Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/10/1 - June - September 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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lately along 1 hellride for more then 2000 troops Old T. came off precently, wt. a lot of talk edice 7. She ha mo, ws a M.H prill (a anwer )& 1 de I can't liose has he I belie o step in it F ap 6 backfrom yes Lard hes for Obt 3 of A.S.C. hes unwes Gen. Lotiniere has be made director of Works, at F.G.H.O. an an Yesteatay nown? it
33 latily along 1 hellride for more than 2000 troops) Base. Old T. came of presently, to a lot of medical stores frt his Bn, Cooking) very well. She had two o his oe to him. One of them, Owens, ws a man who had bee recommanded for the D.C.M. He was placed at Mena Camp + set to do squad drill (a man who had bu with I force diice the first arrival at mena - oneof first convoy from Australia!) & when be applied to come back we told there we no prospect of his being ald to so. He supt deserted & came. The base is a perfect scandal - I cant bust myself to covite abbit. The same dattalion has had Okes good men who have had to dos same - I believe MacNaughten did also. Toit came up to my day out of slept there - It ws wet so Bagley had a corner in it also. 5 Thursday Tuly I. went with old T. 4 6 his trences today. Iound little Butter here, back from Alex. o A private hs bnr sentenced to 2 yrs hard labour for absenten himself from 1 trunces for abt 3 weeks - sentence to begin at once. Friday Juby 2. Tre 112 (Railvoey) loy of A. 5.c. hes arrived. Gen. Lobiniere has be made Ddirector of Works, at FG.H.O. Yesesta tnon an unknown Colonel
20 went too 1 trunckes on our right? I wonder of they have found out who he wa A man has arrived from the 222d Br- Cth Bde - came on here in orde to get into 1 truches. A chapen Divl. Awm. Col. came across for same reason other day – He prented 12 in blue on his arm - (Our officers often have heir badges marked in in delible pencil now) but an officer 0the 12th recognised him took several photoo the tte day of Haghes? gun being fire & withdrawn on Tuae 28. a40 one of Grenns Post from the Commun, cater trench to Popes sully Helle more heavy fincy this Evening at 8-9 pm. I near there ws another unsuccess ful to counter abtack today Their guns were clearly firig from inland on our left for the splshes sd be seen in the sea. Our shrapsel buoshng Leavily on te e ridge ofor some minutes a little after 8t. Therefore probably they were aga. attacking 12.30 am (Tuly 3) Heavy riple fering pom Quiins or N.3 lines. Snather Stany night – We are foring great stones up the vally below us & are refitting our units w picks, shovels etc. Saturday July 3. There was ao excitencet here last right. Hasprod & Cob Braithwaite tell me that at 12.30& tll 2, heavy rifle firing wo feand
21 breakfast time, thy ater ateacly had a tarks took one fimis killens (I think it morning got beautiful & its support Cincle de pactie seeming o successive shots. riss Times"man- 15 r san pound Buls. says that BAG. O om here. The we 3 but tin wewent at leasr bdion 6 asI kay, who is v. cllucls ben incrce fant field dressings for 3000 pagay tonight Fo went ap have had a little crises or pattlerly pe way She fired abt be also had te talbot today Pesounded big) Destiazen Wank. of a wierd sort rather of from a catepult. abt 50 yds from I If thren a
TSIKRIIRN LIUISIU 3.7.13 23012 J IS 7108 Wtt 4 8 Cod. 14 A B 202 4. 791 o Wonot Ad en A Witis0 TIrk0 Seate, 1: 10000. V.I. 2Umetrgs atout 65tect. 4 1667
21 in Idirecto of Helles. By Creakfast time thy had word to a fierie countee ateack, had on made & beaten off. The Tarks took one Sharka Wench but the Inniskillens (I think it os) retook it Our howilzers this morning got beautfull onto Deadman's Ridge & its support tructe whyddil & made splended piactin i seeming to but I truck to abl 10 successive shots. Hear from Roes t rips e+ Auer - the Ol0 Times man – ws here a few days stnce after goig, gound Bulg- -aria Konmana. He says that Bulg. o R. will bot come in unleas eog Coin bere. The 13 But tin we want at least 6dion check to us has prevented ta 16 6 greece cont come in inles ken, who is v. popaler, agrees. The k illis bew incrase this peputarity. I hear tey want field dressings for 3000. soo D roning Bseraty bbelogeng Head I we seedy tonight t so went ap to see. Nno old chap seens to have had a little discentery & sickness. There ws a big cruised or pattlerly of sorts firig down K. Tipe way she fired abt 10rounds in here (we also had be talbot to da pert. this Ws (Exmonk. Isounded bg) Destiragen as also fin in our N. Flank. A Turkigh County of a wierd sort father like a fieny court, ofhng from a catepult. exploded in 1 air only abt 50 yds from I duy out as I want up If thren a
B 1 909 28 66 t 346 340 OCVE 8 Sut 2 2 second boub into an lives wh ws at leas t to sees. before explading. Didn't sount as bad as our boabs. But olf I ought to have a bonl proof roof. He only has 2 inches of eark on Proof. The Carks were avery jampy tonight firing constantly- possibly bec. onr ships were ferny. At 10.30 am. we are to send up a firebelloon shaped like a Zeppelin. Ite past that now - nodin sofar. Sunday Tielist. usfis I toasked all night. The Talbot was out firing last night I was firey again first thing this morning. These beg naval gues - Sin Isuppose. made a trimendons noise after te small destiagers gins we have got ased to. I wentout to have a look as her this morning - could see some tark out on the edge of Rilid Bahir taking to anoher not far from one of the biy piles of braskwood Could also see some body of cavalry or enfanty moving on the Turkish "passde ground? The Talbot second to be fering attou pait on the hidlen road to Achibabe jus below the Kiled Baler Glatean as the dus of her boadides was reaiy therr. I believe she was to bomberd some point for our observers yesty. O.I tells me her captain came adove after the first few spots & sent his ship away. He told ceenliffe Owen to be cdnt for here observers. they told him his first shot ws 100yd over & when he find a second at (same Lange Kg sdit 10007s short. 24 -1A
23 Geore Leffe who wa upin his pygamas ths morning told me we had spotted a ballery wh ws firing on the 8tn Copo & wh they could no find. Possibly she ws fing at tet. A battery prop. t one on Rilid Bahe wo fining on the Talbor - Curstin sheapnel over her. One of their his guns has also been wasting ammunition tryen to hit the trawlers quite a long way out to sea- thes followed one trawler a good part of way to (mbros. Narther trawler today samply came in boldly & dodged the shots - one of them yesterday seemed to be testing the guns extreme range a steaning straight away from it & letter it chase ber. From the curious course our to awles take over there one rater supects there way be te lor o (the little show o the right didnt wae of at raon and a Post tis coming off tonight instead. Tho (Maones arrive here two days ago & have sone, int camp in the N.3 Gally. 34 /1118(Ry) Coy. AS.C. has arrived or is buit in up on gully. Ty have a prety counge man up there. The dregont he lives in happen to be buitt upsatte like a pulpit o this evening Ihearda mane voice declaiming & & there be as making an election speech to our sido o1Dally you can't throw rotten egps at me a (of course 29g0 are a pricelies commadity here now the we have had part of a caxtured Turkish shipment) - next time you'll give me a fairer hearing2t. He ceally uo doing it very well - making his points out of the wax. .H.Q. has and its answer to my
Dop2 aptinitton dont A 1 coy 2y request to be alld to stay at Angac. His addressed to fen. Leffe. to referency to your letter O128 Tane forwrdy & recommending an application from Capt. Bean to be aldived to remain w division, I have to inform you tt 1 geseral officer Comsandry in chief fully recognises, the points brought forward and will give cap t. Blan every facility to visit the Austialian Dion. as often as he wishes to do so, & further will Always permit Capt Been to remain 3or 4days of a time at Anzac. The F.O.C. can however make no exception t decision arrived at th all accridity correspondents shall tive at K. Beach Cnbras, to tok place be shd so as soon as possible. Should, however, after a tricel O/new arrangement, Capt Rean come to a conclusion to his work is suffery tro not actually living w. ( troops the G.O.C. will be prepared to reconsider his present posite, & in 1 meantime I fact shdl not be lost sight of th Sir San Hamilton before proper antorcoate we recd. from war office, at his own risk out of regard for very naturer desire of people of the domanious concerned, permitted these tooreapondents to accompany the brooks & practice teir profession. This is all right except the lad
25 sentence which is wrong- I was not allo. to praaties my profession. Ashiea Bartlell & Renters corsespt. Were the only two alld to do so until the admiritys authori arrived on May2- a week after we lands. this of causse means, I shall have to so to Laibies a day or two in the week. Iy i probable -we shall be able to carry on the only drawback being waste of time of the monse aguost certainly of betty shelled revery time we come in or out, which is quite unnecessary seemgthtat our business sitso benifit & the state no sermity. Of course 1H has to write to the W.O to setief it, of an French 7 71 e Fig c op. 0or F 2. 36 clog 2612 1 174. 1e 262 -to 227N.6 ir 28 S.1 Angac/y 61 E3 1p4 6 camp in aero 3. 34 ma T t 147 13of Helles 57 Aadthf at Angooct as smote s 6OSNTA twigat Rei or Barb or 106 op 20148 erM t Debmer 25 2 19 25

Copy No 1

WALKERS TOP     30.6.15

Memo to Regimental Commanders

Brigadier General Russell, Commanding No 4 Sectn

ANZAC COVE has expressed his appreciation 

of the gallant defence of the subsection

WALKERS TOP by the 8th L.H. and 9th L.H.

during the persistent attack made on the 

post for three hours during the early morning

30-6-15. He considers that the loss by

the enemy of at least 250 killed, possibly an

equal number wounded and 12 captured,

against our loss of 6 killed and 24 wounded

to be quite satisfactory.

The Army Corps Commander, also the 

Divisional Commander, after inspecting the post,

expressed their appreciation of the work done

by the troops.

Unit Commanders will kindly convey the

above appreciation of the higher Commanders

to the troops.

I would also add that I consider that the

gallant action of all ranks worthily upheld

the best traditions of the Imperial Forces.

A Miell Lt Col.


Mjr C. Reynell

acting CO 9th LH


lately along / hillside for more than 2000 troops.)

The Base. Old J. came off presently, w a lot of medical

stores for looks his Bn, looking very well. He had

two of his men w him. One of them, Owens, ws a

man who had bn recommended for the D.C.M. He

was placed at Mena Camp & set to do squad drill (a man

who had bn with / force since the first arrival at

Mena - one o / first convoy from Australia!) & when

he applied to come back ws told there ws no

prospect of his being alld to go. He simply deserted

& came. The base is a perfect scandal - I cant trust

myself to write abt it. The same battalion has had

other good men who have had to do / same - I believe

MacNaughton did also.

Jock came up to my dug out & slept

there - It ws wet so Bazley had a corner in it also.

Thursday Ju1y 1. Went with old J. up to

his trenches today. Found little Butler there, back from

Alex.  The 11th A.S.C.

A private ^ (12 Bn) has bn sentenced to 2 yrs hard

labour for absenting himself from / trenches for abt 3

weeks - sentence to begin at once.

Friday July 2. The 11th (Railway) Coy of A.S.C. has


Gen. Lotbiniēre has bn made Director of

Works, at C G.H.Q.

Yesterday morning afternoon an unknown colonel



went thro / trenches on our right - I wonder if they

have found out who he ws.

A man has arrived from the 22nd Bn -

6th Bde - came on here in order to get into / trenches.

A chap in / Divl. Ammn. Col. came across for /

same reason / other day - He printed 12 in blue

on his arm - (Our officers often have their badges

marked in indelible pencil now) but an officer

o the 12th recognised him.

[Took several photos the other day of Hughes' gun

being fired & withdrawn on June 28; also one of 

Quinns Post from the communicatn trench to Popes


Helles. More heavy firing this evening at 8-9 pm. I hear 

there ws another unsuccessful T. counter attack today.

Their guns were clearly firing from inland on our left for

the splashes cd be seen in the sea. Our shrapnel

bursting heavily on the near ^ skyline ridge for some minutes

a little after 8. Therefore probably they were agn.


12.30 am (July 3) Heavy rifle firing from Quinns or

N.Z lines.

Another stormy night - we are forming great stores

up the valley below us & are refitting our units w 

picks, shovels etc.
Lighthorseman & Turk. w Bayonet.

Saturday July 3.

There was no excitement here last night.

Glasfurd & Col. Braithwaite tell me that at

12.30 & till 2. heavy rifle firing ws heard



See original document


Diagram - see original document



in / direction of Helles. By breakfast time they

had word tt a fierce counter attack had

bn made & beaten off. The Turks took one

Ghurka trench but the Inniskillens (I think it 

ws) retook it.

Our howitzers this morning got beautifully 

onto Deadmans Ridge & its support trenches

w Lyddite & made splendid practice - seeming

to hit / trench w abt 10 successive shots.

Hear from Ross tt rifs
Hand drawn diagram - see original document

Amery - the old "Times" man - ws

here a few days since after going round Bulgaria

& Romania. He says that Bulg. &

R. will not come in unless we win here. The

check to us has prevented them. (?) But then we want at least 6 divns. X

[*X  I think 
this is 
"6 divisions" 


Greece wont come in unless / King , who is v.

popular, agrees. The K's illness has increased

his popularity. I hear they want field dressings for 3000. 

We xxxxx got one service men in by

promising B something belonging

Heard J. ws seedy tonight & so went up

to see. The old chap seems to have had a little

dysentery & sickness.

There ws a big cruiser or battleship

of sorts firing down K. Tepe way - she fired abt

10 rounds in here (we also had the Talbot today -

perh. this ws / Exmouth. It sounded big.) Destroyer

ws also firing on our N. flank.

A Turkish bomb of a weird sort - rather

like a fiery comet, & flung from a catapult,

exploded in / air only abt 50 yds from J's

dug out as I went up.
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
It threw a


With reference to your letter of the 28 June forwarding and recommending an application from Captain Bean
to be allowed to remain with the division I have to inform you that the GOCIC fully recognises
the points brought forward and will give Captain Bean every facility to visit the Australian division
as often as he wishes to do so and further will always permit Captain Bean to remain
3 or 4 days at a time at Anzac.
The GOC can however make no exception to the decision arrived at
that all accredited correspondents shall live at K. beach Imbros.
to which place he should go as soon as possible.  Should however after a trial of the new
arrangement Capt. Bean come to a conclusion that his work is suffering through not
actually living with the troops the GOC will be prepared to reconsider his present
decision position and in the meantime the fact should not be lost sight of that
Sir I H before the proper authorisation was received from the W O at his own risk
out of regard for the very [[shorthand]] desire of the people of the xx dominions concerned permitted


second bomb into our lines wh ws at least

10 sec. before exploding. Didnt sound as bad as

our bombs. But old J ought to have a bomb proof

roof. He only has 2 inches of earth on / roof.

The Turks were very jumpy tonight - firing

constantly - possibly bec. our ships were firing.

At 0.30a.m. we are to send up a fire balloon

shaped like a Zeppelin. Its just that now - no sign so far.

Sunday July 4.

I worked all night. The Talbot was out

firing last night & was firing again first thing this

morning. These big naval guns - 6in. I suppose -

made a tremendous noise - after the small destroyers

guns we have got used to. I went out to have a look at her

this morning - could see some Turk out on the edge of

Kilid Bahr

Hand drawn diagram - see original document

talking to another

not far from one of the big piles of brushwood. Could also

see some body of cavalry or infantry moving on the

Turkish "parade ground". The Talbot seemed to be firing

at some point on the hidden road to Achibaba just below the

Kilid Bahr Plateau as the dust of her broadsides was rising


I believe she was to bombard some point for our

observers yesty. O.'G. tells me her captain came ashore

after the first few shots & sent his ship away. He told

Cunliffe Owen tt he cdn't observe work for these observers.

They told him his first shot ws 100 yds over & when he fired

a second at / same range they sd it ws 1000 yds short.

[*these correspondents to accompany the troops and practise their profession.*]



Gen. Legge who ws up in his pyjamas this morning

told me we had spotted a battery wh ws firing on the

8th Corps & wh they could not xxx find. Possibly she ws

firing at that.

A battery prob. the one on Kilid Bahr ws firing

on the Talbot - bursting shrapnel over her. One of their

big guns has also been wasting ammunition trying

to hit the trawlers quite a long way out to sea -

they followed one trawler a good part o / way to

Imbros. Another trawler today simply came in boldly

& dodged the shots - one of them yesterday seemed to

be testing the guns extreme range - steaming straight

away from it & letting it chase her. From the curious

course our trawlers take over there one rather suspects

there may be a minefield.

The little show on the right didnt come off

at Tasmania Post. It is coming off tonight instead.

The Maoris arrived here two days ago & have

gone into camp in the N.Z. Gully.

The 11th (Rly) Coy. A.S.C. has arrived & is

built in up our gully. They have a pretty comic

man up there. The dugout he lives in happens

to be built up rather like a pulpit - this evening 

I heard a mans voice declaiming - & there he

ws making an election speech to our side o / valley.

"You cant throw rotten eggs at me - (of course eggs

are a priceless commodity here now tho' we have 

had part of a captured Turkish shipment) - next 

time you'll give me a fairer hearing" etc.

He really ws doing it very well - making

his points out of the war.

The H.Q has sent its answer to my


C.F. Hamilton's 

Diary p. 834. I don't

know if this was one of the

changes referred to, or

was a measure consequent 

upon them.

C.E.W.B. 21/12/21


request to be alld to stay at Anzac. It is

addressed to Gen. Legge.

W reference to your letter o / 28 June forwarding 

& recommending an application from Capt.

Bean to be allowed to remain w / division, I 
have to inform you tt / General Officer 
Commanding in Chief fully recognises the

points brought forward and will give Capt. Bean

every facility to visit the Australian Divn.

as often as he wishes to do so, & further will 

always permit Capt Bean to remain 3 or 

4 days at a time at Anzac.

The G.O.C. can however make no

exception to / decision arrived at tt all accredited 

correspondents shall live at K. Beach Imbros, 

to wh place he shd go as soon as possible.

Should, however, after a trial o / new

arrangement, Capt Bean come to a 

conclusion tt his work is suffering thro'

not actually living w / troops, the G.O.C.

will be prepared to reconsider his 

present positn, & in / meantime / fact

shd not be lost sight of tt Sir Ian Hamilton

before / proper authorisatn ws recd.

from / War Office at his own risk out

of regard for / very natural desire o / people

of these dominions concerned, permitted

these correspondents to accompany the

troops & practice their profession.

(This is all right except the last



sentence which is wrong - I was not alld.

to practice my profession. Ashmead Bartlett

& Reuters correspt. were the only two

alld to do so until the Admiralty's authorisation 

arrived on May 2 - a week after we landed.

This of course means I shall have

to go to Imbros a day or two in the week. It

is probable we shall be able to carry on - the

only drawback being waste of time & the moral

certainty of being shelled ^ almost every time we

come in or out, which is quite unnecessary

seeing the state & our business gets not

benefit & the state no security. Of course

I.H. has to write to the W.O. to satisfy it,

or the French.
Imbros.  Noticed the area is [[shorthand]] has deep water like around [[shorthand]].
Light [[shorthand]] the pier then a gap.  Of course we could not have
one at one place and another at another.  I am sure
[[shorthand]].  Can hear every now and then the reverberation of
shells at Anzac [[shorthand]].
Camp in a corn field
[*Rifle fire*]
We burst a mine on [[shorthand]] at 10.30
a great [[shorthand]] nowadays  If only they got back
[*NG best
57 Australian division at Anzac yesterday
and 60 at NZ&A.
Turgut Reis or Barb. or [[shorthand]]
shelled us this morning trying to get the pier but failed.
Later charge and hit hill top.  Submarine
seen - Fritz or Otto.  First on one side
of transport then the other.  Lieut of the torpedo boat told us that
he had seen a submarine 6 weeks ago when they first
came, 2 miles away.  Saw the periscope
and the
we saw a line of trawlers apparently towing a net
and an aeroplane and 3 destroyers [[shorthand]].
These batteries against us this morning
13 heavy batteries against Helles.
As we left a huge smoke on Walker's Ridge
I could not help thinking of Jock.
None beside as we must get ahead before storm
or else cut off.
[[shorthand]] German submarines are coming how [[shorthand]] of people at Imbros
officer of [[?]] [[shorthand]] best place to have one.



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