Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/4/1 - April 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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62 32R 1550 our men were atong t there was to peaty pressure at abt But the 14 N whot were entruncing then 1 uncation truck didnt get on ut all. I Ms Ao.2 mis Ct. Machanim 11 Kell an hou C. M. Lwi was his & a hel Westys Ch 19 tiy the 9th t I Cam
62 4 33 back ss timp sachtita retered in pet hatel het wa t one a man The forwar dme that he out of their the of haldl one wit 6 X head smgshed in. who hadnt his One came done w
the order ws gipen on int & Fodday 34 to put out fires this was not the wish of the arthorites. They wt atter he tepont tany of the nt te . t 1 Si, Eee X concine i
35 Pons s p 3 beach was clear Ove intey 62 36 was found beten be two loves the runour got abt t dayth we were being ve w vench. I believe thicl deviss fourgounded ever G-as not 1h she Bacchauti At 1 a bunch wy toe sar muin & Auti a cay suplaint beote I thought it was a stat of Hame from a rifts. weak whs beenit 14 illdo fenrohe dond in air at once
62 37 we at once ter ptnts the But it med to m auce but we don't nas bugh callsi By 310 say our men were Tap to 2 tuses & were inclined to believe Everyty was a rase. were Faer Some Shrapenal to hit without wound Ambrilance man handly out water in L9. Thrapaet case came &s3 of tem. Didnt care an aton. The vary ws splended Little midshipman & seamen abontety undisturbed Impers were being sclencers saw stunne by shell
38 Howo of thss ballets are spentfrom our own mew? supers. what is ? I clock the billets makes near you when the firsey is henvy. Iw. Si-3.3-s of maching gan bullets overhead. A Saclden rattle of so mean that the Tarks one our- are strifting. You can tell hen wh b the the bellet his overhead 62 trembling Eyesbandaged, alld to sit down Explosion 39 Slee today acrontone wor tirng bow and A y way buttels come in the continuous Sigh Tellkemeasily gaie Gquity were long the beach 1A C Lecl 6 3 seardhlyttsl Sits Impossible to sayif 13 destantr were steam (f other tale like mons nitbe men gettey callous. rc Merget S
40 62 2 Signalter Leviyal wnit Eephowists way to 2o Cayer The officer exposing himself may encourage others to fiht How it feels to be bit - a sledgehamg even a graye We dont know howmany prisoners then gere Telephone Lines Impers were Sometees job up as Austolus. me unally bayonet tin straght. trunches but Seldom see Turks exc. wuch at in C Soter The suef yspicial chapter 41 Rases (Spenae chapterng General up tonight Good Wight; mc - Ithink young quite all right Ah, were all right Sir a Abt full moon tought Meals- little ase for spoons, fforks. the splend it stretchesbearer (shp wounded You sprey t y Weance f 12 2. Sheet. W gorups as Austialians. Men merally banonet the straight
id 69 Nithoalf Exlosue 43 tha et
62 Volis. yeity. 2nd Bn releved Bathin Wear Ken Iboats rwere fin 3 ashore. There were I wounded in them- from Sandan morning to moad pog. He gd Bn Sent along 24 & Both were shot one killed I of y wounded dar to ster.] are still crammod wt1 The men on beach yester varal Dion ws landen were bating as they might at manly Sort of rest camps E) a dayortis. Officer in 5h deyed sort of eyes. The Beach - Jupelies, transpt, water, Ambulanos. I getties Laden barges out in harbou. Line of traders hine of ships. Life great sea port. 3So. one ambulsace fetty. Red + stations. Lemes of mules Biscuit boxso. Kill of man o thrown them down. Ammunitios. H Whistle of hps in and out. One sunk trawler. Fash flesh all day from if - you simply dont
Tuge Shakeshills. So does gunon bell. 62 Notice it. Every &c regularly 40r5 great siels wie whiggety over from Masdof or somewhere A R 10 small boald a 1 in Sea port. Nayal Caunches. Clsts tood tool coastant of kattle from hills raplg chaims at back. Occasional plomp of attnigh buillet in water Now t &cap slgan. ten Shrapnel. CKickny mule 7, 7 rid of pack). Concentration 200 C. Yeste sudden scare. Acropt. fleing low 3ties carefully along Coast line. Supden clearance from beach abt 4 pm. Then terrific navall & Battleship went round ppint. handed some 6 4 funs, 2 knockedont. today 2 didragen wshed to the pocated + langed men. Imbros of Samothrace over opp. straghrot stray men in hill at back of came snow on Salugterace after a wet night. hast night exet.



This afternoon our men were advancing 
on left  But there was [shorthand]
heavy pressure at abt 3. [shorthand]
was wanted. But the 14th [of?]
NZ ( 15th was pushing this lot) who had
been sent up were entrenching themselves
in the communication trench clogging 
it & didnt  get on at all. Heavy
shrapnel was [shorthand] the ridge
& snipers were making [shorthand]

Tues Apr 27.
AI Maclarrin &  
Irvine killed in the [shorthand]
Ct M. Irvine about an hour
& a half after he was hit,
[shorthand] easily charged
The 15th came off} The ridge The 9th
went into it 3 times. They came


back 3 times, each time they
return in the possibly [??] shell
To one other who was hit was
going to leave a man
wounded down the forward 
Maclarrin told me that he
& Ross were first out of their
boats. The men went up the
right hill & on top of it
before they knew where they
were  There were 2 [shorthand] on
the beach well  one with
head smashed in.
One of 300?  who hadnt had
food for 3 days came down with
[w?] he was 8th [shorthand] the army 


The order was given on 2nd & 3rd days
to put out the fires. This was not the
wish of the authorities. They wd
allow fires in the beach & at discretion
of the commanders} in the [shorthand]
This night Turks kept on shelling
right on during {{???}}. They were
Order to Queen to stop stop firing was
not a ruse. But I hear they
dressed officers as {{???}}
the men to advance until
their trenches - some men
without an officer 
This day a concentration 
camp on beach ordered to


beach was cleared One interpreter
was found between the two lines
The rumour got abt today that
we were being joined w /
French. I believe the 2nd
division are. 
Some of our wounded were
cleared by the [shorthand]
[shorthand] - she was not the QE.
Bacchaute shell got onto
them & simply smashed
up arms legs & dick.
But once the [shorthand] onto
a trench we has just taken & shelled in coy
Coy of it had got no better
( I thought it
was a stab of flame from a rifle.
Beach was heavily shelled
all day, sometimes {{?}} 14 [shorthand]
(smoke clouds) in air at once 


shells {{???????}} at once {{?}}
& at times the
beach was not safe. But it {{?}}
{{????}} to mean
They used one bugle call   but we
dont use bugle calls
By 3rd day our men were [shorthand] up to the
ruses & were inclined to believe 
everything was a ruse
**** Transcriber  Comments - about 5 lines I cannot read
very faint***
Some Shrapnel to hit without wounding
Ambulance man handing out
water in [shorthand] Shrapnel case came [shorthand] 3
of them didnt care
an atom
The Navy was splendid
Little midshipman & seamen
absolutely undisturbed
Snipers were using silencers
some officers on the [?]
one man saw stunned by shell


How [ shorthand ]of these bullets
are spent?. [shorthand] from our
own men? [shorthand] snipers
What is? [shorthand]  "clock" the 
bullets makes near you
when the firing is heavy?
Sw.Sco-3.3.3 of machine
gun bullets overhead.
A sudden rattle of [shorthand] means
that the turks on our [shorthand] 
are shifting. You can tell
wh by whenever the bullet
flies overhead


Explosion ^ Trembling. Eyes bandaged & able to sit down
Today aeroplanes were flying low and
destroyers went....
by way bullets come
continuous Sigh in the
air. You can tell them easily
in the gully were long
A complete base on the beach
3 searchlights shootout
Impossible to say if sound
were steam or heavy distant firing
(at other times later like mouse nibbling)
men getting callous.-


2 signallers showing all units
{{telephonisto}} way to [shorthand]
The officer Exposing himself may encourage
others to fight
How it feels to be hit - a sledgehammer
-even a graze.
Shrap makes ugly wounds on [shorthand] but
often not serious
explosive [shorthand] hauser [shorthand]
We dont know how many prisoners there were
Telephone Lines
Snipers were sometimes put up as
Australians. Men usually bayonet them
We have a few bad trenches but
all ground is now covered
Seldom see Turks Exc when running
for a beach
Shrap can't hurt in food
What Germans do to blow in  whole
trench with high ex[plosives


The snipers  (Special chapter)
Ruses (Special chapter.)
General up tonight
"Good Night, Mc-- " I think you're all
quite all right"
"Ah, were all right Sir"
(Abt full moon tonight)
Meals. Little use for spoons & forks.
The splendid stretcher bearer (ship wounded [shorthand]
proof sheet.
got up as
Australians. Men
usually bayonet them straight




along with high Explosive
naval boat [?]
Aeroplane [?]
It is our men few strays
Put Bacchante onto [shorthand]
Got a good coy
[shorthand] quiet today [shorthand] french
to [?] landing after leaving bombing
Maclarren had MacCleans H.Q.
had just taken [?] composite
[?] 3rd


Notes: Yesty:  2nd Bn relieved
Near {{?}} 3 boats
on the [shorthand] were the
first 3 ashore. There were
9 wounded in them, from Sunday
morning to Mond evg. The 2nd Bn
sent along 2 [shorthand] & Both were shot
one killed [shorthand] wounded dare
to stir. [shorthand] are still crammed w us.
The men on beach yesty
c Navel Divn ws landing were
bathing as they might at Manly.
Sort of rest camps [shorthand] a day or two.
Officer in 5th - dazed sort of eyes.
The Beach - supplies, transport, water
Ambulances, 4 jetties . Laden
barges out in the harbour. Line of tenders.
Line of ships. Like great {{?}}
Sea port. 3 {{shorthand}} & one ambulance
jetty. Red [shorthand] stations Lines of mules
Biscuit boxes. Kits of [?]thrown them
down. Ammunition. HQ. Whistle of
Steamers. Ships -  in and out.
One sunk trawler. Flash flash
all day from [shorthand]. You simply dont


Shakes hills. So does gun on hill
Notice it. Every [shorthand] regularly
4 or 5 great shells come whizzing 
over from Maidos or somewhere
{* Whistle
toot toot
rattle of
at night & escaping 
No small boats as
in sea port. Navel launches.
Constant {{?}} rattle from hills
at back. Occasional plomp of
bullets in water. Now & then
then shrapnel. (Kicking mule
to [shorthand] rid of pack). Concentration
Ap 20
C. Yesty sudden scare. Aeropl.
flying low 3 times carefully along
coastline. Sudden clearance
from beach aft 4 pm. there
terrific navel [shorthand] Battleship 
went around point:  landed some
[shorthand] 4 guns, 2 knocked out
Thursday (Today 2 destroyers reached to the
points & loaded men.)
Imbros & Samothrace ace over app.
Shrap lines & stray men in hill at back of camp
Snow on Samothrace after a 
wet night.
Last night wet.











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