in D. 21 fired. The old craler wo swept by 1 explision but I 45 roof of sap between 1 two barricates (12 n 15 f of it) 13 has subsided. a post is now stationed at I head & $258 Enguinsers are constructing a bout fit. All our tremendons digging out towards enring has inabled is to lave faily confortably to this extent we know if he is munin us or not. Eg. 4 can today we heard entiy deffay fron tunnel Da0 39 some smaking object in I weter. two distrogens came, up at Orice & the ting wax on smoking Afterwos I distroyers went away + clouds of blue smoke came out of trawler, & lay along (water. I believe they have nete out to caleh submaries. When they see I get move t plice is at once marked by some sublance wh burns in water. This ws what they dit - but I dont fancy thy ladd submarine in them net [I believe they found the net broken & oil floating on top of waters agd the bavles let out the crughe to attract dygo idy y we have ous on (Tarks. a new guacotton charge was patin to tunnel today - the back of it as tamped up; it wo then expladed - + sandbegs were blown all over 6 Turks. Ribabl allt Ts in 1 crate are dead - at amtate 1 (tunvel is clear of dayer. There is light at end of it & a sentry wa revolver stands Ken. Our new biggedes in Egyshare being founed into a new Dwn. We came fully 2quipped as boyades (ands agreement W (British fort Tane years (ago) w ambalances & sign allers. We need engeneers, but-can Cacily get them in a face libe this. Mr. Cay, I ffancy, will get I Division – I doube kenow what his
40 staff will be? Theyhe sd by Maj. Scobie, who saw (troops in Egypt, to be fairly well trained. War office had bat I proposal before it to donge now. Mr.C. myst 5 as Du. Commander & Daney as C.b.J. 1 At 240 -3.10 evening displayed a large yallow fay on Johnstones Tolly- No consquent action ws noticed. we have be getting more amn. - quile a bombandnnt by us at S tday. Frenys. 6 howitzer near Tembby knott pred & wouilds abt 6 6.30 p. it July 10th At 712 Bn I heard bat Isnipers in Jackson's Post (wt is a little higher up 1 hill. tha formerly) had noticed an officer (wbelmet, blue uniform & some gold vesitig I trenches opposite Pope's Hill every day. He wd come there in morning-aodto men, show two rows of beautiful white teeth (t say you cd see his Smile tho I telescope) & then borrow a rifle from a suiper & he down & have a shot or two This morning they waited for him – oneof prze Ballaral shots & a couple of thes with BSA. rifles & pinhole sights - regular rifle match appaiatis - lay down a others observy The officer came aloay as usual. As he Cant over parepet to take his shot the first o our shots struck 1 ductd litle ahead of hims the next struck it a little behind him. He wast have seen them bathe ws very gallact & went on, co his
am. A the third shot he thren up his lands & fell backs the rifle dropped. this afternoon the Lord Nelson came in & gave a tremendons shelling to a part of the top of Kiled Bahr Platean (194B8. I sad say). Ihl guns in Olive pave - several of them point to I sea whelst one we firing on as - were firmg at the Lord Nelson - They hit here once or twice. The as simply poundry clould of dist out of top 01 hill & a point a lible way down 1 side sn6 a tititon Steds airslell. anonn non n t Faddoy frn in the olive fare. I saw a longbean or rail go upin air at one shot. Afterwoos the Chatham or Dublin came out & let off a lot of shot in very quick time. I don't know plane what she wa firing at. Our was up oflying very low right on I male of T Shrapnel & I fancy she dropped a boub. I took Bagley with me up to the trenches Maj. Gellibrand took him back over Fluges Platean + brought him back safe. will go to Tmbros Oa Monday; as I believe there's a little show tomorrow. The Turks are very nervous - tey are firing quite. a Got tonight. It is carious how men get bock to simple habits during a time like this. I have found one or two
sty 42 oficers, starting to read the bible - & one told on he found it cotaordenarily interesting, I wish I had he time - but I havent. That remends one th I man of the 2nd Brigade afor the battle of May 8 when they came out of trunches sxecially asken for a church service (on Sunday May 16). Sunday July 11. This morning before I woles the monetor came out from bes wi one destroyer. There was just light enough to your outd against see the moands on Kilid Bahr. at them as She was fering bok, her guns fast as ever she could; & by 1 time I was up they were mounds no longer. Throgh our glasse you could not- Even see where they had been. It was as though you had taken a pazor & shaved him clean away. thingtn he had another navel Exhebition. The talbot came out very close to the bay on our north. The find, a couple of rangiy shots, w I balloon ship further out observing for her. Then she began to let loose broads bes - six guns at a time. The explosion ran just like liguid lemon coloured flame. down her side. &the ext -not like a flash - and the neat minute she was almost hidden in rusty smoke. The salvoes were slow at first - laler they followed one another as quick as they could -& tol heard first the Echo from the land & then the
43 bang from ship We could nt see what I he was firing at Boghali or some Turkish camp or depot1st our back. I shd say Asix in shell & fine 475 bursting all at the same time in the space of a little village cannot be a nia experience. We havent had to stan anythiy like it. Hhe warships are very bolt jast now. I believe there was a ferman submarine damaged; Cotn day. The French are sdts have seen a Torpedo boat come down: & tow it away is tey are sd to have taken it for a British submainie! That is the yarm anyhow The trawlers were out at this same time with a net. whilst I. Talbot as fering you cosee a line of them stretching like little water pleas across f honson 10 or12 of them. Hc 1 Falbot went away (w a Parkish (3 pan battery potting at her raising peysers all round het (are c jast hear faine distant songoI shell - almost like a musical whisper to a high shrill note I we co clearly hear I repot of San Coomehere up at Anafarte or 971) the cruiser tarned Northwards to avoid this net. She had three swall destroyers movey round her restlensly all I time like Mowglis wolves. The first Turbish shot went not
Ellist te had bn tlec Col. act. WHe went bect by this vay exposed to cmpers. Tiss followed. Tiss saw him sun 3 steps & then fall. By God they we bit we again Tess, he8d. H Vess droppit down& felt his legtill, he came b an excreunnce (The smpers were shootig now I t th your knee, Tess asked. oaDMC well you legs broken I.J. Dama it I know its not – I know when Ian hit sd MeC. But he diont. His lefbone had evedent been peersed by previous bullet now it broke I I have heard of a premely similar are a graner whose lesbroke are hour afer his wound had bu drem the returned 44 far from hospital ship - bt it as a renpuy shot - & Prange immediately altered. One of our destroyers aprd went I very close to 1 Hap. ship, but io shat followed her. Presently hoap. ship moved back to another positng. I fancy she had very properly moved, from here in order to let the calbet fire Col. m. cay this mornings going this a nasty tenuel in 6 Commanication breach from his HB. to the 7th Bn, fell & broke his Og. Thi is real bad luck. He was, I believe, approved as geveral Commandin the second Austialian Division owh Blamey wd probably have on chief of staff I was read bad luck. I fancy be will still be geveral & but the command of course has gone. I rather hope Maclagan gels it - unless it cobe white. Shla troops are to be (if they wish innoculated for cholera. Thise mean days & after that a second inoculation Ie last O1 first Ct of troops will be geven their innoculati on 1. 7he day. Therefore and innoculati on 14th The monitors are due to arrive very soon. Blaney thanks they are to be capital sheps of fature. It seems to me they are not good eno seashess for t
45 if they were built before this war I don't know what they were built for. The capital ship will be in it seems to me - either the fast light armoured crawer - a small fast ship anyway, or submarne - or both 5 butwith 1disappearance o by ship a great part of value of submarie goes. She is anheatther & The finds it diff ccult (at presut to fiht other submarnes. But I dont believe I by ship can long continue to be cossetled about a nets ete, as she is at present. Before one of our by sheps makes a move now thy seem to have sea almost netter of for him. crept The prks this morning early got te the bomb proof constructed by us at 217 head of sap D.20, & tried to get in but itl 20f were driven back - 304 if them. X They probly came thro their own trench. They were sappin towards our sap. Our explosion plew thso their sapints their trech as well as tioo Scrates. They then used eir sap as a commungater trench). They are now probly. Sappen towards us all they can from crater but they mast hit our next Dap. we were sapping towards tem fom 2nar place

A case ^sometimes quoted as one of spying is : A gun of
ours - mountain gun - was put into a tunnel
between Courtneys & 1st Bn lines. The tunnel had
been prepared for it / day before w a square
opening & a xxx wide place road to drag /
gun out. The emplacement ws timbered.
It was opened at dawn next day & / gun
got two shots onto a Turkish emplacement
at Mortar Ridge - one o / 2 guns there. It got
2 more above it & / next two in. The mortar
Ridge gun had bn laid on it - without question - 
& got two shots just above the emplacement. But
It ws then withdrawn (There are 4 emplacements)
& it big ws not in / emplacement when
our shells entered it. It ws by this time in
another emplacement from wh it put in
430 shots in quick succession to our tunnel.
It didnt harm / gun.
The secret trenches are sometimes
found by / Turks bec. our people will
stick periscopes up there. M'C wanted to
from the sap between Courtneys & 1st Bn but
Jess mentioned he hadn't got one.

asked me to dinner & a great little dinner it was -J.
The Col., Padre, Price (the adjutant) & I. McC told us
during dinner of a conference he had been to in the afternoon
at Bde H.Q. at wh he had & all other Colonels had been asked 
their opinion on a certain plan & he gave us all his ideas
about it - with the cook looking on. That is the way
news gets out here.
I dont know how news gets from our men to
the enemy - but it does sometimes get there. For instance
there's a persistant statement tt when the 2nd L.H.R
went first into / trenches at Quinn's the Turks shouted:
"Hallo 2nd Light Horse! We know you're there!" The 2 L.H.
were very green & I daresay / Turks heard them
shoutin - you had to talk in whispers at Quinns
at that time. George Lloyd says he knows of one
case in the news leaked from here to / enemy.
I sd "are you sure?".(They think tt bec. of our having
German settlers in Australia - plenty of Germans
have died in this force fighting for us - we probly
have spies. We think they have their spies amongst
their greek labourers etc.) He sd "only fools are
This afternoon an extraordinary position
arose in No D10 20 sap. We exploded this tunnel
- not very effectively under German Officers
trench the other day - as a matter of fact
we exploded 2 mines one near either end of it.
This ws fairly near the N. corner of it. Part o /
parapet fell in but / Turks remained in /
rest o / trench, & rushed out & occupied /
crater. We didnt in / least object bombed


them out o / crater. We had a sentry in / tunnel.
They got into / crater again & began to dig deeper.
We had sand bagged / end o / tunnel but they
dug until day light actually appeared between /
Things were like this when / sentry ws
withdrawn - Why, I dont know. The Turks got seized
/ moment ( it looks as tho' they frightened him)
to steal down & move our sand bags along / tunnel
trench abt 12 feet & take it for themselves.
When Col. Elliott came down to see - there ws /
barrier & a Turk. sentry fired two shots at him.
The Turks were behind the bags & Theodore
(the Greek interpreter)& an officer crept up thro a 
crevice cd see several Turks there w an officer
awfully pleased w themselves at / trick they
had played us.
We have a strong guard now in 
/ tunnel.
The last few mornings the Turks
have opened on Quinns w 2 machin mountain
guns, one in a Communicn. trench abt
350 yds N, & one at the back of Lone Pine[[?,]]
farther S. They take / risk of hitting their
own trenches & at dawn open up & quickly 
fire 10, 20, or 30 shots at Quinns. They
knockd over / parapet protecting a m.g. on the
left but our men got the m.g. away. And 
they hit 2 men in / trench / same morning.
Maj. Ferguson is going to try to get them with


one of his Guns tomorrow at dawn.
The 3rd Bn reinforcements have been
giving a bit of trouble. One young fool told his
N.C.O. (when the N.C.O ordered him to go with a water
fatigue) " to go & get ----!" He  "Come along boys",
he added & 3 or 4 idiots followed him - reinforcement 
also. He is up for Gen. Court Martial - The other
fools too were given by M.C the choice tt he
shd deal w them - & they s chose it. He gave
them 28 days. No more insubordination
from those reinforcements after that. The other 
men cd not back them up - they know
the campaign cd nt be run on those lines.
Frid. July 9
The table wa turned agst the T
we s The Turk head cover opp. Quinns Post
has bn burning ever since 5 p.m. yesty. We set 
it on fire w bombs. Abt 12 ft of it is burnt.
The N.Z. troops managed to draw Turk
fire excellently last night by cheering & holding
 a few dummies over / trench. The reply ws
very heavy - it seemed to me. Tonight there
ws firing at Walkers Top too, but nothing
important. I went up to section H.Q. & had
a look at Williams - nice chap- & Farr,
& had a night cap. Col. Johnston ws there.
A dest trawler was noticed today.
Frid July 9 The  abt 6p.m. close up to


Germ Officers Trench
(Diagram- see original)

Facts as to this tunnel:
July 8. At 11.35 this morning engineers reported sound of
enemy moving behind bag barricade ↓This barricade ws / Tamping for the 1st Explosion. in Tunnel D 21. It turned
out tt they were removing / bags. A sentry ws posted.
1.57 D.H.Q. ws informed tt light cd now be seen
thro' the tamping at head of tunnel where mine fired on
night of Sunday July 4. "Instructions awaited".
1.58 Sergt Brown instructed to drop a Jap. bomb
into the crater.
2.p.m. Left subsection ws inf. of this & told to warn /
sentry in / tunnel. Message ws received correctly
but was twisted in being verbally passed into a
message to / sentry to "withdraw". He withdrew.
When he returned 15 mins. later he found tt / enemy
had broken down our sandbags & come 8 or 10 ft
along / tunnel, bldg up sandbags again & placing
a sentry post behind. We built a barricade 12 ft
from their barricade.
6.30 Reported to D.H.Q. Also reported tt no instrns
yet received.
6.38 O.C. Left Subsection ordered to take action to
prevent enemy taking advantage of darkness.
July. 9 (3.30 p.m.) Charge placed in front of our barricade in
D. 21 fired. The old crater ws swept by / explosion but /
roof o / sap between / two barricades (12 of 15 ft of it)
had subsided. A post is now stationed at / head & /
Engineers are constructing a bomb pit.
[*The Turks were
firing at our
bags 1 minute
before this and
were therefore
in their sap & crater.
It is a wonder they were
as about 30 periscopes
went up from onlookers
& were watching
for 5 minutes
before the explosion!*]
All our tremendous digging out towards enemy has enabled us
to live fairly comfortably to this extent - we know if he is missing
us or not. E.g 4 a.m. today we heard faint enemy digging from tunnel
D9A & D9B

some smoking object in / water. Two
destroyers came up at once & the thing
went on smoking. Afterwards / destroyers
went away & clouds of blue smoke came
out o / trawler & lay along / water. I 
believe they idea is  have nets out to 
catch submarines. When they see / net
move / place is at once marked by
some substance wh burns in water.
This ws what they did - but I dont
fancy they had a submarine in their
(Diagram- see original)
[I believe they found the net broken & oil floating on top o /
water, and the trawler let out the smoke to attract / destroyers.]
Friday July 9.
We have turned / tables
on / Turks. A new gun cotton charge ws
put in tt tunnel today - the back of it
ws tamped up; it ws then exploded - & /
sandbags were blown all over / Turks.
Probably all / T.s in / crater are dead- at
any rate / tunnel is clear of danger. There
is light at / end of it & a sentry w a 
revolver stands there.
Our new brigades in Egypt are
being formed into a new Divn. We come
fully equipped as brigades (under agreement
w / British Govt some years ago) w
ambulances & signallers - We need 
engineers, but can easily get them in a 
force like this. McCay, I fancy , will
get / Division. I dont know what his


staff will be. They're sd by Maj. Scobie, who
saw / troops in Egypt, to be fairly well trained.
War Office has had / proposal before it 5 days now. McC. might|
go as Divn. Commander & Blamey as C.O.S.
At 2.40 - 3.13 enemy displayed a large yellow flag
on Johnstones Jolly No consequent action ws noticed.
We have bn getting more amn.- quite a bombardment by us at 
5 today. Enemys 6" howitzer near Scrubby Knoll fired 8
rounds abt 6 - 6.30 pm.
July 10th
At 7th Bn I heard that / snipers 
in Jackson's Post (wh is a little higher up / hill
than formerly) had noticed an officer (w helmet, blue
uniform & some gold) on his visiting / trenches
opposite Pope's Hill every day. He wd come there
in / morning - nod to / men, show two rows of
beautiful white teeth (they say you cd see his 
smile thro / telescope) & then borrow a rifle
from a sniper & lie down & have a shot or two.
This morning they waited for him - one o /
prize Ballarat (?) shots & a couple of others with
B.S.A. rifles & pinhole sights - regular rifle 
match apparatus - lay down w others observing.
The officer came along as usual. As he leant over /
parapet to take his shot the first of our shots struck
/ dust a little ahead of him; the next struck
it a little behind him. He must have seen
them but he ws very gallant & went on w his


aim. At the third shot he threw up his hands & fell
back; the rifle dropped.
This afternoon The Lord Nelson came in
& gave a tremendous shelling to a part of the
top of Kilid Bahr Plateau (194B8 I shd say).
The guns in Olive Grove- several of them point to
/ sea whilst one ws firing on us - were firing at
The Lord Nelson - They hit her once or twice.
She ws simply pounding clouds of dust out o / top o /
hill & a point a little way down / side.
(Diagram- see original)
I saw a long beam or rail go up in /
air at one shot.
Afterwards the Chatham or Dublin came out &
let off a lot of shot in very quick time - I dont know
what she ws firing at. Our 'plane was up flying very low
right in / middle of T. shrapnel & I fancy she dropped
a bomb. I took Bazley with me up to the trenches
& Maj. Gellibrand took him back over Plugges' Plateau
& brought him back safe.
Will go to Imbros on Monday as I believe
there's a little show tomorrow. The Turks are very
nervous - They are firing quite a lot tonight.
It is curious how men get back to simple
habits during a time like this. I have found on one or two


officers starting to read the bible - & one told me he
found it extraordinarily interesting. I wish I had the
time - but I havent. That reminds one tt / men
of the 2nd Brigade after the battle of May 8 when
they came out o / trenches specially asked for a 
church service (on Sunday May 16.).
Sunday July 11. This morning before I woke
the monitor came out from Imbros with one
destroyer. There was just light enough to
see the ^four mounds on Kilid Bahr. There outlined against /
sky. She was firing both her guns ^at them & by as
fast as ever she could; by / time I was about
as up there were mounds no longer. Through
your glasses you could not even see where they
had been. It was as though you had taken a 
razor & shaved them clean away.
Tonight This evening we had another naval
exhibition. the Talbot came out very close
to the bay on our north. She fired a couple of
ranging shots, w / balloon ship further out
observing for her. Then she began to let loose
broadsides - six guns at a time. The 
explosion ran just like liquid yellow lemon
coloured flame down her side & the next
- not like a flash - and the next minute
she was almost hidden in rusty smoke. The
salvoes were slow at first - later they followed
one another as quick as they could - & we 
heard first the echo from the land & then the


bang from / ship. We couldn't see what she
was firing at - Baghali or some Turkish
camp or depot ^far at our back I shd say.
A six in shell & five 4.7s bursting all at
the same time in the space of little village
cannot be a nice experience. We havent had to stand
anything like it.
The warships are very bold just now.
I believe there was a German Submarine
damaged / other day. The French are sd to
have seen a Torpedo boat come down & tow
it away - They are sd to have taken it for a
British submarine. That is the yarn anyhow.
The trawlers were out at this same time
with a net. Whilst / Talbot ws firing
you cd see a line of them stretching like little
water fleas across / horizon - 10 or 12
of them. As / Talbot went away (w a 
Turkish 3 gun battery potting at her &
raising geysers all round her (we cd just
hear / faint distant song o / shell - about
like a  musical whisper w a high shriek
note - & we cd clearly hear / report o /
gun (somewhere up at Anafarta or
971) The Cruiser turned Northwards to avoid 
this net. She had three small destroyers
moving round her restlessly all / time like
Mowglis' wolves.
The first Turkish shot went not


He had bn to see Col. Jackson Elliott. He went back
by this way exposed to snipers. Jess followed. Jess
saw him run 3 steps & then fall. "By God they've hit
me again, Jess", he sd. He Jess dropped down &
felt his leg till he came to an Excrescence (The snipers
were shooting now) "Is tt your knee'', Jess asked.
"No" sd McC. "Well your legs broken" sd J.
"Damn it I know its not - I know when I'm hit"
sd McC. But he didnt. His leg bone had evidently
been pierced by / previous bullet - & now it broke.
I have heard of a precisely similar case - a
gunner whose leg broke one hour after his wound had
bn dressed & he ^had returned.

far from / hospital ship - but it ws a ranging 
shot - / range immediately altered. One of our
destroyers afterwds went very close to / Hosp
ship, but no shot followed her. Presently /
hosp-ship moved back to another position. I
fancy she had very properly moved from there
in order to let the Talbot fire.
Col McCay this morning, going thro a nasty
tunnel in / Communication trench from his
H.Q. to the 7th Bn, fell & broke his leg. This is
real bad luck. He was, I believe, approved as 
General Commanding the Second Australian
Division - o wh Blamey wd probably have
bn chief of staff. It was real bad luck. I fancy he
will still be General - but the Command of
course has gone. I rather hope Maclagan
gets it - unless it cd be White.
The troops are to be (if they wish)
innoculated for Cholera. This takes means
7 days & after that a second innoculation.
The last o / first lot of troops will be given
their innoculation on / 7th day. Therefore
2nd innoculation on 14th -
The monitors are due to arrive very
soon. Blamey thinks they are to be /
capital ships o / future. It seems to me
they are not good eno' sea ships for tt


- if they were built before this war I dont
know what they were built for. The capital 
ship will be - it seems to me - either
the fast light armoured cruiser - a small 
fast ship anyway, or / submarine - or
both; but with / disappearance o /
big ship a great part o / value o /
submarine goes. She is unhealthy &
she finds it difficult (at present) to fight
other submarines. But I dont believe /
big ship can long continue to be cossetted
about w nets etc. as she is at present.
Before one of our big ships makes a move 
now they seem to have / sea almost 
netted off for them.
The Turks this morning early got into the crept up to
the bomb proof constructed by us at /
head of sap D20, & tried to get in but
were driven back - 3 or 4 of them.
They probly came thro their own
trench. [They were sapping towards
our sap. Our explosion blew thro
their sap into their trench as well as thro 
/ crater. They then used their trench sap as 
a communication trench]. They are now
probly sapping towards us all they can from
/ crater, but they must hit our next sap.
We were sapping towards them from 27 as place
[*Diagram- see original*]



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