Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/41/1 - March - April 1916 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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20 himself will administer I force in egypt - whe is well meant. But his efforts & those of Campbell show what an unsympathaly administeate it cod be however well they meant. t Everything drives them back on Birdwood continuing to administen the force. To us here it really means White. White is the by Clustahan Soldii & here are not enough of them its free
22 but they are all in moad indispensable jobs. We havent the staf oficers available & we mnst overwork White - that's about it. Griffitts is a splendi secretary byal, hard working but he has not creative abilit for don administrative wosk on his own dlecision So we are dinven back on I old plan, out as Cairo is too fas
24 Con N0 Steete with 25 in Egyst in menor matters. But big Jestus of prenciple will have to so to Birdwood via the HO in Lonclon. Marray thinks it 15 inworkable. But we shall see. From Flss Diar 1St Friday. Marmes of aitup on rear dope of steeles waiting to thange M. gs. (They were preised all dr
staff septain 26 F. Bught Staf Captain 31 1615t Brigade his ap 27 Birdwd Walker obly sheen & monest had coupe on top yes Lander of Strapnel Br Cool get int but had old T. Frevebe Constentl his day 14th were, called as to sinforil tlucy 166 the who were on
27 just holden on Beaving clear that wooded ridge at e watler ad hast to be taken as commanded Ivalley Monask called to confer Wodour to Mac. & Invne with after wes tJ. night, tonstand -dead& attacks wounded constant
28 p25 Mas. Buther says that May. Towld was andoubtedly hit in the back. tait wt spht of top of ari Burnn knot by someman firng up the hill. some of second not lost their heads. Butter tried to get thim to Charge & geton but they cod hang back +load their majns ine tire. A wounded tark was in the trush on Hrs Burnle. Foulder sd as ed helay wounded – I told them agin & again not to load thei maguzins but they wal do it. Butlertended him 3 ot boats in wh Buller was got locked & only two outsid ones a use their oars - their outer oars. Lire wo v. heasy. The socor who handed 15his satchel ws shot this Ichest as he did so 29 a jally. Lamb & Cester to rt of th Blle just abt work out- Cept Tackbs ws hankine in tep of was Steeti. wexed upholdin Solitary bill abendy 17 guth On oter side i knon 0th gulty foot to the eveng ws sowewhere there No knowledged where 154 had seen was exc to
30 Ap 20 suchland. handed & wint along beack to fort of walkers Rilge. made to put down kit there. Then put it on again & march back Tuggis Plateau by partially made road up will. Crossed platean + up Shrapsel Gully. There they first sot command regat (to go on left of Australians) thenr left. Bome went left up abt walkers top otherss right - up the Bloody Angle & towards Baby 700. It seemed a long endlers slope covered w sernt always gradually rising little tracks tunning, thry its They were aot 100 yes believd the firng tine at 4.30 when the font live came running back on tha. get to beggary they sd - the to are coming on, 1000s of them The live withdrew, part of it on to Yerans - & part onto Walkers Ridge & down it. They were stopped at what afterwars was walker HA 31 Capt Quinn year MacLaguns H. Ctoda Wed. Aaltan ma and mednight & relieved May Laut Raie Vibleak. led them to & their places by dimba on hands & dnces. thers Marines took over Courtneys Post. Wnits of Bde starting to come back o reoyanice Report to tocoms down Picquets Post - ll
Auck. (cont? where I tarks were sueping heavily The little dip there began to fill at wounder. Two men who weat out to firt way never got back, so they day in there. The N were mixed in w. nd Ba at this time. On Tuesday morning I Turks were attackeng & at 8 am. Auckl, ws send up to support 2 Bn. The front line presently adcame running back; but bayonets were fixed & they are charged back again. They co see I turks trickling down Raby 700 to get abI back of Popes & Gunins. (le to get to 1 head of Popes Jlly, 1 W. branch of Monash galliy). But as they came down an 25 & 33) ome m.9.& rifle fire. always got them as they came down slope. Our pont time we not yet in trenches - ad of it - you still 33 16 Welson Maries ard Mariies withoraw Fit from Courtneys & made right your sectn Pressnd heavity tll da particGagst Coartan et & maris left Abt Apnmain wassed for charge tet from en tgo. Calls for recp tapt gratan Rlupt Killer Hear fin vally counded Bryadres like hell
54 had to get up onto your elbows to fire. Could see the Austrahians in front of them & had to be very careful not to hit them By Wednesday when N relieved the End Bn the communienty truch ws so far day to you out had to nip over abt 5yds to gt cnto it. Huekts at Helles. N.Z. had to advance abt (200 yas in open before reaching fire trench (2) Starte from Sir hime trech charp started from (In afternoon) pink farm in slight hollow where ter as a dressing Station. They had got abt 1507ts (an morny) & io have duy 35 i Jess to Hd Tns on beack. Bry in confee to Cot Johnson gen re tomorrow mooe- Advance be Wather toward E We to wove NE & keep in touch t Ne Returned under fore. Nebo tarint reckoned in their truches. Llte for remp- When seen up foumr front trenche
36 in but had to go further. The Bombardment made 15 keep heads down - & I first bive of auclcld got through Darsy Field to left of Fine Wood very well & lay down. But We reinforcements, coming ap their heads whhad up, cont set thro' it at all. The to hadingg on it. Twos &3s tried to get across wd get half way. Then stumble + 50 down. Some gotup & stapred on, but you cose dust of mg. across field o it always caught them up. The troops who got across at athereinto a depression or creek ranning straight towards eneay. At abt 2 in the morning they were ordered to get back 31 empte, tarrible noise firy atl night b assautts beater back Set. Ma. Propected scheme for fMesh) Gent advance. Bdr & Jes self went to notman H. 20 to week gen Walker Found Jen Brudges Glaspind Bridges Apt Scheme - 24Mrs diday - kang of got

1  20
 himself will administer
/ force in Egypt - who 
is well meant. But his 
efforts & those of Campbell 
show what an unsympathetic
administratn it wd be 
however well they 
S lastly there is l
Everything drives 
them back on Birdwood 
continuing to administer 
the force. To us here it 
really means White. 
White is the big 
Australian soldier - 
& there are not 
enough of them to free


1  22

but they are all in 
most indispensable 
jobs. We haven't the 
staff officers available 
& we must overwork 
White - that's about 
it. Griffiths is a 
splendid secretary
- loyal, hardworking - 
but he has not / 
creative ability for doing 
/ job administrative 
work on his own decision.
So we are driven 
back on / old plan; only 
as Cairo is too far


Bridges death
[Hand written sketch]
1  25

in Egypt in minor 
matters. But big
questions of principle 
will have to go to 
Birdwood via the H.Q. 
in London.

Murray thinks it 
is unworkable. But 
we shall see.
From Tess' Diary

1st Friday. Marines
[*30 Apl*] cut up on rear 
slope of Steeles Pt, 
waiting to charge, by
 2 (They were pressed 
all day.


1  26
Staff Captain
G.F. Bright
Staff Captain
161st Brigade 3/-

Tues Ap 27.

Birdwd Walker 
Godley, Skeen Monash
had confce on top
of Plugges (under 
shrapnel B.V cool
but had to get into
old T. trenches
This day 14th were ^constantly called
in to reinforce Tilney 16th
& 13th who were only


1  27
just holding on.
Becoming clear that
wooded ridge at end 
of valley wd have to
be taken as it 
commands / valley,
Monash called to confer
w MacLauren 
Macl. & Irvine K.
imd. after. 
Tues 27 night. constant
attacks - dead & 
wounded constantly


Ap 25
Maj. Butler says that Sergt? Maj Fowler
was undoubtedly hit in the back, 
just to the south of top of Ari Burnu
knoll by some man firing up
the hill some o / second lot lost their
heads. Butler tried to get them to 
charge & get on but they wd hang
back & load their magazines &
fire. A wounded Turk was in the trench
on Ari Burnu. Fowler sd as 
he lay wounded - "I told them again
& again not to load their magazines
but they wd do it." Butler tended
3 o the boats in wh Butler was
got locked & only / two outside
ones cd use their oars - their
outer oars. Fire ws v. heavy.
The sailor who handed B. his
satchel ws shot thro' / chest
as he did so. 

1  29
in gully. Lamb &
Chester to rt of 4th Bde
just abt worn out -
Capt Jacobs w Rankine
on left of Maj Steele.
"13 & 16 mixed up holding
"Solitary hill at end of
On other side of
gully nothing known
saved tt the enemy
ws somewhere there"
"No knowledge of where 15th
was exc tt I had seen


Ap 25
Auckland. handed & went along back to post
of Walkers Ridge.
Made to put down kit
there. Then ^to put it on again & march back
to Plugge’s  Plateau by partially made 
road up hill. Crossed plateau & 
up Shrapnel Gully. There they first
got command right (to go on left
of Australians) then left - Some
went left up abt Walkers Top,
others right - up the Bloody Argyle
& towards Baby 700. It seemed
a long endless slope covered w
scrub always gradually rising.
- little tracks running thro' it. 
They were abt 100 yds behind the
firing line at 4.30 when the front
line came running back on them. 
"Get to beggary!” they sd - "The
Ts are coming on, 1000s of them."
The line withdrew, part of it on to
Quinns - & part onto Walkers
Ridge & down it. They were stopped
at what afterwds was Walkers H.Q.

1  31
Capt Quinn near
MacLagans H.Q. today"
Wed Chatham marines
arrd midnight & relieved
Maj Lamb. Raining
& v. bleak. Led them to 
their places by climbing
on hands & knees.
Thurs Marines took over
Courtney's Post. Units
of Bde starting to come
back & reorganise.
Report tt Ts coming down
gully - Picquets Posted


Auck (contd)
where / Turks were sniping heavily. 
The little dip there began to fill w
wounded. Two men who went out
to find / way never got back, so 
they dug in there.
The N.Z. were mixed in w /
2nd Bn at this time. On Tuesday
morning / Turks were attacking &
at 8am. Auckl. ws sent up to
support 2 Bn. The front line presently
all came running back; but bayonets
were fixed & they all charged
back again. They cd see / Turks 
trickling down Baby 700 to get
at / back of Popes & Quinns -
(i.e. to get to / head of Popes
Gully, l W. branch of Monash
Gully). But as they came down
(in 2s & 3s) our m.g. & rifle fire
always got them as they came
down / slope. Our front line ws not
yet in trenches - all of it - you still

1   33
(Th) Nelson marines arrd
Frid. Marines withdrawn
from Courtneys & tt
made right of our sectn.
Pressed heavily all day
particly agst Courtneys
rt & marines left.
Abt 4 pm marines
massed for charge
got it from enemy Calls for 
reinfs. Capt Graham
R MLI killed. Heavy
firing - valley sounded
like hell. Brigadier


had to get up onto elbows 
to fire. Could see the Australians
in front of them & had to be very 
careful not to hit them. 
By Wednesday when NZ
relieved the 2nd Bn the communication
trench ws so far dug tt you only
had to nip over about 6 yds to get
into it.
Auckl, at Helles.
N.Z. had to advance abt 1200
yds in / open before reaching
fire trench (?) started from 3rd
line trench.
(?In afternoon) Charge started from
pink farm in slight hollow
where there ws a dressing 
station. They had got abt
150 yds (in morng) & cd have dug

1   35
& (Jess) self to Hd Qrs
on beach. Brig in
Confce w Col Johnson
& Gen re tomorrows
move. Advance by
Walker towards E
we to move NE & keep
in touch w NZ. 
Returned under fire. Nelson
marines reckoned enemy
in their trenches. Called
for reinfs. When sent
up found front trenches



in but had to go further. The
Bombardment made Ts keep
heads down - & / first line
of Auckld got through
Daisy Field to left of Pine Wood
very well & lay down. But
the reinforcements, coming up
when / Ts had got their heads
up cdn't get thro' it at all.
The Ts had  on it. Twos
& 3s tried to get across wd
get half way. Then stumble & 
go down. Some got up & 
staggered on, but you cd see
dust of m.g. across field &
it always caught them up.
The troops who got across it
gathered into a depression or
creek running straight towards /
enemy. At abt 2 in the morning
they were ordered to get back

1   37
empty. Terrible noise
of firing all night but
assaults beaten back. 
Sat May 1
Projected scheme for
genl advance. Bdr (Monash) &
(Jess) self went to Trotman
HQs to meet Gen Walker
Found Gen Bridges
Glasfurd Bridges 

against scheme - 24hrs

delay - rang up GOC



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