Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/36/1 - December 1915 - January 1916 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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Cassel 24 They used to have names of units but I betieve this gave too good a chance to spies. France may thank her stard for her stone colbled rosd. We other roads wd even look at this hafis on this weater Every her & here were. cample of polisi edin up a down controbly te road. as our polic an t in Cans. Presently abt 10 wile or more up we nobiced to these polce were Canadion en tew sticitit brm hals- coiding Canadian Crps oude its hinlerland back as faw as this Passing through we came up a by hill from wh we sho have seen whole tie from so to abt Arenfre
Boight featured sanadg ans pretty formal in saleaty Vquiet. No Coopholes Exc. ove brenches always falley in evetler is were + posts sore pt - vor & wood paved to walk or. Frenhes to. Sene wie on hill top fet Covelives h pg. cv. bat 0 ae e Lmante atot y te of ane M 1 or far tilen ble s 4. B pr 1 5 but I foy we too thick Lowi down I hill thouas showd me a shelhoh - a beg one-tey are almost all ponds here. Hws a shell from a big gun oCouit 20 mite upon miles, away They arew abt 6. at the place las. I hada H.. Dt Signallers Sher waste of money. Then we reailed an aged town coan aged Mayors Hous hetrets. Gs. have them tod stel Treathes cant on any way compare to tus acond, am s. quaet Minenecrfe of King Gody aglyte (2 cogs in fining in po ovr Dugonts madt fialy I w straw. Me all cheerful not quite physige of Custralians Our H.B cosier to got than here german planes dont fly 30
Jan 18. Caestre, Armenticres Arm. being shellet by some distant gun, sdto be in Lile. Houses very many of them broken in - shell seems to do feer more in city the amongs dugonts. Our guns in cites & Terman dlso - wonder why (ap. in Ypres where ferman shell cheefly one main road). we found 621 Drv. H.Q. in (armentires) beautiful house (E Corps & Can. Corps in another townf army, behied them /wenton from them to B4 Bde Hl Maj. WeWerburn took us to Houples - As getting out of Hom. Cto Houphies we were 31 as much as ours & they dont use artilly so much; their cuuti. aircraft guns far more effactide than ours afterwos smashed up & an officer killed I think Col. Daniels Clwt 14/5/1925
Hoscivilian killed by shell. We waite - few seconds later w crash like to y our 6in howitzes by shell exploded. (it ws 8.2 don't know from Where but they say litle & it ws searching for some yuus round I corner. we waited till quiet some found time - then went on road coverd io debriss beft car. Later same gun restorted. Went down v. shallow Commn. trech revette t wire & t frames splended idea these. 32 soldier stopped by at roadside won't go there he sol- they we just be chacking them there. I wobed along rd - there ws a woman running down it towards 1 end. On I side of it as leging something wrapped in a blanket.
153 33 Trenches were well floored a wood & vron were aow it Very low pacepet but fermans havd fire ab all - cdput head up even where destance only 50yds at satient. Surprise attacks here 2252 absotulity negatived by wire can't be undertaken till were blown up. Our funs (4 special batteries to bryals) do this often w Ht. our gans much mont active than Cermans. Oae Jerman gun we throwing 4 in Shrap. into prosttrend to our left always at same paint. B319 gun ws still straffery Houplines. We wet Young Engineer who had foue to party to german trenchss 2 who ago - after bombardnt 33 previous afternoon - moonby it night. Killed abt 20 gumans took voytr of tret & 2 prisoners & came back. - obs to find out what gervis were dong. Term. trenches were mach like ours but revelled to hardles& weres. Worsh of th is th if wir are burst by shellfire hardle comes down. There trenches always have to be revelled v. little newing cango on owny to water. They dont have to constantly filch ground as we did - we did on bota sides, to drive us over cliff edge - we to encrease our depth our line ws far move sloongly held & we ddn't
emptl our port brenshes v good job we didnt have bowbandment like the heavy ones here. Only thing to dodurin heavy boubt. as to leave front line – both sides accept to now - lightl ey, heave at nyht. 14 & Therefore 7.1 i our truches came much closer together - we fougly more a jai tin. vomber they never use them. ermans have new fast tokker plands wh are troublesone On getting back we form 8 i gun ws stell shelling regularly - our car was not through to Houplines - So we went to be He. I were guide 35 36 back by canal. Even here bits of debies or casing from the 8in gun fell quite close bei as ito water. Sension in firing line is. nothing like so great here as in fallipoli - 20. little suyre But German shells seem to contain higher explos.; guas on whole seem begor shell holes more numerous. effect, of shells in town youg but not great nenes not so close as w as handbombs not much used mostly rifle grenades. hanch a fen. & on way back met sir John Tergnson at Corps H.Q. stramed look on faces of Truch women - Cooking out of doors quite waking abt close to sheds. Children play walking thro town a Touch soldier Chitoven comedins wife + child 62
Ihave deni dis rou wi dear as to pusting tiro not hopesat 2 Jan. 20th. Fnshop at Bekune where mi got tea after battle - gerl serving tem. Hatred of nations much moro Evidinne here then at Gallipot. But no one betves in arocity cand som men will narry French girls. [ day. (14a Dyores Cassll me ae 1 bele t Kenel End2 50. Messives Clas HereRd made Roegtral Belg.boder Armention & Houphines Sepinett (320 day OlAC H2 De Betienes Mch 612 Hill 1 Nocufle mire d 38 Deadly persistence of Fernans after those two guas ws someting I never saw in Jahipoti - They fired all day as them Cano in shaw haystacks - in shel of houses - Sometii I never saw in allipoti mace better conceated here. Jan 20 Ml Tournly Sane8 we 18 (0 D Gu Can Sossed Hoher 121a Bassce Betene see o Hulluct City She Anquite Thas (Mis 260 Ne Souches As Mine
35 German were? - much same as in Gallipoli S German trenches certainly not more in number - poobl not so many & not so thinkly held. germ. fout his v. weakly held Jeman vegelane not greater than tt of Tarks except artillery - Artillery wonderfully accarati - (Tarks on beach abt as accurety - & San san on Steetes Point wh practically never missed) work in Jallipoh harder, Esp. carrying food & water up hills. Idayin ] days out Relief here ys gut. alo dion on 32 "Nother like this i Jalepoli. Wc have apper hand in patiollin here as Turks do 3 The English was correspts who greatly D. 40 admire sullett (andhe thim) to be me this Pewets rels Tullett werbout in pout of our were one night to suiper into I crater & stayed there whole night When writing up evacuation 513 of Auzac & Suola remember 2t the precautions taken in way of arranging separete writes, reheariig him etc. aso parding feet, tym up scabbards - sending on blankets + ppacks (some of Ryri's men left Clankels behiend). Also extreme importance of working to time table Isee the Press Burian wh has o enled outall mention b us o grase of firing a rifle by burning a strin, has let some RamC Schap blab it out. The trenches in France & Handers are not as a rule approached thro' sort of desolation we ased to have behend them as Pallipot. They are in green fields wl pass growing round them;or they run 5
41 through miney towns bendin sharp round corner of red ofe workmen's cottages - across (street. +out into Iallotment fardins. They ren along I roadside & you dont realise there is a road there ab all until you look down on it from some neighbouring hill. The german truc on 1 top 01 next stope looks very much what I. Turkish truich used to look like - a low embankment an occasional sandbay, he butts of the states in the entanglement standey out aget 1sky. Bat we are not always pushing to close quarters here. Wher should we? A mile or two more or has makes & little difference B.3. Tan21. motore this morning thio better
62 driving win to Boulogue (passing Fiell of Clot of Tolo) with Phillip & Beach Thomas. The boat ws crowded a officers & men coming on leave. It ws very rough spray driving chan over 160at. I ws driven down to stelter in Saloon gangway & looked down fom there on a picture of fegares wrench & British stretted picturesgully on floor of lobby outside saloon, on one, side ar officer to half a dozen ribbons across his chest lay hugging his basin opposite him wd a sub doing 1same. Agst 1 door we propped a noncom of some cavalry regt ao a lifebett arount him - A corperal of infantry ws sleeping is his head on I tok step of gangway


They used to have names of
units but I believe this gave
too good a chance to spies.

France many thank her
stars for her stone cobbled roads.
No other roads wd even look
at this traffic in this weather.

Every here & there were a 
couple of policemen riding up
& down controlling the road - 
as our police used to do in 
Cairo. Presently abt 10 miles
or more up we noticed tt
these police were Canadians
in their straight brimmed
hats A - so evidently /
Canadian Corps extended 
its hinterland back as far
as this.

Passing through C - 
we came up a big hill from
wh we shd have seen / whole
line from / sea to abt Armentieres.


(At Cassel) →
Bright featured Canadians - 
pretty formal in saluting
V. quiet
No loopholes exc. one
Trenches always falling in
Revetted w wire & posts
Some pt - iron & wood
Paved to walk on.
Trenches low - Germ.
Wire on hill top.
Sometimes a few
bags. Can beat
them utterly sniping & 
patrolling but Gs are
better at mining. [[? At Amiens]]
they blew our RE officers
sders 48 hrs away.
Bn H.Q. far behind 
lines in house.

[*One of 6 misty
days on wh 
nothing doing.
1st day
of French*]

but / fog ws too thick.
Coming down / hill Thomas
showed me a shell hole - a big
one - they are almost all
ponds here.  It was a 
shell from a big gun
miles upon miles ∧- possibly 20 - away.
They threw abt 6 at 
the place bec. it had a
H.Q. of / Signallers. Sheer
waste of money.

Then we reached an aged
town w an aged Mayors House

Steel helmets. Gs. have them too. 
Trenches cant in any way
compare to Anzac ones.
Germans o. quiet.
Minenwerfer gf thing [shorthand]
very lightly held (2 Coys in firing line).
Bn HQ in Dugouts made fairly [shorthand]
w straw.  Men all cheerful not 
quite physique of Australians
Our H.Q. easier to spot than here.
German planes dont fly


Jan. 18. Caestre, Armentieres.
Arm. being shelled by some
distant gun, sd to be in Lille.

Houses very many of them 
broken in - shell seems to do
far more in city than amongst
dugouts. Our guns in cities &
Germans also - wonder why
(e.g. in Ypres where Germans
shell chiefly one main road).
We found 21 Div. H.Q. in
beautiful house - ∧(Armentieres)X [2 Corps &
Can. Corps in another town - ]
Army behind them] went on 
from them to 64 Bde H.Q.
Maj. Wedderburn took us to
Houplines - As getting out of 
Arm. into Houplines we were 

as much as ours & they dont
use artillery so much; their anti-
aircraft guns are far more effective
than ours.
[*(x Afterwds smashed up & an officer
- I think Col. Daniels - killed.


It was civilian killed by shell. We
waited - few seconds later w
crash like tt of our 6 in howitzers
big shell exploded. [It ws 8.2 -
dont know from where but
they say Lille & it ws searching
for some guns round / corner.]
We waited till quiet some
time - then went on - found
road covered w debris.

Left car - Later same gun
restarted.  Went down v.
shallow Commn. trench

[sketch] revetted w wire & W frames
- splendid idea these.

stopped by man soldier at roadside.
Don't go there, he sd. they've
just bn chucking them there. I
looked along rd - there ws a
woman running down it
towards / end. On / side of
it was lying something wrapped in
a blanket.


Trenches were well floored
w wood & iron wire over it.
Very low parapet but Germans
hardly fire at all - cd put
head up even where distance
only 50 yds at salient.

Surprise attacks here
absolutely negated by wire -
cant be undertaken till wire
blown up. Our guns (4 special
batteries to brigade) do this
often w H.E.  Our guns
much more active than
Germans. One German
gun was throwing 4 in shrap.
into front trench to our left
- always at same point.
Big gun ws still straffing
Houplines. We went met
young Engineer who had gone
w party to German trenches
2 wks ago - after bombardmt

previous afternoon - moonlight
night. Killed abt 20 Germans
took 100 yds of trench & 2 prisoners
& came back - Obj. to find out
what Germs. were doing.
Germ. trenches were much like
ours but revetted w hurdles &
wires. Worst of tt is tt if wires
are burst by shellfire hurdle 
comes down.

These trenches always have 
to be revetted.

V. little mining can go
on owing to water.

They dont have to
constantly filch ground as we
did - we did on both sides,
Germans Turks to drive us over
cliff edge - we to increase 
our depth.

Our line ws far more
strongly held & we cdnt


empty our front trenches
... v. good job we didnt
have bombardment like
the heavy ones here.

Only thing to do during
heavy bombt. is to leave
front line - both sides
accept tt now - lightly
held during day, heavily at night. Therefore
our trenches came much 
closer together - we fought
more w jam tin bombs
- they never use theirs.

[Germans have new fast
Fokker planes wh are

On getting back we
found 8 in gun ws still
shelling regularly - our
car was not through to 
Houplines. So we went
to bn H.Q. & were guided

back by canal. Even here
bits of debris or casing from
the 8 in gun fell quite close behind
us into water.

Tension in firing line is
nothing like so great here as
in Gallipoli - & v. little sniping.
But German shells seem to
contain higher explos.;
guns on whole seem bigger,
shell holes more numerous.
Effect of shells in town noisy but not great.
Lines not so close as w us -
hand bombs not much used - 
mostly rifle grenades.
Lunch w Gen.
& on way back met Sir
John Ferguson at Corps

Strained look on faces of French
women - looking out doors quite
close to shells. Children playing walking abt
French soldier walking thro town w
wife & child - [children sometimes


(I have identity disc round wrist)

Ideas as to pushing thro
not hopeful
Jan. 20th.  Teashop at Bethune where men
got tea after battle - girl serving them.
Hatred of nations much more
evident here than at Gallipoli.
But no one believes in atrocity [[accnts?]]
Some men will marry French

[Sketch map - see original scan]

Deadly persistence of Germans after
those two guards ws something I never
saw in Gallipoli - They fired all day at

Guns in sham haystacks - in shells
of houses - something I never saw in 
Gallipoli - much better concealed here.


German wire -  much the same as
in Gallipoli.

German trenches certainly not
more in number - probly not so
many & not so thickly held. 

Germ. front line v. weakly 

German vigilance not greater
that tt of Turks except
artillery - Artillery wonderfully
accurate - (Turks on beach
abt as accurate - T 6 in
gun on Steeles Point wh practically
never missed).

Work in Gallipolli harder,
esp. carrying food & water up

Relief here 7 days in 7 days out
1 divn in 3 always out. Nothing
like this in Gallipolli. We 
have upper hand in patrolling
here - as Turks do.

[*[The English was correspts who greatly
admire Gullett (and he them) told me this 
CEWB 22/1/24]*]

Gullett went out in front of our
wire one night w sniper into
crater & stayed there whole night.
N3.  When writing up evacuation
of Anzac & Suvla remember 
the precautions taken in way of
arranging separate routes, rehearsing
them etc., also padding feet, tying up
scabbards - sending in blankets &
packs (some of Ryrie's men left blankets
behind). Also extreme importance of
working to timetable.

I see the Press Bureau wh has 
ruled out all our mention by us o /
ruse of firing a rifle by burning a
string, has let some RAMC
chap blab it out.

The trenches in France & Flanders
are not as a rule approached thro'
/ sort of desolation we used to have
behind them in Gallipolli. They are
in green fields w / grass
growing round them; or they run

[*Also remember Aug 6 that men e.g. Womack of 1 L.H.R.
refused to go sick because they knew the attack ws coming -
our great hearted boys.*]



through mining towns bending
sharp round / corner of red roofed
workmen's cottages - across / street - 
& out into / allotment gardens. They
run along / roadside & you dont
realise there is a road there at all
until you look down on it from
some neighbouring hill. The
German trench on / top o /
next slope looks very much
what / Turkish trench used
to look like - a low embankment,
an occasional sandbag, the 
butts of the stakes in the
entanglement standing out agst
/ sky - But we are not always
pushing to close quarters here.
Why should we? A mile or two
more or less makes v
little difference.

Frid. Jan 21.
Motored this
morning tho' bitter



driving wind to Boulogne
(passing Field of Cloth of Gold)
with Phillips & Beach Thomas.
The boat ws crowded w officers
& men coming on leave. It
ws very rough, spray driving
clean over / boat. I ws
driven down to shelter in /
saloon gangway & looked down
from there on a picture of
figures French & British -
stretched picturesquely on /
floor o / lobby outside / saloon;
on one side an officer ws half a
dozen ribbons across his
chest lay hugging his basin
- opposite him ws a sub
doing / same. Agst / door
ws propped a noncom of some
cavalry regt w a lifebelt
around him - A corporal 
of infantry ws sleeping w his 
head on / top step o / gangway



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