Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/37/1 - January - February 1916 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
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59 there too. But the Army H.S. is not in ative existence as there docsn't now crist an army. However, Berdwood, has today arrived at Ismailia & I believe a scheme is on foot to organise the Austialasians into an army & give him commend of it. I wet Hobbe & his steff in the train. They had been out for 3or 4 days in the desert looking for artillery positis behind the $570 line. There is a long ridge wh gwes excellent concealient but a difficulty wcalmen ille one 600 The Bde & Divl H.Q. heres therefore will be much further from the front ten at HagaC & much more as in France; & the live will be held much moe as in France. Also the three divisions of the Corps ore arrayt os in Fance - two
60 in the firing line 2nd 188. & ane in receive. WEVA (the N37A, wh is behind domailia) I don't know where the 29th Iadiamn Bde ling I am told consists of posts not all one The continguons lind of time I Ias Y. The men of the end first dwas have been making it now for a fortnight. Some 30,000 tarks are supposed to be concutited over opp us but we see nothing of them exc. an occasional patrol The Et LH 15 H Divl, L.H. but the Lnd LH Bde is sdt be working a its horses as cavaln on rght flank o1 Deon. I don't know were the resto L.H. are, but I believe the 13th Regt is with 2nd Dion. The 15t2nd & 3rd Bdes wd make a cavsler Dion. And with S more Dions from Australie (one consistig of
4th & 8th Bdles & some other Infantry, & one a complete N.Z. Din, we shd make an army of two Corps and one cavaly Din. with artillery for three Dions (that of 2Anst. Dions being a little move than 2 strength, & that of N.B. rather less) Attogeteer the Edwns & One cavabry Den ad have t arty of abt 12 Dron This cod have to be nade ap (& probly wd be) from outsido. t lave has been given (into Caero) first to 3go officers 20 men (or vice versa); there ws some rowdiness io trains & so it us cat down to 1.90 men 3 it has goo be raised again to 395. I see men (possibly a picket or possible on lave) in cam wo red white brassards & a number stamper on Each 520, ₤21 etc.
Twel stippe 62 I have heard as yet no newr of the Mersa matrish expedition some people think (as I have be inclined to think) that this Breat on I canal is just a bluff put upby both sides by the Turks to hold as here; & by us to get training out o 1 men (tre bdles have some o them bn training field work of the old style. splendit for them) & incidentell to get I canal defences made we are pushing out rty. & pipe tines wto I devert, but at present I water has to be taken out on camels. The water for thorses is being taken under 1 canal in a 6m pipe line. The has got 1½2 miles in 1515 area at present. San 5th Came to Tonailia where Lowry and 15t Aust. Stationar Hospital - the neces & lot of Hospital chaps I know -s put me up. Thei again are in the thick of it - in a house at from.
88 in a convent. GHQ0! iat the cauat hospith Sunday. San 6. I hear that te sems for 1 formatin of an army has been put before I war sfice exactly on lines I ws thenking of yesty. Of course one knew (as did everyone elsed to 1 Auchalian & New Zealanders return to Egypt wd mean a certain amount of rowdmess o this has been the aase, especially with the newer toops; t reinforcements now coning here go much more weld than the bold soldiers who have had experiences in Gallipole wh taught them tt this show is not a peenic. At least that what I'm told. The scnbi Ttchekbiirkin most serious incident happeind at Tel. 21- Keber A few men - real bad ones of whom some must always be in every unit, but with us they have the let Vecklessness to their badness carry him, wherever it can - dresse up as policinen; & with attered badges & faked brassards + so on rode over to a village on the edge of desird. The idea was to get women, I
am told; they also got whisky & burnd the village or part of it down, & got away. It is said they would certainly have been shot if caught. Jen. Channel was very much broken up about it. I believe they belonged to the Frost Australion Devision. It is said that these acts may make the triperial Authorities hesitate wheter they can send the Australtsan Corps to France. T w have not be daig too ao one hears of W. Zealand sowlinls also - in the Ismailia Club (which we have all been made inviled honorary number) some N.Z officers turned the bar upside down te other day, cowed the barman & took charge of the bar themselves. There were some young English officers with them - new army men - who were playing a good second fidols, I believe. There is a god deal of military crue an England & the Brilish precaution against drunkenness were necessitati Oy 1 drankenness awonpt soldiers -but to our Aushalians are better men, I believe, man for man their of parade discipling is a special trouble they have to have special measures to
65 keep them in oideo - two Anshalian policimen stand allday tory on the steps of the two by hoteld in Cairo; There are special Austialian & N.J. pickets on the trains. Maj. williams of the 2nd Aust. Dion has been brought in to Jomailia to act on the G.H.Astif As special A.P.M for the Cinstalasian troops. He istring to get Anstialian police put on to deal with them. I didn't think that drankenness was a special vice of the Australian - but it is certainly drunknness wh causes most of the Austalasion crime here. & one cannot shut his eyes to the fact that this is at presentanys pecial oblin for the Authorities to deal with. The Brong schewe has been very cleverly worked out as follo. It has been procticall arrayed that Hestralia shall not raise the new division in Austalia. The 50,000 troops represented I dions; but fust has been cabled to to raise one Divn f wh ought to be ready at a very early date; the other 2 Dwns
will be at once rane here out promisdent reinforcument (here are now 8 Bno of them; in one case 3250 strong) of wh there are 3o,0o0 abruady here & from the 4th &8 Anst. Beles. The N.3 And A. Dwn will become the N.3 dewn by sending more N. Y Coops & the light Herse (except divisional I will be a cavalry Divn &one w3 under gen Chanvel Walker will come back t for Aust. Div & white I hope. Griffitts will go to Army H. C. The only diffy at presit seems to be to N3 Goob has wered to fodley Do not commit us to anything or something to th effect. he or ganisatin wobe 15 Aust. AtCorps f Endand End loxs G3.4.5 andt. J Antalesin armg AN3. Cavalry Dion for I new witts. The artillery will be raised in Australic, up to our
Divisional staward (wh is still a little below British.) But guns will come from England. Godley as army Corp comands is at present heed of A.I.I He has a penchant for appointing English oficers of tille to his slef & the A.N.G.A.C. staff is at present almost in recognisable. Fortinately Birdwood will soon get back the contral (be arrayes matter direct with Ch Joot) and he has a leaving towards Iustralions Monday Jan Pth went to serapeium with Du Boise of the Red. cross. He was taking down of Rad cross goods in the Red & taunch (austialion). They have a staff of 10 administering the Red. & (ofaustiation now. The $750,000 rained on Austalia day all went to the Red & which is I believe ce greatmutabe. It sho have gone mostly to the widows &
orphans ete. The Red & is almost cubarrassed with finds. The gifts frnd is ratier poorly of a it wd do a lot for the men. We found the old landmarks of the Tucy Conal battle quile easy to pick out - the cross over the ferman officers pave - even the graves of some buried tarks. They told us at the Fiist conuall clearing Hospital tt some of our men have been diging up Iburied tarks in order to go this then bodies for Donveners (the hospital is next to where the southernmost trks were buries). This is a bit Scandelous if they want the 15. to respect our graveyards in allipoli. Diver lost night with piffiths & Batter & Ceastie + woods. Woods told me that of three very interestin messages received por te Turks at Anzac which he

there too. But the Army H.Q.
is not in active existence as
there doesn't now exist an army.
However, Birdwood, has today
arrived at Ismailia & I
believe a scheme is on foot to
organise the Australasians into
an Army & give him command
of it. I wet Hobbs & his staff in
the train. They had been out for
3or 4 days in the desert
looking for artillery positions
behind the∧ 1st Divl  o| line. There is
a long ridge wh gwes excellent
concealment but a difficulty
will be overhead concealment
The Bde & Divl H.Q. heres therefore
will be much further from the front
than at Anzac - much more as
in France; & the line will be held
much more as in France. Also
the three divisions of the Corps ore
arranfed as in in Fance - two


in the firing line 2nd 1ST..
& one in reserve NZ & A
(the NZ & A, wh is behind Ismailia).
I don't know where the 29th Indian
Bde is.
The line I am told consists of posts not all one
continuous line of trenches.
The men of the 2nd &
first divns have been making it
now for a fortnight. Some 30,000
Turks are supposed to be concentrated
over opp. us but we see nothing
of them exc. an occasional patrol.
The 4th LH is 1st  Divl, L.H. but
the 2nd LH Bde is sd to be
working w its horses as cavalry
on rght flank o | 1st Divn.
I don't know were the rest o |
L.H. are, but I believe the 13th
Regt is with 2nd Divn. The 1st 2nd
& 3rd Bdes wd make a cavalry
Divn. And with S3more Divns
from Australia (one consisting of


4th & 8th Bdes, & some other
Infantry, we shd mak & one
a complete N.Z. Divn, we
shd make an army of two
Corps and one cavaly Divn.
with artillery for three Divns
(that of 2 Aust. Divns being a little%
move than ½ strength, & that
of N.Z. rather less.) Altogether
the 6 divns & one cavalry Divn
wd have the arty of abt 1 ½ Divns.
This wd have to be made up
(& probly wd be) from outside.
Leave has been given (into
Cairo) first to 3 % officers  & 20%
men (or vice versa); there ws
some rowdiness in trains &
so it ws cut down to 1 %
men ; it has just bn raised
again to 3%. I see men
(possibly a picket or possible
on leave) in train w red &
white brassards & a number
stamped on each 520, 521 etc.




I have heard as yet no
news of the Mersa Matruh expedition
Some people think (as I have be
inclined to think) that this threat
on I canal is just a bluff put
up by both sides by the Turks
to hold as here; & by us to get
training out o | men ( [[?]] bdes
have some o them for training
-field work of the old style -
splendid for them) & incidentally
to get | canal defences made.
We are pushing out rlys
& pipe lines into I|desert; but
at present | water has to be
taken out on camels. The
water for | horses is being taken
under | canal in a 6m pipe
line. The has got 1½ miles in 1st [[?]]
area at present.
Jan 5th. Came to Ismailia where Lowry
and 1st Aust. Stationary Hospital - the nicest lot
of Hospital chaps I know - put me up. They again
are in the thick of it - in a house at | front.


ANZAC has the hospitals last years quarters so they are
in a convent. ( HQ is at the Canal hospital
Sunday Jan 6 th. I hear that
the scheme for | formation of our
army has been put before | war
office exactly on | lines I ws 
thinking of yesty.
Of course one knew (as did everyone
else) tt | Australian & New Zealanders'
return to Egypt wd mean a certain
amount of rowdiness - & this has been
the case, especially with the newer
troops; the reinforcements now coming
here go much more wild than the old
soldiers who have had experiences in
Gallipoli wh taught them tt this show is
not a picnic. At least that is
what I'm told. The Australians in
Tel.el.Kebir have most serious
incident happened at Tel - el - Kebir.
A few men - real bad ones of
whom some must always be in
every unit, but with us they have the
recklessness to ∧ let carry their badness
carry him, wherever it can - dressed
up as policemen ; & with altered
badges & faked brassards & so on,
rode over to a village on the edge of
desert - The idea was to get women, I


am told ; they also got whisky & burnt
the village or part of it down, & got
away. It is said they would certainly
have been shot if caught. Gen. Chauvel
was very much broken up about it.
I believe they belonged to the First Australian
Division. It is said that these acts
may make the Imperial Authorities
hesitate whether they can send the
Australian Corps to France. The New Zealanders
hsve not been doing too ba one hears of
N. Zealand rowdiness also - in the
Ismailia Club ( ∧ of which we have all
been made invited honorary members)
some N.Z officers turned the bar upside
down the other day, cowed the barman
& took charge of the bar themselves.
There were some young English officers with
them - new army men - who were
playing a good second fiddle, I believe.
There is a good deal of military crime
as England & the British xx precautions
against drunkenness were necessitated
by | drunkenness amongst soldiers
-but tho' our Australians are better
men, I believe, man for man their
off- parade discipline is a special trouble.
They have to have special measures to


keep them in order - two Australian
policemen stand all day long on the
steps of the two big hotels in Cairo;
There are special Austialian & N.Z.
pickets on the trains. Maj. Williams of
the 2nd Aust. Divn has been brought in
to Ismailia to act on the G.H.Q staff
as special A.P.M for the Australian
troops. He is trying to get Australian
police put on to deal with them. I
didn't think that drunkenness was a
special vice of the Australian - but
it is certainly drunknness wh causes
most of the Australasian crime here ;
& one cannot shut his eyes to the
fact that this is at present a very special
problem for the Authorities to deal with.
The "Army" scheme has been
very cleverly worked out as folls.
A wire It has been practically arranged
that Australia shall not raise the new
divisions in Australia. The 50,000
troops represented 3 divns; but Aust.
has been cabled to to raise one Divn
for an - wh ought to be ready at a
very early date; the other 2 Divns


will be at once raised here out of
reinforcements (here are now 8 ∧ provisional Bns.
of them; in one case 3250 strong) of
wh there are 30,000 already here ;
& from the 4th & 8th Aust. Bdes. The
N.Z And A. Divn will become the
N.Z Divn by sending more N. Z. troops ;
& the Light Horse (except divisional
L.H.) will be a cavalry Divn
4th, 13th
& one N.Z.
under Gen. Chauvel. Walker
will come back to 1st Aust. Div. &
White, I hope, Griffiths will go to
Army H. Q.
The only diffy at present seems
to be tt N.Z. Govt has wired to Godley :
"Do not commit us to anything"
or that  or something to tt effect.The
organisation wd be 
1st Corps   { 1st Aust.     }

                    { NZ.              }
                    { 2nd Aust.   }   Australian Army.
2nd Corps { 3,4,5 aust.  }
A.N.Z. Cavalry Divn.       }
The artillery for | new units
will be raised in Australia, up to our


Divisional standard (wh is still a
little below British.) But guns will
come from England.
Godley as Army Corp comandr
is at present heed of A.I.F.
He has a penchant for appointing
English oficers of title to his staff
& the A.N.Z.A.C. staff is at present
almost unrecognisable. Fortunately
Birdwood will soon get back
the control (he arranges matters
direct with C'lth Govt.) and he
has a leaning towards
Monday Jan 7th Went to serapeium
with Du Boise of the Red.
Cross. He was taking down stores cases of
Red Cross goods in the Red X launch
(Australian). They have a staff of
10 administering the Red X(of  Australia)
now. The ₤750,000 raised on
Australia Day all went to the
Red X which is I believe a
great mistake.. It shd have
gone mostly to the widows &


orphans etc. The Red X is almost
embarrassed with finds. The
"gifts" fund is rather poorly off
a it wd do a lot for the men.
We found the old landmarks
of the Suez Canal battle quite easy
to pick out - the cross over the
German officers grave - even the
graves of some buried Turks.
They told us at the First casualty
clearing Hospital tt some of our
men have been diging up | buried
Turks in order to go thro' their
bodies for Souvenirs (the hospital
is next to where the southernmost
Turks were buried). This is a bit
scandelous if they want the Ts..
to respect our graveyards in
Gallipoli. Dined lsst night
with Griffiths & Batter & Ceastie
& woods. Woods told me that
of three very interesting
messages received from the
Turks at Anzac which he


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