Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/44/1 - May - June 1916 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR160614417 Title: Diary, May - June 1976 Covers Bean's work on The Anzac Book accounts, talks with Lord Birdwood, Lt E Brooks, and visitby WM Hughes to Paris. AWMISS-SDRLCOClAAH
6 33½ 533 23 53 3 s 50 83 0 E2 191 May 9th. to Tynet e & Beach thomas 282 2 32 2 3333535
44 19 ay 91 to Tine Sw May 9th. Reissell & Beacn Choras who wal over here today from G.H.Q. said that the 3rd Corps were reported to be very sick with the Anadians who had lost cralis wh tey themselves had famed at H Eloi. Heeterson who as present, sd: Yes - but you know reason - you cant very well do much when I ammuenction run out. The 2nd Arny had gotthis all its own amoun there, I had honowed of oher armes - until it finally ran out & ddn't borrow any more. The Serious part really was to I Canadiam never reported to they had last 1 craters; I until a flyrey man went over & took pholos showing acraters of cnemys wire in poutd them, it asn't known th they 64
6H had been lost. By the bye, we have found out who the man was whose flyin has bee so delighting our troops He is a Canadian - Butter wet him I day we were op after I row Hearon his way to have tea w some oartillery people. B He dn't remember which day in particular he had bee more straffed tan on others. Its I only sport on earte, hesd. 1st N.Z. Wf Bde passed two today going to Cotaine. Herbertson proplecies to bey will be raided before try are on a fortight. Te 4t army has had some bas laids 12k & abt 30w. in one; & 24 prisoners. It has raided fewms 3 times. spent wosto1 day on acroplane photos - tryin to feth read them
64 May 1oth. The neceeve that the Ang acs are in France os publiches in the Houseof Commons & in the papers The times a repeating it says tt I Australians had at first be welcomed by 1 firmans by means of a notice, but were afterwards told on anotur notice to they were blackguard & sons of convicts & were very bitter abt it. The only thing t had happened. importance we a gas attack on them but the ashad bu blown back onto 1 Germans & thy were only suferers This is all entirely fictitious The gas attack ws d mixture of a false atarm + a gas attack Elaewhere. The "convict maide was in the newspopers not on a notice. The only
64 notices I have beard of were one: Advanae Austiblia- if you can. and one: There witl be a meeting of all nations Hindoos, 1t ste.. Suffragitte Miss Sylvia Pankherat Specially woited! The germans are registiring our Rne du Bois sctent with their guns, & also some of our commn trunche. They average 42 regiments to the mile alongour end arm pout. In some of places they have only 1 went for a long walk to Berdwood - to chose, a grast th new ride - Hes is to find a good forest stretch & hen let his Lorse gadop for all he's worth
OH old Swith can keep up wo him but not mday of others. The horses are notly a recreation. Birdie has his taken out to weed him at Cassell, for example, where he went this morning, so to be can ride home & get his Evenise so. We Lada hard walk for 6 miles to find a good ride. He didn't send his aide bec. he dirnt want to waste petrol on a car - Every one is out here, now, to save petiol; at least feu. I where & Birdwood are Birdie tot me. I is - at least I glod to hear dont know there lad or soory, - ta if bomb from a sun
propellant 6H C like those we lost has fallen in 1 ypres satient. only its a much better one froma rifled gun. not a smoote bore; but it has I same principle - the discharge o inrecap. & I suppose one ought to be sorry- but one ws very relieved to hear to it we not we who ave them I cecret. May 11h Wrote two articles toom In these sketchy certicles I leave (asin the wool track the details perfectly true but alter & wix up the placenames + dates left" a right solt it is perfectly imposcible for anyone (even myself after a short while) to identif the real truck or section.
Federice Palmer, (Amersa who ws here yest sd I book ws I bestthing of the sort he bat seen. The Canadians "W be just mad, beed 64 live & yet the story is perfectl true. poste The first copies of the lny ac Book arrived yesterday. White this morning, tells me to be thinks it will be a much biger theng than we have any conception of Weat round te St Brigade trenches with Butler to settle some Anzac Book orders - What a fine chap he is - his delight was to see how the fellows look the Anzac Book; made me show it to every one just for the pleasure of watcheng them. He adways ras his salutes into a good day. i good afternoon, to you which our men just appreciate; he likes coming round with me because it doesnt drag the brigade stafs out to look after him & shew him round. The wer get to know him.
64 Jermans got nervous & expladed the first mine opp. our lines today, 50gds out. They cd hear as working but dit as no harm in world. The whole af truck Where mining is going on is plastered state colour to blue clay. It oozes thro' I bags into wh it is put. We took opportunity I comparing our trenches a acroplane photos as we passed to see wha old-disused trenches look like? also how a trainway looks crossing a trench. May 12th. Pof. David of the minin coy I believe had ter at 1 Chatean today. I hear to the Base is coming to England & will take over the Hustralian

Official History,
1914-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.
Diaries and Notebooks
Item number: 3DRL606/44/1
Title: Diary, May - June 1916
Covers Bean's work on "The Anzac Book"
accounts, talks with Lord Birdwood, Lt E Brooks,
and visit by W M Hughes to Paris.



May 9th.

to June 3rd Beach Thomas

Original   Diary No. 44

AWM38    3DRL 606  ITEM 44 [1]



The use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms
of gift to the Australian War Memorial.  But, apart from those terms, I wish the
following circumstances and consideration to be brought to the notice of every
reader and writer who may use them.
These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be 
true.  The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what
was then in the writer's mind.  Often he wrote them when he was very tired and half asleep;
also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so - but it does not
follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when
discovered.  Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.
These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what
their author, at the time of writing, believed.  Further he cannot, of course, vouch
for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he
did try to ensure such accuracy, by consulting, as far as possible, those who had
seen or otherwise taken part in the events.  The constant falsity of second-hand
evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed
upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that
those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.
16 Sept., 1946.      C. E. W. BEAN.






64                1                    
1916 May 9th to June 3rdMay 9th.  Russell & Beade Thomas who were over here today from G.H.Q. said that the3rd Corps were reported to be very sick with the Canadians who had lost / trenches craters wh they themselves had gained at St Eloi.  Herbert son, who was present, sd: "Yes - but you know I reason - you cant very well do much when / ammunition run sout."  The 2nd Army had got thro 'all its own amm n there, & had borrowed of other armies - until it finally ran out & cd n't borrow anymore.  The serious part really was tt / Canadians never reported
tt they had lost / craters; & until a flying man went over & took photos showing / cable craters of enemy's wire in front of them, it wsn't known tt they



64.         2

had been lost.By the bye, we have found out who the man was whose flying has bn so delighting our troops.He is a Canadian.  Butler met him / day we were up after / raid He ws on his way to have tea w some
o / artillery people.  Br He cdn't remember which day in
particular he had bn more straffed than on others.  "Its / 
only sport on earth." he sd.1st N.Z. Inf Bde passed thro
today going to Estaire.  Herbertson prophecies tt they will be raided
before they are in a fortnight.  The 4th army has had some bad raids
- 12K & abt 30w. in one; & 24prisoners.  It has raided / Germans
3 times.Spent most of / day on
aeroplane photos - trying to get to read them.


64.                3

May 10th.  The news that the
Anzacs are in France ws published in the House of
Commons & in the papers."The Times" in repeating it says
tt / Australians had at first bn welcomed by / Germans
bye means of a notice, but were afterwards told on another
notice tt they were blackguards
& sons of convicts & were very bitter abt it.  The only
thing tt had happened of importance ws a gas attack
on them, but the gas had bn blown back onto / Germans
& they were / only sufferers.This is all entirely fictitious.
The gas attack ws a mixture of false alarm & a gas attack
elsewhere.  The "Convict" invaders was in the newspapers not on a notice.  The only


64.           4

notices I have heard of
were one; "Advance Australia - 
if you can!"
And one; "There will be a meeting of all nations-Hindoos," etc etc ..."Suffragettes, Miss Sylvia Pankhurst specially invited!"The Germans are registering our Rue Bois silent with their guns, & also some of our commn trenches.  They average 4½regiments to the mile along our2nd army front.  In some other places they have only 1½Went for a long walk w Birdwood - to choose a new ride - His and all the recreation time is to find a good forest stretch & then let his horse gallop for all he's worth - 


64.              5

old Smith can keep up whim but not many o / others.The horses are really a recreation.  Birdie has his taken out to meet him - at Cassel, for example, where he went this morning; so tt he can ride home & gethis exercise so.  We had a 
hard walk for 6 miles tofind a good ride.  He didnt send his Aide bec.he didnt want to waste/ petrol in a car - Everyone is out here, now, to save petrol; at least Gen.s White & Birdwood are.Birdie told me; I wsglad to hear - at least I dont know whether to be glad or sorry, - to abig bomb from a gun 



64.            6
like those we lost has fallen in / Ypres salient; only its a much better one from a rifled gun. Not a smooth bore; but it has / same
principle - the discharge is in the cap. X "I suppose one ought to be sorry - but one ws very relieved to hear tt it ws not we who gave them / secret.May 11th  Wrote two articles these sketchy articles I leave (as in the Wool Track)the details perfectly true,but alter & mix up the place names & dates &left" & "right" so tt it is perfectly impossible for anyone (even myself after a short while) to identify the real trench or section of


64.        7
Frederick Palmer, / American,
who ws here yes ty sd / book
ws / best thing of the sort he had seen.
"The Canadians'll be just mad," he sd.

64       8line & yet the story is perfectly
true.The first ^ posted copies of the Anzac Book arrived yesterday. White , this morning, tells me tt he thinks it will be a much bigger thing than we have any conception of.Went round the 1st Brigade trenches with Butler to settle some Anzac Book orders - What a fine chap he is - his delight was to see how the fellows took the Anzac Book; made me show it to every one first for the pleasure of watching them. He always turns his salutes into a "Good Day""Good afternoon, to you" - which our, men just appreciate; he likes coming  round with me because it doesn't drag the brigade staffs out to look after him - show him round. The men get to know him.



64.           9

Germans got nervous & exploded the first mine opp . our lines today, 50 yds out . they cd hear us working but did us no harm in /world. The whole o / trench,  where mining is going on is plastered slate colour w blue clay. It oozes thro / bags into wh it is put .We took / opportunity of comparing our trenches w aeroplane photos as we passed to see xx what old - disused trenches 
look like , also how a tramway looks crossing a trench.May 12th.  Prof . David of the mining coy I believe had 
tea at / Chateau today.I hear tt the Base is coming , to England & will take over themAustralian 


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