Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/34/1 - May - June 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Open to contributions
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O1 of We til
Ribbly 70 Canded to 4 113 46 Ths ton at Pack aie oner 2 Repef 1/2 Ap thee He Elst 2 pased T6 14
let Lt e of ad Gol gall cat Hidustent e thep 4 Elst Co or 42 A 1/4t 2e N1 12 41 Tc ywetson tat thnow when ate. reporte 15
9 foftan R4 til X Co 16 dea
Bit Goy 14 Fudton 4/ 440 Gutpaten mas to sha ditail 14 1 to thre 41. 100 17
54344 27 crtaw 10 Mss Gphp 4/ Cotts of pupe 74 crawer It cen putiat o7th 48 L C 4 Sad 40 comin altony L Anlvy 6 Explian 2 412 44 E46 624 2 N 2 95
4 Pop nam the fyed nscin couch) ant ansuh 6 ract chanbers N3 Posts beyond our left The Poyghpan. May 30 /230 3 o 2 June 1 mond 10 more bombs. 4one 104 12 19
No2/e 2 4n 84 34 4 2pt kid 11/ 1u1/503 colpte cagh 22 15- the pow of cast Houther Co 92/14 py. N b # r 2/A 143 20
18 810 5 Sc. r 61 kidds 22 2/44 6 40 20 522 6 tt 317cl pHoc +te Skells ott 45 21 6 44 Colpit.
203 t Daty b 6a 171640 a 2:6 68201 Corpt. Bent sunk. in, -05 Parrot. Old Tye F) The 2. Noold 915) Ef. The super Do s ete hanledout. Alexandr;a 8 Our Pash 9 2000° 11 10,000 2 1 or 160-1162 385,000 209W Carden. 35,000 3 t 18,000 of orir Dannade 63.4 6 Ach 262 n One or 2n 120 si&pt t 11:20 Bech 2 ilo te 1

[[ shorthand ]] Nelsons arrived [[ shorthand ]] stowed

"some in " [[ shorthand ]] some in little

[[ 3 lines shorthand ]]

At [[ 4 lines shorthand ]]

[[ ? Otago ]] [[ 5 lines shorthand ]]

3 o'c [[ shorthand ]] HQ [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] wounded [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] supported

[[ 2 lines shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] only 1 man

[[ 2 lines shorthand ]]


Col [[ shorthand ]]

[[ 2 lines shorthand ]]

Nelsons [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]


[[ shorthand ]]

12 [[ shorthand ]] Chathams.




[[ shorthand ]] 13th




1 1/2 Coys landed / Ribble ( [[ shorthand ]] -

Co [[ ?Mcintosh]] c 1 Coy 15th Battn / 1 Coy

Auckland [[ shorthand ]] 3rd Bde, [[ shorthand ]]

This composite [[ shorthand ]] 400 [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] Packs - 200 -

Pace slow. 200 men [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] Popes Hill. Capt Jacobs [[ shorthand ]]

there w 50 - 100 [[ shorthand ]] unit

[[ shorthand ]] Indian [[ shorthand ]]

lt Elston A Co & Pte Lussington [[ shorthand ]]


left [[ shorthand ]] [[ ?Hind ]]

Lt Elston reported [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]

Adt [[ shorthand ]] / called back [[ shorthand ]]

c Co C[ [ shorthand ]]

Col Pope [[ shorthand ]] 180 yds

along N [[ shorthand ]] of gully & w M'D Elst

& [[ shorthand ]] party c [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]

whereon [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]

*450 [[ shorthand ]]

for [[ shorthand ]]*


Guns of 16th [[ shorthand ]] by [[ shorthand ]] on Monday [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] Navy.  On Ap 29 latter [[ shorthand ]] action

16th [[ shorthand ]] 15th on 30 [[ shorthand ]]

Cas [[ shorthand ]]

                K          W     [[ ? ]]

O              2         4          2

[[? Orr]]   49      119        15

                  ___    ___        ___

                   51      123        17

On 2nd [[ shorthand ]]

1 Co of Nelson [[ shorthand ]]

didnt know where 13th ws [[ shorthand ]]


[[ shorthand ]] [[ ? ]] [[ shorthand ]] rallied

Bde 4

By / [[? found]] trenches [[ shorthand ]]

At 6pm 16th [[ shorthand ]] next


Left [[ shorthand ]] 9

Or                                298



Losses 8 [[ shorthand ]] 330 [[ shorthand ]]

Nominal [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] haversack

L Corpl P Black [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]

Look out [[ shorthand ]]


4 am Co Portsmith [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] Maj Tilney sent [[ shorthand ]]

50 - 100 [[ shorthand ]]

1/2 [[ shorthand ]] Tilney [[ shorthand ]] Co [[ shorthand ]]

[[ 2 lines shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] Co 16th [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] Co [[ shorthand ]] demanded

[[ 2 lines shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] stampeded Maj Tilney


[[ shorthand ]] & enfiladed from [[ shorthand ]]

[[ 2 lines shorthand ]]

some [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] observed [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]

Lt A Ogilvy [[ shorthand ]]

Pamphlets [[ shorthand ]]

Right [[? ]] 36 Capt Birkbeck

[[ shorthand ]] 15 Maj Graham

Left assembly [[ shorthand ]] 30 Ogilvy


No 3. Sectn - 16-15 [[ shorthand ?May]]

1 squadron [[?lost]] [[ shorthand ]] Godley and [[?"Sortie"]]

Quinns [[ shorthand ]] 14-15 [[ shorthand ]]

C Sq. 2nd A I H Queensland [[ shorthand ]]

Major D [[?]] P Graham detailed [[ shorthand ]]

Lt Col J. H. Cannan in Quinns

[[ shorthand ]]

1/2 Sq [[ shorthand ]]

1/2 Sq [[ shorthand ]] [[?]]

Supported [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] parapet

[[ shorthand ]]

Countneys & Popes [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]


[[ shorthand ]] 15 [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]

crawled [[ shorthand ]]

10 [[ shorthand ]] crawled

[[ shorthand ]]

Maj Graham [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]

waited for signal from Capt Birkbeck.

[[?Pottsn]] [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] M. Ogilvy

Messenger [[ shorthand ]] c Lieut Coy [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]

whole Affair over in 20 [[ shorthand ]]

16th [[?]] stretchers [[ shorthand ]]


Saw heads coming along [[ shorthand ]]

20 [[ shorthand ]] Lt Ogilvy & 2 men

6 men in [[ shorthand ]]

Graham [[ shorthand ]] 4 [[ shorthand ]]



[[ drawing ]]



[[? have nu of]] yet not in touch with         Ly one Sqn strong

enough [[? 6 rach M sable]] [[?chambers]]

N Z Posts beyond our left

The [[?Ploaphpuan]]

May 30. 12.30 [[ shorthand ]]

?June 1.

(Mond) 2.10. more bombs.

fielding [[ shorthand ]]


[[ 7 lines of shorthand ]]

Col Pitts [[ shorthand ]]

[[ 6 lines of shorthand ]]


[[ shorthand ]]

No 3 [[ shorthand ]]

15 [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]


Lt Kidd 10 ' LM / sept 30 [[ shorthand ]]

Lt Col Pitts [[ shorthand ]]

Each [[ shorthand ]]

1 of - 15 [[ shorthand ]]

Maj Row & Capt Houlker [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] Courtneys

[[ 2 lines shorthand ]]


[[ shorthand ]] 2.15 [[ small diagram ]]

3.15 [[ shorthand ]]

[[ 3 lines of shorthand ]]

Kidds [[ shorthand ]] 5.30 [[ shorthand ]] all [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]

Col Pitts [[ shorthand ]] 11.30

[[ 2 lines shorthand ]]

*[[ 2 lines shorthand

at 10.30

[[ shorthand ]] 11.20



[[ 2 lines shorthand ]]

Kidds [[ shorthand ]]

[[ 2 lines shorthand ]]

K.22 [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] Shells [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]


Pte. T. Arnott [[ shorthand ]]

Australian [[ shorthand ]] Balmain

[[ 2 lines shorthand ]]

No 1 [[ shorthand ]]

R. Cumming 29th

[[ shorthand ]] Arnott.

[[ 5 lines shorthand ]]

Sharp No 2 [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]] 4

[[ shorthand ]]

Corpl. [[?Bent]]

Old Tiger [[ shorthand ]] sunk [[ shorthand ]] Parrot

[[ 2 lines shorthand ]]

The Sniper   [[ drawing ]]      [[ drawing ]] hauled out.  [[ shorthand ]]

[[? Doris & Anafaster base ]]

[[ shorthand ]] Alexandria

Our Push [[ shorthand ]] 2000 [[ shorthand ]]

10,000 [[ shorthand ]]

35,000 [[ shorthand ]]    

   -  [[ shorthand ]] Carden.

35,000 [[ shorthand ]]

10,000 [[ shorthand ]]

√ D'aumade [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]

*[[ 2 lines shorthand ]]*


One or 2 [[ shorthand ]]

[[ shorthand ]]

*[[ shorthand Candles ]]*


11.20 Beach [[ drawing ]]

[[ shorthand ]]




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Jan BurtJan Burt
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