Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/41/1 - March - April 1916 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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64 day that a ship wh wee passed in I momiy has been torpedoed since. Towards night a warships Signal 15 sd to have on 7 boats pickes up, to were missing. sold the Asrzac Book plates amongst I men all day - on I welldick forward & aft - working at my camptable was clerk from 1Pay Office. The men kept as going as hard as we could although some of them were sceptical. are ye are - my photograpp, shillin each! I heard ha a voice in background saying. That ws
65 mcant for me. Another vaice later called Forward the mugs1" The meaaround medidn't heed - Theyis very decent. A game of House or some sort of gamble was going one close by &I daresay some of or ganisers didn't like the competition But I wonder which were the mngs - the fellows who were buying Anz ac Books posted to any address at 3/- Each, or the chaps who joined to arch to gambly away their pay
66 Sand. Ap2. I thought to where Boidwood ws, there wd always be a service on Sunday. However there won't a padie aboard & it tooke unlikely. But they found I right man. This was little F. Pogson Betheme - my brothers great frind at Selwyn Cambrige. He is on board as a reinforcement officer for the 12th Bn. He is a parson though. I'm not sure to be hasn't given it up - but he's a first class little Chap. though & his address ad be good - & it was. After a far well known hymns he told 1 men to set down – &
67 for 1 first time said to this mexet crowd of reinforcements almost exactly (thing to I had often wished to hear a parson say- I wanted to tell you first, hesd, 4 though I am a Church of England Clergyman -this is nt a service for Church of England - its a service for men of all religions. and I wanted to tell you secondly that the God whom we pray to at this service is not the g0 sort of being whom many people say that God is. t people, when I go cin peace time to visit a sick man who is in terrible pain with sa cancer or fearful disease say.
68 Its dreadful - But ito gods will? well thats not what god is. God docont will in nocent men to suffer pain. Gd Mats not Gods will - its the devils. Some good people tell you that its gods will that those who s haven't gone to cherch & who happin to die in their sins should go to hell for ever. I can't believe - it 152d hossible to think - that a loving father should wish that any man however bad should be tormented eternally. Thats not what god wishes If I believed Its not what you that I wd wish. If I believed - then Id go down to Hep that
69 cheerfully to a smile upon my lips - for I'd know I ws a better man than god. No - God is with you all time - no matter how you ve sinned; he's there beying to help you. It doess't matter if yours not been what they call a religious man if youve not gone to church on Sundays - There's nothing in bible wh says to a man must go to church every sunday that I not what religon is. To toag as you play same you needn't have an anxiel about that in
70 wt to wh yours going. Your going to de just work - you know that + I know it. We we read of all to has happened Elswhen in Belgium to I women &I children reaciable poople. unofinding - were going out to say tt to sort of thei shall not happen in world so tory as were in it. Thatis - not yf we can help it. The papers have told us to we are heroes & patter us on back but were not heroes; we dont want to be called heroes. Were should have cons not conscripty - yet - trank God
71 we came of our own free will - we shd have by less then men not to come. And in to work not one of you need bot worry about his religion so was as he plays I same. H ta plays ame That is what religion 15 - to play I same - & y any man does to, go there's. no need for church going & prayerseve so long as a man plays Jame Jodwill be on his side - Never fear And what if some us do cross over to lothn side in course of it - what does to matter.
72 But it just 15ort 9 death to you'd wish alin forward to die wish your dear ones behind you & your friends on C Enthe side of you god above you &out enemy in front. Wha when we were boys sent 0 this exactly I sort adventure to we longed to come upon to go across (worth to fight for I right in many lands. & cant we thank h has fe no of fulfillingit chaace pastt atl expectation It ws abuost beyond our hopes that we shd
there with 7 ever have I chance of coming uponan addenture libe H. & yet here we are upon just I expedition in wh we shod have given our eyes to be engaged. No not soi to be downt go into this cheerfull we Mlay Jay gladle - So long as goo al above as & our lover ones behind us & our friends on either side of as & only 1 snemy in post of us we man 111 o forward and paid. I watched (upturned faces of I men as he ender inthe packed well deck of 5no space left at al ship there nt have


day that a ship wh were

passed in I morning has

been torpedoed since.

Twowards night a warships 

signal is sd to have bn 

picked up, tt "7 boats

were missing".

   I sold the "Anzac Book"

plates amongst I men

all day - on I well deck

forward & aft - working

at any camp table with

clerk from Pay Office. The 

men kept us going as hard

as we could although

some of them were sceptical.

   "'Ere y'are - my 

photograph, shillin' each!"

I heard one chap a voice in

I background saying. That is s


meant for me. Another voice

later show called "Forward the 

mugs!" The men around 

me didn't heed - they're 

very decent. A game of 

"House" or some sort of 

gamble was going on 

next door close by & 2 

daresay some o I or gamiers (?)

didn't like the competition.

But I wonder which were 

the "mugs" - the fellows 

who were buying Anzac 

Books posted to any address

at 3/- each, or the chaps

who joined the circle to gamble

away their pay. 




Sund. Ap 2.

   I thought tt where Birdwood

was, there wd always be 

a service on sunday. However

there wasn't a padre aboard

& it looked unlikely. But 

they found I right man.

   This was little F. Pogson

Bethune - my brother's 

great friend at Selwyn

Cambridge. He is on board

as a reinforcement officer

for the 12th Bn. He is a 

parson though I'm not sure 

tt he hasn't given it up - but

he's a first class little 


   I thought his address

wd be good & it was. After 

a few well known hymns

he told I men to sit down - t



for I first time said to this

mixed crowd of reinforcements

almost exactly I thing tt I 

had often wished to hear a 

parson say.

   "I wanted to tell you

first", he sd. "tt though I am 

a Church of England clergyman

- this isn't a service for the Church

of England - its a service 

for all men of all religions. 

  • And I wanted to tell you 

secondly that the God whom

we pray to at this service

is not the god sort of being whom

many people say that God is.

Many Some people, when I go (??) in 

peace time to visit a sick man,

who is in terrible pain with

some cancer or fearful disease say:


"Its dreadful - But it's gods 

will." Well thats not what

God is. God doesn't will

innocent men to suffer 

pain. God do That's not God's

will - it's the devil's. Some 

good people tell you that its

god's will that those who 

don't haven't gone to church 

& who happen to die with their

sins should go to hell for ever.

I can't believe - it isn't

horrible to think - that a 

loving father should wish 

that those any man

however bad should be

tormented eternally. (??) that's 

not what God wishes. If I believe

that I It's not what you

wd wish. If I believed

that - then I'd go down to Hell


cheerfully w a smile upon

my lips - for I'd know

I ws a better man than


"No - God is with you 

all I time - no matter

how you've sinned; he's there

trying to help you. It 

doesn't matter if you've 

not been what they call 

a religious man - 

if you're not gone to church

on Sundays - There's 

nothing in I bible wh says

tt a man must go to 

church every Sunday -

that's not what religion

is. So long as you play I 

game you needn't have any 

anxiety about that in I


game work to wh you're going. 

   "You're going to do just

work - you know that

& I know it. We've red

of all tt has happened 

in Belgium & elsewhere - to I women

& I children & I 

unoffending peaceable people. We're going

out to say tt tt sort of

thing shall not happen in

I would so long as we're

in it. That is - not if

we can help it. The papers

have told us tt we are 

heroes & patted us on I

back but we're not

heroes; we don't want to

be called heroes. We're

should have come not

conscripts - yet - thank God;



we came of our own free

will - we shd have bn

less than men not to

come. And And in tt

work not one of you

need bother worry about 

his religion so long as

he plays I game. If 

he plays I game That is

what religion is - to 

play I game - & if

any man does tt, God

there's no need for church

going & prayers. never

fear So long as a man

plays I gam God will be

on his side - Never fear. 

   And what if some 

of us do cross over to 

I other side in I course of

it - what does tt matter? 



Isn't it just I sort of

death tt you'd wish

to die - ^going forward with your

dear ones behind you

& your friends on 

either side of you &

God above you & only 

I enemy in front. Why 

when we were boys isn't

this exactly I sort of 

adventure tt we 

longed to come upon - 

to go across I world to 

figth for I right in many

lands & cant we thank

God w/he has given us I

chance of fulfilment past all expectations. 

  It was almost beyond

our hopes that we shd


even have I chance of

coming upon an adventure

like tt/; & yet here we 

are upon just I expedition

in wh we shd have given

our eyes to be engaged.

No - we were not going to be

down go into this cheerfully, 

gladly. So long as we God we play I game

There with God above us & our loved 

ones behind us & our friends on either side of

us & only I enemy in front of us we may

go forward unafraid."

  I watched I upturned

faces of I men as he ended

- the packed well deck o I

ship - a rich harvest there was no space left at all

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