Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/36/1 - December 1915 - January 1916 - Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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82 a chana of receiven geving the education which they are fitte by nature. For example old Hough at Brentwood School tot me that there has been a rmark. able difference in the discipline of boys since war began. They sum to recognise to it is part of their job to give least possible trouble. o All 1masters medically have on examined for active service & some of those & proper age have gone. Ane is asst- paymast in a warship -& so on. In order to take their places Hough has imported women teachers . He has two on 1apper cchool. Before I was this wd have on unheard of - the boys wd have boked or it as an invitation to spread themselves & the lady's life wd have be unbearable in Spite of their chivabry (uoless she
eamy C gon rom conse gov 83 had bu some altogether exceptional being). As it was the boys were like Cambs with her. The Corps (it is not - owing to the invincible suobbishness of the war Office - an officers tramay corps and has to drill in plain clothes with duman rifles altho 300 boys & do. boys have gone, mooth as officers into (Aray) 15 very papular + efficient. The playground is parth cut up into practice trenches. The Woman worker is far more obvious in England than in France -women ticket collectors women lift attendants: even, what I didn't like, women to open doors of the Army & Navy Stoves for I men& women customers uses Bor The was office a admist Scouts as messengers to show callers abt 1office. They are mostly bright yougsters - a guaint mixture
o. Hy Burn Faba Tere 5 144 Ev 120 fa 1000 sy (AAV3AC Pub by Anz acCorps Sooner. Gen Bs expresse wish abre & few Historic pholes i graves ite the spectacher skinng little undergrown learned boy of 140r so & healthy beefy youters – includin six boys brygade boys. Yes Ser - we work from 9 in the morning till eight at night, Sir; Loughours, Sir, anid it, but we dont mand. Its one way of serving your country I suppos, Sir. Me I'm Boys Brifade - there are only six of us - the others are Boy scouts - were supposed to be menices. One goungtis told me they got 8/- or 91- a week and foiend their own lunches.
at Heavy to w cs fe Fomer. Jan. 20. fa dis Hug6 failuer to Ke K.Dov. 13 R S. Stonn Nov 1- hightining NStorn Nov 27-9 Schewe. I first Heard Dec 8. saw amunngaing Dec9. men certain by Dec 12 Wles Inext heard at Turla s from servt who heard from officer. First fired for 19-20 Earliest Navy co do. Navy hurried up by one day. Ex. Rifls strgs Nornality usual traftic ator. r re V.n5 Le + n0 By 3or6 L9 1 Fo ser E855 in L por o LLW7 snow storm - night of 27/9 Nov. 28/9 colder 26/29 ran DecP. Compete Pore Bigt S Nov 18 paly fom &w. stores sentaway. 620 back Harnse 2 By Brown Shepin 1 Landle 1Rep Oct. 4th Kings Map 2 2. S. v Photel


giving ^a chance of receiving the education ^for which
they are fitted by nature_
For example old Hough at
Brentwood School told me
that there has been a remarkable 
difference in the discipline
o / boys since war began. They
seem to recognise tt it is part
of their job to give / least possible
trouble. Some All / masters
have bn ^medically examined for active
service & some of those o /
proper age have gone. One is
asst-paymaster in a warship - &
so on. In order to take their
places Hough has imported women
teachers _ He has two in / upper
school. Before / war this wd have
bn unheard of - The boys wd
have looked on it as an invitation
to spread themselves & the lady's
life wd have bn unbearable in
spite of their chivalry ( unless she


( Aeropl [[shorthand]]
( Address
( Map.
Gullett -
Copy for Austrln Press Assocn.
Find missing D1

had bn some altogether exceptional
being). As it was the boys were like
lambs with her. The Corps (it is
not - owing to the invincible
snobbishness of the War Office - an
officers training corps and has to
drill in plain clothes with dummy
rifles altho over abt 300 boys & old
boys have gone, mostly as officers,
into / army) is very popular & 
efficient. The playground is partly
cut up into practice trenches.
The woman worker is far more
obvious in England than in France
- women ticket collectors, women
lift attendants : even, what I didn't
like, women to open / doors of the
Army & Navy Stores for / men &
women customers.
The war office uses Boy Scouts & Admir.
as messengers to show callers abt
/ office. They are mostly bright
youngsters - a quaint mixture,


[Hand drawn diagram- see original scan]
Pub. by Anzac Corps
Gen Bs expressed wish 
abt [[shorthand]]
A few Historic photos in
graves etc.
the spectacled skinny little
under grown learned boy of
14 or so & healthy beefy
youngsters - including six
boys brigade boys _ "Yes,
Sir - we work from 9 in the
morning till eight at night,
Sir; Long hours, Sir, ain't it, but
we dont mind. Its one way of
serving your country I suppose,
Sir. Me I'm Boys Brigade _ there
are only six of us _ the others
are Boy Scouts - we're supposed to
be enemies. " One youngster told
me they got 8/- or 9/- a week and
found their own lunches.


Notes for 
Lecture to War correspts.
at St. Omer. Jan. 20.
Aug 6 failure  ___ Heavy g. 

to dig in.
K. Nov. 13
S. Storm Nov 17  Result at Suvla -
N. Storm Nov 27 - 9 ___ [Silent Battle]  
Lightening Scheme.
I First Heard Dec 8.
 saw ammn going 
Dec 9.
& Maltese regs
men certain by Dec 12
I next heard at Suvla
from Servt who heard
from officer.
First fixed for 19 - 20 Earliest
Navy cd do.
Navy hurried up by one day.
Rifles & strings Normality
usual traffic

[Hand drawn diagram- please see original scan).

snowstorm - night of 27/8 Nov. 28/9 colder
26/29 raining.
Dec 8 compete in.
Nov 12. Thought o /
Nov 17-18 gale from SW.
Stores sent away - brought back.
2 Big Brown _
1 Sheping _ 
1 handle
1 Rifle
Map  Oct. 4th Kings 9
Photo B  [[shorthand]]



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