Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/38C/1 - Notebook - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Second Force: 4th Austla Inf. Brigads corps. State 134 Batt.- JN.S.W. 144 Bn. vic. . 4as 15th Bn 18t2 Bn. W. A. C./S. A. Adgms. ire and signal Cq. Sic. csedo Total: ASC. 7tL Co. NSW. AMC. 65 F Al W. Total. Md.L.H.B. 5th Rept. now 6th Regt WSW otkex WSW. HHeadghr (And Signal wa NSW. SECo.ASS. NEM 2nd L. H. Fed Hak Total 3rd L.H.B. ViE H.A. 814 GAL.H. 5.0vc 110£ 6H W.4. vic. Srd Sig. Troop Vic 12x O. ASC. Vic 3rdL.H.F. Amb. offc men. Total. 1023 H6d. &. J. Burnage V.O. Capt. W.N. Ellis 991. 32. 1023 H Col. R.C. Courtrey V.O. Major J Adams 32 991 1023 L1 Col. J. H. Cannan. Major HB Carter. 32 991 1023 L1. 6.o. H Pope. Major. L.E. Tilney D. 991 32 25. Col. J. Monash V0. (Am Lt. Col) Major McGlear TP.H6. Capt. 6.4 gess 25 2nd Lt. J. F. McGlnn. 4809 133 128 Capt. McMorland V0. 2s. L. A.J.B. Sherring 138 2nd H.C.R. Nalsh 254. L.6.d. Hon. J L. Beeston J.D. Mijor B. Jernyon 200 6539 4898 148 538— W.Col. H41. Harris VP. Naj. L.C. Wilson 551 526 Wool. CF.Cox CB,UB. Capt CD Sutler s5 536 VCol.T.M. Amott Ma. G. M. Onslow Col. Ryrie Gdeb. Maj. F.T. Lynch BM. 23 Capt. R.A. Hanley. 159 Capt. C. F. Tomas 118 &col 4A Bean. May D.G. Crott 42 1870 1962 92 34 Co/F. G. Hughes WB, N. Col. I.H. Antill C.B. Baj. 535 Maj.A.N. White, Mq.S.C. OBriin 51 536 H. Col. A Meill 586 Lt. Col. NM. Bragier. Maj. A. J. hove 63 Capt. AR.S. Parheel 159 Capt. S.S. Gibbs at. T. Rogers, VC. 153 118 Lt. Col K.M. Downes Maj. OK White 112 1870 1962 92 Nov. 252. Pearce Sd Sate of foras were 1914 if. Ewrone + Pac. Cit foras. 56,298 Armi C. 51.153. 16,000 recrvets thoso woit 61.180 peys 1764 391916 67.153. 41.180 cit 50.298 Abod. 41,180 Reserve. 57,153 164.63 Europe: pr A.T.F. 20,338 L Reservisto 1200 10258 Prepariy cant Rv. Polloph. Fot, 30,596 Bt Keinf. 2.820 Tol. 33,416 3,000 end. 3.000 3rd total, 39,416. This sems to show. (as 3rd forc - 2338) 15t. A.1.8. 20,338. 2nd A15 7.920 3rd A.I.S. 2.338 tobelfore to be munt? 30, 596 Pn Force has pob saile. 1,968. Parties of 3.L. Force? 1 Lt. H. Brig. 93 Field Batt. 4 Veteriary uinto 258 Fo Butchery 2.338 25 t 2 stat oid waie O wavt 4
Maskel 91/2 p.c. had passed recruits mustetry foue but only pp.c. were marksmen Tav 10pe tocl. shots 7P.c. ind Cl find L2c.3Dcl. Nearly 90 percut of force ws unmarried or widowed 23 p.c of the officers Singlemen were married - 34pC. of the Light Horse officers (Mea who came fom bash 2/5 of force as ovr 25; abt 1 betee 21125; & to under 21. Old soldiers Nos who served prestont Nos, who never 00 was servies CK Militis Sul or Oddw Imp Ary 29 P Territorb sermth served before Off men Pot Off yeng rot. menFor of in, tot menot off men o tot. Men.Tot. DH.D 1576 23 139 1. LISE 1575 402 1336 1340 2nd1.B 177 189 198 1397 313 48 267 4E.4 953 112 Dis Hiy 949 223 222 Dis Ey. 283 Distrian3 278 292 36 AMic. 6122 1308 1922) 226 10 1009 6098 Totel. 24 att2 682 2.38 756 5.83 Pereut 3.8. 38.2 224 457 18L4B 99 4tH 273 485 421 Totel. 12.03 3.124.9 3.51 1.04 Percu 5.38 24.32 bad a 17 Park 1422 466 Tolal 6750 16721 1410 15.8 2.39 7.32 le Cut WP 4.08/34.5 abt ½ 2.04 7.26
Drra. 18 pB. End Ino 4-L.4. Dis arty Dis Eye Dir Tran duik. Totel. Perlect. 18t. LHB GELH. Tol.6.H. Perlet WLHB. Park. Total AIE. Perants Tot 24 131 132 Officers. 52 52 Eat 25 2
Totals Wo by Shenh DH.O. 94 22 1818 41.06 1576 2415 4117 1340 4103 In1S. 1397 42 565 955 2755 Distty 223 Dis Exp. 793 Dis Cai. 283 674 159 292 AMC. 6.122 Total. 17,936 e8 at 13 1954 15.43. 457 555 CEIA 1C 2484 491 wate ty CEISIHE 271 171 Park. Tol 6750 20,.161 P.C.AIE 261.13 Frei 716 2650 2771 2706 521 1800 5p 391 467 11810 1491 521 1998 100 13,411 at Sen a. 66 307 1264 724 311 859 263 164 209 46.46 Ovt 114 173 311 1084 A4 25 5457 O 14 evrows OfSot haw 1723 1533 1982 190 941 307 227 258 7168 Obt 215 724 190 914 AY 82 7914 abt 2
29 from man who wants to sell on in camp. Letter Absolutely to i but I take 2-3 days to settle & letter hadto be followed ) Egypt & metrod of settling. I hawher happened to go in & sell instd of getter pass we to collect him al in a yard during 1 bead him fom 6.15 6 7. fou celle (Better say why tomatoes washed in buckets pa Catries. Bottle of drenk offend for sale consisting of wiine + crude spirit stal Sypical Staf officer. G. The way be make his sugfection. Makes a note of everything. 1 You (he has forgtten it. He doesn't 3 your & remending him – but you'l fint it has pue W Thro. Loyal to a fautt. Looking after his chief. astory as be b seethen Sir some the There are reasons for youtie - 27 Cost Ms Elc.) There's always a tendency to Ztot S.te credit & to the G.O.. the fautt. Another tysical officer C 25 Saly detached & anxious. After.PC16 you'll see him walking by himself thinking He gets his work in at o hours- at meas he'd in a supest. There are no of hours - he's] working things but then As he's doing his morning rear or washing or 36 lacing his boots. He wont lett you wo much but of you get his G its valuable
Usually has a N. of elevoted admirers. Staf men The reg. officer comes v well out of this business. 30
33 Youngste in Eg. Realleh, Kitcheal was an awful fatial called him 1s of Chaor. Sir Geo. Reid. sd he saw him Ctimes (fco is n.Y man who dring K. up in this crisis). It ws like pin into a room and by a Furteman for a casual visi to town - returning at the week end. A.F.M. Police shd have corporals pay. Unpleasant Job.. 68 wii Staliss
33 an awfal fatiat o is.Y man yws like pi deman for a the week and wc at 10 Job. d e 2.4 h A
esabt t linig in Hotel. Seff bete. Brit 41 (order u Asia M. kept Iwanted. Liman. Sand OBrace. 4 Army Corps gdivus motile 501000 artic CAnatolia & Syria 4 mob divns 1 mob melition B Armeria Sac. Poo mil. 4 knrd can 200.00l. A Messpetanii 2 a.c. 4 mob mil 120,000 Mokattan 37 Germans & interpretes. Youngstes (interpreter) as ked armed. Bought weapon (()) not on the register. Asked of he cd as it. Told t have service one 3 ammanction sd. he wel prefer to take c 10-3 femaw caught him. Calle his - sop nose & he wa shot. o They are aany some Soft nosed f 560
5 THE MEN ROUND THE KAISER. A Gunner, Discussing the Anglo-German situation with my old friend and brother officer, the late Sir James Grierson, in 1907 at Aldershot, where he then commanded the ist Division, he made the following remarks, (which are, 1 think, of special interest at the present time. I asked him why he did not stay out his full time at Berlin when military attachd. He said,? Because I simply could not stand (any more of it. The place is a perfect hothed (of intrigue.? ? What sort of a man is the Kaiser himself Pr I inquired. (Oh, he said, 1 he is all right, he's a gentleman. But those around him are perfectly poisonous. This is the sort of thing they do. One day the Emperor suddenly said to me: I am told, Colonel Grierson, but I need hardly say that 1 don't for one moment believe it, that you have given away to the French all the secrets of our G.F. Artillery. Now I wish you would find out where that statement comes from, and put it, in the form of an official report, and send it in to me through the War Office, saying that you do so by my special personal request. In loss than a week,? Sir James continued, I found that it had originated with— exactly as I expected it had, and so 1 duly sent it in as requested. Shortly afterwards I went on leave for about month, and when I returned, the first thing the Emperor said to me was, Oh1 Colonel Grierson, you never sent me in that report I asked you for about our Q.P. Artillery.! I beg your Majesty's pardon,! I said, but I sent it in in less than Ia week after you asked for it.! Well,! said the Kaiser, I have never received it. But 1 will inquire about it! Sure enough, the very next morning,! said the General,a whole row of them were down at my place, — himself, making most pro- headed by. fuse apologies for the unfortunate overnight by which my report had been delayed, &c. I6 seems to me that people who can de- liberately accuse a British officer behind his back of such an unspeakable offence in an attachs as that alleged against General Grierson and then calmly suppress a report on it asked for by their Imperial master will stick at nothing, a view confirmed by recent diplomatic revelations. Perhaps, therefore, it would be as well if some of those spoakers and writers—clerical and otherwise—in this country who are calling the Kaiser every name they dare would be well advised to somewhat moderate their accusations as to his personal responsi- ibility for the present catuclysm. 41 in canp. + a bit ital frus on pourlit Dreadful r w3 13 an issue The been homeman out Shir & 1 235 ass

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