Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/41/1 - March - April 1916 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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38 & did so, hurrying wounded back- to same o dline tru There were snipers in trees & some, probably, behied lines. some The men tought there were machine guns in I wood & were going out to sees but an officer went out & we satisfied to they were our own was. But there were sniper dujouts there The tarkish truch wd have badly enfiladed ours. Our men so they never got into a Trkish trech & many never Law one They gat make out why advance shd be by day - (saole showed this British condfind their way at night). 39 Arnng toops. Yen Wather Bridges came back w us. Passes king stat thil. Show co flasfard my mapo valle wh he capied. Showed for walker way. & in ourtreys Ced Ma Finwell at meety c O5 & afterth into coartneys trenches. Forng still conty but ourpositie St pove
ing By 40 A 116 Dfort, Kn41 2 Rrvn 4 by 41 wecs we a sapping ford towards ech other Had stays changed lan from best ful to For Beach they know l Daltuneck - + Popes all no. Commn trethes yet. reach Ave. Jus. ver crest. Hnd ow nep in CR
Maldy wanted to attact 3. but ws Stopper abttue he broke his leg. 42
43 Deonard Womersley don 5 Essu March 29, 1916 wat law do I was pretty well right- both eyes & leg- Col. Powell very kindly let me live at the bospital & make it my H.O. during rest of my stay at Ismaites I had to come up to Cairo to see to the destribution of the Anzac Book Plate. Titlle Evans, who kindly took up the work there for me had really hardly had time to see to it, & the two clerks were in an almost
44 hopeless maodle. This was largely due to my not having been able to give them full instinctions. there was nothing for it but to sit down & grapple with it - so for Saturday & Sunday I worked through all the correspondence gave it a simple classifiat had standing circular letters typed; got out a proper, record system, & division of work between Europe &Eey In the middle of this got a wire to report to gen White on Wednesday ee at Hlex for Embarkation. It was very good of Army
45 Corps to take the trouble to find us & warn us. Birdwood, white of the rest of staf had thought they were to leave on Ap. 6. Ross ran down to Ismailia; I osired to Bagley to have my byage packes (I am still supposed to be in Hospital) & t weet me blf the 2 P.M. train nextday at Benha. Ross came, with most of staf in 1same wai - spenk I night abt Savoy Hotel, Alexandria, & came aboard I ship next day Birdwood and white came aboard in evening. Birdwood, I believe ws t have gone on by destroyer somethen from but th mitilery anthoritie blocked him in some way at I last coment, so he came
46 by the transylvania. She carries 3000 add details & reinforcumets for the 15t Divis. The stapf ha an idea to we are going to Amcens 29 E30 of Sam. Portigel Murray F31AitsCr Idustdes 1 Sat. Ship N comta 2 Vin. Bethen man 3. 1ond 2. 6 a Marscelles. The torpetoc stip. To. The transylvance White & Base sailed at ten oclock kirdwood with the staff of the Checkmale 15 Ac NZ Armo Corps Cter on board. The second Marscillis Men & Hg Book corps is trainy at 154 an luosmoas camp CT.Ro at pt El Rebir & House It S. So wit follow us. The e 4th 7 512 Deons indee Birdwards Address on S. Trancylang 5rd2 3s 726 Line 7 saya 2 1 11 a - 21 61 9NC0 - 522v0 4 C2. c22 2 26 or 0s1 Sir I. Hamilton2E ho 177 6 100900
were abreade marthin out to Ferry Post & Setapeam before I left Ismallia - White & Berdw got tim into going order Extraordinarily quickly; I believe whites minutes & memoranda on the principles governing the change were extraordinarily beced & Mumination. It heally is a wonderful job- to bave officered those divus in (time -to take of one ther. For weeks past one has met in I Cairo hotels, in 1 trains, at $78. commanding officers evunin round & getting officers. They wanted wea from the L.H, men from the engineers - the infantry bus have been raked to AA 49 hone t 6.0.. cien 6S 1o48 Gall. +. 4 2 451.07 ofDv-8 L556 16 To 70521314 20 7 12000 2 10 9 6 00 12 o 71. 6SC 1403 Wall. PG 5000
at Loskin 50 2.34 71 yC - Irc 28 & Ce & CS (5 I 2 or mown corn.I h Te .0.- Co Y.S. 6c211 11 I no. Co 86 I 621c701 CC6 2.CC0 73
51 Light Herse for officers. Som C.Os liker Antill, I fancy, are not at all kem on having vei best men taken for officers in infantry bus and they & the officers of the base (who want good men for trainey) have been holding up the supply & making it difficult for young strs to get away. I saw Jasfard & Glasgow on one&! same dan at 20 Auzad (Birdwoods both in to see white & sm prett sure to ws why. My any how, white par a hurried visit to Cairo. was closcted w Tellheim & other generals; put his business through - & officers have been coming forward swoothl 52 S 5 +. 17 9 -0 isc 210 91 (This is transcribed The fighter. And tysewritten amongst my papers Clwt Since. White is capable of an enomous amount intelligent work. If he has a fault it is to oftrying to keep his finger on everyones business - not o makin mis take of doing I detailed work, but controlling policy & seem to detail

& did so, hurrying wounded back - to
same old 3rd line trench.
There were snipers in / trees
& some, probably, behind / lines. Some 
of the men thought there were
machine guns in / wood & were
going out to see; but an officer
went out & ws satisfied tt they
were our own guns. But there
were snipers dugouts there.
The Turkish trench wd have badly
enfiladed ours. Our men sd
[Hand drawn diagram, please see original[
they never
got into a
Turkish trench
& many never
saw one.
They cdnt make out why / advance
shd be by day - (Suvla showed this
- British cdnt find their way at

1   39
Army Corps. Gen Walker
& Bridges came back w 
us. Passed King shot in
thigh. Showed Glasfurd
my map of valley wh
he copied. Showed Gen
Walker way to & in
Courtneys.  Gen Maj
Pinwell at meeting of
COs & afterwds went
into Courtneys trenches.
Firing still contg but
our positn setting more



[Hand drawn sketch, please see original]


1   41
secure as we are
sapping forwd
towards each other.

? Has Otago changed
Plan from Rest
Gully to round
Did they know
Walker Neck & Popes all
(No communication
trenches yet.
Trench line just
over crest. Had
to nip in from


1   42
McCay wanted to
attack G.O.T. but ws
stopped abt time he broke
his leg.
[Hand drawn sketch, please see original]


1   43
Leonard Womersleys
story of 1/5 Essex.
March 2d. 1916
I got in Cairo arranging
=  As I was pretty well
right - both eyes & leg -
Col. Powell very kindly let
me live at the hospital
& make it my H.Q. during
rest of my stay at Ismailia
I had to come up to Cairo
to see to the distribution
of the Anzac Book Plates.
Little Evans, who kindly took
up the work there for me,
had really hardly had time
to see to it, & the two
clerks were in an almost


1   44
hopeless muddle. This
was largely due to my
not having been able to
give them full instructions.
There was nothing for it but
to sit down & grapple
with it - so for Saturday
& Sunday I worked through 
all the correspondence,
gave it a simple classification,
had standing circular letters
typed, got out a proper
record system, & division
of work between Europe
& Egypt.
In the middle of this
I got a wire to report to
Gen White on Wednesday 29th
at Alex for embarkation.
It was very good of Army


1   45
Corps to take the trouble to find
us & warn us. Birdwood, White
& the rest of / staff had thought
they were to leave on Ap. 6.
Ross ran down to Ismailia; I
wired to Bazley to have my luggage
packed (I am still supposed to be
in Hospital) & to meet me
by the 2p.m. train next day
at Benka. He Ross came,
with most o / staff in / same
train - spent / night at /
Savoy Hotel, Alexandria, &
came aboard / ship next day.
Birdwood & White came aboard
in / evening. Birdwood, I believe,
ws to have gone on by destroyer
but ^something from the military authorities
blocked him in some way at
/ last moment, so he came


by the Transylvania. She carries
3000 odd details & reinforcements
for the 1st Divn. The staff has
an idea tt we are going to


Murray & Australians
1 man Cy
The tor pedocd
White & / 

Men & the Book
W 29th
Th 30th      8 a.m. Portugal.   
F. 31             Crete [shorthand]
1 Sat.            Ship
2 Sun          Bethune
3. Mon        [shorthand]

4. Marseille 

30. The Transylvania
sailed at ten oclock -
with the staff of the
1st Ac NZ Army Corps
on board. The Second 
Corps is training at
an enormous camp
at Tel el Kebir &
will follow us - The
4th & 5th Divns under

1   47
Birdwoods address on 
S.S. Transylvania




were already marching
out to Ferry Post &
Serapeum before I left
Ismailia - White & Birdwd
got them into going order
extraordinarily quickly; &
I believe White's minutes
& memoranda on the
principles governing the change
were extraordinarily lucid
& illuminating. It really is
a wonderful job to have
officired those divns in / time - to take
only one thing : For weeks past
one has met hotels in / Cairo
hotels, in / trains, at ^Corps H.Q.,
commanding officers running
round & getting officers. They
wanted men from the L.H , men
from the engineers _ the infantry
bns have been raked thro'

1   49


1   50


for officers. Some ^Light Horse C.O.s like
Antill, I fancy, are not
at all keen on having their
best men taken for officers in
infantry bns and they & 
the officers of the base (who want
good men for training) have
been holding up the supply & 
making it difficult for youngsters
to get away. But I saw
Glasfurd & Glasgow on one & /
same day at 2nd Anzac (Birdwood)
both in to see White & I'm pretty 
sure tt ws why. xx Anyhow,
White paid a hurried visit to Cairo,
was closeted w Sellheim &
other generals; put his business
through - & officers have been
coming forward requ smoothly

1   52


(This is transcribed

and typewritten amongst 

my papers.

The fighter.


Since. White is capable of an

enormous amount of

intelligent work. If he has

a fault it is tt of trying to

keep his finger on everyone’s 

business - not done making /

mistake of doing / detailed 

work, but controlling / 

policy & seeing tt / detail



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