Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/46/1 - June 1916 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR160614617 Title: Diary, June 1976 includes notes on the torpedoing in September 1915 of the transport, SOUTHLAND, the tighting of 18-19 June 1916 and the 25th and 27th Battalions. AWNISS-3DRL6061461
8HE & 7 4 8 5 5 3 5 3 3 t otet
95 Mrs. White Kings. Arms Hotel High St grays Essex will arrive sunday night instead of Saturday. George White 40. ibles
tomay1 poss 14 fr Tongne 14 Cointrian YRoss Salad oilf. 1 Ross Egx 27. P0 self Bolwers 4. 80 Ross. Walth 17.0. Ross t 14 1Dis Sig EA. Cant Plun 15t Bde and Dist Train. Lt Cook 2DHA Beac Red 7 Books 71. ansyord 6 for in 20 No3 sectr 39 248 White No 2secte 4 10 N03 16 10l 12 4tl 6 No 4
2 C pot Warrana 251 12 & Bendanl 24 Sis 2 1 12 18 Br B Coy 141 423/ 12 p. 0. 3 For Deliper (24 books) Gunermans erman fo st
14 Apt. limits of be I. 21c 52 24 6.1½, 7.2., 8½ a 343 8.4. 15t W.Z. Divartz & D pust Di a Cle /59 men. All 281h Cl sill to oss Phillips (cover Capt Caless (28Bn) 265 o Brown. 2// RH Gill
bu po liber 231st Rest 14 4 Poid in live 12C52 6 84 same party 15t night to pet in witout Combt. Stopped bs little 11s tny post is gieen states. H Party went out at 9.49 pm. 11.15 ry mostars. art carried ot diversion schemes, near wez macquart Rue de Boid & Cape Blanco. ntereat 1. 25 they turne onto posite to be culered & after to mins at 14.3 da barrage lefee & foy Party who were in no mans land and went forwd. entend wyds s. of rly.
14 3 To resistance of 12 kelled 1 badly w Scouls and L fill 1N 43 Assoult N 46 26428 N Dr y 3o02 S. Aned W& fav Calestz) same as 102on lep. 7 minates t Loss (goton V an rt of l v & Afeid S. I in Goven 228 4 264 Protect Cosp 28
14J 2th Des. Devi 231 R1 229 230 231 Rest Billets in 200s. $2/3 each Lestenen Coy rach agund to rifes. One senty in each bay Frecherr you der Jotz (Comno. of Des Nagr. Motke Bde Comn Regt Comt Col. Aujust Fritach They have 1th Baen Fortress W.G. delachment to them.
14 50 2 J. Arty Regt. i w then Trommel feney pasten (Bombards Pozzies) Steel bars 1½ inches thick - steet plates on top Sandbags on eark over to to tevel of parapit. 2 metres wide, 11 deep, 4men iallmen in each exc. sentries. Fing an each group, of 4 on gaaed at night I fir duyouts histening posts w bolwer sento) at back & fil

Official History,
1914-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.

Diaries and Notebooks

Item number 3DRL606/46/1

Title: Diary, June 1916
Includes notes on the torpedoing in September
1915 of the transport, SOUTHLAND, the fighting
of 18-19 June 1916 and the 25th and 27th


RCDIG 1066750


Original   DIARY No. 46.
3DRL606 ITEM 46 [1]
AWM 38


The use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms
of gift to the Australian War memorial. But apart from these terms, I wish the
following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every
reader and writer who may use them.

These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be
true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what
was then in the writer's mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half-asleep;
also, not infrequently what he believed to be true was not so - but it does not
follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when
discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.


These records should therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what
their author, at the time of writing believed. Further, he cannot, of course vouch
for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he
did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had
seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand
evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed
upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that
those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.
16 Sep., 1946.                   C.E.W. BEAN



26 6 7
16 B. 153
7 B 147
(46)   Notebook X  
Mrs White
Kings Arms Hotel
High St

Will arrive Sunday
night instead of 
George White


Honey 1.75
Tongue 1 fr.
Ross 11 fr
Cointreau 4 Ross
Salad oil 1 Ross
Eggs 27.60 self.
Bolwers 4.80 Ross
Watch 17.0 Ross

1 Div Sig Co.
1st Bd. N Z & A Capt Plimmer
3nd Div Train Lt.Cook.
2 DHQ Leaky
7 Books unsigned for in No 3 section.
No 2 Section 4
No 3 - 10
No 1 - 16
" & HQ - 12
No 4    6


Capt Norman 6 2 5[[?]] 12/6
Lt Rentoul
2 Div Sig 1. 2. 6
                    12 .6
18 Bn B Coy
141    ???
423/- .  / 21 .3 0.
£3 For Delivery (24 books) -
German for [[?]]


limits of [[?]] I. 21 c 5½ 2¼
6.1½, 7.2., 8¾ x 3¼, 8.4
1st N.Z. Div Art, & 1st Aust Div

5 4 [[?]] & 59 men all 28th Coles
Still to -
Capt. Foss. Lt Phillips (covering [[?]]
Capt Caless (20 Bn)
2/Lt A Brown.  2/Lt R H Gill



2 [[?]] [[?]]

231st Regt

Point in line . 1[[?]] C 52 to [[?]] 4
Same party 1st night to get
in without bombs. stopped by
little listening post w [[?]]
[[?]]. 11.15 pm Party went
out at 9.40 pm.
11.15 [[?]] mortars.
Arty carries out diversions
schemes near wez Macquart
Rue de Bois & Cape Blanco.
Entered At 11.25 they turned
on to position to be entered
& after 10 mins at 11.35
lifted & found a barrage.
Party who were in no
mans land [[?]] went forwd.
Entered 10 yds S. of rly.


No resistance - 12 killed 1 badly w.
Scouts cmd Lt Gill [[?]]
Assault 5 [[?]]  Firing [[?]]
26th & 28th
Brown 1. [[?]]
2. [[?]]
3. lined [[?]]
Caless 4
5 Same as 1 & 2 on left.
Get [[?]]
Foss got on [[?]]
rt & left [[?]]
A few [[?]]
Covering [[?]]
½ [[?]] ½ [[?]]
Protect [[?]]


6     ※50th Res. Divn
231 R I R

230  231  229
Rest Billets in Loos.
Listening [[?]] 2/3. each
Coy each around w rifles.
One sentry in each bay.
Freiherr von der Soltz (Commdt
o / Divn)
Graf v. Moltke Bde Comdr
Regtl Commdr Col. August Fritsch.
They have 4th "Posen" Fortress
m. g. detachment w them.


50th F. Arty Regt. is w them.
Trommel feuer posten (Bombardment
Pozzies) steel bars 1½ inches
thick - steel plates on top,
sandbags on earth over tt
to level of parapet. 2 metres
wide, 1 deep, 4 men
in each  [[?]] all men
exc. sentries.
of 8 men in each group,
4 on guard at night
[[?]] in dugouts.
Listening posts w listener,
sentry at back [[?]]




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Kate Bennett Kate Bennett
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