Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/37/1 - January - February 1916 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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69 interpreted. One was at the time (September) when the germans were being beaten back at L00s, & by the French S. of Tahure. Congratulate you on having killed 20,000 Bookes it saw. Anothir was thrown over after the penknife had been kvown by our men over as a soovenir at Quinns during the Bairam festival. Dear Austialians The penknife which you knew over has fallen behind our parados. Will you let we get out of the truck at thes time tomorrow & fitch it ? A third was. Dear Austalians, Do you know how fard is to constantinople We hope to see you there one of thesr days" or somethin ambiguous to th effect. Ottertin there is no doubt our men liked the
49 tarks & f Tarks liked as. The relotifetem two ws not only not bad but good. Tan St Mesday Dn Boishold me geity it he we very anxious abt some bnews he had heard. The hada brother who ws coming home to goin a cyclest corps. He are sailing in the Clair Mactavish. yest came a wereless messy tI clan mactavish had been sunit by a ferman saiding cruiser after a fight. It was sd t 5 were saved & 15 kelled. The news is very vaque. today he kdthat shewed me a newspaper. It sail that the officers of another British steamer said t 1 Clan Mactavish's officers had, they feared, been shot by Germans because they had fixe on them & killed some (+ I suppose were claimed to be now-combatants). If to isso, it calls for the most stingent repreals on our part.
But what reprisals can we take upon Germans. They have uo out & beaten at that same we can't attempt to rival him in brutality. My our puny efforts in to direction ad immediately be outmatched by processes into col we simply could not follow them rawy I don't believe in the atrocity cry. But when I gernans raise it, I shoot our people in cold bood upon score of it its wore than human nature can stand Du Boise but me his laist to go to Serapiann again to a party from Hospital teir fine little scotch padre Monley, Sutherland (who were not on I canal last year). We were back later thav we had promised after 50 I believe after 5o the sentrie can shortatan on I canal on Sight.
2/2/16 1w0 So 85 Balrots groups. on hope they would not shoof 1 Saw a N.T. patrol of 4 Lorsemen moving down I canal banks; the tooke splended. A lso, comin back with a sevingls saw the camel wh goes along 1 bar 2 it I bank, so Hangone Eosses pott r ) N dray havd nd it in night will levve forthrils in be seen in o is anyorcerpeu The End & 3rd ofpy thenc hes abt o mile aut in deert. I 1 6t N0r1 Bdes are diging att I wiks out from Ferry past t 8p 12.L. he 71.2. C Went f G.H.B. Lawrence is at Mersa Matrah. Ross in Cairo. They told me – Col. tyrell did. toda to one of our airmen the other day dropper to within 200 ft to get a photso on the plate was a tirk firing at him. The Tarks are busy laying their pipe tine from the wadi El. Aresh (27. The railway has not yet reached our boidey, but they have two
wont allow Maxwell coret ain /o to Mersa Matrih. The mornin Post got its account of it from some officer there. scited motor roads one upto within 40m. Of canal. Everybody trimendously pleased w proop of Anzad Magazine. Mey think here to we mery sell $150000 in epyst & a million altoptiel. As the fands get 1/1 at least, out of every copy we sell here as apt 42d for those sold thast retailers I hope they are right. Am cabling - after consulty Buller - to smart t we shall take first 50,000. ave been to Cairo. + now again Feb. 11. Back at Samailea - & into war Br Cos camp just outside Hospital sates. Re . He was Office have turned down the Army scheme. For what reason I don't know. Kitchener is said to be a great to obbler & his may have been another wobble. But I expect the reason is to they may want as earlies - before the army
ed be ready. Everything points in my mind, to teir forming the 2 Corps; & posiike the army later, if time - Birdwood goes back to corps commander. Godley I suppose will command the other corps. N3. will from a suyll clivision It's a pity - but if they want us soon. I suppose its wise; the only thing is it if we are to be an army eventiall it wd be better to get staff into being now ratied than at last moment. The 8th Corps has bee disbanded PorrSon 9tat (15th Devn hers just joined it in place of 13th wh has saile for Persian Gulf) 18th Corps at Anes - (10th Indian Devn. 2912 Dion Our Indian Bdl has partly sailed fo Gulf. We may go to Salorrica as there are sd to be indications of a german attack thro Rumania & Sweden jounng in on. N Flank.
t well infored rumen, wt I can of hardly believe, saye it aouith in Saw Arthu Maxwell in aio. Our 1t L.H. Bde is at wade vatrin - patrolling? I don't know where end or 3rd L.H. Bdles are. 4t.L. H. Regt. at maadi. Feb. 161h Lots of fellows ask me where they'se going -as if I knew. I think the probably 15 Salonica. Birdwood 1s supposed to have sawd France 2days ago I know Buckley sd Frana, so perh. they have been bringinng politica pressure to bear; a pity if they have. I know there was some corrispondena abt it. But I believe the people of Austalia want to leave the was office quite unfettered to use these troops wherever it
thinks they are most usiful Howse thinks Salonica &I do too, I spite of Birdwood having told Codley who told somebodg who told my friend in the 4th 4/4 Horse. I have come up to Cairo again - then Alex - then Cairo, to get my Egyptian & Eaden- Sgdney records as I ought to get to work on that volume of the histore having 5 weeks or so, I suppos to Spare This hotel living is a heavy expense but I don't suppose it reall consume more than my field allowance -1of a day . I expect I rally am a gainer on the balana, thos not by much. Ross of N.Z. gets £2.10 a day expenses in
O8 3rdLHR. at Natran. Res. Wardan. 151& Mr.L.H. a 4h Perobs to reform at 3rd Bde - at Helopotis (Race Course) the field & f1.10. in Carro – I besides $650 salary - 1.e. about $1200 t $1400 a year against my $850 (t the outside). I think I am pair about $500 leas than any other carrespondent: At the same time it would not fine it up for an outside offer of any amounti& I dont intens to worry my country durin the war by asking for more. Sr LH Bde ws moved 2 days ago to Minia, west of wh 600 at enemy had be spotted. bnear Barwiti Baharia Oasis dressed in thake - Aviation report. of force at Gara can Dear Siwa Oasis 15 tRat Bene-Mazar, Sandafra, ndf Samalt, Fashor. Wazlet el abo - Towa, Beni Bbrahii
yotmy records port Thus Feb. 17. maxter at the Australian H.Q. -it is Austalian Imp. Force. Ha. now, not intermediate Base, 6 by an order of January the AtF. resumes contedl over it. B. J Irving, whom I wilin Alex yesly & who as sentover from sustalia to lake charge & Superside Sellheinn, is a strong chaps& at Alex he managed to wikdraw the Austalian afous from the 3rd Echelon of the M.E.J. tere which was always a nost confounded veisance Ioving carries a letter from the Aushclian Pime Minister in his packet backing him up in anything he may find it necessar to do. He tasn't had to produced yet. He has just been given the 15th Bde. The 3rd Dun 1s being formed in Australie No.

interpreter. One was at the time
(September) when the Germans were
being beaten back at Loos, & by
the French S. of Tahure.
"Congratulate you on having
killed 20,000 Boches" it said.
Another was thrown over 
after the penknife had been thrown
over  ^by our man as a souvenir at Quinns
during the Bairam festival.
"Dear Australians,
The penknife which
you threw over has fallen behind
our parados. Will you let me
get out of the trench at this time
tomorrow & fetch it?"     
A third was:
"Dear Australians,
Do you know
how far it is to Constantinople;
We hope to see you there one of
these days " - or something
ambiguous to tt effect. Altogether
there is no doubt our men liked the


Turks & / Turks liked us.
The relation between / two ws
not only not bad but good.
Jan 8th Tuesday.
Du Boise told me yesty tt he
ws very anxious abt some news he had
heard. He had a brother who ws
coming home to join a cyclist corps.
He ws sailing in the Clan MacTavish.
Today Yesty came a wireless message
tt / Clan MacTavish had been sunk
by a German raiding cruiser after a
fight. It was sd tt 5 were saved & 
15 killed. The news is very vague.
Today he heard that showed me
a newspaper. It said that the
officers of another British steamer

said tt/ Clan MacTavish’s officers

had, they feared, been shot by /
Germans because they had fired 
on them & killed some (& I suppose
were claimed to be non-combatants).
If tt is so, it calls for the most
stringent reprisals on our part.


But what reprisals can we
take upon / Germans. They have
us out & beaten at that game -
we can't attempt to rival them
in brutality by our puny efforts
in tt direction wd immediately
be outmatched by processes into
wh we simply could not follow them.
I don't believe in ^raising the atrocity cry.
But when / Germans raise it, 
their fine little scotch padre; &
Morley, & Sutherland (who were not on
/ canal last year). We were back
later than we had promised - after
5; & I believe after 5 the sentries
can shoot at any boat on / canal on





 Soldier, camel and camel driver travelling across desert.

Caption:  Two solitary patrols  groups

 Two soldiers standing at attention

 Caption: one hopes they will not shoot

Sketch of tombstone

  1. 72

    Saw a NZ patrol of 4 horseman 

    Moving down/ canal banks; they

    looked splendid. Also, coming back with^a swingle

    Saw the camel who goes along

    ( paragraph of shorthand writing)

    Went t G.H.Q.  Lawrence is at 

    Mersa Matruk. Ross  in Cairo.

    They told - Col. Tyrell did  today-

    tt one of our airmen the other

    day dropped to within 200 ft to

    get a photo; & on the plate was a

    Turk firing at him. The Turks

    are busy laying their pipeline

    from the  Wari El Arish (?) The

    railway has not yet reached our 

    borders, but they have two


Maxwell won’t allow

any correspt  to go to Mersa

Matruk . The “Morning

Post” got its account of it

from some officer there.



excellent motor roads, one

up to within 40m o/ canal.

Everybody tremendously 

pleased w proof of Anzac

Magazine.  They think here tt we

may sell 150,000 in Egypt & a million

altogether.  As the funds get 1/1, at

least, out of every copy we sell

here as agst 4 1/2 d for those sold

thro' retailers I hope they are

right.  Am cabling - after consulting

Butler - to smart tt we shall

take first 50,000.


Feb 11.  Have been to Cairo and now again

Back at Ismalia  - & into war

Corrs' camp  just outside hospital gates.

with Ross & Lawrence.  The War

Office have turned down the Army

scheme.  For what reason I don't

know.  Kitchener is said to be a great

wobbler & this may have been

another wobble.  But I expect the

reason is tt they may want

us earlier - before the army



cd be ready.  Everything points,

in my mind, to this forming

the 2 Corps; & possibly the army

later, if time.  Birdwood goes

back to Corps Commander.  Godley

I suppose will command the other

corps.  N.Z. will form a single division.

It's a pity - but if they want

us soon I suppose its wise; the

only thing is tt if we are to be an

army eventually it wd be better

to get t staff into being now rather

than at /last moment.

The 8th Corps has been disbanded;

9th at Ismailia Port Said (15th Divn has

just joined it in place of 13th wh

has sailed for Persian Gulf.)  15th Corps

at Anez  (10th Indian Divn 29th Divn)

Our Indian cde has partly sailed for Gulf.

We may go to Salonica as there are

sd to be indications of a German

attack thro Rumania & of Sweden

joining in on N flank.



A well informed rumour, wh I can

hardly believe, says tt Asquith  is

Saw Arthur Maxwell in

Cairo.  Out 1st L.H. Bde is at

Wadi Natrun - patrolling; I don't

know where 2nd or 3rd L.H. Bdes

are.  4th L.H. Regt at Maadi.

Feb. 16th.  Lots of fellows

ask me where they're going - as

if I knew.  I think the probability

is Salonica.  Birdwood told

is supposed to have said France

2 days ago, & I know

Buckley sd France, so perh.

they have been bringing political

pressure to bear; a pity if

they have.  I know there was

some correspondence abt it.

But I believe the people of

Australia want to leave the

war office quite unfettered to

use these troops wherever it 



thinks they are  most useful.

Howse thinks Salonica & I

do too, in spite of Birdwood

having told Godley who told

somebody who told my

friend in the 4th Light Horse.

I have come up to Cairo

again - then Alex - then

Cairo, to get any Egyptian

& earlier Sydney records

as I ought to get to work

on that volume of the history

having 5 weeks or so, I suppose,

to spare.

This hotel living is a

heavy expense but I dont

suppose it really consumes

more than my field allowance

-10/- a day - I expect I really

am a gainer on the balance, though

not by much.  Ross of N.Z.

gets £2.10 a day expenses in


Diagram and Map


3rd LHR at Natrun.

1st & 2nd LH Regts at Wardan.

4th Bde Probly to reform at


3rd Bde - at Heliopolis

(Race Course)



the field & ₤1.10 in Cairo -

besides ₤450 salary - i.e. about

₤1200 to ₤1400 a year against my

₤850 (at the outside).  I think I

am paid about ₤500 less than

any other correspondent.  At

the same time I would not give

it up for an outside offer of

any amount; & I dont intend

to worry my country during

the war by asking for more.

1st L H Bde  ws moved

2 days ago to Minia west

of wh 600 of enemy had bn spotted

near Barwite Baharia Oasis

dressed in khaki - Aviation


report of force at [[?Gaza ]]Oasis

near in Siwa Oasis.

1st Rat Bevi Major, Sandafra,

Samalut, Fasha  ^ ZW regNazlet El

abd - Towa Beni Ibrahim.



Thurs. Feb. 17.    Got my records from

[[?Maxted?]] at the  Australian H.Q.

- it is Australian Imp. Force. HQ.

now, not Intermediate Base, &

by an order of January the

A.I.F. resumes control over it.  B. Gen

Irving, whom I met in Cairo

Alex yesty  & who ws sent over

from Australia to take charge

& supersede Sellheim, is a

strong chap; & at Alex he managed

to withdraw the Australian affairs

from the 3rd Echelon of the M.E.F.

there which was always a

most confounded nuisance.

Irving carries a letter from the

Australian Prime Minister in

his pocket backing him up in

anything he may find it necessary

to do.  He hasn't had to produce it

yet.  He has just been given

the 15th Bde.  The 3rd Divn. is

being formed in Australia tho'


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