Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/1/1 - October - December 1914 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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mony. Enq. Mark 21. E. 23. The hittle Khings of Camp Lift. Mar. 26. M 24. Brying to keep Irerl Mar.2 weed It is of course very difficult, & almost impossible to drag heavy waggons across the line of the dunes over like as steamer crest after crest fo wer making way across a head sea. But it is not so diffecult to $
October 21. 22.23. 24.25. 262728. 1914 wed 2m Vonlatonr Day CI Said gaodbye C moter at Norkampton 27 acland F. Tarr'd to Port Hell Orter lef ar 1.10 with archie. Crowd has tiking buggass. Morning Co at Mis Mis with with ti Doros& dates cameto Pox oilb pats in afternoon broke bine of sentries & rased & after being teld a managed t get onts wharf. sailed at 3 watched I kildd fus 22 e th C. Billia, Nat. Doween for father & mother & tought I saw tem Theew; Mary pall of tnoke os mist on weving a white handhirchief 600 prosed horrion aboad at beakfast tis Melowine caling dose under hills. sigale as aves at disnestie rosid her 1006 signa I by moree ast ame wireles measo finistd by wirelees ong sent some wy 23 oar 1 Oon lo itmant W tune Si7tV to us alt caliting our pay when we prased astern. Pacsks at oomn. wl Ren in Mrt Philin Caunt by mope by play. was new ceutb us by cenaphore a 2 21 al T critit beat of a Bight ook 25 Sund. Bight. Swook. (prom Tas) Oct. 26 Monday- Reached Albony - wind rising. Geelong came in at Dasa. just alead of us. Star of Victoria aster About 12.45, ater lad, euripedes po sydncy eteredo very well with decks all lined, sip dressed, band playing. looked very hard but idas make out Tock- wide to him. ibe afternoon very bavy wind got up. Toctern next to as seemed to be dosping her anchor at 10 p.m. Bships were in put when we cans in - in 3 lines abt 6 in 20ch. We three made 21. Toor thre arrive since. Very windy night. Finished 1or letter. caing. moved into herbour - spent most of day writing. Oct. 27. Tuesday. Melbourse outside on goard. Asnitant Parses asked me to box him at 7 am. Oct D. Wadnesday. Didso, + found he knew somethey about it – 3rounds, got banged in the nax & also knocked down. At abt 9am. movey out of the cies harbous as noticed one two three - 13 distant ships on the honzon. They cere clarly – The N.Z. tranport + convoy wh N.Z. had demanded to bring them over. One suking heavily - moved in first, close under hills t west. She had a Tapanise flag- Ibuke - a much thicker set ship then any of ours in the Pacific Exc. the Austratia - broad funnels (23) sn anchored close under the hills. Menstaur (a smaller shep) and Bychs & Pyramees following her like terriers aime in next Afterwards ty New Zealand Croopshy (Hapship) carrying Ma general Godley. All N.G. ships were grey - all one fandally
October. 28. 2 2 C iil Aillen with small, numbers H.M.N.Z. T Cap to 10). They anchored fas out. Melboural came in I went out again in afternoon. Later - a cosference of 0.05 on the orvicto. They were brought in an Albany tug. I look some of tren 30r 4 hours to read the ship - major Benaeth Clan Masguorguodate) to example left before briakfast. others as early as 8. They made up for it durny luncheon on the Orvicto. About this conference in the morningl & hous in afternoon. Then (except for the caripides people who got th out of our ships boats beut hem) to rest climbed down onto the same solitary tog. It went all round the 3rows of ships, & Col. Puterland of the Southern (LHamb.) which is the neared ship to us reached his ship last of all - lef here at D & got to te southern about 7.DD. We got alongide Enripides abt 7.10 I hailed a steward and called old Tack out of dinner & had a good long yora to him. We as busy as they had had a good deal of influenza. We got back at 8.20 had to climb ap rope latder & had coffee & rolls in cabin. Severel exccting scenes texk place wille men were clambering outo their ships out in the boy where it was rouft One man (sergt May.) supposed to have falle overbourd the Hororata on the roagh night (monday). He has not been Slen vince. The horses on most ships were well - a few Hymethrs A t had dit of prenonie. One ship with 500 had only one sick horse. We took back to ships a lot of men who had overstayed their leave in Melb. & some for porosala (Affer ht she spent at the Sharf, I suppose). The man was taken back to Col. Braund on the suffolk. As be as abt to climb up a voice from above sd: what man is that? What is his name? Thompson.? Wo man of that name in this ab contingent sd. the colonel. Yours not in this regiment my friend. You M al may be in the second tot? – and hs man had to p back. It seem 3 to me that the C.OS of there of the N.S.W. Cattalions are, the strictest in the force. There is no ship quite like the Euripides. They fine a man a cake of soap there for anything that is left abl & the Ship is like a new pinin consequence. They seem to be far more rygosons man Elsewhers - but I havent seen Dobbin's tot. f 36 the Enrepides ws the only ship I saw to her boats out & soldiers boots practicny palling; except the NoG. Ships - plenty of he rowed los Fistances round the fleet. Stat wakin
3. October. 29.30.31 in drawing soom damored hard until late al right gellay oul orders & gitting in parade sall before sheps sail Mhe Oct 29. Abt. 4. am seocral people heard two quas. It lurned out (Ihar lates) to be the melbourne which was stopping a merchant steames pou coming in to coal here. Two merchant Steaners (one Bt. they say & this one) want to come in but it's a question wheteer the antorities will let them uie the coal till all our ships have had thain Asy water (presh) is benn cat down in this ship. Censorship of letters established in consequence of orders from Telbowmne - it is sd from the Minister. Letters must not bear date or name of place. Unless letters from Albony also are cencored this wont be much good. Papers have already had composition of this firce, New Z. force. S.M. Hesald had names of transports if I remember sight (or most of them). Still, its perhaps bettrrlate than never. my arm practically right. Onechap today fainted after innoculation as he was walkin back to his quasters. nd. Oct 30. want as hore. Shayles had to go to dentist. Motored to kings River with Col. Kyas. Bought some collars & cricket shirts. Had a yarn with Minstaur petty officer in pies. we sent ashor a man with a septic hand who never ought to have been alloised to get into the state be reached - at least so G. says. It seems to me our number of Med. Officers may man divided responsibilit. Minstaur Syd. 21 men taken ashore to aght for repusin to be saxinated! Sat. oct S1 35 sick (mostly those men pu to have Lyshilie) Saw Tock coming of ye late in a small launch with a party medical details from the Euripedes. He had just been to tike Out Lent. Hinds to leave him in hospital. Roas had to 0 off news of pickup these men. Every quarter of an hour some small Dubs boat wd. call alongede - moontight night, ofair, lights v p all over harbous, segnal lights contineslly winking AGX, AAX, or whatiow was number of ship. Gearral walking lookingrathr woried, up + down deck. Bont tne maten taken from Hororate. Mes on ship chaire tim as they let. cane
5 4 Nov. 1. Sund. Nov 18t. This day at 6 am. we up anchosed. Schoyles & I went to bed very late, at he was up first & called are. Ship was getting in all aucher as I went up on deek. Minolans & Melbourns acready moving out. We steamed slowly down line, the old Souther following us for all she we worth smakely innencely. She is the slowest ship so she is just behind us & we keep just ahead of her & five the speed to te fleet. The 2nd division slowly folld us out - we had anchored in tha order of sailing, inshore ship saiting first. The Southeen was dressed when we passed her, but we werent dressed in spite of the fact that a convoy order had been given at attention hat ships were to be dr when pasing ohers shis ofney had her dicks cleared focaction Except for rail & flagstafe when she passed us This was hurriedly made good; troops were called to attention (in the bons - they cdat hear down in the Stern) when passing some of the other ships. No New Zealant ships abserse any formality. I don't mind betting the Euriies will have stood to attention & had the ship properly lined with men. One can't halp thinking a lot is omitted that might be done to give the men in this Hagshyp a poide in themselves There was a platchance in Albany to get a spirit of competition going between this ship & others which wd have in terested the men & given them a right pride in themselves as Victonans and anshalions, cop. as agst the N5. people. Mackuri & MacNaughton in the Euripides have done someth of the sort - you bet they would, + I would stake a good dealon theirs being the smartest battalions when we land. But we seem to miss this opportun ities through not thinking of them. They ought surely to Encourage the Victorian troops to think themselves The best. They are splentd chaps most of them - both men & oficers At the moak of the harbour was I ve tor his launch - the sailing had been postponed from 5 to 6 to give him an opportunity to get a picture of it. Ht cane pretty closs to us.
N November. The Lad Dion was all out by about 8 & to Brddivn coming up on our port side. We went half speet to let teothers sick ap. The Euripides at head of 3ed Dwn must have cleared harbour by 8.30. She was on our starb. beam at 100c. Neww Zealanders came out & took state astern of our two post columns Sydney ws 5 miles to post. Mell. 5 mile to Starbd, thin slaur abt 5 miles ahead. Dixter took service + let mensit down during sermon wh ws interesting but a little incolerent. He's very posular on board. We attered course about 7 – Dr Bacy told we earhies in the day that we were making for S. Aprica. Attewards he told me the course had be attend 2 has after he mentioned it to me & thwe were now join to Colombo. I don't know how far this is autientie. There is a gap in the post line (Dis 2) where the Apanius & medie from Fremantle will come in tomorrow, The Ibleke & Proncer will bring then a we may pick up another cruiser about the Cocos Is. may The ships are sailing without head lights except the division leaders . The others have side lights. They spropshire are supposed to screen all the rest & the sufolk has done. So. We can only see is dull mass where she is. some of the p rook like Hoatting hotels, almost. aihs Capt. Gordon smith is very anxious - I shd say he has bn feeling the responsibility for seonal days. I suppose it is because sa the kny is all new. The lines haws been very well kept tho' occasionatly a ship steers out of 5.
LD November. 14.2.6. 6. line. I must fint out exustly how they keep station at night. Theres not much chance of being seen here - though I think that if lights are worth dowsing at all it should be done thoroughly iforly for the sake of the practice & the lesson to £710 he men- curiously enough the Euripedes is an offender. w Perhaps it is the naval people on board who are reponsible 1at. tbe Our smoke by day is a much better mark 1541 than our lights. It surply filled attan king Ceorge's sound. I suppose it will havy about for half 5 a day. If the Enden keeps up her energy she might manage a fine coup by sighting our smoke before our cresers see her We must be nearly to the Lewin & the ship ts rothing very slightly. Southern seems a good way behiev. One can hardly realies that were of now on a really lage hazardous experinent. There is distictly a hazand in it - much greater than the hazard which kept the American transports in Tampa during their was with Spain when the mere rumoar of a hostili cruies detained them for a fortnight. The admiralty - no doubt righty - has decided to take such chance as exists. Any day or night, late on, we may meet tho Enden, a Koenigsberg, if she is still in this occan & cares to take a sporting chance. Mond. Nov. 2. Line well kept today, but only going 9 knots. Ae night Eurepedes full of lights – rest of her line dark. Lights on other leading ships. Possibly idea is to make Euripedes a decoy. Of course of they saw her head lights they wd come ap in any case. Schryler tell me the N.Z. ships put a tarpt over to sde today & procticed ripe firing at it. one of theis ships towe it. News of war being declaredby England & Rasisa on Turkey. Shall we be stoped in Eqypt?
Tues. Nov3. November. 3. today at 3 the smoke of the Medie & ascanites - two Fremanth transports- which were to join us at sea with the Ibake & the Poneer as escort - was seen on the hongon a little on the post side. The Ascanions & medie waited, half obscuredby a rain storm, a little outside our port tine (and ou the Wake (burning tons of coal, apparently - they say these Jopanen crumrs sinply devour coal) passed across the head of the fleet & took ap a position is about 4 males away on starbd beson of the Enrigside. The Sydney was opposite her to post. The Melbourn Beens to have dropped astern. He Proneer could be seen for down outsidr the Starboard live. The Minstaur always going like a good old wartors straight ahead. She barns no coat apparently crose the Tapanese or an immea of it mtou 710 13 1 Wat 51 en melb. The interoats arent ghit perfect yet. Withire is to mile closer to us than twripides. Ascavins is not yet herping her interval. Little Gordon smitt is very worried you
8 November 3. 4. can see. He was walking up & down be smaking roon for helf an hour this morning with his tellscope, occasionally looking through the windows at a transport. The Hororata got out of place once the afteroon & the Orwrah actually seemed to pass her, if not the mittiades also. She got back lates. I think most people feet a good deat more security sow that the two other werstips are here, I hea we are to pict up a Frenchtransport & the Montialin at the Cocos Is The ships are much darber tonight but by nomens perfect. Theres a bright decklight shown on the Wiltshirs & the Enripide shows several lights though her masthead light seem to be verted. As for this ship very little trouble seems to be taken. The light from the cupolor of the soloon has been veiled with a canvas tid over it, I but any officr who cares to light his cabin light & leave his window ope seems at liberty to do so. I have not seen the shutters down over any window except poss of the burp & drawing room & my own. Tustard, pent etre. Theres probably no daager whatever, here, but why not do a thing whole eartedly when you to do it secand invocalation today. A fairly by swell from the rest – Armadal's rolling is a picture! Beautiful moonlight tonight. Wed. Nov. 4 Heas the Pionees developed troubles in her caying roou & returned to Fremantle. "She"I be much happies there as the Copt said. Also we are not to pick up the Enplinates (French Transport) after all. But, in order to get a little off the beaten track weare going E. of the Cocos. Spinay Eurysdes so like a house on five tought - very beautiful until with the moon rising behind her & the Sapanise
November. 4.5 9 batthship fuming like a furning city on the horizon. The must eat enomous amounts of coal. The muethourne can just be seen on the hosizon astern; & that same trusty old warhorse always showing us his heel due a head. Mirage made the N.Z. ships appear much biger today than yesty. At times the Southern measly caught as – I believe this was towards the end of Pach watch. At the end of each watch some of her fires have to be drawn aspeed drops to 7 knots. we ased to put on two revolutions to get ahead of her, but no longer do so now. Thurs No0 5. Minotaur passed down the line about 11 OC. this morning to see for herself the intervals between the ships. She sent signals to some of them to close up - with the result that the Benalla now right past the Apic. The Hororate is so to have by rates an offender the last free days. The minotau passed us on her way back quete close, going a good pace, smaking from all 4 funnels + tooking splendid. Eon doing 16 kn. She disnt seem to smake as much as the Japanisesky at A knot. The metbourne yeity reporte that we were leaving a rajular trail of boxes, etc. There must be a good mar dead horses

Evg.                                                                                             Morng.
March 21. E. 23. The Little Things of Camp Life. Mar. 26. M 24. Trying to keep fresh
Mar. 2

This of course very difficult ∧ indeed a almost
impossible to drag any heavy waggons
across the line of the dunes over
crest after crest as if one wer like a steamer making
way across a head sea. But it is not
to so difficult to


October 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

21 THUR Wed
Trafalgar Day (1805) Said good bye to mother
at Northampton, 27 acland St. taxi'd to Port Melb
with father taking luggage. Morning tea at Mia Mia with
Father & Tig.  Archie & Father came to Port Melb
& after being held up on pier managed to get onto
wharf thro Col. Wallace & Maj. Dowser
Father left at 1.10 with Archie. Crowd
in afternoon broke line of sentries & reached
wharf. Sailed at 3. Watched St Kilda pier
for father & Mother & thought I saw them
waving a white handkerchief. 6 o'c. - passed
Melbourne coaling close under hills
22 FRI Thurs: Heavy pall of smoke or mist on
horizon ahead at breakfast time.
Sighted Miltiades at dinner time. Passed her 10 o'c.
signalling by morse abt some wireless message.
23 SAT Frid
0h 16m A.M. (Greenwich) Melbourne sighted 8 pm
astern. Passed us at noon. Wireless is
later news sent to us by semophore
finished by wireless (short) sent some message
to us abt saluting our flag when we passed
her in Port Phillip (sent by morse by flag).
24 SUN Sat -21 aft Trin
Bight.     Cricket. beat officers
25 Sund. Bight. Smooth.
Oct. 26 Monday - Reached Albany - wind rising - Geelong (from Tas). came in at 8 am.
just ahead of us. Star of Victoria astern.
About 12.45, after lunch, Euripides from Sydney entered - looked
very well with decks all lined, ship dressed, band playing.
Looked very hard but cdn't make out Jock - wrote to him.
instead In afternoon very heavy wind got up. Southern next to us
seemed to be dropping her anchor at 10 p.m. 18 ships were in port
when we came in - in 3 lines abt 6 in each. We three made
21. [[Two or three?]] arrived since. Very windy night. Finished 1ST letter.
Oct. 27. Tuesday. Moved into harbour ∧coaling - spent most of day writing.
Melbourne outside on guard.
Oct 28. Wednesday. Assistant Purser asked me to box him at 7 am.
Did so, & found he knows something about it - 3 rounds, got
banged in the nose & also knocked down.
At abt 9 am. moving out of the inner harbour we noticed
one two three - 13 distant ships on the horizon. They were
clearly - the N.Z. transports & convoy wh N.Z. had demanded to
bring them over. One smoking heavily - moved in first,
close under hills to west. She had a Japanese flag - 
Ibuki - a much thicker set ship than any of ours in
the Pacific exc. the Australia - broad funnels (?3) She anchored
close under the hills. Minotaur (a smaller ship) and Psyche
& Pyramus following her like terriers came in next.
Afterwards the New Zealand troopship (flagship) carrying
Maj. General Godley. All N.Z. ships were grey - all one funnelled


[* Wednes. Oct 28
(cont) *]
October 28
with small ∧white letters & numbers "H.M.N.Z.T (up to 10) ".  They anchored
far out. Melbourne came in & went out again in afternoon.
Later - a conference of C.O's on the Orvieto. They were
brought in an Albany tug. It took some of them 3 or 4 hours
to reach the ship - Major Bennett (Clan Macquorquodale)
for example left before breakfast. Others as early as 8. They made
up for it during luncheon on the Orvieto. About 1 hrs conference
in the morning & 1/2 hour in afternoon. Then (except for The Euripides
people who got xxx out of our ships boats lent them) the rest
disc climbed down onto the same solitary tug. It went all round
3 rows of ships, & Col. Sutherland of the Southern (L H Amb.) which
is the nearest ship to us reached his ship last of all - left here
at 3 & got to the southern about 7.40. We got alongside
Euripides abt 7.10 & I hailed a steward and called old Jack out
of dinner & had a good long yarn to him. He was busy as
they had had a good deal of influenza. We got back at 8.20, had
to climb up rope ladder & had coffee & rolls in cabin. Several
exciting scenes took place when men were clambering onto their
ships out in the bay where it was rough.
One man (Sergt Maj.) supposed to have fallen overboard
the Hororata on the rough night (Monday). He has not been
seen since. The horses on most ships were well -  a few
had died of pneumonia. One ship with 500 had only one sick
horse. We took back to ships a lot of men who had overstayed
their leave in Melb. & some for Hororata (after night day she spent at
the wharf, I suppose). One man was taken back to Col. Braund on the
Suffolk. As he was abt to climb up a voice from above sd: What man
is that? What is his name? "Thompson". "No man of that name in this
contingent" sd. the colonel. "You're not in this regiment my friend. You
may be in the second lot." - and the man had to go back. It seems
to me that the C.Os of three of the N.S.W. battalions are the strictest
in the force. There is no ship quite like the Euripides. They fine
a man a cake of soap there for anything that is left abt & the
Ship is like a new pin in consequence. They seem to be far more
rigorous than elsewhere - but I haven't seen Dobbin's lot.
The Euripides was the only ship I saw w her boats out & soldiers
practising pulling; except the N.Z. Ships - plenty of their sent boats
rowed long distances round the fleet. - Staff working

& Rangatira
sd to be excellent
Katuna only
drawing 6 ft!*]

[*Men always
anxious for
news of war.
Papers 3 days old prized.
Innoculated for
typhoid - very
stiff tonight.]


October. 29. 30. 31    
in drawing room damned hard until late at night getting out
orders & getting in parade stalls before ships sail.
Thurs Oct 29. Abt. 4. am several people heard two guns. It turned
out (1 hour later) to be the Melbourne which was stopping a merchant
steamer from coming in to coal here. Two merchant steamers
(one B.I. frig say & this one) want to come in but it's  a question
whether the authorities will let them use the coal till all our
ships have had theirs. Use of water (fresh) is being cut down in this
Censorship of letters established in consequence of orders from
Melbourne - it is sd from Minister. Letters must not bear date or
name of place. Unless letters from Albany also are censored this
wont be much good. Papers have already had a composition of
this force, New Z. force. "S.M. Herald" had names of transports if I 
remember right (or most of them). Still, it's perhaps better late 
than never.
My arm practically right. One chap today fainted after
innoculation as he was walking back to his quarters.
Frid. Oct 30. Went ashore.  Shuyler had to go to dentist. Motored to King's
River with Col. Ryan. Bought some collars & cricket shirts.
Had a yarn with Minotaur petty Officer in pier.
We sent ashore a man with a septic hand who never ought to have
been allowed to get into the state he reached - at least so G. says.
It seems to me our∧ big number of med. Officers may mean divided
Minotaur, Syd.
Sat. Oct 31. 21 men taken ashore tonight for refusing to be vaccinated!! [[cx?]]
35 sick (mostly those men found to have Syphilis).
Saw Jock coming off v. late in a small launch with a party of
Medical details from the Euripides. He had just been to take
out Lieut. Hinds to leave him in hospital. Ross had to go off &
pick up these men. Every quarter of an hour some small
boat wd. call alongside - Moonlight night, soft air, lights
all over harbour, signal lights continually winking AGX,
AGX, or whatever was number of ship. General walking,
looking rather worried, up & down deck.
9 mutineers taken from Hororata. Men on ship cheered them as they left. (Don't know
the cause
[*news of


Nov. 1. 
Sund. Nov 1st. This day at 6 am. we up anchored. Schuyler & I went to
bed very late; but he was up first & called me. Ship was getting in
her anchor as we left I went up on deck. Minotaur & Melbourne
already moving out. We steamed slowly down line, the old Southern
following us for all she was worth smoking immensely. She is the slowest
ship so she is just behind us & we keep just ahead of her & give the 
speed to the fleet. The 2nd division slowly folld us out - we
had anchored in th xx order of sailing, inshore ship sailing first.
The Southern was dressed when we passed her, but we weren't
dressed in spite of the fact that a convoy order had been given
that ships were to be dressed at attention when passing other ships.
(Sydney  had her decks cleared for action except for rails & flagstaffs
when she passed us.) This was hurriedly after made good; troops
were called to attention (in the bows - they cdn't hear down in the
stern) when passing some of the other ships. No New Zealand
ships observed any formality. I don't mind betting the Euripides
will have stood to attention & had the ship properly lined with
men. One can't help thinking a lot is omitted that might
be done to give the men in this flagship a pride in themselves.
There was a great chance in Albany to get a spirit of
competition going between this ship & others which wd have
interested the xxx men & given them a right pride in themselves
as Victorians and Australians, esp. as agst the N.Z. people.
Maclaurin & MacNaughton in the Euripides have done something
of the sort - you bet they would, & I would stake a good deal on
theirs being the smartest battalions when we land. But
we seem to miss these opportunities through not thinking of them.
They ought surely to encourage the Victorian troops to think themselves
the best. They are splendid chaps most of them - both men & officers.
At the mouth of the harbour was Ive * on his launch - the
sailing had been postponed from 5 to 6 to give him an opportunity
to get a picture of it. He came pretty close to us.
[* Ive
who came from
Melb. in


The 2nd Divn was all out by about 8 & the 3rd divn
coming up on our port side. We went half speed to
let the others pick up. The Euripides at head of 3rd
Divn must have cleared harbour by 8.30. She was
on our starbd. beam at 10 o'c. New Zealander
came out & took statn astern of our two port columns.
Sydney ws 4 6 miles to port. Melb. 6 miles to starbd,
Minotaur abt 5 miles ahead.
Dexter took service & let men sit down during sermon
wh ws interesting but a little incoherent. He's very
popular on board.
We altered course about 7 - De Bucy * told me earlier
in the day that we were making for S.Africa. Afterwards
he told me the course had bn altered 2 hrs after he mentioned
it to me & that we were now going to Colombo. I don't
know how far this is authentic.
[* I do not suppose de Bucy knows anything abt it.
There is a gap in the port line (Div 2) where
the Ascanius & Medic from Fremantle will come in tomorrow.
The Ibuke & Pioneer will bring them - we may
pick up another cruiser about the Cocos.Is.
The ships are sailing without mast head lights except
the division leaders - the others have side lights. They
are supposed to screen all the rest & the Suffolk Shropshire has
done so. We can only see a dull mass where she is. Some of the
ships look like floating hotels, almost.
Little Capt. Gordon Smith is very anxious - I shd say he has
bn feeling the responsibility for several days. I suppose it
is because some the thing is all new. The lines have been
very well kept tho' occasionally a ship steers out of


November. 1 & 2.
line. I must find out exactly how they keep station at night.
There's not much chance of being seen here - though I think
that if lights are worth dowsing at all it should be done
thoroughly if only for the sake of the practice & the lesson to
the men. Curiously enough the Euripides* is an offender.
Perhaps it is the naval people on board who are responsible.
[* They told us later that our ship the Orvieto was much the brightest *]
Our smoke by day is a much better mark 
than our lights. It simply filled Alban King
George's Sound. I suppose it will hang about for half
a day. If the Emden keeps up her energy she might
manage a fine coup by sighting our smoke before
our cruisers see her.....
We must be nearly to the Lewin & the ship
is rolling very slightly. Southern seems a good way
One can hardly realise that we're off now on a really
huge hazardous experiment. There is distinctly a hazard in
it - much greater than the hazard which kept the American
transports in Tampa during their war with Spain when the
mere rumour of a hostile cruiser detained them for a 
fortnight. The Admiralty - no doubt rightly - has decided
to take such chance as exists. Any day or night, later
on, we may meet the Emden; or Koenigsberg, if she
is still in this ocean & cares to take a sporting chance.
Mond. Nov. 2.  Line well kept today, but only going 9 knots. At night
Euripides full of lights - rest of her line dark. Lights on other
leading ships. Possibly idea is to make Euripides a decoy.
Of course if they saw her head lights they wd come up in any
Schuyler tells me the N.Z. ships put a target over the side today &
practised rifle firing at it. One of their ships towed it.
News of war being declared by England & Russia on Turkey. Shall
we be stopped in Egypt?


November. 3. 
Tues. Nov 3. Today at 3 the smoke of the Medic & Ascanius - two Fremantle
transports - what to which were to join us at sea with
the Ibuki & the Pioneer as escort - was seen on the horizon a
little on the port side. The Ascanius & Medic waited, half
obscured by a rain storm, a little outside our port line (2nd Div)
The Ibuki (burning tons of coal, apparently - they say these
Japanese cruisers simply devour coal) passed across the head
of the fleet & took up a position just about 4 miles away
on starbd beam of the Euripides. The Sydney was opposite
her to port. The Melbourne (starbd) seems to have dropped
astern. The Pioneer could be seen far down outside The
starboard line. The Minotaur always going like a good
old warhorse straight ahead. She burns no coal apparently
 - the Japanese creates an immense xxx mane of it

Hand drawn diagram of position of ships (Minotaur, Syd, Ibuki, Melb)

The intervals aren't quite perfect yet. Wiltshire is 1/2 mile
closer to us than Euripides. Ascanius is not yet keeping
her interval. Little Gordon Smith is very worried you


November 3.
can see. He was walking up & down the smoking room for
half an hour this morning with his telescope, occasionally
looking through the windows at a transport. The Hororata got
out of place once this afternoon & the Orvieto actually seemed to
pass her, if not the Miltiades also. She got back later.
I think most people feel a good deal more security now
that the two other warships are here. I hear we are to pick
up a French transport & the Mortcalm at the Cocos Is. -
The ships are much darker tonight but by no means
perfect. There's a bright decklight showing on the Wiltshire & 
the Euripides shows several lights though her masthead
lights seems to be veiled. As for this ship very little trouble
seems to be taken. The lights from the Cupola of the saloon
has been veiled with a canvas tied over it, x but any officer
who cares to light his cabin light & leave his window open
seems at liberty to do so. I have not seen the shutters
down over any window except those of the lounge &
drawing room & my own. Plus tard, peut Ėtre.  There's
probably no danger whatever, here, but why not do a 
thing wholeheartedly when you  do do it?
Second innoculation today - a fairly big
swell from the rest - Armadale's rolling is a picture!
Beautiful moonlight tonight.
Wed. Nov. 4. Hear the Pioneer developed troubles in her engine room
& returned to Fremantle. "She'll be much happier there", as the Capt.
said. Also we are not to pick up the Euphrates (French Transport)
after all. But, in order to get a little off the beaten track
we are going E. of the Cocos.
Euripides looking shining like a house on fire tonight - very beautiful
until with the moon rising behind her & the Japanese


November 4. 
cruiser battleship fuming like a burning city on the horizon. She
must eat enormous amounts of coal. The Melbourne
can just be seen on the horizon astern; & that same
trusty old warhorse always showing us his heels due
ahead. Mirage made the N.Z. ships appear much
bigger today than yesty. At times the Southern nearly
caught us - I believe this was towards the end of
each watch. At the end of each watch some of her
fires have to be drawn & her speed drops to 7 knots.
We used to put on two revolutions to get ahead of her,
but no longer do so now.
Thurs Nov 5. Minotaur passed down the line about 11
o'c this morning to see for herself the intervals
between the ships. She sent signals to some of them
to close up - with the result that the Benalla
ran right past the Afric. The Hororata is sd to have
bn rather an offender the last few days. The
Minotaur passed us on her way back quite
close, going a good pace, smoking from all
4 funnels & looking splendid. Even doing 16 km
she didn't seem to smoke as much as the Japanese ship
at 9 knots.
The Melbourne yesty reported that we
were leaving a regular trail of boxes,
etc.  There must be a good many dead horses




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Diane WareDiane Ware
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