Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/38C/1 - Notebook - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Ms Sig Band Fols, axehandles at for to comes in for toots Engl happens to be the Diat sight 1ost. (importance of officers & NC.OD 50 waterfom bets Have to give them & invistigute gi out nation $10,000,000 everyoue tinks ought in hi cas Bupb Lost andliwas wayouson one wheel 41 in caup. + a bit pitar. fas on from litf Dreadful ofw ? an isoue e been homeman out him & 1 Jnd 1 Ass
41 Mcleas 5.oa few Storemen taken on in caup. chap who Rep. work outride reft, & a bit interesting. Yu coming out of hospital. sent hears of them. Sosowants to come on poule So & so turns up. looks at hon Romeshoes. "Dreadful bad oron, Tis: tarns out he as a chimist, wo you like me to analyse the Caster oil ? stl X taken on (L.H.) from hospital made an issue to hospital of a lot of rope got for artillen. The hosp gave a receipt. When Da.D.O.S frd mnl ite Royp ought oever to have been sapplied - its a Base depot anit. Light horseman seeing he had made a mstake cleared outo didn't come back. However they found him & he has turned out an Excellentt man And the Hospital gave the rope back! 8 SC. W Mr 4 S6aliss
Seragge 45 cot ofD. & half of them o to from. Plot. In Napolions stables 180 f. & 40t very lokty, roon estar Dut remount to goes sound & picks eyls out, Sweerigaltting A.D. of remounts jets deadly sick at oy exespectee out Hape draught I. Tle b. to do for ase. my looking lot are eiter srivate to nome an ticket or vetirnary mobili section Tiree scheres. Collectry. Mobill. Base. toabs. Oson of a misbegotiin sto cte 2n Pickets too loose. Horse wanderin round with rope throws second home down. Finally halfa doz. I S Remount ito doget filling up to Arab Mostalet W we mr C p 1
US71 S
see order Aftr DO 32. (300) 53 Coysignatler's etc. nor 2 men or coycomme; I man w each plate Have to note posities of CQ units 2 groap when a Co was going out for the day he adask for 2 sinallers - & kyd so. one wd lead his horse the other wd carry his lunch. 55
61 Jan 12, 1915 Burdeds) we warned cia Cs avoid e17. a t an now ornl, brgomn ana Freas Cuting Atrianc Nowspaper Flles Scarch a Specially. Phone as for Duplicale Papers, &c. BULLETIN From a SAWSOEY BD Bad Wrk t beln araid of by newspapers far less than was expected by the Government when he was appointed. The chief reason is that parsons, whom the Government is already paying up to Kn per annum for accompanying the expedi- Honary force, have entered into competition with the otheral war correspondent. The clorle, who has rushed off on a colonet'. anlary, is able to supply regular copy at a cheaper rate than that at which a paper can not Rean's suff, and at a tenth the cont of sending a man of ha own. The aky-pilot's copy may be amateurish, but the journal publishing it can claim exclusiveness for the drivel, and may head 1t From our own war correspondent? The writer knows at least one metropolitan daily now doing this, in a Siate where Hean's matter is not seeing print. Moanwhile old hands at the journal tntle same have been pushed out of their Jobs by the war, and the A.A.A. has had to collect a benevolent fund to help them over morny times. whe Mr 8 abs3 6
Cales 7 s
take a simple rale- marching in stip. 69 So that they know cracth Eq. marching in step wil stretch how for the columna & what pace it can po Another: every order must so through the proper superior. If it doesst, you may get cross orders 1. He A may have one order fom Sergl. x another from Lieut.VI anote from Gen. E. He may obly the superiors order. but then the Serp & the Lieut. are probably away truating thath A is doing the job they gave him Bagage Wayon horses. At N.3. parade when Riding hasten i, train was N. trot, Austialions (riddan) broke into orderly trot, 1N.2 (drivm) were all over team place - one b. & botted It. Horses plunging wa Md ass 7 1 e
73 Patian in Chetsal campgn who sumped on top of sangar & rjsalled to But. Battery shelling it. Miss high miss left it Pshell 77 stomach aiss

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