Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/38C/1 - Notebook - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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1717 Are does not realies in peace Ad the time whit takes to mobilise acomcentraty (es the fact that an army cannot fight just as it is on the march. It mud deploy, and during deployin a fsmaller forcecan small force can force deployment, but unless its flanks are orlemit. Font. Battle secure it must men per pace. then retreat Time Waterbo 3 miles n 1 day. F.S. Romiggral 13½ & t Woerth 7-12 Gravelott 16½ Lias. Youg 36 Shaho 35 13e Gatedin Cop. J. Gelldr. 7h Marchoses by yurs rifles Range at feave lotte as 2,500 80.0 Tep. Russ, was 6000 2000 When tr0o staliss
81 Relifious captain - used to hase service every sand aftnoon. Afternoon service gily something extra- held in conmate Ba & voluatary. This copt ased to play the harmonium himself a always eaded with our hyman - abide with me. Tust te sort of inclancholy ture the men loved- Consequance was you never got rid of that time. The man who was cleaning brass would be senging A-bido - with me outside your cabin door, the sentry wd be dumming it; the cooks cooked to it. The True stoy of the Promethens. we had is all pped out.Hobert 730 wel cap; bi. -n. is (when I - save noney JCD-Satte CupC81) Then L.27 . Syd. N3. & Hobart 2 sL 017. 2s Iwelt until the Tursday . Cap . c N off AN in Chica. Austiation 70.6477 Prometien two10. minotant, refet Cs ask J.21 So the opecial. C14 bulgines s well &t of oca c is is to prime. TnE6.00 8d. draw fire or clear out most ofWaltogetres. The 1 that whilst itt. Port A Darwi freat 211 efficient distiterssupp 20710102B dister
355 If I attempted or distilltt until distir accordingly sop 7. I decided sail. foredect awafore poop awai0; see hour. o. 3 or ae crrde 150C- t ho 6. 7w. B. repige P. Mlad 5 S 6C saile or v SD. drop walches) 15 II moved. She did movei 1P. I moved Bgaway 6 416200 0t windward made i 25 a1, sideways, broadsids.7 1.. y. 558 a601. 7. Lno o), Iheading. as. 7 70 fatoY, J L. Kellick 23 after a I aboutisg to I cleverly heaved her so. 3 6 v 25/90 7 7 Port Dawvin 5 -cdid’it fixup destitle o) e ughtreaytho trimentouely been SC Ict 6 wit a conscience too by for him. The cartificer the gunner (?) had put ] of 7agitation G Kephin aoldman to 61s?. Keenes Austialia 26 start. so we started. But I had & or 3c- relievon.I out half way across -). o 83 man. for Amboyna. 167 through into the Arafura Sea, 2 miles & most bricky passap &I enjine (a1 & )N Amboyna solong oc s.2 2 1, 1c.PS 100c there i a blessed black pilot.20 pilot i devel then, did what 6 16 places it 2.CC of 0& to make us take Sink. V & going into the place to ask for belpn even tws &, when the bridge is TX to go ahead a happene. They againis came 6) drifting. 6 out St Pat i cant 17 ancors N stern -6 1o 17 abt 20 yes 2s0. There natives i 00 s0515 059 ^ Si& we staged ter]52 [Enguree ]Cds Locosl,2x away n half way P 3 agains Theas Lorsod a Datt
eag.b sent & towed away. They II. camprian tow I. HongKong f She had fist fove to Hobart too or ofher people 1L8)] she owed c7 our oldman is y b windloe s that be had at last or i I all tise difficulties I got here at last! Now we is or The Adms 1 Chine fleet vC by this dlaid little booker & wanted to know t devil, 195 a or 3.06 s36c) se 2t in dry doeko an her of thing! We spent 26c on the Gauftsl kiang ..A It caught E Batten was $ 1912)- w patrolling.- =had b Syra! The Canbrian FC. Yaugtse Easteed of us. Rain - spint a day. r in bathi drawers, chasing the shen dont. ratura Seapsome 62rainstooms you)). sidled a07 19we 2s2171t (see two paps before. side note 8. The Raid on Kabanl. Austs. Syd. So went to raid Rabout. The scheahons Gresuan & Nurberg? The Anstralia had the whole g7 out. We i to iliyons 50 5 dow , go along quielly Narnb. 37 ter we c 6 found any t is o asi guafire - b the Schart. & G.6- canfire any or(67 8; every out a t anhalias f tad outb again act is. one man P ys f et every1 Every shadow D. Wuraberg oso &Ps 45. d alive ) Ds sighled volcanofp0cf v &1 bushfire)I 1 wrscond at 16 at of is bo 19 dowsed B 2V9 1- 7 Se $4.20 7.21 p8 or 2284 2 70 The Kanowna. 200.- 0) I. Townsville). Berring Berrina) M 1. kanowna, manned by Gueensland brainces, (d at Thursday P) stiking filt o.I tisas so noisomt c - Es/ 1149 10 conduce y94 6 N. 160 42C to act in & matian 6s N ,1p.0AL DL. 3 Townsvills in or disgrace. Tho Berring ) -deferce
am i ait. Rabaut. The towneville 5607 &. dustialia LC. N. Nort, encounter t. e near a Rabaut & Ev etc.& 164 II nb i the Encouter 100 jast - 41 - kept a bealifit gratings177 t Enc staled cc 34 1 i the 2 or J. J.C allout. The Sydney -1 Steama The Enc. chcked o grating c at last 51s thefe 207 () 0ts s IsI is iexamine - b the Enc's gratings stacked neath beach. 2s16 Ca Tey C. Enc. had founden Hustalies Wireless Syd aftds went to G.J.IC at Agora C) and Twice P1 r7e 14 Ses Sava -0.2L Ir from If c.C. Once 17 C E9 4 175. LCb 9c 274 Fady The Austalias I 2310 02 ous elses -f- all day long. 61.&x bearing I ran hot you anyway2c: where is L.S.? Where is L.S? 87 Te taking of the Councl. The Couet hada 109 -4Ii Comet oror -6 at CA. seraing 17 of y bay after bay ya boy 11usual 7), usul 0 i usalL the t iI o sonsoe errand be 236x 10 c, 16 cy 640 1 7 7 1160s o1 a seraing ten sI. Comet.2 Cpels in
the Eniden, as is after fire & & colled sof, &3 6pet, rolled. of gangway iV3? when a 7 L Perr 6.S. T.Call 237 N flal 521 ()C - [ 10 salvoes per Y. they salvoes. I we fired saloses -677 independent. It ws difficult to get our men back into salooes again when IP.Y. a very ship. Then is a pretty c Tingira -, 2s y0 of our fleel our S fleet & The 7sof, 70t rost, IC oc10 The parson 2 sick to . Attendants by Hor Hat 2 anohies bugh c note neerty but he cep
93 To yes ago in at - ws a hill. The colonel 6S hes hand I & three files went aulomatically out up the hill (to see what ws there. Those on right signalled nothing. Those ahead signalled noting. Those on left didnt reappear Col. ws prob. thinkily of other thigs + dider notice that 3rd lot had at come back. Regiment continued trothing up hill when suddenly a live of heads appeared all atonce on other side of bill. Colonet's attention was immediately directed to it He swor his reguiest round on the custant, & gave the word to charge. The other regt. was the sorsefuards - & they did the same I came thundeing over the hill on their byg black horses. one officer, was riding in front on a little light solo pony. He looked hand to see if there were any place where he cd squeize through. The lino semed absolutely Solid. But at last he found one pap, squaged his knee into his pony & ws thio it like a flash two men were killed & there were man lying abt everywhere & hores all over the plac. They did have stopped abt woyds apart. geat we very anyry. fraud The Cavabry spirit - you go at anyting when you see it. EC 1enof a village street & enemys- at the other you go at him straight away. No neet for order 3 cavatryman says infantry can't understand it. Bril. Cavalry have had 7 DJ Germans only 2. Therefore Brit, better 30 S opinion wee et in velel. crafteman wL tly le enmans
LLST OF ERANSPORES. , MASTER. O.C. TROOPS. LINE. TRANSPORT. No.. British India.A. J. Eyan Mc Jor A.A. Holdsworth Al, Hymettus Lt.-Col. L.F. Clarke. p6 0. .R. Bidwell A 2, Geelong Lt.-Col. D.S. Wanliss orient .P. N. Leyton A 3, orvieto Lt. E.W. Richards. .S. Finch. .P. & 0. A 4, Pera Lt. R. Lt.-Col. H.W. Lee. v. Seymour. Orient A S. Omran Lt. R. Major A.J. Bennett. Cayser IrvinerJ. Goodwin. lale. A C, Clan Maccorg aj.A.J.Bessell-Browm Roberts. Bhite Star A 7. Meaic Major S.E. Christian. Tbull Martin:W. Chicken. A 8, Argyllshire Tol. J.J.T. HobDs. Federal S. N..B. C. Nay A O. Shropshire E.Rydor Large, Capt. H.L. Mackworth. Ellerman & Al0 , Karroo Lt. R.N. Buchn Lt.-Col. S.P. Weir. L. Chrimos. .Holt All , Ascanius Lt. P.A.McL. Laurie. A. MacClell erman Al2 , Saldanha Rucknall 1Jor S. Hamley. H.R. JacEsCH. erman a A13 , Katuna Ducknall Col. H.N. MacLaurin. A.ll.C. Do Thompson Al4, Buripidos Lt. R.M.R. oonoOn White Star Lt.-Col. R.M. Stodart. T.W. Tlyatt Com. 4 Dom. Als , Star of Ing. lt. -Col.J.D. Meredith E.W. BCCK. Als, Star of Vyotcl CoM. a, DoM. Lt. -Col. P.N. Rowell. T.C. Hutchiso Tyeer AlY , Port Lincoln W.L. Prontico. Lt.-Col. L. Long. Fodoral S.N. Als, Wiltshiro Lt.-Col. L. Dobbin. W. Marshall. mite star Ald. Afric Lt. R.L. 2t.-CDl. J.M. Semmons. N.2. SHipping .J. Cameron. A30 , Hororata Lt. R.N.R. Capt. C.H. Spurge. T.E. Mollo. A3l Marere Lt.-Col.C. Rosenthal. Shaw Sayill R.D. Loraen. A32 , Rangatira Lt.-Col. C.F. Braund. T. Davies. Fodoral S.N. Ad3 . suffolk Lt.-Col. V.K. Bolton. W.C. Simonas. P. 60. Adt : Benalla 1t. W. Stansfield T.J.Greenhill Nitrate Anglo Egyptian A35 Producers s. Major. P.W. Smith. A. Minter. Australind A26 Armadale Lt. -Col.R.T. Sutherlam Century Ghpg. T. Galland. A37 Southern MJT. C.T. Griffiths. W. J. Burge. Aberdeen Ad8 Militades white gtar
Convey Naval Orders Nos. 40 and 41. C.N.O. 40. NEW LEALAND TRANSPORTS. The Transports of the New Lealand Imperial Force, ten ships in all, are organized as follows: spood Timow. Master or Naval Transport Omoor. Iar DIVIRION. 1 Maunganui 7.527 Com. Ward, R.N. 7,207 Orari Lt. Jonkins, R.N.R. Star of India 6,800/ Ll. Varian, K.N.R. 6,82 Limerick. Lt. Williams, R.N.R. 7.585) Lt. Com. Denniston, N.N. Pahili 2ND DIVIRION 9.372 Com. Newton, R.N. drawn Athenio 12.231 Lt. Porter, R.N.R. 6,800/ Lt. Tonge, R.N.I. Hauke's Bay 7, 885 La. Cooper, R.N.R. Ruapehu. 10,585/ Lt. Glenny, R.N. Waimona C.N.O. 41. MASTHEAD TO STERN LIGITL—NEW ZEALAND THANSPORTS. The following table shows actual vertical height between aftermasthead and position of stern light in the Transports of the New Lealand Force: Moight. Naie. N7 feot Maungunni 106 fo01 Pahil 113 foot Ruapehu 120 feet Orari AH foot Limerick 45 foet Seur of India 73 foot Wawke's Bay 91 foet Arawn 64 feet 7 inches Athenic Waimana 102 feet 4 inches ConvOY NATAIOMOT No. S. C.N.O. s. ORGANILATION OF CONVOV. The Convoy will be organised as follows :- Malngaton Frmnn Name. Fanuarc MOMl. J SIMMI. lar DIVISION. Orvicto A VB 12,130 AVC A27 1.769 Southern AVD 7.635 Pera Armadale 6.153 A VE 4.591 A VF Saldanha AVO) A13 4.611 Kaluna 4,600 Hymellus A VH Sussolk 7.573 AVI 7.379 A 25 Anglo- Egyptian 2wo DiviSiON 10.390 A WB) A18 Willshire. 12,032 A WC Medie 10.015 Ascanins AWD/AI1 0.150 Star of England A WI doclong AW1 7.213 A WG Port Lincoln Karco. AWIIA10 6,.443 Marcre AW1 A21 Clan MacCorquodale 5.058 AWJ (A8 Jan DivisION 111.917 AN B) A11 Buripides 10,393 Argyllshire AX C A8 11.911 Shropshire AND 111,999 A N E 1 A 19 Afric 11.118 Benalla A24 Rangatira 10.118 A 23 9.152 Star of Vidoria XIIjA16 9.491 Hororala.. A20 8.130 Omral A5 7.814 Milliades AKK /A28 Homertn Fing of C.O.C. Division Lander Division Lendor 30
46 TSMPOY NILI OrOT No.S. C.N.O. S. LIST OF THANSPORTS. The following is a list of the Transports forming the Convoy Name. FJMr Kinbarks at Frnaps Detatled Hymellus 1.500 Sydney, Mollourne, A.S.C. Horzay and Adclaide Goctong 7.901 Molbourne Mixed Robart Orvido 12,130 Molbourne C.O.C. and Mixed Pera 7,635 Sydney. Artillery Horses Omrah H,130 Brishane Infantry and A.S.C. Clan MacCorguo 5.035 Sydney Horses date Medie 12,032 Adcaide and Fre-/2 Co. Int., Artillery mantle A.S.C, and A.MC. Argullshire 10,302 Sydney Artillery Shropshire 11.911 Mclbourne Artiller A10/ Karroo 6,127 Sydney and Mct. /Signallery and bourne A.M.C A 11/Aecamins 10.012 Adcaide and Fro./Infantry mantle Saldanha 1.59 Adclaide Morses Kaluna 1.611 Sydney and Hobart/ Horer A 111 Euripides 14.917 Sydney Infantry Sear of England 3,150 Brishane Light Hlurse A 16/ Star of Victoria 9.152 Srdney. Light Morse Port Lincoln.. 7.243 Adclande Light Morne A 18/ Willshire 10.330 Melbourne Light Horse and A.M.C. A 19/ Aprie 11.999 Sydney Inf, A.S.C, and Engineers A 20/ Mororala 9.19 Mclbourne Inlantry A 21) Marore 6.113 Melbeurne Horses A 22) Rangatira 10.118 Brisbane Arl., Iol, and A.M.C Susfolk 7.573 Srdney Infantry A 21/ Benalla 11.118 Molhourne Infantry and A.S.C. A25) Anglo-Egyplian 7.379 Brishane and Mcl. (Horses bourne A 26) Armadale 6,153 Melbourne Line of Communica linn Unit A 27/ Soulhorn 1,769 Sydney and Mcl-/Horsey bourne A21 Milliades Sydney and 7.814 Imperial Reservists bourne A7 A11 A 12 A13 A11 A15 A 16 A 17 A 18 A 19 A 20 A 21 A 22 A 23 A21 A 25 A 26 A 27 A 28 IConvoY NAvAIORAOINO. 38. C.N.O. 8s. TABLE OF MASTHEAD HEIGHTS OF THANSPORTS Jornal Mn Malnmast Hoad rommont thoan Manthoad Ll1 Ahi. Watcriine. Waterline. to Storn Light. Hymellus Geclong Orvicto Pera. Omrah Rlan MacCorquodale Medie Argyllshire Shropshire Karroo Ascanius Saldanha Katuna Buripides Star of England Star of Victoria. Port Lincoln Willshire Mrie. Hororala Marere Rangatire Suffolk Benalla Anglo-Egyplian. Armadule Southern Milliades

One does not realise in peace (1) the time wh it takes to
mobilise & concentrate
(2) the fact that an army
cannot fight just as it is
on the march. It must
deploy. And during deployment
a faster smaller force can
"contain" it.
small force can force deployment, but unless its flanks are
secure it must
men per pace.
then retreat.

Battle. Front. men per pace. Time.
Waterloo 3 miles 12 1 day
Koonizgratz 7 ½ 13 ½ 1
Woerth 4 ½ 7 - 12 1
Gravelotte 11 9 1
Lias - Yang 16 ½ 3 ¼ 8
Shako 35 2 ½ 5
Makden 65  1 ¾ 14

Capt. J. Gellibrand
Wauchope Regt


  guns rifles
Range at Gravelotte ws 2,500 800
Jap - Russ. war 6000 2000


When troo




Religious captain - used to have service every Sund. aftnoon.
Afternoon service genly something extra - held in [[conmate?]]
& voluntary. ^But This capt used to play the harmonium himself
& always ended with our hymn - abide with me -
Just the sort of melancholy tune the men loved -
Consequence was you never got rid of that tune. The
man who was cleaning brass would be singing
"A - bide - with me" outside your cabin
door, the sentry wd be humming it; the cooks cooked to it.
The True Story of the Prometheus:
[mainly shorthand with text as below]
We had is all mapped out. Hobart 3
Melb cup; 6 (when  - save money
at the Cup 1) Then 7
Syd. NZ. & Hobart Melb
until the Thursday Cup off in China.
Prometheus twice Minotaur, refit ask
So the officials bulgines
Well off
to prime.
draw fire or clear out most of altogether. The
that whilst Port
Darwin fresh efficient
distillers save our border supply


Convoy Aviators
V L *]




[*One decided to chase 6 tropical rainstorms. We
div, for 2 days, & at caught one. Everyone L xxxxx [[?]]
Every battn, joy, bucket in the ship. The doctor ws only l only wore bathing drawers. The
one day marines had all shaved. "What does this mean, sergt major?" he asked. "Dunno, Sir
then he added. "I did see one, Sir, shaving in his tea!" *]
[mainly shorthand with text as below]
If attempted distill, to
distill accordingly stop until
distiller decided sail.
foredeck awning fore poop awning
hoisted on the crutches to
hoist. on the davits
rigging least
sailed or drop watches I
moved. She did move IP. moved
away to windward.
made 25 sideways, broadside
70 fathoms Kellick
after 3 abortive cleverly heaved her 
Port Darwin
fix up distiller did it
We ought really the old
^tremendously keen with a conscience too big for him.
The Artifices the gunner (?) had put of
agitation Kept in
Australia old man keener
to start, so we started. But had
relied on out half way across



man for Amboyna. through
into the Arafura Sea, 2 miles most
tricky passage engine
Amboyna so long
a blessed black pilot pilot
devil xThen, did what
places it
to make us take
sink. going into the place to ask for help
even we stopped
when the bridge
go ahead happened. They
again came
St Paul cant 17 anchors out of the storm
abt 20 yds There
1000 natives
we stayed there
in coal away
half way
again. Then borrowed a Date

Convoy Aviators
V L *]



[mainly shorthand with text as below]
towed away. They Cambrian
tow Hong Kong She had just gone to Hobart
too offer people she
towed Hong Kong our old man is
(Winsloe) that he had at last
all these difficulties got here at last!
Now we The Adml
China fleet by this claimed little
booker & wanted to know devil
as spend
in dry dock an unheard
of thing! We spent on the Yangtse
Kiang caught first Balkan
was (Oct 1912) patrolling.
Syria! The Cambrian - had bn. Yangtse instead
of us.

Rain - 1 pint a day.
10th in bathing drawers,
chasing the rain clouds.
Arabian Sea some rainstorms you
sidled after them we
(see two pages before -
side note)


The Raid on Rabaul: Austr. went to raid Rabaul. The schemhorst
Gneisman & Naraberg? The Australia had the whole
out. We to rendezvous 50 down go along quietly.
Narnb. Then we
found any using gunfire
the Schart. & Gn gunfire
every out  the Australias turned
out again act One man yes
50 We moved Every Every
shadow Naraberg alive
 sighted volcano
The Kanowna.

Townsville Berrima
Berrima) Kanowna, manned by
Queensland trainees, at Thursday
stinking filth
fatigue she was so
fireman to act & mutinied
Townsville in disgrace. The Berrima -different

Convoy Aviators
V L *]



[mainly shorthand with text as below]
There at Rab P. N.Z. Samoa
Palm Rabaul. The Townsville
Australia North, encounter
near Rabaul etc
The Encounter just
kept beautiful gratings
the Enc. startled
The 2 all out The Sydney
steaming & The Enc. chucked gratings
at last the foc 20

examine the Enc's gratings stacked
neatly beach They Enc. had foundered
Australia's Wireless
Syd aftwds went to at Agora (?) and
Twice once
Suva from
Hot day The Australia's
all day long. bearing I ran hot
Anyway where is L.S.?
Where is L.S?


The taking of the Comet. The Comet had a
seraing bay after bay
a bay Usual usual
usual The
on some errand

Comet palms

Convoy Aviators
V L *]



[mainly shorthand with text as below]
The Emden: as after fire rolled 6 feet, rolled.
of gangway when a
10 salvoes per they salvoes
We fired salvoes -6 7 independent: It ws difficult
to get our men back into salvoes again when
Their is a pretty a very ship.
our Tingira of our fleet
fleet The rose to
The parson sick bay Attendants
We had in another high note nearby
but he kept



Convoy Aviators
V L *]



Some yrs ago in [shorthand] a ws a hill. The
colonel [shorthand] his hand [shorthand] Three files went
out up the hill ^automatically to see what ws there. Those on right
signalled nothing. Those ahead signalled noting. Those
on left didnt reappear -
Col. ws prob. thinking of other things & didnt notice
that 3rd lot hadn't come back. Regiment continued trotting
up hill when suddenly a line of heads appeared all
at once on other side of hill.
Colonel's attention was immediately directed to it
He swung his regiment round on the instant, & gave the
word to charge. The other regt. was the Horse Guards - &
they did the same & came thundering over the hill on their big
black horses.
one officer ^Capt CBB White was riding in front on a little light
polo pony. He looked hard to see if there were any place
where he cd squeeze through. The line seemed absolutely
solid. But at last he found one gap, squeezed his
knees into his pony & ws thro' it like a flash.
Two men were killed & there were man lying abt
everywhere & horses all over the place - They shd have
stopped abt 100 yds apart. Genl French was very angry.
The Cavalry spirit - you go at anything when you see it.
e.g. ^one end of a village street & enemys -
at the other you go at him straight away. No need
for order(?)cavalryman says infantry cant
understand it.

Brit. Cavalry have had Germans
only 2. Therefore Brit, better
craftsman w lance etc in melee.
Germans splendidly

Convoy Aviators
V L *]



A1 Hymettus British India A. J. Eyans Major A.A. Holdsworth.
A 2 Geelong P & O. R. Bidwell Lt.-Col. L.F. Clarke.
A 3 Orvieto Orient P. N. Leyton. Lt.-Col. D.S. Wanliss.
A 4 Pera P. & O.

S. Finch.

Lt. R.N.R.L

Lt. E.W. Richards.
A 5 Omrah Orient

V. Seymour.

Lt. R.N.R.

Lt.-Col. H.W. Lee.
A 6 Clan Maccorquodale Cayser Irviner J. Goodwin. Major A.J. Bennett.
A 7 Medic White Star J. Roberts. Maj. A.J.Bessell-Browne
A 8 Argyllshire T'bull Martin W. Chicken. Major S.E. Christian.
A 9 Shropshire Federal S. N. B. C. Hayward Col. J.J.T. Hobbs.
A10 Karroo

Ellerman &


E.Ryder Large. 

Lt. R.N.R.

Capt. H.L. Mackworth.
A11 Ascanius Alf. Holt E. Chrimes. Lt.-Col. S.P. Weir.
A12 Saldanha

Ellerman &


A. MacClelland Lt. P.A.McE. Laurie.
A13 Katuna

Ellerman &


H.R. Jackson. Major S. Hawley.
A14 Euripides

T. Thompson


White Star

A.H.C. Douglas

Lt. R.N.R.

Col. H.N. MacLaurin.
A15 Star of England Com. & Dom. F.W. Ulyatt Lt.-Col. R.M. Stodart.
A16 Star of Victoria Com. & Dom. E.W. Beck. Lt.-Col.J.B. Meredith.
A17 Port Lincoln Tyser T.C. Hutchison Lt.-Col. F.N. Rowell.
A18 Wiltshire Federal S.N. W.L. Prentice.  Lt.-Col. L. Long.
A19 Afric White Star

W. Marshall.

Lt. R.N.R.

Lt.-Col. L. Dobbin.
A20 Hororata N.Z. Shipping

J.J. Cameron.

Lt. R.N.R.

Lt.-Col. J.M. Semmens.
A21 Narere   T.E. Mello. Capt. C.H. Spurge.
A22 Rangatira Shaw Savill R.D. Lowden. Lt.-Col.C.Rosenthal.
A23 Suffolk Fedoral S.N. F. Davies. Lt.-Col. C.F. Braund.
A24 Benalla P. & O. W.C. Simonds. Lt.-Col. W.K. Bolton.
A25 Anglo Egyptian


Producers ss

P.J.Greenhill. Lt. W. Stansfield
A26 Armadale Australind A. Hunter. Major. P.W. Smith.
A27 Southern Century Shpg R. Jalland. Lt.-Col.R.T. Sutherland
A28 Militades


White Star

W. J. Burge. Mjr. C.T. Griffiths.

 [*Convoy Aviators
V L *]  






Convoy Naval Orders Nos. 40 and 41.]
C.N.O. 40.
The Transports of the New Zealand Imperial Force, ten ships in all, are
organized as follows:—


No. Ship. Speed Tonnage Master or Naval Transport Officer.
3 Maunganui 16 7.527 Com. Ward, R.N.
6 Orari 13 7,207 Lt. Jenkins, R.N.R.
8 Star of India 11 6,800 Lt. Varian, R.N.R.
7 Limerick 13 6,827 Lt. Williams, R.N.R.
4 Tahiti 17 7,585 Lt.-Com. Denniston, R.N.
10 Arawa 12 9.372 Com. Newton, R.N.
11 Athenic 12 12,234 Lt. Porter, R.N.R.
9 Hawke's Bay 12 6,800 Lt. Tonge, R.N.R.
5 Ruapehu 13 7, 885 Lt. Cooper, R.N.R.
12 Waimana 14 10,389 Lt. Glenny, R.N.

C.N.O. 41.
The following table shows actual vertical height between after-masthead and
position of stern light in the Transports of the New Zealand Force:—

No. Name. Height.
3 Maunganui 87 feet
4 Tahiti 106 feet
5 Ruapehu 113 feet
6 Orari 120 feet
7 Limerick 88 feet
8 Star of India 85 feet
9 Hawke's Bay 73 feet 
10 Arawa 91 feet
11 Athenic 69 feet 7 inches
12 Waimana 102 feet 4 inches




Convoy Naval Orders No. 9.]

C.N.O. 9.


The Convoy will be organised as follows :—


Name. Tonnage. Speed. Remarks.
      1ST DIVISION.      
A V B A 3 1 Orvieto 12,130 15 Flag Of G.O.C.
A V C A 27 2 Southern 4,769 10½  
A V D A 4 3 Pera 7,635 11  
A V E A 26  4 Armadale 6,153 11  
A V F A 12 5 Saldanha 4,594 11  
A V G A 13 6 Katuna 4,641 11  
A V H A 1 7 Hymettus 4,606 11½  
A V I A 23 8 Suffolk 7,573 12  
A V J A 25 9 Anglo-Egyptian 7,379 12  
      2ND DIVISION.      
A W B A 18 10 Wiltshire 10,390 14 Division Leader
A W C A 7 11 Medic 12,032 13  
A W D A 11 12 Ascanius 10,048 13  
A W E A 15 13 Star of England 9,150 13½  
A W F A 2 14 Geelong 7,951 12  
A W G A 17 15 Port Lincoln 7,243 12  
A W H A 10 16 Karoo 6,127 12  
A W I A 21 17 Marere 6,443 12½  
A W J A 6 18 Clan MacCorquodale 5,058 12½  
      3RD DIVISION.      
A X B A 14 19 Euripides 14,947 15 Division Leader
A X C A 8 20 Argyllshire 10,392 14  
A X D A 9 21 Shropshire 11,911 14  
A X E A 19 22 Afric 11,999 13  
A X F A 24 23 Benalla 11,118 14  
A X G A 22 24 Rangatira 10,118 14  
A X H A 16 25 Star of Victoria 9,152 13½  
A X I A 20 26 Hororaia 9,491 14  
A X J A 5 27 Omrah 8,130 15  
A X K A 28 28 Miltiades 7,814 13  

[*Convoy Aviators
V L *] 




Convoy Naval Order No. 3.

C.N.O. 3.

The following is a list of the Transports forming the convoy:—

No.  Name. Tonnage. Speed. Embarks at- Troops Detailed.
A 1 Hymettus 4,606 11½

Sydney, Melbourne,

and Adelaide

A.S.C. Horses
A 2 Geelong 7,951 12

Melbourne and


A 3 Orvieto 12,130 15 Melbourne G.O.C. and Mixed
A 4 Pera 7,635 11 Sydney Artillery Horses
A 5 Omrah 8,130 15 Brisbane Infantry and A.S.C.
A 6 Clan MacCorguodale 5.058 12½ Sydney Horses
A 7 Medic 12,032 13 Adelaide and Fremantle

2 Co. Inf., Artillery

A.S.C, and A.M.C.

A 8 Argyllshire 10,392 14 Sydney Artillery
A 9 Shropshire 11,911 14 Melbourne Artillery
A 10 Karroo 6,127 12 Sydney and Melbourne Signallers and
A 11 Ascanius 10,048 13 Adelaide and Fremantle Infantry
A 12 Saldanha 4,594 11 Adelaide Horses
A 13 Katuna 4,641 11 Sydney and Hobart Horses
A 14 Euripides 14,947 15 Sydney Infantry
A 15 Star of England 9,150 13½ Brisbane Light Horse
A 16 Star of Victoria 9,152 13½ Sydney Light Horse
A 17 Port Lincoln 7,243 12 Adelaide Light Horse
A 18 Wiltshire 10,390 14 Melbourne

Light Horse and


A 19 Afric 11.999 13 Sydney

Inf., A.S.C., and


A 20 Hororata 9,491 14 Melbourne Infantry
A 21 Marere 6,443 12½ Melbourne Horses
A 22 Rangatira 10,118 14 Brisbane

Art., Inf., and


A 23 Suffolk 7,573 12 Sydney Infantry
A 24 Benalla 11,118 14 Melbourne Infantry and A.S.C.
A 25 Anglo-Egyptian 7,379 12 Brisbane and Melbourne Horses
A 26 Armadale 6,153 11 Melbourne Line of Communication
A 27 Southern 4,769 10½ Sydney and Melbourne Horses
A 28 Miltiades 7,814   Sydney and Melbourne Imperial Reservists


Convoy Naval Order No. 39.

C.N.O. 39.


No.  Ship. Mainmast Head
Foremast Head
Vertical Height,
Masthead Light
to Stern light.
    Feet. Feet. Feet.
A 1 Hymettus 113 108 91
A 2 Geelong 119 117 74
A 3 Orvieto 131 128 92
A 4 Pera 116 113 82
A 5 Omrah 139 138 94
A 6 Clan MacCorguodale 92 94 68
A 7 Medic 128 128 85
A 8 Argyllshire 85 85 56
A 9 Shropshire 88 85 68
A 10 Karroo 110 110 81
A 11 Ascanius 136 133 109
A 12 Saldanha 100 101 71
A 13 Katuna 86 86 72
A 14 Euripides 142 154 106
A 15 Star of England 115 113 64
A 16 Star of Victoria 113 112 65
A 17 Port Lincoln 98 95 51
A 18 Wiltshire 105 91 78
A 19 Afric 130 129 78
A 20 Hororata 120 116 75
A 21 Marere 130 131 76
A 22 Rangatira 105 105 70
A 23 Suffolk 113 82 67
A 24 Benalla 122 122 95
A 25 Anglo-Egyptian 98 98 67
A 26 Armadale 89 89 66
A 27 Southern 82 80 59
A 28 Miltiades 113 121 82


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