Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/45/1 - June 1916 - Part 3
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/ time our men have bn
here (2 months), so they say,
than during / stay of the
previous two army corps.
In fact no work seems
to have been done here
before we came for
June 6th Tuesday.
My last day with Brooks.Xxx It was raining but he
& Tong turned up true to time,
& I took them to the bomb
school. We waited 1½ hours
in / farm where / school
headquarters is before it
cleared at all. Col. Ashburner
ws there. It was interesting to
see in / dark high barns
three lots of men sitting
sucking their pencils at 3
tables and writing just like
(on its way to Russia
w a mission)
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boys at a country school with
an N.C.O. looking over each table
like a schoolmaster. It ws
an examinatn, I suppose.
We afterwds got some
photos of Australians in
their billets.
When we got home, at
lunch, as I was getting out o /
car, Boyd, once my colleague
on the S.M. Herald, & now
a clerk here, came up to me
& told me tt Birdwood had
received an open wire to say
tt Lord Kitchener had been
drowned in the cruiser
"Hampshire," , with "Fitz" -
I suppose Fitzgerald, his
A.D.C., - and some others. It
ws from Creedy, Lord K.'s secretary.
Birdwood will feel this very much -
he is very attached to Lord Kitchener
& Fitzgerald must be a close friend.
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But as far as / war goes I
dont think it will make /
slightest difference. I believe,
indeed, tt Birdwood thinks
they were sending Lord Kitchener to
Russia in order to get him
out o / way. There has long been
a party tt wants to get him
out o / war office - including
the "Daily Mail" crowd.
The idea tt soldiers have o /
"Daily Mail" (w wh goes "The
Times" of course) is exemplified
by what Butler sd to me /
other day. There ws some
victory to record tt day, &
one wd have expected to
see it in / centre o / page
well displayed. Instead -
all across / main page was
some squabble of politicians
about / war. "What Gen.
So - and -So says about Ireland" -
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or something. Butler, who
I fancy belongs to / same
party as / "Daily Mail"
sd: "I can't stand this rag -
look at / way it picks on
some controversy because it
wants to sling mud & puts
it all across / page" - that
is the Daily Mail.
June 7th Turned Brooks
over to Ross today -
thank goodness. You cant
help liking Brooks; but
why on earth do they send
him on this job.
I have a pile of
letters 3 inches high to work
on in connectn with / Anzac
Book, owing to this weeks
work w Brooks. I ws going
to have a day on them when
White said to me in the
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sitting little anteroom of /
Chateau as he ws going in
to / conference. "Well - that
ws a very successful little
affair last night, Bean."
I opened my eyes: "What
"That little raid."
"What . . . a raid by us
you mean?" I asked.
"Didn't you hear of it?"
he said - "I would have told
you if I had thought of it -
yes , our 7th Bde raided
their trenches and brought
back 3 prisoners & killed
So we have been in /
German trenches at last.
The prisoners are coming
up here for examination,
& Butler is not going
down there. But luckily
we have the G.H.Q car here
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- lent to us while Brooks
is here; & as Ross was going
to Armentieres in it I
got him to take me.
It turns out that this
raid ws to have taken place
two nights ago - on June 5.
(Herbertson has bn away from the
mess for 2 days - so tt is where
he has been.) The Canadians
have done their raiding in some
cases without / help of a
bombardment - simply slipping
quietly into / German lines &
out again - & tt ws how we were
to have gone in this time. The
advantage of not having /
bombardment is tt you find
/ trenches exactly as they were,
and get in & out - if it is well
done - without the / enemy knowing.
Well the commanders of the
bns. o / 7th Bde were
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asked to send in plans
for raids - & the 28 & 26th
bns both chose / same point,
south o / rly line from Armentieres
where our patrols knew tt /
German wire ws bad. The
27th & 25th chose other points,
but it ws decided to carry out
this one.
A plan of the ^German trenches was, as
usual, dug out 8 ft deep
on some ground near the Bde
H.Qrs. at Chapel Armentieres,
& the attack ws thoroughly
practised. To lead it was chosen
Capt. Foss of the 28th Bn,
a thorough good soldier - a young
chap whose people have a
big farm in Western Australia.
With him was Lt Phillips, a
South Australian, I think - &
2/Lt. ^RH Gill - a new scout officer &
two others, Capt. Caless (26th Bn) &
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2/Lt A. Brown. They were all
28th Bn exc. Caless. On the
night of the 5th they left our trenches
at 9.30 p.m. - went out in
double file over / parapet -
5 officers & 59 men - half o /
men from the 28th & half from
the 26th (then in billets) They
First went the scouts - Lt Gill,
Corporal & four others - in two
lines, 3 in each, keepingvery low in the grass - mostly
on hands & knees. (The
grass is long w / growth of
two years & is especially thick
just now w / new growth!)
Then ^at 10.15 came the assault party
in 5 lots - one to go up / fire
trench to / left right & one to block
/ left right commn trench (theseto go up & under Lt Brown); one
to go along / fire trench to / leftright & one to block a commn
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trench there. (under Capt Caless).
Behind them ws / parapet
party wh ws ^to line lined / parapet &
ws to give / alarm if any
o / enemy were approaching
from their support lines.
Last ws / covering party
under Lt Phillips wh remained
just outside the wire & ws
to protect the flanks o / assaulting
& take back prisoners & close
up / rear when / party retired.
They were only to be 7
minutes in / enemy's trench.
Then a green light ws to be fired
& they were to return.
Gill & his scouts crept
to / enemys wire & began cutting
thro' it. It ws very bad
just here, old, & tied down
on stakes on no sort of plan.
Gill lay on his back & hiscorp w his head towards /
[Diagram - see original document]
Helmet in grey
blue cloth cover.
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enemy & / wire across his
chest ; while his corporal lay
almost on top of him bi and
pressed / wire down.
They worked ahead into
/ last bits of wire just outside
/ enemys trench when
ahead of him Gill saw -
within 5 yards - the outline
of a fortified listening post.
It had a little parapet
raised abt 3 ft from / ground
& over it ws looking a man
in a spiked helmet.
The man in / helmet had
seen something, for he called
up two other men (or at any
rate they appeared) and looked
cautiously over / plates o /
listening post on either side
o / man in / helmet. They
had ordinary grey button
[Diagram - see original document]
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