Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/39/1 - February 1916 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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63 spent a wk in No 1 stationary Hosp under Capt Mnvilles & then got a porsoned leg - after fleabity applied to go away with the first crow is End Drn). Devinson Massey arrive ad G.H.B. - massey: for the Bndon papers He as in Cairo last gea a most straight going 15 64 unselfish comrade very wheeaty He told us abt the Duns 120 batternes of Gurder in England Ans. Book is taken up almost all my time now MacAnderson, Sellhen Esp. Lieut.t Evans of the pay corps are helping us - We have ow an office an Evans room
antills & kerksa 65
Distrifuty in Herny Corps; Bisade in Bdse b. Apit C all from at the Bae sell (1) Bookk pla 27 Books ( 21 th
requill Antou ash r a ne 600 Acq X one Aust. I Acq. Role Corps gr Bn so apree to the we stated aps C i 0 debity by letter acco 2hea faynemnt cashadvanced. Regpo Ranknaw
requillee Rols t Ashier es Andou to Cob Dar to ado ancefo Eash sales are made 5f mid haw mon t5 field theersi no of 600 arisen Reg. Roll t order Nel Asheirs Mastler Hd 6300k E of A roth orle e Corps or Bn Gree to the taled gget 6 accon Cashadvand han
will 104.5A 123. 1 129 130 50 l 78 of which 2
the or of t the name othe secretar of the sellity ater to whot communicatis sho be Dressed ( Estent obli the distribution selfing of this book a setler te we hec I 81 70 fc Payn ade on special acquit wc
as pted a wetad parch hick the 600 direct from the depot adde m to a he bookplate which will be phoveded by te committee to three wt disige to have this done an extra charge of 6d will up thes case or poptag sonto 7 si
or sendery to offa as mo kids as they desire to the difficult. crow Dook from which hemoreor iss ceatered uit chai & We A orces 2 colo bla the book they it, the 4 te
&the the price roft will be pexoled to patristin flet with bads con the A8 N3 Apny loips remork He map of Honal brepche 12 col bout 100 draw of verses, & rarad book on mag it ta it 5


I spent a wk in

No 1 stationary Hosp.

under capt Moillet

& then got a poisoned 

leg - after fleabite.

Applied to go away

with the first crowd

(i.e. 2nd Div). Nevinser

& Massey arrived

at G.H.Q. - Massey for 

the London papers. 

He was in Cairo last year

a most straight going

unselfish comrade
and very interesting.
He told us abt the 
120 batteries of 9inch guns in Eng Laws.

Anz Book is taking
up almost all
my time now.

MacAnderson, Sellheim

& esp Leiut. HS Evans of

the pay corps are 

helping us - we have

now an office in Evans room. 



Antills & Kirksafe


Distribution: --

 in Army corps: by 

  Brigade Committees

in Base by 

   Unit Committees


All from our secretary

at the Base. 



We sell (1) Bookplates @ 3/6

       (2) books @ 2/6





Aust. Imp. Force

Acq. Roll

Inq Ball or Mcoy            Corps or Bn.

Stationed at.   we....... agree to the

amounts stated against

our names to be 

debited to our

pay ledger accounts

Date of Payment       Cashadvance


Reg no

Rank name



Aquittance Rolls to 

field cashiers


Authority to Col Farr

to advance £5 to


If Cash sales are 

made COs must

have money to Field cashiers w

no of books.

Acq Rolls are su.... [[?]]

by ordering            Force

to Field Cashiers    Roll

Must be                    Corps or Ba

[[ Ordered ??]]          agree to the

Auz. Book                [[ taken ?]] against

Ex as only                to be

Acc. rolls                     [[ocer?]]

                                    r account

                                    cash advanced

                                     [[wktward ?]]


particulars of which

will be sent to you 

as soon as the committee




129.130. 131.132

134 136 137. 139

150. 154


inform the committee
of the name of the secretary

of the selling ctee to whom

communications shd be

addressed, & 

(1) estimation



obliged if you would help

them in the distribution

& selling of this book

by forming a selling

committee within
your unit which

will be responsible 

for sale of & payment 

for the book to members 

of your unit, &

Payment may be

made on special 

acquittance rolls,


(page crossed out)


has adopted

provided a method 

by which a purchaser 

can have the book

posted ^direct from the depot to any address

he desires by writing

his name on a 

bookplate which will

be provided by the 

committee to those who 

desire to have this done.

An extra charge of 6d

will in this case be made

for postage.

  The committee 

would be greatly


(Page crossed out)



of obtaining or sending to 

their friends as many

copies as they desire.

Owing to the difficulty 

of posting the book 

from the which the more or

less scattered units of

the Australian & New

Zealand Forces may

have in obtaining the 

book & posting it, the 

Committee has drawn

up a scheme for


(Page crossed out)


The price is 2/6 & the

profit will be devolved to patriotic

funds connected with

the A&NZ Army Corps. 

(Page crossed out)


a remarkable map of Anzac

pits trenches, 12 coloured 

plates, about 100 drawings,

& 100 pages of verses, &

stories & character 

sketches. No book or magazine 

way similar to it has

ever been produced & (illegible)

history of literature.

  The book will be not

be issued to I public 

until ordered from I

troops have been fulfilled 

had a full opportunity

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