Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/35/1 - March 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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Sec Diary IIl. page 53. How Reynold got his tebbens tt
Hasnt bu studied by others. Fob. 23t p11 Fench Transport (Messagiries L. Syoney] came into Marseilhs, 91.s Horses. You Iswell 301a on board, the stalls of Bydeep in manure Etc – C(S chand cS were allowe sores. on the morning 3 of (N deed. Allageten Gs T has not be so bad on. Lo y e
The last sermon (or Sund. Ap. 11) rather iissed. There were the broops 1913 waiting for a message - & it was rather a cold one. Birdward gave them a little more what thei wanted. Ad Tuning wasn'l bad for him - but all the time one was thinking what he might have said. He told them one good thing - to help one another. a man were sent, out on dub to see that his thaa mon ket was there when he came back - & his rations Deted
Bird Bs letter Sund. Ap.. Lemnos, 3.30C08s 2 .268 or covery) 5 Co. communications asow. Cunning C- confidence control. even generals cannot get men ages around a tet when you have not to boats to take them. (He are a despatch) we had Bridges: first man to shool the snory I) in a cause. I am indeblet to him personally for being here. The Bg yen. amatour: Old Ryris temendousl please w ntfans shooting. Oh 156 good, keep T56 1 stamping 160 & O thats awful – nobody ws being instructed Ohiby Sod. that's food. Oh sood bey Got ins that tims sts
22 ss The weekly Dispatch March 28. 1915. Athens. Preparations for the final assuult of the Daalanelles are by by a friend Iarrived p. Mudios as colossel. The call of March 25. 1915 Had a phote of a British Rost on the E. side of the Canal. (Fom (tehan sourses) A French paper sublished one months ago. In offices friend of mine had his shotwo confiscated until after the war nt they inchi some of the Canal. The English Mustatet Papen had sictures of the Canal, + names of ships attached - We after the fighting was over, were not alld to refer to the names of ships. to feet or A Trench saper monts ago sublished . the Penal force sailing for the Dardwelles. An Austahai paper (which our men were readoy out on deck) 8d it was believed this force wd be pied bya Butsd force from Egypt. The tarks who get t news from peeceor Buljana of couse know much more than theie newspapers do. We know that for certain At a hund when our beach wounder fireo it ws stil. most cupt for every to know wher each department Cordn and 11 was a howdor daily papes publish a paots (In not oure it n cnsut an official paoto) of it. Scores of men were writing to papers subject to so censuship. Photos were absoluted M D prohibited from being sent from Talupoti - of course sceres were sent to Gr oSyrian photopaphers in Alex to be developed - & the Dail mail or thesior ws adverticy for photos from officers at the front
29 CH Sweeper caste. In little tent by themselves Cook. Brahmn Manonmns Others know hem food. Do has to thas them say cont hand its wd tend in hospite but 25 3276 Tes Our men are brothers now a barriers rather broken down ti F7 since they h. bn in battle in Dr Socser Sweeper after ) of May 19 C is 8s shown to 2 doctors. knew of shell shock butis p doctor sd. I so docsat fet better I shall have to slop pay- if not better fir day or two stop food & Leave here to get on as I can. wext day o sweeper came. I on magie & so satib, C 10281277 Dottor 130 701,84106 7 -6s Sitchs saw A Clowes sitting on shore without any clothes on an OGorman; sSahib. No1 Phock head. 1561 towel s isI shirt on n man shot I eyes cediay Sitth servant 12AG0 B se diay Calle our men Briddere Ased to brey Chapatties
Cansee Howelyer shell. lik by bunble bee. also any shell at right I vent hols of fago. Fuze of Tap. mortar. Extraordinary ricks ES. June 15. Browns Betty, L. PinShell at extramce rang hit phrapet -didut explode- & just dooppedints emply jun pit at extrame cont of pemple. Second hit man lying on ledge inside truch - took of deg & arm - hit floor of trench - ricked out - & disappesred ovr back pasapet with It ws 8in for I saw the groose bitting it Another shell burs some time back in boab proof dag out of his battery. There were four people in it & it did not hurd any of them tho it ws only abt 74 square. Shell barsting in ground close to you gives an ugly sort of knd & shake E.T. June 11 or 12- the one th woke me up hit Austins duy out next 80or. Monitoro guns & I tank gun seem to have a song I I dont know C C difference. The musl gon is Cd see howilzer 8in shell on June 15 falling & tell wh side of you it ws going. Howitzer. Little Nof Rojadere shillt.
Dulliy in valleys. can practics attack ch hold,o You pt your pydi at wood. wood put your finger round Korner Tree g shots in I tinbax & ]in1 funnel
Stretcher beavers & Doctors - See Drary. The peet majoity of our wounded - excluding these in enemy's lines - were brought down & cleas of beach by 12 - a rather 11.55, (Boats want off at 2). The navy took I responsibility from 1 high wates mark th they wosked indefatigably. l wounded had to be cheared bec of the conjestion - you con't accolaty wer liht cases or 1 t aukoritles I beach. They ought to have goue to Mudjos (yr had had any forethought). As it w they went to Malta, Alex& England. If we had gone 5 miles inland the light cases co have on kept on I beach. As it ws they had to be clared as quictily as hlfto possible; & any case not well within 24 hro still has to be, (July 27) A ple of wing & a by gen action at I same time here wd bring a catastiophe- 2000 or 3000 wd. men & accomodation for 200 a 300. The beach is within 1000 yds of the furkest paint of our fining line. We cleared 250 men from Angas yesty - the rate is now nearly 10 sick from our division per day. There mere are really it often they are passay bood, & are weak. A weeks bolitay wd set them right. If they idgo to medsoo & then be back in 7 days the division codat suffer. But when they get to Mc Nos Meyny as often as not sent to Alex & often given Ichoice of being sent to England. There are 100's of Antialion a Exland with not a thng corons with them. Col. Howse has prolested Eg. that not a man The A. afecte wo newes, neurasthenia, nervous breakdown- sad be alld to go to England. Gen. Marwell still allows tha the choice. The kindly anateur solders-doctors in Eyystar just as bad. One of them asked jiblin if he hadit better stay in hemns a much more confortable. G5d Oh I must get back to ay job at Angac? Ire seand the beach there is very liable to shell, sdb other, I'd stay here if I were you- Yourth much sape here!
Life in the navy, sd 1aidl, consists ageo boscdom panstuated by intervals of abject terror. look on o joke. E. Hoase with four wenlows ashore- (near Darlanellss). Weve joined them up now - theres only one. And so there we. Their odt as Cf72 Smokin a paride sitting down i a doge shey were at 2.3m C 619211047 o31. iso. E the trawlers - some to spotted funnels & stigred sides. One had9591 3517301 come o1 t779.100. 61- J. bulkhead - George tos avin is lea an C)6r. cap to is moath when ILL0 of &c stopped it. hen of sall craftVT. Ou They go into it so not. But when anything does happen in theyo2 tFswar totterng C.SS. -(43317617C 4 4:7e0- Feir baired tf in the boats; one anxious looking little boy &14 (UT our big thaki clad youngsters the tis 23sabisctp 22- 141 116i. 2CW P170V. nn co 10680 125c E 150 310166 113 590091188.L- 6,4224cs
A captain of it E monitors ws shelling Zeebrugge- 16 3000 10 110 18360 t0 -C-N. marks. s.s1no nere shlsas C a soad shore & they shelld 101t o 92. The they moved - Ostend & booke up. Co or CC.2CS.& they Howssupposed to Celephons his observatlisby had Dt1. observing. At the P, 2 crow nest & took off his cap at Each good shot. aral o was L start go. 2a 77other r at the One t 116 Fc06 P4199 or $760d -sMS. I came Oldman 2 0y617- 51ncShrapnel Ten tay bosk f the boats again Cabout 20 anftly 74 good bit of sport. Magnificint obI steaming of Nwestern shore of Dandavelles when 1 144s at Maidos Non J.P No. 1 Dago Chief Oficer. I see diary. And see diary IIIp. 60 Navy at Enyrna. HA Incapable They or t young. 29. the bent, directing I on the Derffliger.

Sec Diary 111. page 53. How Reynolds got his tibbens

The A.S.C.
The General
The Censor
The A.M.C.

The Navy


Hasnt bn studied by others: Prob [[?]] p11.
French Transport (Messageries [[L]]. Sydney) came into
Marseilles, Horses. You cd smell on board, the
stalls deep in manure etc – cleaned
on wharf were all over sores. In the morning 3 dead.
Altogether has not be so bad on

[* Horses.
The General
The Censor
The A.M.C.

The Navy*]


The last sermon (on Sund. Ap. 11 1915) rather missed. There were the troops
waiting for a message - & it was rather a cold one. Birdwood
gave them a little more what they wanted. Old [[Juniny?]] wasn't bad
for him - but all the time one was thinking what he might
have said. He told them one good thing - to help one another,
if a man were sent, out on duty, to see that his
see that a man's kit was there when he came back - & his rations

[* Chaplain.
The General
The Censor
The A.M.C.

The Navy*]


B.'s Birdwood's letter Sund. Ap..11 Lemnos, 3.30
3 Cs Covering
Communications added Cunning
Control. Confidence.

Even generals cannot get messages around a fleet when
you have not to boats to take them. (the use a despatch wd have bn)

Bridges: first man to shoot the snowy in a canoe.
I am indebted to him personally for being here.
The Brig. Gen. amateur: Old Ryrie tremendously pleased w l
nit/guns shooting. Oh good! Keep stamping
"Oh that's awful – nobody bad ws being instructed

Ohi by God!
that's good.
Oh good boys!
Got im that
time! etc.

[*The General
The Censor
The A.M.C.

The Navy*]



The weekly Dispatch March 28. 1915. Athens. Preparations for the
"final assault of the Dardanelles are by a friend arrived
fr. Mudros as Colossal."
The Call of March 25. 1915 Had a photo of a British Post
on the E. side of the Canal. (From Italian sources) A French paper
published one months ago. An officer friend of mine had his
photos confiscated until after the war until of course they were included
some of the Canal; The English Illustrated Papers had
pictures of the Canal, & names of ships attached - We, after
the fighting was over, were not able to refer to the names
of ships.
A French paper months ago published all abt. the the fact of the
French force sailing for the Dardanelles. An Austalian
paper (which our men were reading out on deck) sd
it was believed this force wd be joined by a British
force from Egypt.
The Turks who get their news from Greece or Bulgaria
of course know much more than these newspapers
do. We know that for certain.
At a time when our beach ws under fire & it ws
most impt for Enemy to know where each department (ordnance etc)
was a London daily paper publish a photo (I'm not sure it
wasn't an official photo) of it. Scores of men were writing to l
papers subject to as censorship. Photos were absolutely
prohibited from being sent from Gallipoli - of course
scores were sent to Gk & Syrian photographers in
Alex to be developed - & the Daily Mail or [[?]] ws
advertising for photos from officers at the front.

[*The Censor
The A.M.C.

The Navy*]



Sweeper caste. In little tent by themselves Cook. Bradman [[?]]
Others throw them food. Do has to throw
than pay - cdnt hand it. Wd tend in hospital
Our men are brothers now - barriers rather broken down
since they h. bn in battle
Sweeper after May 19 shown to doctors.
knew of shell shock but doctor sd. doesnt get
better I shall stop have to stop pay - if not better in day or two stop
food & Leave here to get on as I can.
Next day sweeper came. magic sahib
Sikhs saw Lt Clowes sitting on shore without any clothes on in O German;
askance Sahib. No: Shook head.
towel shirt on
man shot I eyes see diary
Sikh servant see diary
Called our men "Brudder" -
Used to bring Chapatties.

The A.M.C.

The Navy*]


Can see Howitzer shell -
like big bumble bee - also any
shell at night - vent hole of fuze
Fuze of Jap. mortars.

Extraordinary ricks ES. June 15. Browns Betty, 1: 8in Shell at extremes
range hit parapet -didnt explode- & just dropped into empty gun pit at extreme
end of pimple. Second hit man lying on ledge inside trench - took of leg &
arm - hit floor of trench - ricked out - & disappeared ovr back parapet without
hitting it
It ws 8in for I saw the groove

Another shell burst xxx some time back in bomb proof dug out
of this battery. There were four people in it & it did not hurt any
of them tho' it ws only abt 7ft square.

Shell bursting in ground close to you gives an ugly sort of thud &
shake E.g. June 11 or 12 - the one tt woke me up hit Austins dug out next door.
Monitors' guns & 1 Turk gun seem to have a song
The usual song is I dont know difference.

Cd see howilzer 8in shell on June 15 falling & tell wh side of you
it ws going. Howitzer. Little N of Kojadere.

The A.M.C.

The Navy*]


Drilling in valleys. Cant practice attack

"You put your finger in the wood catch hold of piece of wood & put your finger round corner."
wood put your finger round Korner
" [[?]] 9 shots in l tin box & 1 in l funnel".

The A.M.C.

The Navy*]



Stretcher bearers & Doctors - See Diary.
The great majority of our wounded - excluding those in l enemy's
lines - were brought down & clear o l beach by 12 - or rather 11.55.
(Boats went off at 2).
The navy took I responsibility from l high water mark.
Told  They worked indefatigably. All wounded had to be cleared
bec. of the congestion - you can't accumulate even light cases on
I beach. They ought to have gone to Mudros (if we  the authorities had had any
forethought). As it ws they went to Malta, Alex & England.
If we had gone 5 miles inland the light cases cd have
bn kept on I beach. As it ws they had to be cleared as quickly as
possible; & any case not ^likely to be well within 24 hrs still has to be (July 27)
A gale of wind & a big genl action at I same time here wd bring a
catastrophe - 2000 or 3000 wd. men & accommodation for 200 or 300.
The beach is within 1000 yds of the furthest point of our firing line.
We cleared 250 men from Anzac yesty - the rate is now
nearly 100 sick from our division per day. There men are really ill -
often they are passing blood, & are weak. A weeks holiday wd set them right.
If they cd go to Mudros & then be back in 7 days the division
wdnt suffer. But when they get to Mudros they're as often as
not sent to Alex & often given I choice of being sent to England.
There are 100's of Australians in England with not a thing
wrong with them.
Col. Howse has protested E.g. that not a man
aftectd w nerves, neurasthenia, nervous breakdown -
shd be alld to go to England. Gen. Maxwell still
allows them the choice. The kindly amateur
solder-doctors in Egypt are just as bad. One of them
asked Giblin if he hadn't better stay in Lemnos - much
more comfortable. G sd "Oh I must get back to my job
at Anzac." "I've heard the beach there is very
liable to shell, sd l other," I'd stay here if I were you -
You're xxx much safer here!"

[*The A.M.C.

The Navy*]



Life in the navy, sd 1 mid, consists 'ages' boredom punctuated
by intervals of abject terror.
Look on joke. Hoare with four windows ashore -
(near Dardanellss). We've joined them up now - there's only
one. And so there ws.
sitting down smoking w a dog ^&parrot. They were at 2.3m.
The trawlers - some w spotted funnels & striped sides.
One had come
bulkhead. George ws avin is tea
in cup to is mouth when
stopped it.
Immense No of small craft
When anything happens
They go into it so But when anything does
happen they
Fair haired in the boats; one anxious looking little boy
14 our big khaki clad youngsters

The The 6th is as cut up

[*The Navy*]


A captain monitors ws shelling Zeebrugge -
3000 360 marks.
He ws no nerves
shells a road
shore & they shelled The they
moved - Ostend
& broke up.
had observing ^He ws supposed to telephone his observations but At the
crows nest
& took off his cap at each good shot.
A Naval
One was start other at the
came Old man

about 20 ^Then they took up their boats again awfully good
bit of sport.
Magnificent steaming off N. Western shore of
Dardanelles when 14 at Maidros.
Navy at Smyrna.
No. 1 Dago Chief Officer} See diary. And see diary III p. 60
"H.M.S. Incapable"
They or young. E.g.. the lieut, directing on the Derfflinger.


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