Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/41/1 - March - April 1916 - Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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f.26253 26277 2642380 Lleidkow p6431-35 Max. Borwick (Apign Gdl of P. Book) 2650 be 26339626358 26550- 26563 miss 26557 missing 26595 missing 2659 7. c 26599 216618 $26824 2860 26647 28662 (Budden pd. missing 26836 missing 26831 (28807-78 Blank. sodsatmany pfe L.G. Haghes ✓4663 6D 26957 - missing pd Pewarren. S tdamt
3 S. Transylvania. 3/4/16 Received on a/c Trust Account Anzac Book £23:16
Ap. 1. Paty26S60-3 canting 67 26 595 265 f 265 ga 26618 26621 2662 26628- 2663433 26636 2663 Craverbf. 2B3n 26632 26633 26636 F. Heward 26629 ANZac. 26639 26640 Coleins G.A. 26641 26642 coford 22. C 0 Ap 2 (3) 2. 10 C 15 3 Gen Birdwood's add rea 99 Cadogan Gdns Sw.
March 31 330 26.378 340 330 a 360 370 ou 382 28 400 411 26414 254.8. P 4 438 440 450 66 470 450 490 500. 2 2520s. Surtant 26,297 t 26, 3051Genwhite. E.L1 Lewis. 26.339 6 8300 Roo 28 597 to p6914 asfolls:- (Gen Birdwood 26397- 402 26 Gen Peyton 26408.9 ftarther stgos t M Ros n07 Col. Manifold 20014 Apt Aprt March 31. in de Lopengers 10 del. 25/ 6654 26 paid for & sur back 5 pd for 1not sent bock 3743 31 at 3/ 93. £4.13.0. 25 5 0 136 T.B.0 £6.16. 0. Boidwd 18:0 6.16.0 Paid in CS. Gen Carrakerz 24 4. 12 OfoEss of. Ap 131 1.16. 0 Sen Peyton 5:0 2.2.0
en: 25258 26263 26244 26297 300 283051 310 2608 320 Carch 31
26,335- 106.) Capt Kenned Bed Capt Seys 26 33748 Pai s te Aid tColl Jibbs 6. Pb. 20684 26377 CGAustin Pd. 28359 70 Light Ross. ADa) Acq. Roll Tolaus Lacg. Butte Acg 4 Paid: 28 390-2 Bris Sen Canliffe Owep 26312 ps Phote of Gm. Birdegbod to be deld yrs W. White, case cottages, Farnham, Essex. pto Near Bishop Stortford Lald on white roll Herts Mas M Eng. Gen. de Lotpincere 10books to be delivered at Artellery Mansions Lictoria St. WestminstersW. to be fept till called for) Esquis Pail 25/- 24 r 3. £3.15.0 SV. Signed C.R. Hlewte ss o con 4Lewvis pd. 12/ 27 ROSS 27 (760be Ag) 14 Yen Peyb2 181 6len BRvd. pd. & cerrathes Sfen white £5.5.0 fen de holb. 15.O 10.0 6
Infy Bde: 20001 to 22774 to 24404 22775 LpBde 1.405 3. Inpy Bde. 25288 24.405 1st Aust Dw Arty 3rd. Aust Adam O. 125289 25 47 26253 6th Infy Bde 25478 and 2625 26254 S.Des Arty H.A. 2 ahde tS 268 No497 1 dusacte Een Senton 40 3. 216405.6. X63 Berter. 26264 69. Crespiny 44 6. pd to Mernside, 771596 Whi D.Cr. Cewrs. 26 302- 26.300

26883 Pte L. G. Hughes 6th Bn
26884                          4688
26957  Pte [[?]] 5th F. Amb
26662 Buddeb pd. missing

fr. 26 = 58    26423 - 30
Lieut Ross
Maj, Borwick
(to sign roll - P.Book)
from 26277
26312 Bean (4)
26334 to 26358 (24)
26560 0 26563 missing
26567 missing
26595 missing
26597    "
26599    "
26618     "
26624    "
26628    "
26647   50 missing

26662 (Budden pd. missing)
26830 }
26831  }missing
26883 and 4 missing
pd Pte L.G. Hughes
4668 - 6 Bn
{26957 - missing
{pd Pte Warren. 5 Fld Amb


SS. Transylvania
Received on a/c
Trust Account Anzac Book


Ap. 1. [[?]] 
26560-3 wanting
 ___67          "
26595           "
26597           "
26599           "
26618            "
26621             "
26624            "
26628-9         "
26631 - 33       "
26636              "
26633}  Craven [[?]] 2 Bn
26629}   F.Steward
26641}      Collins G.A.

Calford    2.  2.  0
Ap 2.(3)         9.  0
                   2.  11.  0
                   3.  6.  0

Geb Birdwood's address
99 Cadogan Gdns


March 31


26258 - 26263. Gen Carruthers
26,297 to 26,305  1. Gen White.
                                 2. Lt. Lewis.
26,339 to 26358    Ross
26397 to 26414
As follows:-
Gen Birdwood 26397 - 402
Gen Peyton 26403-9
Gen Carr in Kew 26405-6
Col. Manifold 26414
Up to April March 31.
Gen de Lotbiniere 10 ^to be deld.
26 paid for & sent back
5 pd for & not sent back
31 at 3/-   93
                   £4. 13. 6
                       1. 5. 0
                       5.18. 0
Birdwood        18. 0
 Paid in         6. 16. 0
Gen Carruthers 24.   1. 4. 0
Off[[?]] Ap 1st                 12
                                       1. 16. 0
Gen Peyton                       6. 0
                                          2. 2. 0

£6. 16. 0


March 31
26258 }
26263  }
|     26,297}
|    20305}
|    26318


26,335 to 6. Capt Kennedy
Paid  2
26 337- 8 Capt Seys
Paid  21
26339 - 58 Ross. [[Acq?]]

Lt Col Gibbs 26371 - 6 Acq Pd 6
                        26388 - 9
26377 Col Austin Pd
 26359- 70  Lieut Ross. ADAPS
Acq Roll
Lt Col Austin [[3?]] Acq.
Maj. Butler 6. Acg.
xx Paid: 26390-2
Brig Gen Cunliffe Owen 26312 pd
Photo o / Gen. Birdwood

to be deld. Mrs W. White, Cass Cottages
10 to   Farnhan, Essex
Near Bishop Stortford
Paid on White roll
Gen. Mrs M de Lotbiniere
10 books to be
delivered at
Artillery Mansions
Victoria St.
Westminster S.W.
(To be kept till called for)
6 copies
Paid 25/-

25 x 3 .   =    £ 3. 15. 0
81. signed QR
To come in: + Ross 7
4. Lewis pd.                 12/-
27 Ross  27 (7 to be Acq)
2 Gen Peyton 2
6 Gen Bdwd. pd.        18/-
8 Carruthers
5 Gen White.
                         £5 .5 . 0
Gen de Lotb. £ 1. 5. 0
                            6 .10 .0


1st. Infy. Bde.    20001 to 22774
2nd. Infy. Bde.   22775 to 24404
3rd. Infy. Bde.  14405
1st. Aust Div. Arty.  24405   25288
3rd. Aust Fld Amb. 25289  25477
6th. Infy Bde            25 478  26253
2nd. Div. Arty H.Q.     26254  26257
2nd. N.Z. F.A. Bde.    16268
1st. Anzac H.Q.        26258  26407
Gen Peyton 26403-4
                              {26405 - 6
Gen Carruthers {26258 - 63
Gen Birdwood 26264 - 69
De Crespigny 70-75
Col Taylor 76. pd
Chernside 771096
General White 297-301
Lt [[?]] Lewis . 26,302 - 26,305







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