Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/41/1 - March - April 1916 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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9 Provl. Formations 2313 49361 6101 3463 189 6603 84 det all I must papers for Dr Aust. gus Dions
order Bk. Have they got that tast crcale out. what recods whall I keep in France Morning. 62 FMm. Lonero Wowersley Georgie Risde. Cealy Afternoon Lawreneef Mayos. Opm. Kodak (feray & filus) Albm
See Hutchen abt 9 28 29/23/16 6th How. Batt cheque. the bo0 wh are with Morley where are thery. What Permaunt add ny in Egypt for. Speciman books. Co. Mc Anderson restoring $1,000 1. Sewiit cardd for C0 2. Write Cheratides cards mine & Ross: McCopaghy, I. Have verses pardssitten 4. Get list from Mem of 15t Orders for orders for End Deliveries Postages not yet Dy Dwn sent bookplet 1St Anzac. namies of Secreteries Any hospitals my 5. Get numbers of these & arrangs for setting o o Setis &ffe sud out Write to cassells telling them 6. ps are coming. (Write to Smart & giving signalures were them addresss on Egppt & arrange with MCA. abt Storage of 10,000 books when they cose see abt getting (more cards, arrange with Cossells for pitiy of more books.


Provl. Formations
4936        2313
3463        4101

73              189

8412        6603

I must get all
papers for 1st Aust


                    NZ          Divns



order Bk.

Have they got that last circular out?

What records shall I keep in


Morning: Pay.

8PM. Leonard Womersley
Afternoon: Georgie Bisdee. (Early)
                     Lawrence Mayos. 6pm
                     Kodak (fixing & films)



See Hutchen
abt NZP 29/23/16
6th How. Bats cheque.

The box wh are with
Morley where are

What Permanent  add ns
in Egypt for. Specimen

Col. Mc Anderson re storing of 10,000

1. Finish cards for C0,
2. Write Cherasides cards mine
& Ross: McConaghy,
3. Have Nurse cards written


4. Get list from them of

2nd     (1) Orders for deliveries   (2) orders for Postage not yet sent borkplates

3 Divn

1st Anzacs        names of secretaries

?Any hospitals

5. Set numbers of these tarranys for my getting bps.

6 See circular & get it sent out.

7. Write to Cassells telling them b.p.s are coming. (Write to Smart) & giving signatures. 

Wire them addresses in Egypt & arrange with MCA. abt storage of 10,000 books when they come.

See abt getting more cards: & arrange with Cassells for printing more books



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