Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/4/1 - April 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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62 23 These 2 puns By the bugl Epertiey a Redenge had be hit bype shell. It hae barely exploded plougsede when a an lookd ofer the side to see if it had het of I saw a eaman on a rawlerYu1 to the shore a shepsel b F4e. hom 126 almost oP 1e atly quite so the same (time 4 san shlther the road ap the hill cor tlse thlroos anding) sy were ferm tte A ten and an can
62 24 atmost alaways hear this rapri com acco wher I we wit Bn of at the mont t thei a sun startebursting surapnel & common shall oe 1enob on whiyh t W. 3. Peop le pre. (The Spen Spranc right onty 1at P e t d askow the mahane yuoffc He adew Whose orders- The did sonfe of the N.G. Keple sue wdee th ab intrit tat of the hill IIhe de theng the men wnted gu was theC of l
62 25 wounded so wrlswereat in trbd but feees tie plad overyspeit conciated not borshad Ty ded move t seine & aclean 16 1og But test against were al inpossiblety f Cilie we at heam The pleass pant the fallery tedimpat as at taught at the 1 abeic t it vid . Howilge all wes slyttuet Thes night tpont H Meten. N and ff the After t
62 26 the i teson hiding in there wi An ovell every when. Helevee t hot fite a very pooe & t gallfo exmandh t t ofth All night onosd Apt our sayedt De the w au Srt s . [t t Rapn a ts aoat b Dt yet been by fer. Commanidation now with all bakau This tlist
4 24 Ap 26 Nones of old Tock. We at last about 6.30 get some om N3 fonchers ashore we had I fild gn atere R (The 18at kipcked Kabe tepe ont Genty otehe wean all- and the tire last night &W the & sp icle. wrate pi 1000 of roun tthe wro did to way n th into them rt al told in we landed13 wales wa. nort. 24 3 took an 00 ots of the Epross fire11- 1hin. Tie hadt Beach ws elfoed Maclanven (I1hl adved to take a of th) hill tion apst Aocc wce
62 28 830. Aerlane- If seaplig few over drd simply wrg in No Seplo Tytit te place is ours M onf Fridngh to wounded 4 13629 kMe i Boat 44 6 high dir. Ob ttle take trks charge shantin alet 7 aed & gotfto a be san be be dawn bill Dupports t
62 29 all fre Ap 10kn Bnfad 4 pm Dlet Retired wel ond a 700 60.0 p Copt 26 ta 44 at
12 I didn 2F 19 sand Pr started 24t Yest his Pais 53 dater took in 501 then in of Intians ExP. fotuch TE i 2 1 when. Ha tie bad there were /100 vi Navy t Meeplane bal sleas fes he 30
304 62 62 Aprt 31 w no Shel S I5 Ch Hiddlwan 6t b abv night fell &yet the tranknt the. the the There 4t tackes Enstor inbete abacted ing tt Me p gediy ppoorch The back S When Taks wise st one fren on Bet T.a
62 32 the 16 getee atthim 64 we faed to have Arobe C eldo rhe waks ndins onel and the officer AH 3 cc on/ thesday of 271 Turks cross fire out the 44. he 1620 eb It6 minate one Bat de

62  23
These 2 guns
(By the bye earlier a destroyer
had bn hit by a shell. It had
barely exploded alongside when a 
seaman looked over the side to see
if it had hit. I saw a
seaman on a trawler signalling
to the shore when a shrapnel burst

almost opposite his face
He went on signalling quite 

At the same time 4 guns
were shelling the road up
the hill (or else the troops
landing) they were firing
from the North
I think they were the same but
upwards. save trouble . you can


62  24
almost always hear this
shrapnel coming.
Later when I ws with the 
3rd Bn & ws at the mouth of 
the trench there 4 guns started bursting
shrapnel & common shell over 
/ knob on which two N.Z. people were.
(The shells made splendid practice
right onto them & the word came
" pass the word to others"  Whose orders
asked the marshal [[?]] officers
He asked whose orders-
The So did some of the N.Z. people
the order then arrived: advance &
entrench on the outer bank
of the hill
The one thing the men wanted
was the landing of our guns. 


62  25
wounded so Turks werent
strong in nos. but knew their 
place & were splendidly 
They may not have had

more than xx 10 guns in action
against us all day. But these
were almost impossible to find
The pleasure of our men at hearing
the six solid camps of the mountain
falling behind them was almost
pathetic. we thought at the 
time it was a NZ. howitzers
The night was [[skylit?]] 
made a good argument for next day
After the news of the


62  26
they approved a
After a division today in there [[?]]
Helliecourt ^ think of Soviets everywhere could not give a very good account of [[?]] 
& so Helliecourt The [[????????]] examined [[?]]
All night long xxxxx  two of the 
warships kept their search lights
on the [[??]] country on our
at 4am the guns had not 

yet been landed.

Communication now with
all battalions This ws
written in there  


62  27
Ap 26 No news of old Jack.
We at last about 4.30 got some
of our NZ howitzers ashore
we had I field gun ashore R x

illustration - see original document
(The 18pd knocked Kabe teke out
yesty. All one 6 bns had to move
Gen Birdwood told me he 
went all round the line last night
He told me this night the 
sniping was useless.   It [[?]]
wastes of 1000 upon 1000 of rounds
the thing to do wd be  Bwood did
to wait till they came on & then 

into them w / bayonet. He did it
3 or 4 times.
He also told me we landed 1 8 miles too
far north. The very gallant took over

lots of the 3rd [[shorthand]]
 8 we had to [[shorthand]] cross fire [[shorthand]] - then the
xxxx  beach ws cleared

MacLaurin i think ordered to take a
section of the hill
Arcadian 9.Eliz beach   [[?]] with P of W London [[?]]


62  28
8.30 Aeroplane- not sea plane flew over
also simply circling - no seaplane 
the say the aeroplane is ours

7th inf,  midnight  3 -  
4 wounded

13629 killed & wounded in boat
gun giving [[shorthand]]
air observed by [[shorthand]]
Triumph or queen
6th 2 killed  7 wounded[[shorthand]]
taking [[shorthand]]
Turks charged shouting allah
when they got to w 70 yards we
charged and got into them They  [[?]]
10am we saw [[?]] down ^ high hill
on right & outposts [[shorthand]] they
saw them on high hill bn
can see ships &  ws
Achi Baba- wh we shd take  


62  29
Turks  made  a battle against 7th
in a trench under fire
[[/]] taking off
3rd Brigade 4pm
one battalion retired & Turks
were for a short time in possesn
of both ends of ridge
9 & 10 counter attacked
Some [[shorthand]] some going in [[?]] rush
back officers
Part of 11th put over the ridge
wearing  [[?]] making towards a



62  30

I didn't [shorthand]

yesty rumour started 29th bn 


today 2 miles passed [shorthand]

[shorthand] later took in

the net at 5 o'clock the

men in [shorthand]

French and Indians esp

we were 2 [shorthand]

message [ shorthand]

6.25 C away to [shorthand]

at a time when badly needed

there were 100's of [shorthand]



Navy w their seaplane when

[?] have seen [?]



30A  62

My visit to


& M.N.


62  31


going to outer trenches &

no sea planes

Shelling [shorthand] very rough

It's obvious  [shorthand] shelly at

we  always a shelly at

night time &  yet they

have wt the sunsets

their [shorthand]  up them.


April 27 Quiet night except 

on left There 4th were

heavily attacked & Col

{?] Thompson killed & MacNoughty


2a morning turks attacked 3rd mg Bn

coming in thick, then pumped it

into them, betting up over crest

throwing rifles back for refilling 

When Turks were getting  back   

they fixed bayonets & from over

near slope of hill prepared to

charge But Turks did not 

come on.

Turks had all the Germans

methods all in the same trench 

so they let us  [?]


62  32
[?] note they would get up to the

rear slope of a hill & then their

officers wd be heard getting at them.

This wd be an argument - like 

the arguments we used to have w /

Arabs in Cairo abt leading a [?]

Several times XXXX  Turks were

mistaken for Indians. Once

when N Zealanders were in trenches

they were told they were Indians.

Their left A party of abt 50 came

up ^ to 65 yards - [shorthand]

out to be Turks and the officers

are captured.

Abt 3 o's on Tuesday Ap 27

the Turks got a cross fire onto the

beach and took  / [Gawber?] The

shrapnel is at one time pieces; but

work went on as well, it was

only stopped for 30 minutes. one

day. The shells went far.

A few men were hit. But day 

[shorthand]  most men were in 

fair shelter. There were just 

loads of stuff on the beach. 










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Kate Bennett Kate Bennett
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