Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/39/1 - February 1916 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Sanior United Service Clut ToSC. Charles St. off Regent St. Want check in case ship torpedo Anrac Book om 5 when sept of negestent Registex is &. record leep in batches in wh. posted. Cassell cane registre & wdhear from P.O. if ship lost. In such case post a pink tabels atonce to addressee. Res. white lapels are neided for us to post to Cossells by two diff. ships. shd be sent fir batches pumbered. of A.1- 2000 whileA1- 2000ked. B.1- 137-0 White B1- 1500 Red. witl the 10,000 we pay by Cheque at once. We start BR D/c. Augh Ega or in Landon o Better in Lond. t smnall afchere. As 4 Farr. our 8 pays for Books as afc Tacks was shirfs Cotl ocks 124 LyjcMas Handks 2 Towe Coa her Pant warrants. it. Capro office. Books. Check of No of Books recdin Cairo handed porer t C C is responsible for these books to gets receipt from O Canit) when handing them over- on geving Esigs becomes responsible for books & must pay for all or han
Anat Leave w forces. alf matter thrs CHL. via London bues into Farr will leave A. Book in such copditi t Wam McBnkenon Utckins Stade BW. e Donelly pater bold at Pay pin yures. ABryan 1ow arr. abt are abt priges abt 15 or Iuplicates Rasce ta 6

Junior United Service Club
JUSC. Charles St. off regent St.
Want check in case ship
Notes on Anzac Book.
.: ,When sent off registered/
Register is [[?]] record
keep in batches in wh. posted.
Cassell can register & wd hear
from P.O. if ship lost.
In such case post w pink
labels at once to addressees.

Red & White labels are needed for
us to post to Cassells by two diff.
Shd be sent in batches numbered.
e.g.A. 1-2000 White. : A 1-2000 Red
B. 1 1500  White. : B1 - 1500 Red
With the 1`0,000 we pay by cheque
at once.
We start Bks a/c. [[Aug ?]] [[?]]
{*?*} or in London. Better in Lond.
w small a/c here. Ask Farr.
our [[?]] pays for Books as a/c

Jack's washing
Shirts  3
Collars 1
Socks  4
Pyjamas  1
Handks  2
Towel  1
Coat  1
Short Pants  1
warrants it.
Books. C = Cairo Office
Check on No of Books recd in Cairo -
& handed over to C.
C is responsible for these books
& gets receipt from U (Unit)
when handing them over - ongiving 
receipt U becomes responsible for
books & must pay for all or hand


(1) Leave w / ^Aust. forces.
(all matter thro G H Q via London)
(2) Prizes into Farr.
Will leave A. Book in
such condition tt
no [[?]] x
10 a.m. Col McRAnderson.
Hutchins Slade Bldgs
2p.m. Reynolds.
[*9 a.m.
See Donelley 
re '[[?]]'
D Bryant
How send lists [[?]] etc
See Farr - abt circ.
abt prizes.
abt 15 P T exch.
Duplicates for A. Bk
[[?]] 8 L H> Racecourse [[?]]
Present 3 L.H. Regimental
Aerodrome [[Com?]]
1. MacAnderson. Circ to Base Units
                                Cairo [[?]]
                                 Can you give us
2. Tabit
3. D. Bryant
4. [[?]] & Duncan.
5 Lawrence & [[?]]



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