Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/46/1 - June 1916 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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12 $25 &27 Bo. 712 Bde. French to leave i at [15 d. 6. 2½ French enter Enemys if at I22 a 5t Arty 5 po. op Bridowx Salent at 12 midnight At same time will bombard henches anemys l opp. L.16.C1½ 6 for abt 700yds for 17 min were to be cut by TMs pp 122 a-5½ O r Jua5 381 2 gaps At 12.18 Tot lef. By 12.19 will have lifted made barrage. wathes special attention to Commn from 122 a 2246½ r 122 a 8½91 2 mins after inf. les ve 2 to sharter agan arty tende 14 13 Fo 11.B. Scouts reports all OK. party 11.22. U all out. junction 11.40. BP reather (3 of dishes in seconds heavies shdbegin to fire 15c0. Ol. 11.33. They didnt 18.59 Edng shd fire in 5 sles 62.05 NG opins. Firt I then I. Ken 2 4red lights62 TMSlk rocket. 12.12. 5D First shellsback Litle satual getting it. 12.15 Retaliatig on Wpch mortars woydo on set y sad be in 12.19 reposed by reserve ben, 12.20.904 2nd NE Bde. 12. 22 227 rectiets gist to lep springin 1223. Cease fiie from A.K. has gokid to cease, From Nix - Paterson 12.25 to 10lE x 194 batteries cease 30
14 O.C. attack Capt J.C.Nix 25 B OF. Assant Capt B Palerson Ex Bn O.C. Covering Capt H.H. Pall 25Bn O.C. Scouts Lt Southon 27 An. O.C.RS Bamby Y. Lt Julge. 27 Bn C.C. Let Bombs N Ss Stuari 25 Bn. Mr. Js. on Commn wench on flank. officer reenalis 1X 6 or. Scarts 16 31 onen sare Covert U. 16 12 or. mittn 25h R Bonbg 416 7 or. 12560 1675 to remain in our Left manchs for Rs. Bbaly Ry 4 or, Feleptomet & 3or amew 4 or Left Intillke men 20r 3or Re Parapity -200 Engro 3or a iFG 3.B Bunners 2 or sundes to sikhaw 14 Tere onteard Division advises to gos gongs SzNd srobywire io not cut & thy cant set in. armention is ov 15 askig them why they Ccaller cease fire. shd be back when A meseage comes 1 at 60x65 cc0 suns cesing, fire 12.30 suds pracialy fwished 5 12.33S I roud 12.34 2n 3 again Thinks they are wind Wattouch wit Ni allerson a 9 u & coming in case fire (Hore got J. go at 12.22) "will set to to speak when he comes in. We may get P you to start afain. You can turn on, phase 2 cant you? The 1t of returning Catterson will mot be te fist Youve fired all ammor, down there clowed? Yes. C 257 thinks he can, see them coming in. 12-38.N Anjus bditts to lend ye bops as if thy ders laxter t tench
Examined at Fermedu Bris make syre areno means to there discoves whereby enemy might wh bettr to. unit they 14 14 Page. Never got in O.C. Assault gave order to 12.47 0C.V ceasefire. H sunfire on tem. Patterson rings up to say to mg. fire preventer e men reaching the trenches - 7 to be a minates bomband ment .30 rounds minite Ceeat into wire in 15 11 ado in miss. Cagt LADURY from a sns omge Tell Sapt. Hore to ptay on this were to prevent tem reqoining before day light Vo & Saturday Jane. 17th. The heavy form. last night was due to a firan gas attack Nork of us. I co have sworn the firg tJ.
Eastwood Rt wans I 18 from the Souk. As a sernt boutd ten 60 Some Ld were killed by Others 30 bouebt. went along tenches Order ws go to return r & One man wd in the arsh. To Insisted on, soing back with? without . t. 5/6 again by 6 bullets? He 0 7or sisoners taken. 13 00 14
14 portig Ro & 6c/t 2 N & Reserve Raw Totake 12 mn ti 24
23 14515 beft Y at 9.30 pm. to Williws I.To hep when gave up. 1015 aspault party went out 5 pot back Abt 12.36 aiy got back. 136 N6 69 5 Lozcup 36 01 a 12 62 10to 1 fire open at ct fire lifter Belped by 1btyMrs -4.5 Hor 1med. T.M. belbg Do heavin Bu7 16 245. to be left at 12.30 63
28 14 28 255po 345 pa. N.F. O7. D7.9. 0x 5 . co.C O.15 C 69 C. 337 H " L &TOk CC + 015 C6.911 1 A22 & 16 4c 51 1 H16.B.4.C. to 27 & heights 37 S8
20 Anohes. a typical air observers I report. Lt Buck June 1916. Capt WH walker S 5) &c 105.04 1040 am 5R2 2nd 60. 12.5pri 1 L33.A8.6. or se e p NF.5kJ)Ok mox 3rC 10 77to9 1704e1.G 139. 1 80 Lt Shepherd nd Capt walter WH 642 18
an Boolghfor Colfoott. o grs for butter Note on Helles (N.E A Pbe 1 At Helles. Kingedley's night patrs men 52 mncloses discictiondidno Siluc rangup to sa Anck wentep Rugge splendidl in rallying we bil wtback the story of Poten know att L machen gvo corent brushwoad But They were s. close to the post Croos. order came from H. Weston abt 3.00 Cat for WE to adv. b itsel Johnston took it literalle but tey rang up abt 4.30 & Hamittz ws there (they disht know th he wo) & they were told you neednt 3 (From Temperley
2B w peer C0l6. mactarlue B.C we it 0 " 15 ser 9r Br aphe wch 2 4 to W I sheft lot 8:16 to 21.30 I hard. 21s40 selence -ec . XX 1. So S. B & C. Cors seg were 210.1. 1 10 Scouts in Cordomer Sofit (4120.40. 60 t Aput 6S to g. 2 wd. reported DN K w m 36 59 5 bel. dead 2 86 14


25 & 27 Bn. 7th Bde.
to leave trench at I.15 d.6.2½
enter enemys trench at I 22 a 5½ 8½
Arty to [[?]] opp. Pridoux Salient

at 12. midnight.
At same time will bombard
enemys trenches opp I. 16 c/½ [[?]]
for abt 700 yds for 17 mins
Wire to be cut by TMs
opp I 22 a.5¼ 8½ & I22 a¾ 8½
(2 gaps)
At 12.18 Tms left.
By 12.19 will have lifted
& made barrage.
Special attention to Commn trenches
from I 22 a 2¾ 6½ & I 22 a 8½ 9½
2 mins after inf. leave trenches arty
to shorten again. 

11.15. Scouts report all O.K.
11.22. party all out.
11.40 [[?]] reached junction of [[?]]
11.55 in seconds , heavies shd begin to fire
(They didnt.
11.59 Guns shd fire in 5 secs
12.05 Arty opens. First 1 then 1 then 2
4 red lights o 1 6 .62   T Ms like rockets
12.12 First shells back
Little Salient getting it.
12.15 Retaliating on trench mortars 400 yds
12.19 They shd be in  reported by reserve Bn.
12.20 Gas
12.22 2 red rockets just to left o point of entry
12.23 Cease fire from A.K.
From Nix - Paterson has asked to cease fire
12.25 to 10th & 19th batteries cease fire


O.C. Attack
Cpt J.E.Nix 25 Bn
O.C. Assault Capt B Paterson 27 Bn
O.C. Covering [[?]]
Capt H.H. Page 25 Bn
O.C. Scouts Lt Southon 27 Bn
O.C. Rt Bombs [[?]]
Lt Julge. 27 Bn
O.C. Left Bombs [[?]]
Lt Stuart 25 Bn
M.Gs on Commn Trench
on flank.
Scouts 1 officer 6 o.r.
Covering [[?]] 1 officer 12 o.r.
Rt Bombs [[?]] 1 officer 7 o.r.
Left    "          "    1 officer 7 o.r.
Rt. 13 [[?]] Pty  4 or
Left    "       "   4 or
Rt Parapet Pty 3 or
Left   "           "     3 or.
Runners          2 or
Telephonist &
 linesmen     3 or
Intelligence men 2 or
Engrs __________ 2 or
S.Bs ____________ 4 or 4 [[?]]
[[?]] __________4  Stretchers

Reserves 3 runners
3 cyclists 6 spare men
1 med officer 6 stretchers
12 s.b.s
To remain in our
trenches for [[?]]

[Division advises tt gas gongs have bn heard N of
Probly wire is not cut & they cant get in.
Asked them why they called cease fir.
Shd be back at 60 x 65 when tt message comes
12.30 guns ceasing fire
[[?]] guns practically finished
12.33 2 m.g.s  [[?]]
12.34 mgs again
Nix lost touch with Patterson. Thinks they are winding 
up & coming in
(Hare got ceasefire at 12.22)
"Will get P. to speak when he comes in. We may get
you to start again. You can turn on phase 2 cant you?
The 1st offr returning - Patterson will prob, be the last
Youve fired all ammn down there Clowes? Yes.
12.38 N. thinks he can see them coming in.
Ring up Bde H Q to tell [[?]] It looks as if they didnt
enter the trench


Examined at Ferme du Briz
to make sure tt there are no means
whereby enemy might discover wh
unit they belong to;

12.47 Lt Page. Never got in. O.C.Assault gave orders to
cease fire. No gun fire on them.
Paterson rings up to say tt m.g. fire prevented
him from reaching the trenches
1.30 ?To be a minute's bombardment.
///rounds into wire in 15 minutes. Casualty to one gun
24 rds in 18 mins each from 4 guns
Tell Capt. Hore to play on their wire to prevent them
rewiring before daylight.

Saturday June. 17th. The
heavy firing last night was
due to a German gas
attack North of us. I cd
have sworn the firing ws


{Eastwood 2 xxxxx
{Evans 1
from the South. [[Hsa?]]

Germs. bombed them 5600 x 2
Others were killed (30) by
went along trenches Order ws gn to return
One man wd in the arm.
Insisted on going back with? without? the s/bs
Hit again by 6 bullets
13 prisoners taken.


Rt & left supporting & Reserve
Raid to take 12 minutes





. Left at 9.30 pm. to Twin Willos
. 11.30 pm when gave up.
. 10.15 assault party went
. out & got back
. abt 12.30 they got back.

xxxx Argyle 6 N 6 b 9½ 5 -
[[?]] 3 6 o 1 a 1½ 6½
10 to 1 fire opened
at 1o'  xxxx fire lifted
Helped by / baty 18 prs
/ -- 4.5 How
/ med. T.M. battry
No heavies
B [[?]] 16 [[?]] 45 . to be left at 12.30


2.55 pm - 3.45 pm.




A typical air observers report. June 1916
Lt Buck
Capt W H Walker


Lt Shepherd
Capt Walker W H  [[?????]]



2 xx books [[?]] for
Col [[Foot?]]
20 [[Bks?]] for Butler





A Note on Helles. (N.Z.)
at Helles.   [[Pb?]]
men lie in silence
Temperley's night patrol
Malone's discretion - didn't advance
at all - rang up to say
news [[?]]
[[Quick?]] [[????]]
splendidly in rallying men
(hit in back)
Nothing known abt ^the story of machine
guns w brushwood
But they were v. close to the front
of / troops.
Order came from H. Weston abt 3. or
later for N Z to adv by itself
Johnston took it literally but
they rang up abt 4.30 & Hamilton
ws there (they didnt know
tt he ws) & they were told
you neednt
(From Temperley)
Malone who had adv in / morning
took it tt he had discretion in / matter of
advancing in / afternoon & did not move. He
rang up to say he had advanced enough".


At B (o C)
Metcalf & Macfarlane
C. Milner
Shelling Divn [[?]]
on left.
One c/
[[?]] 60 lb.

9th Bn had arranged to send
up Coy6[[?]] to allow
& sent up bombers
Macfarland to counter attack

Big smoke shell burst
high - sig. to start
Phosphorous shells
lay abt alight
when hit ground.

rockets (green etc) 
were sent up & they [[?]]. & put up m. g. fire
[[?]] ws to red. [[????]] 

.8.10        }
to 21.30  } hard
21.40 silence
[[?]] SoS.
B & C Coys sig. [[?]]
were [[?]]

score to [[?]]
in [[?]] post
8 killed
to report [[?]] shot
to [[?]] 2 wd.. reported
(X 120. 40 .60 )
m              Or  K      W
{6 [[?]] / dead  36    59
{                          59      2
{                                    11




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