Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/39/1 - February 1916 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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29 tt night - but a los May nex day - Sery 1 Harve dug 16th made his men 18 in 64 deep w fire slep that was at back of trech very wide in those days. 667 sn mornin after abb 70c or 60'c dawn they ksaw 12 to 302. creepi ady. Atfros. down Walkers t they were The goiy in N35 65 or s0. Tey men besan to fall on opes, not in 1 trenches con back
30 Mond m to. attacki Pope at 300 came in rushes RE stopped t rush - no wre all day 131 but behiend them mnally got my. cul them from behied but 30 & 45 1 break night tro? That "2 attacked Popes directon fom thes Nek in from & from & thesd. Morn still attacking. N.Zs moved up walkers splendidly tt afternoon going till our men on Pope.
Fom young offr of 16th whom I nict in Semckat Acd. St. Hospl. Pewk. 18. 5.25 sired 32 on them Thes. night Bughs. ot on newes of some of 6th who wd get out forward & lie down arapet overp & to see better 16th Speak well of RMY -7 Esposerys - who were in Qus to them The way 2 no formy ap vally when they went
33 It ws not till supports began to sii Tipperary & Austiatia Will be there t m go were attracted to this part of line - There ings were behind our left near tthree men had thrown their riftes into a bush while they were diffing t the rifes were cut to preg by the fore 18 F 34 the 5o Fire when over shelf sowea This knocked them back. went out lown stope of Dead MsK got up again from then little firig all night but constant orders to go to the left. The let ws in Pair. ws hardly dus in
35 mai dead here nex mornng in little pot hole trech no contrnous s began to come up our shooting ws splended & shreprel 1t in he splensed tarpt when whic whe whiy S shells from right behind Pluges director Isome mene tought warships
36 but prob too small so seeam & men on spot) hit hellside a foot or two below edge & blew it up. Our truch (duy by us) ws. not more tran 12/ Extreyne in (or 6ff an Left royds on right then at once began to reture. Kretchmar retirn I believe on
37 Quinns Seryt Way. Harvey came back 3 days taler wed). in half darged cond, a bayonet stab across chest died 40r5 days Cateo. He sd to on mond had foum him in trench, kicke & bayoncted him o put him up on pariped
38 & he had rolled down from there. He had works on him wh. so fas as the went conoborat this (snpers (sa were behind Popes till Wed
onal 441 4 & T. He decision Sill Bo to Hany on. (thurs 1 Let & 1 aust discepte ape are But o Hos Thamen in hosp. The nurses of the 40 Matrah Mersa Matruh. ot Reignolds Aasl. We knew at early part of Dec Hwsshd have t go to W. Fronteer. Betw 177 Dec. All Austials went on to dDaba at head of Khedwial present rl ladbe tom up (3H?) but upto Daba 48½ broops vent on by 4 days brek El gerab, 15t Stap Endstage El Bagust exawato 3ro El
41 Meisa Matruh24B th Road es then lanerof sand on top of soil ampassable 3do after heavg rain. In sight of sea all way. county gradually stopes up to 200 f at 12-15 miles in land All times of Comma were did when we began troops under be N of Stewart. He ws boat Biycamp at Daba o taman on ity before Dabta

tt night - but a lot
next day - Sergt Maj Harvey
of 16th made his men dig
in 6ft deep w fire step
at back of trench that was
very wide in those days. 

In morning
abt 7 o'c or 6 o'c after dawn they
X saw 12 to 30 Turks creeping 
down Walkers Ridge. At first thought
that they were NZs. Then Going in 
as well or so. Then men began to fall on 
on back of Popes, not in the trenches



[*All the night whistles were
going "Cease Fire". We had no 
whistles or bugles.8]
Mond morning
Ts. attacked
Popes abt 300
came in rushes.
QE stopped 
tt rush - no 
more all day. 

but behind them.

Finally got m.g. onto
them from behind trenches
but 3s & 4s wd break
thro. That night Turks
attacked Popes
from the two Nek direction 
& from in front. Tuesd.
morning  still attacking. 
N.Zs moved up Walkers
tt afternoon going splendidly 
till our men on Popes


[From Young offr of 16th
whom I met in Ismailia
the Aust. St Hospl.  CEWB 

fired on them.

Tues. night Bugles.
Got on nerves of some of
16th who wd get out
forward & lie down 
over parapet to see better. 

16th speak well of RMLI
- and esp of Sergt - who were 
in Quinns w them.
On May 2 no firing 
when they went up valley. 


It ws not till supports 
began to sing Tipperary & 
Australia will be There tt were attracted to this
part of the line. These mgs
were behind our left
rear eg Three men had
thrown their rifles into
a bush while they were 
digging. The rifles were
cut to pieces by the fire. 
Fire when they got over the shelf. 

[Diagram - see original scan]
This knocked ^some of them 
back. Went into lower
slope of Dead M's R.
Got up again from there.
Little firing all night
but constant orders 
to go to the left. The 

left ws in / air,
ws hardly dug in, &


many dead there next
morning in little pot hole
- trench not 

Ts began to come up 
our shooting ws splendid.
splendid targets
T. shrapnel ws v. high 
when whiz whiz 
whiz - 5 shells 

from right behind - 
Plugge's direction - some
men thought warships


but probly too small

(so seemed to men on 
spot) hit hillside
a foot or two below
edge & blew it up. Our
trench (dug by us) ws

not more than 12 ft
in (or 6ft on ^extreme left
- 20 yds on right).
Men at once began to 
retire. Kretchmar
retired I believe on 



Sergt Maj. Harvey
came back 3 days later
(?Wed) in half dazed 
condn, w bayonet
stab across chest
& died 4 or 5 days

later.  He sd Ts.
on Mond had found
him in trench, kicked
& bayoneted him &

put him up on parapet


& he had rolled
down from there.
He had marks on him
wh, so far as they 
went, corroborated

Ts ^(snipers) were behind 

Popes till Wed.


On / Canal
Ships tt pass in / night
White Godley & J Hs decision
to Hang on. (Thursdy)
White & / Aust & NZ
The move.
Brit. Govt wont agree to army [[?secular]]
hosp. The men in 
hosp. The nurses & the 


& / M. Matruh
Mersa Matruh.
Capt Reynolds A.A.S.L: we knew at
early part of Dec tt we shd
have to go to W. Frontier.
Betw 1 & 7 Dec. all Australns
went on to El Daba at head of
present rly 2/6th Khedivial
rly had bn torn up (3ft?)
but up to Daba 4/8½

Troops went on by 4 days
trek El Gerab, 1st Stage - 
2nd stage El Bagush,
3rd El Jerawala - 


M Matruh

4th Mersa Matruh.

Road is thin layer of
sand on top of soil
and impassible 3 days
after heavy rain.

In sight of sea all way.
Country gradually slopes 
up to 200 ft at 12-15 miles 
in land __________

All lines of Commn were 
guarded when we began
by NZ troops under
Col Stewart. He ws

L of C. Big camp at Daba

& ^also at Hamam on rly before 




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