Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/39/1 - February 1916 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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12 rather sharply! "Oh - I bes your pardon genl- not you They gave him of course. the Pan a seat of ht t others went betow out of Sight of Tarks. Therews a wait of abt 5 menetis during wh all Hed be two of three seen ws other column felng quiet down oute other peers - all plers Tene an carpeted to sanking - Fer to Pow W. a little roon in 16gat Russell had accided at this mospent to vey one of hospitals (the
14 t Bde last to of 4 13 Bn Imven, seryt & officer left posite at 2.15 reaced beach at $.350r50- afforsd. Now then sergt - you can make pace as hot as you like Very fast walk. They were alt woyds about of lot saw nobod from Ape romg ffered when Else, Had on they saw Twrk in valley before Ofr. spent Last 2hr. buryeng H.E. bombs under fire place w byen earth askes on tok in hope to ept tight a fire there. ws, stugh in w pen bomb tiel to hand when pelled it y n British one) of o this ws what kept them. Ther they pasted ws a momentancy evating off to fint I hospital people. Then theped of The Aoran () I think ws steamer they were transhi to. The Lad two of her plates cutoff, bow + o troops simply Steon- into her marther. an oficer dividen thems wd explode. Hotchess on Rose Hill- 13 3
45 The intelligence people are informed th 70 German & Tarkish Officers were Sentfrom Gallipoli for courtmartiil after 1 eacuations Bather telts me th a man from Salonica told him to the Austrean guns on Fershenken were about to open on I worng of Dec. 20. I had bu arranged to they shd begin at fa in but it was misty & they put it off till 9. at 9ain. the battery rany up for its arget. Were not sure to there is a target" as I reply. what do you mean?11 The target we think Matish! The ship we dark - no smotin ands yet. But gent found his way to Saloon - and there he wet for 1 first time for wonks, a crowd of old friends, officers of all sorts, from adpart loughing of Aushalia Chattery, Dmakein a wonderful reuneon. Bde is to The make the 12Bde Slasfud
eliot Foryl2 1St Don. Enaclagant 2 910. 11. (om anst) 30d Sleeford 4 12th -13th t 16 Smyth 1 5 t Juy 2 - 1576 18 It will be with the 12th &1 made by 3rd Bde) in the 4th Divn. The t Bde g Smyt o the will make the 14 2nd Bde the 15th (Irving) & these two to 18th will make the 5th Den Possible Glaagow gets the 1315 Hes had a phewomend rice. So the battalious will be
1. The only irrejularily is in Bdes to D 10 2 11 7 8 12 13 from 4th 4S 13 14-46 47 16.48 por 30.9t 49 10- I0 11 S 12 12 from 5r. 2 54 4 from End 5 60 13 16 le 14 9th 101½ 1116 20 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
21 vacun St. Ble. from Eass, 28n) Pesk 85 to Seb Spar y 22 1s t (soi ap 67.2, 38 3611 on saty On Sity night cut down to 1800. Sunday 5.30 sent away 953 por through month of victuria gull cinetirg swet gully. & by upper Beach Ro to Sap. Angac Gully. Allemberho at watsons . taken from all S. Brs. All officers & some &c0 had be over ground quietest night for a lon time. Beach Bill Kellevery 15 wnotes save on Dety night.
23 at 10 to 10 withdre 380 This lep 442 holding 1000 yds of fron allongs exc. 2 per bu now sou (av. 40r3 per bo I some went in 5.30 belch 10 pn lot all went in small parties abt 30. at 2 am. final witedgaws began. Parties were sent avay at 10 mus intervals Last party left each part of hie at 2.40. Bde He shedoen at 2an. I all wstanats taken. For last 10 mivs Smen
24 & 2 offes in trenches En 2nd Bn; & 2ofess 2 messges for Bn H.A. No patrols out -20 7. patrots seen. We had wised beavily all t wk There were some m. gs on right till last part (1 206). In 7t2 Bon here were 6 water-matic rifles (sett Spur). Knocber of sights & bolts. on last night bstpart had t on bak at williams 5000 Pier bec. wills bombs h
25 goin to ship here Mills touts away in order to 175 shdat lean secret. The lastday this ws impossible so they were tumblet on somebody's ankont into sea off Watsons Per - That day (Sunday) the barges cont yet in tot feer bee of this beap of bonk? I ws aftods to to this was wrong ew. B. 18.5.25 26 is bombs. had carwations Kir) bn thrown there. This had ben Jobbrt wharf at 3, 15. Lighte left 3.26. Transport about t O'C. Mines wead up while boats at pier. altho Kepord every t b a so 181 Ba Specking. all quiet in our fron Bspeaking & To on. Heavy firn down at Helles ws reperted B Earty clear -68men & Toon Boots were all nuffled since abt 5 0'c.
27 Ships to pais in Inight The DIE Bde Sentry War Babies Gen. Birdwoods better White & Disceptine Iellibrande method heart fr yere gonng Feb 245 to Fran Cre Feb 29 -C76 quile frsot it wts leap year. Wightd 28 615 Bn. C1 Ap. 2S about 8- 9 Ococh py. S Jncobs copitinualy calling for men. was 3ffi. of 16th Bonwbmen went t Re t found to Dear mans. Jacobs tire with 6 men. onlly abt 25 men on Pepres Tacobs as on DMans Rege about your when his happened he retired from & mais R. Hehadb a calling for hinffenes 16th put picker own alnight stope of Popes. & day in t ryae. wth on top. ly loin on walers left - (very



rather sharply, "Oh - I beg 

your pardon? Sent - not you

of course." They gave him

a seat out of sight by the funnel; the

others went below out of sight of Turks. There ws 

a wait of abt 5 minutes

during wh all ttcd be

seen ws two or three other columns

filing quietly down onto 

other piers - all piers 

carpeted w soaking - in w There was

a little room in 1 boat & Sir W. 

Russell had decided that this

mospint(?) to

being one of hospitals (the



last lot of 4th Bde - 13 Bn. 

3 men, sergt & 1 officer left

position at 2.15 reached beach

at 2.35 or so - offr sd: "Now

their sergt - you can make 

1 pace as hot(?) as you like" - 

Very fast walk. They were 

abt 11 yds ahead of lot

from Apex, saw nobody 

else. Had normally only few when

they saw Turks in valley before

lines. Offr. spent Last 2 hrs

burying HE bombs under

fire place with 1/4 in Earth and

ashes on top in hope that Ts

might light a fire there.

Shovel ws stuck w pin bomb 

tied to handle (small sketch) when T pulled it it



13 British one) off - this

was what kept them. There

they pushed ws a 

momentary rushing off

to find 1 hospital people.

Then they pushed off

The Arran(?) I think ws 

1 steamer they were to auship

to - she had two other

plates cut off, bow &

stern - th troops simply marched off into her, 

an officer dividing them


wd explode. Hotchkiss on Rose Hill buried into pit before exploding so that should show Exploding 20 mins after ... left.  




The Intelligence people are informed 

tt 70 German and Turkish officers were 

sent from Gallipoli for courtmartial 

after 1 evacuations. 

Batbr tells me tt a man from

Salonica told him tt the 

Australian guns on Tenschenkein

were about to open on 1 morng

of Dec. 20. It had bn arranged 

tt they shd begin at 7am but

if it was misty & they put it off till

9. at 9am the battery rang up 

for its target. "We're not sure if 

there is a target" was 1 reply. "What do

you mean?" "The target we think is





The ship was dark - no smoking 

and in her s  yet. But

I sent for(?) his way to I

saloon - and there he 

met for I first time for 

months, a crowd of 

old friends, officers of 

all sorts, from all parts 

of Australia - laughing,

chatting, smoking - 

a wonderful reunion.


The 4th Bde is to

make the 12 Bde - Slasfunds (?)




Elliott 1     )

Fora..  2    )   ---  1st Divn.

Avac.. 3    )


             5  )

             6  )    --- 2nd

             7  )

          9.10.11 (from Aust) 3rd


Stasford 4 - 12th  )   3rd 4th

                 3 - 13th  )


Singtn(?) 1 - 14th   )

Irving       2 - 15th  )     5th

                8               )





It will be with the 12th & 13th

(made by 3rd Bde) in the 

4th Divin. The 1st Bde

will make the 14th & the

2nd Bde the 15th (Irving) & 

these two w I 8th will

make the 5th Divn. 

   Possibly Glasgow gets the 

13th. He's had a phenomenal 


   So the battalions

will be 



The only irregularity is in Bdes to Dvns


1 )            5 )           9)

2) 1          6) 2       10) 3

3)             7)          11)


4 )            8)

12) 4        14) 5

13)            15)





4th                                   9th

        13-45)                              33

15     14-46) 12th                     34

         15-47)                              35

         16-48)                             36



3rd                                   10th

         9-49)                              37

        10-50) 13th                     38

          11-51)                              39

         12-52)                             40



1st                                   11th

        1-53)                                41

        1-54) 14th                       42

        3-55)                               43

        4-56)                              44





        6-58) 15th  






1st Bde

(? from Coll Cass 2Bn.)










  • Q4
  • 3Q4-Qr


Liames Y-T5

4 (joined up with LM)



3611 on Saty

On Sat’y night cut down to 1800.


5.30pm sent away 953.


Through mouth of Victoria Gully,

Cemetery ^ Sap, ^ Strag(?) Gully & by upper Beach Rd to 

Anzac Gully. All embarked 

at Watsons. Taken from all 

S-Bns. All officers and some recos

had bn over ground.

Quietest night for a long 

time. Beach, Bill I  

shell every 15 minutes.

save on Saty night. 




at 10 to 10 withdraw 380

This left 442 holding

1000 yds of front.

All mgs exc. 2 per bn. now gone.

(av. 4or 3 per bn.) Some went in

5.30 batch.


10pm not all went in

small parties abt 30.

at 2am. final withdrawal

began. Parties were sent away

at 10 mins intervals. 

Last party left each part

of line at 2.40. Bde H.Q.

shot down at 2am &

all ivtrements(?) taken.


  For last 10 mins 8 men




& 2 offrs in trenches in

2nd Bn; & 2 offrs &

2 messgrs for BN H.Q.

No patrols out - no T.

patrols seen. We had

wired heavily all to wk. 


There were some m. gs on 

right till last party (c.

2 o'c). In 7th Bn there

were 6 water-matic

rifles (silt spur) Knocked

off sights to bolts.


On last night last party

had to embark at Williams 

Pier bec. ^5000 Mills bombs had 



going to ship these Mills bombs

away in order tt I Ts don't learn

I secret. The last day this was

impossible so they were tumbled

on somebody's authroty into

I sea off Watsons Pier. That 

night day (Sunday) the 

barges don't get in to I

pier bec of this leap of combat



          [I was aftwds told this 

                   was wrong. (W.B.





bombs. had

a bn thrown there ^ (at Watsons Pier). They had been (points to previous page 25)

2 of ?? wharf at 3.15.

Lighter left 3.26. Transport

about 4 o'c. Mines went 

up while boats at pier.

All thro ??.

  Report every 1/4 hour or so - 

"1st Bn speaking. all quiet in 

our front" "2nd Bn speaking"

- & so on. "Heavy firing down

at Helles" was repeated.

"B Party clear - 68 men" & so on.

Boots were all muffled

since abt 5 o'c.



Ships tt pass in I night.

The Pie Bde Sentry

War Babies

Gen. Birdwoods Letter.

White & Discipline

Gellibrand's method

Feb 28 (in shorthand) heard we were going (written in full above the shorthand.) 

to France Cv

Feb 29 (shorthand)

Quite forgot it was 

leap year. 




16th. Bn. Night c/ Ap. 25.


About 8-9 o'clock (shorthand) Lt Jacobs

was continually calling for men. 

Offs. of 16th Bn wf men went across (shorthand underneath)

to Dead Man's Ridg. & found (shorthand underneath)

Jacobs there with 6 men only

abt 20 men (shorthand) on Perpes

Jacobs ws on DMan's 

Ridge. About (shorthand underneath) 8pm when this 

happened he retired from Deadmans R. H had bn calling for reinforcements

16th but picket just down 

slop of Pepes. & day in all night (shorthand underneath)

on top - Fire to right and little to 

left (shorthand underneath) - very little down on Walkers

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