Charles, E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/4/1 - April 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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62 9 G.S. Moment our man started to land dapsel ias on to him again. Bacchaate gets in atthe again. gan only find one. 7.50 Same gon o dumbring aga - jast over Swiftsar getting in Sonth side of point. Bacchanle on N. Earyalos finy hopnet Probably gan crw dastg into gumpit Firy on store a little att 7.30. Yeu or crest afhigh bill to left. Did you 8-815 hore 3.30 short spect of vrapes $45- getting down stautter of hill
Fiest 2 Boals bot DO). c a masting fan. Nr8 Be See also nex Po W 63 sounded as covn an attack 11 8.20. Swiftsre fring - cantsee shell so prob. droppig in valley End of alonysede. (Ribble Peli Da Bacchanh at 830. Denlf Novcan or Hesse Mich, Dirf. Macablia C.l. M. Gellewny Munnewiske Gve Intian ho 7 er pr wt M
62 Est 24 swiftsar 2 wilores when Shaknt 12 Scourge
A g teaben 6 14 Swiftsars 22 feet day G0c. another tow py mlore when shagroe ovet Our F.Q. on 703 pound of Ab 7.30 allow conpy in cloas. 9.25 ande burst near 45 Heavy atry 2 near PoW. Yuur ME. Sely Mran. Hessen Rapid Iam firy on ndre Nexnear Minnewas Fa As will-vashure same yo fire explodis. 22
62 15 fextin & indicates positing on which i Seen ou men. 9am 0 am. Continuaan Encepay 32.D.V2 Mountan8 2 10. 30. Derfliger avay Fetting sworchss Stu. [ittle gatley formd getting acpose at B.15 fou D.H.Q in spall cull 6 shrapnet 1I dropping thick Have Clasf. Blaney Gen. white goote galling ad were not very good 10 Firig up Lo hos rati stow By 10.30 woreless was up wifhh enqiree run Boysdifing out place for th inkish Exq
62 16 12th Col. Clark Col. Hawley, on 1th Capt Annear Getting intoy Lient In Donald wounder. f. Seccombe Old SH Lieut walker a sever Co. L.M. Sergt McCabbinel Knee landin Sergt wilfon won es. and 1 pm 2s n Catt plank noti add synalled f remorcments Gin. when he landed had a man hit fext to him & killed Firrymuche on left Po far in first operation ear birt are abt 250
62 17 ammunition) supply for 15th message sgnt lo towops from DCF.A. Heard incidentally than on o to getting on. Enquieess of aloy road Queen wo phelling signallers took out seaus - so stelling befach whre WI reinform lebe MB attacking 2nd B pery to Lon leftnow 2oc. mathig gungoing oon our lef + bum Is from I Bullet hay quite is soft whisthe first hearwar bees ana striet liter wounded Eye fillow < lettr. eft Kank bt wo bratin on fes Heaver
18 of I am plagow & anyonc gets this deay then probably Keitter think that I was ight or of snserved n when I wrote it. The fact was it was written by night when no candles werre to be had & I had to do as best I could in the moonlight. On sk sone nights the was clear sove c see fairly well. on ohers I simply had to place te lives by guess work & many of them are written over one another. I have been tro the worst of the notes since with pew 62 trygits 123 4 Yerus gettin be & mone to let ihy d p queen gidny at term. Big gun on feft hear furst before 2038 very live Cross fire Shropell &rifh stry of war so wan t Trks shalling 2 b b. det landing. Oberving well done my warted fou3 ons tof flen This was prenoled by N3. End Br. / He gens in som 4 Nous cid not be loegteng g aff the s thay were fumping hospnell int an
20 14 64 c on melseoulef commancet o with h 1a casfelfg 62 21 nfortt party on t l bad at was in 1h1 feay thas before tow 1 The 3rd2 had sufferen neavily Sevd Clarky dear. Mi Moy the 151. o ight like a bey I betieve we were holding a By evening r step gut bet Gade all day ir Ien Hhimnefton hapes ty l diy The Austonten canloms languet ot t Libmarine e Turkish Sp
62 22 warsdips we Wing at ng6 W heart that the F. 912 deon had slanded ad yery much We got no gues ashere exe one batter. one yth Mae bitds English officer & 2 native office Abont 4 0f. my ots borthengen was hut by a bullg Coll - Howsy tells me he th hs tbsengone manicalion brench the bur te 4 appointte to the landing wer Jon e alanen on to th Aecto ges Aandt t. in on deslrayestwo NS. Brigldg come te on en e ene Busstiy shll after ster over them om fehnd the het

62  9
7.43 Moment our men started to
land shrapnel ws on to them again.
Bacchante gets in at them again.
9 am only fired one.
7.50 Same gun [Shorthand] afar- just over
disembarking [Shorthand]
Swiftsure getting in South
Side of point. Bacchante on N.
diagram - see original document
Euryabus firing shrapnel
Probably gun crew dashing into gun pit.
Firing on shore a little aft 7.30.
Men on crest of high hill to left.
Did you [Shorthand]
8-8.15 more firing.
8.30 short spell of [Shorthand]
8.45 getting down shoulder of hill


First 2 boats lost 50[Shorthand] 20 [Shorthand]
a machine gun.
diagram - see original document
(see also next page ) →

[*(sounded as t covering an attack)*]
62  11
8.30 Swiftsure firing - cant see shell so
prob. dropping in valley
2nd [Shorthand] alongside. (Ribble).

 diagram - see original document


62  14
  diagram - see original document

 diagram - see original document


13      62
49 trawlers
62     14

diagram - see original document

Perfect day
9 o'c. another tow going ashore when shrapnel
[Shorthand] over it.
Our H.Q. on 705 passed at abt 7.30
Balloon coming in close.
9.25  another burst [Shorthand]
9.45  Heavy / near battery 2 near P of W.
2 near Hessen betw queen
Rapid [Shorthand] gun firing on ridge
Next near Minnewaska
Obs ws [Shorthand] ashore same gun fire
Explodes 2 2


62 15
diagram - see original document
x indicates positions on which [Shorthand]

seen our men at 9 am
10 am.
Continuous [Shorthand]
MccKays [Shorthand]
Mountain [Shorthand]

10.30. Derfflinger away.
Filling up wireless stn.
little jetty found
on getting ashore at 10.15 found
D.H.Q in small gully [Shorthand]
Shrapnel [Shorthand]] dropping thick
Gen White, Glasfurd Blamey Howse Foote.
Signalling is were not very good
Fixing up of [Shorthand] rather
By 10.30 wireless was up
with engine running
Boys digging out place for H.Q
Turkish [Shorthand] being examined


62  16
12th Col Clark [Shorthand]
Col. Hawley. [Shorthand]
11th Capt Annear [Shorthand] Getting [[int?ly]]
Lieut M Donald wounded
Sergt. Seccombe old S.A.
Lieut Walker [Shorthand] severe
Co. L.M. Sergt McCubbin[Shorthand]
Sergt Wilson wounded. knee landing
1pm 25th 1st New Zealand [Shorthand] 
Left flank
2nd Brigade signalled for
Gen. when he landed had a
man hit next to him & killed
Firing much [Shorthand] on left.
So far in first operation I
hear there are abt 250 [Shorthand]


62 17
Ammunition supply for 10th
Message sent to troops from
D.H.Q. Heard incidentally the 23rd  [Shorthand]
is getting on.
Engineers making road
Queen ws shelling
Signallers look out seems [Shorthand] 
1.30 shelling beach where N Z reinforcing
Our left being pressed N Z 2nd Bn
2nd B. going to [Shorthand] left now
2 o'c machine gun going [Shorthand] on our 
[Shorthand] from Triumph

Bullet has quite a soft whistle
first I heard it were bees
Some have a shriek like
Fellow with wounded eye
tells us they were nearly
cut up round left flank
Now Reinforced.
" I'm an unlucky bastard"
2.10 heavy firing on left.
Heavier firing on left 2.30
only one ships [Shorthand] at [[?]]



If I am plugged & anyone
gets this diary theyll probably
think that I was ^either tight or
something very unnerved when I wrote it. The
fact was it was written by
night when no candles were

to be had & I had to do as best
I could in the moonlight. On 
some nights the xxx sky was clear

& one cd see fairly well.
On others I simply had to place
the lines by guess work & many
of them are written over one
another. I have been thro' the
worst of the notes since with pen

62 19
bec. diff of moving targets.
Firing getting more & more to left
Shrapnel shelling [Shorthand]
queen getting at them.
Big gun on left hear first before
2.38 Very lively Cross fire shrapnell
& rifle fire.
String of wounded men [Shorthand]
Turks shelling 2 [Shorthand]
landing. Observing well
Enemy worked round our left flank
This was reinforced by N.Z. &
2nd Bn. - The guns in 
gully to the N of us cd
not be located & all the [Shorthand]
they were pumping shrapnell into an



Sniping all night. Some [[?]]
attack especially on McKay on left?
At 2.15 we had lost communication
They had to charge with the bayonet
several times. Casualties I bel.
abt 1200. Some [Shorthand]

62  21
unfortunate party on the furthest 
ridge. The N.Z. brigade had [Shorthand]
& was in the firing line before [[enemy?]]
The 3rd [Shorthand] had suffered heavily
Col. Clarke dead. 2nd in C
wounded. Savanell of the 1st
I believe fought like a tiger.
By evening we were holding a
We held 2 ridges & one [[?]]
[Shorthand]There were very steep gullies
[Shorthand]in between. The 3rd brigade hung on
splendidly all day But was very
heavily tried
Gen Ian Hamilton hopes they'll dig

The Australian sailors have just got a
submarine [Shorthand] & torpedoed
Turkish ship.


62  22
Warships were firing all night. We
heard that the 29th divn had landed
but not made very much [Shorthand].
We got no guns ashore exc. one
& the Mtn battery.
One of the
Mtn. battery xxxx lost its
English officer & 2 native officers.
About 4 o'c my old brother [[?]]
was hit by a bullet.
Col. Howse tells me he
thinks it was shot [[?]] from
communication trench of 
the Turks. Their
Opposite to the landing was
[[from?]] a blockhouse on a point.
As the Destroyers landing the 1st
N.Z. Brigade [[?]] bn destroyers two
Turkish guns made very pretty practice
Bursting shell after shell
over them from behind the hills


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