Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/39/1 - February 1916 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Open to contributions
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tyle p ColC the who & istrated ate th 10 tonask
1. Corc. to Basa Units 2. Circ. Re Postin - 2 lis ts the 3. Cerc. as to whatbook is () 4. Prenturg of bookplates. has been paid for + that every fookplate has been mast ten collected be forwarded with the book acquittance roll to the Bymaster in Chief, Austialion Imperial Force Headjurp, Cairo. Index eet of orders. H. Books BPo circular to seeys 41 Instons to Carro secy Justiis tiwee ushs to Jossell 2/- Oero 1 1000 pan or
Whitaker Post Sleepf bag Screw 71 Bookpllate What to see themret. Sanch glasses Lowrices nine Granophonl Lamp Col Bridges Qa Box d Steins Mrs Holden. that he wishes it sent. Each pair of bookplates i5 nambered + when Each man's bookplate is tranded to him the number of it should be entered on the aquittance roll P opposity his name, The book plate, if lost, is not repliceable. Each man should fater the name and address of the person to whom he wants the book sent and his own name on cagh bookplate. handed The bookplates will be e back to the Unit committee. They mst be compared artifien carrect with the aquittance roll as to show that ever
Sor receiving one book (or 5/ for two books, & so on. The same eotry meet at the same time be made in his pay book the second quittance roll, (Postal) an entry of 3/. must be e signed for by each man receiving a book plate These book plates are in duplicate (one red, & one der white) each representing on book (stamped, registeri & handed to the post office addressed to the person ato whom the purchases indicates on the Cookplats
agreement for the parchase fthe boaks. if being understiend t in accepting delivery of book you make yourself responsible for payment for them. Payment for the books delivered (2/6 each) should be made by means of one aquittance toll & payment for copies) to be pasted (3/ on another & separate roll first on the guillance voll (books) an entry of 2/6 should be signed for by each man
Dear Sir Find herewith the nubber of book plates ordere by yoi on your bookplate 1i5t of (or received. I am also able to forward you books (state how books are to be forwarded or whence obtance] for whicha receint mast be five which will be handed ovr to you on receipt of an acknowledgmnt of te number contained in the consignment the receipt is to be taken as an
<Seb. Rolls. As it is desired by a majority Copheog of the troops to have the Anzac Book forwards to various friends as Hackali Englow without the wrouble of ovinging them outints te desirt posting them back again. it has nd the Ctee will undertake for a pharge of d ral extto fouted then by registered post to any address named. The purchaser will write his name, & the have & address of the person to whom he writes the book to be sent, on a handsome bookplate which will be summed into the top Asum of 6 will bechain t forwe Regimental Distribution Authority (woul be had in Australli) soliniatio We want 210t indicating, by units (1) Book 1ist indicating no of books required to be actually delivered to units representation in caero) (?or to unit) Price 2/6. Bo0Hplat () gst Part 1st indicating namber Book states needed for sending book by registered post to address name on I book plate. Prue Cdextia (3/. 16o Se Ang of B4Cla Please send in by March 85 16th Book & Book Pate lists for each battation, regai batting, field amble, or cos of Secinatls (8
incurance regestration & trouble of packing. If not, we maystgin thim some of our propt. Adgulants t be informed that they must check acquittance rotes by bookplates oforward both Egethn to Rrymastig Cairo Anzac Book office will then be in Cafro C will be informed C. will compare voll with labels C &eater up: nos. on hbels under headis of anits; Enter up ant due from Paymaster. Separati Red tabels from White. Forward white tabels with coverin letter to Each batch stating how mo Sent, giveng numbers will keep redtabels as sor of card index
Thus you have a permanent check for the paymaster ()pchick on of Cookplates tossed, at sea Cassells must be told oooks for not to sena any except white plated; the ret plates will be kept by1 Ctee under lock + key unles they hear from O that a cot have not be regd, when I red will be forwarded & green cards pub in my their price. our office the plptes moment a batch of cord has been sent off T enter those Red plates snd be separated from white plates & sent one tok laterfor letter kept until we hear of a batch, not read It wessutial that ritr Cassells of P.O. shd keep a 1151 of all surchasers & ad dressees to whom books are repestered. The Esgistiaty Repoidt postal will be me only evidena to us tt A books have been sent by them & (2) shd acknowledge to as the numbers & designations of the pa batches of bookpletes received. must find out from 6d will cover postage
od condu. back batance in gilling books from t C shll go with hem distribute them monally & get receipt from W or I can sendman powered to give receipt C must not In any case his hands let him oubof without properl authorised receipt. He 1 ay arran special Journeys to deliver cons guuents sige making it work while MustC. Books in Cairo kept under pct o lay Book Plater. te Pr Socks waudhs Book Plates will be sent out by Ctee ] (President or Secy on receiving order They will be numbered & stamped for each unit. 57 Bn 1 E9. [ Bn 146 & a separate quittance Roll will be; sent for them and the number, issued to Each man shd be entired opposite his name. (bec: each of these means a book). Eg. Col. Gellibrand 25 to 44 Ple Tones 45 Etc.

L of C.
The Base & Units
The Anzac Book will shortly - the
souvenir of Anzac which 
was written & illustrated 
which by the force officers & 

men at Anzac between

Nov 13 and December 8 - 

is now being printed in London.

The Book consists of

224 pages of with paper 

cover, printed after the 

style of "Printers Pie", it

contains about 30 photographs,


  1. Circ. to Base Units
  2. Circ. Re Posting - 2 lists
  3. Circ. as to what ^the book is. (?)

Printing of bookplates

has been paid for & 

that every bookplate has been 

collekcted - & must then

be forwarded with the 

book acquittance roll

to the "Paymaster in Chief,

Australian Imperial Force

Headqurs., Cairo. 



2. sheet of orders. A books  B Price

3. Circular to seeys.

4. Instrns to Cairo sign

    Instrns to Col Twey

    Instrns to Cōssells

Bkg a/c - Cairo. See Farr (shorthand)

sum payable on 1st 10000



Post                                        Whitaker

sleepg bag                            :    1


screw (shorthand) driver  : ? 1.


Bookplate. :


What to see.                             1.






Glasses Lawrences' mine

gramophone ..... ?

Lamp Col Bridges.


Box at Steins.

Nuns Holden

that he wishes it sent.

Each pair of bookplates

isnumbered and when

each man's bookplate is handed

to him the number of it should

be entered on the aquittance^c roll

??? opposite his name. 
The book plate, if lost, is 

not replaceable. Each man 

should enter on it the 

name and address of 

the person to home he wants

the book sent and his own name

on each bookplate.

The bookplates will be sent handed 

back to the unit committee.

They request be compared

& certified correct

with the acquittance roll as to

(illegible) shows that every book



receiving one book (or 5/. for 

two books, & so on. the 

same entry must be at the same 

time be made in his pay book.

In the second quittance roll

(Postal) an entry of 3/- 

must be made against 

signed for by each man

receiving a book plate.

These book plates are in 

duplicate (one red, & one 

white,) each pair representing 

one book stamped, registered,

& handed to the post office

addressed to the person

named to whom the purchaser 

indicates on the bookplate


agreement for the purchase 
of the books. it being understood

tt in accepting delivery o /

books you make yourself

responsible for payment for

Payment for the books 

delivered (2/6 each) should be

made by means of one

acquttance roll & payment

for copies to the posted (3/-7)

on another & separate rolls

on the ^first quittance roll (books)

an entry of 2/6 should be 

signed for by each man


Dear Sir,

Find herewith the

number of bookplates ordered

by you on your bookplate

list of ......,

(or received......   I am also 

able to forward you .....

books [state how books are

to be forwarded or whence

obtained] for which 

a receipt must be given 

which will be handed (illegible)

to you on receipt of

an acknowledgement of the 

number contained in the

consignment 2 The receipt

is to be taken as an



As (illegible stike through) Separate Acq. Rolls.

As it is desired by a majority

of the troops to have ^ copies of the Anzac

Book forwarded to various

friends in Australia & England

without the (illegible) trouble ^ to (illegible) of bringing

them out into the desert & 

posting them back again.

it has been dec the ctee

will undertake for a charge of 8d

extra to forward despatch them by 

registered post to any address

named. The address purchaser

will write his name, & the

name & address of the person 

to whom he wishes the book to be 

sent, on a handsome bookplate

which will be gummed into the copy 

forwarded. A sum of 6d will be charged. The

(page has been crossed out)


Regimental Distributing Authority.

  (won't be had in Australia)

We want 2 lists  (illegible) indicating, by units, 

(1) Book list indicating no of 

books required to be actually delivered to units representative

in Cairo (? or to unit) Price 2/6.

(2) Registered Post Bookplate list

indicating number of book plates needed for sending

of book by registered post 

to address name on 

bookplate. Price 6d extra (3/-).

   Please send in ^ to Sec of Army of Bk Ctee... by March

16th Book & BookPlate lists

for each battalion, regiment, 

battery, field ambce, or coy of which

a s6 signallies or Eupo (?)

(up the side)

come & cost f postage & registration (this having been

then the actual cost (shorthand) of the Committee). 

(Page has been crossed out)


registration & insurance

& trouble of packing.

If not, we must give them

some of our profit.
Adjustments to be 

informed that they must 

check acquittance rolls 

by bookplates - & forward 

both together to Paymaster

Anzac Book Office

will then be in Cairo.

C. will be informed of 

(illegible)  C will compare roll with labels, 

(Page has been crossed out)



& enter up nos. on 

labels under headings of 

units; enter up amt

due from Paymaster; 

separate Red labels

from white. Forward

white labels with

covering letter to each

batch, stating how many 

sent, giving numbers. 

Will keep red lables 

as sort of card index. 

(Page has been crossed out)


Thus you have (1) a permanent 

check for the paymaster
(2) a check on 

losses ^ of bookplates at sea;

Cassells must be told 
not to send ^books for any except 
white plates; the red 

plates will be kept by /

Ctee under lock & key unless

they hear from C that a lot

have not be recd, when I

red will be forwarded to green 

cards put in in their place. 

Our Cairo office, the 

moment a batch of cards b.plates 

has been sent off shd

enter those



Red plates shd be separated from

white plates & sent one wk later (or

letter kept until we hear of a batch not recd
It is essential that either

Cassells or P.O. shd keep a 

list of all purchasers & addresses 

to whom books are registered. The

postal This registration request will be the only evidence

to us tt I books have been sent 

by them. 

& (2) shd acknowledge to

us the numbers & designations 

of the packed batches of bookplates


Must find out from C (shorthand)

if 6d will cover postage 

(Paged has bene crossed out)


back balance in good condn.


getting books from C to V 

C shd go with them & 

distribute them himself  & get

receipt from V or V can 

send men empowered to 

give receipt. 

In any case C must not 

let them out of his hands

without properly authorised

receipt. He may arrange

& or shorthand special journeys to

deliver consignments of 

size making it worth while.

Books in Cairo must be

kept under lock & key.





1 Pay

2 Pn socks

5 Handks


Book Plates will be sent out

by Ctee - (President or Secy)

on receiving order.

  They will be numbered

& stamped for each unit.

e.g. "1 Bn 146:  "57 Bn 17"

& a separate quitance

roll will be sent for them and

the number issued to each man

shd be entered opposite his

name. (bec. each of these means 

a book). eg. Col. Gellibrand 25 to 44

                       Pte Jones 45th

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