Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/32/1 - 1915 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
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) s se u 2 t t t ^ in m fyom p 5 t soin meg syse t t t 59 O1fr o e there . The Headd. Monas gath wt some way ahead of as - it pout. we cosee our old men behind us on st. we & Jen. Walker were tryly & hard to find out where we were. We sent to fen. W. 3 messenprs - 2 of whom were veyors. Of these both were shot on way back thro arm & Collarbome but ed still lalk still cameback but adn't fix soint (other messge killed). Hart went thro line & laid out schene for relieving 2bn. by 3 cogs aross crest and I in reserve. The firmy line wt much closer Fan t gen. thought. In after Otago same on from right in case necy. support left wh had given way 2Br) They were on Pugges Ralia second Bn were relieved on Tues. night. Turks shouted & blew bagles on tues night but we didn'o get into them nor they into us. The
l Casnallies during tsss fefating (13 pesconer) 28f mssing. 113 K. 340 wd. Cosaltiis Ay7-10: 737 The Bn 81 stron but a0 did not go into act 805 wat in. o charge w bayonet (we gobright at 60 them) was 11 am. Tuesday. No trench in th charge, but one they werent occupying (made to fire on beach 7f deep level + synmatrical, clearly prepares in peace). Dug in thes night L Hart ws shot there I Weltington Int. Aug. 7-10. Wyht of 5. Aag in Happy Vy Boa receive com whole of 6 lying low resting & hiding so as not to have posite shipted. They might have seen Bde them from Sarla well. folld Otago at abt Gon. Otago Banchopes - We were to push thio hem. Passed Otago abt aid night chearry on Banchopes from Hago wh they tackled parth from Aghys Dere) We swing up Chailak at as soon as knew Banch. taken & came up Dere. (This is incertain abro Cajo. From Table top up Dere Wellton
Enfiladed from Chrimck Bair. Jurkhas came up from abs it-evidently top Had lost their way Gurkhewent is Anck &it to a splundid 3 M.9. fire Awful. Gurksswhen they saw what as in port of them stopped k in trenches i dead. There were 15 in. of anckland. e t were leading. First daylight foum them at the 1apex - we thought it ws Chunak Bair. We realised it wont Chuneck Bair when glawn came. One peey was going up to have a W. Dandanche Dug in roun apex. Channk B. Ws. held there we mg. fire from it & smiping. No opposity ab all -only cheerin, heavy on way up. firig. Brigadeer we sust in year of Bn & decided t pono further for 1 day. Spent day degn in. From aplx there is a little flatnow betw as turk port trench). Aack. crossed this at 1 & dig in - Turkhas to them & sa to left Nobombe on Sund. 8th but abt 3.30 just when sky begins to show agot will) welking to went over top (neck abt 100 yds wide - dist. abt booyds to chanak) got right onts top without a shot. caught M.g. crew in trench asleep. 2 sentrees in bomb proof who
will 62 threw 2 bombe of then kind & lrench otherwise aboout eptt. This ws on brow in port of trench, connected a Then Sap. Rushed tench. You coren thro' it K. sowe 15. Others cleared. We occupied trench - Edsu Dardavelles. A dawn startederpiladey w M. 9. & shrapnel. Col. Enalone (before rlat C- attack. Trnch we too shallow to stand properly. They decpened it a little but ha at much time) By day light posite as absoluted Potate - had to strip dead & wa for wat ct. One Engl Amnn part of 12 - 6 got wd. all from B. ship hill we went ferwd in Col. of 43 Ausk. knowery what they had had day before waited in their truchs waiting to see Curst. 20 were taken - Small front terkish rech as usedby Col. Malons as HG. on left. These prisoners prob. well inf Page 55 taken there. West Coast Coy occupind trench on reverse stope. Taranak! boy werentbe to truch at all, lyeng on top of hilf. 11pnsovers (ad) were well. west coast. They went on to tranch on reverse side & occupied it till remainder Bor da in on W. Slope of Chumit, very gentle Stope. Wed coast by left I platoon for sev, his under orders to havg on while others duy in. Terksattacker at daylight at booyds. Gradnally 2e0 sotup - omassed attacks during day & 10 by night probly. They gradually workd up to bomb. distance N.Z. were opened out - Tommees bunched up & gt target for bombs FWellington had to leave their pont trenct owing to it been so chocked w wounded & dead wto
Well. Inf. Page 8 6y & oer men were bunched up in heaps of dead lying over our men To late in morng nade determined attack on our right flank & got within 100 yds. Thick scrub there & in port. Serg Denpsey ordered oner to concentrate on it & they managed to stop advance. Word kipt on pony all right brang on: Gurkhas are comg Eventuelly Auck. M.R. came thso! Malone ct catting across wo vifle & bayonet whenever there ws an attack. Tommees were not much good. IoW. coast Con. - who cd actuall see Dunanelles all exc. 4 were hit- Tey were to retirn when cont hold on t they say tha well Ent Pare 9 6 ad shot 10 to every one. The & and Officer (5) spreat themeln out at intervals alon 30 yards & decided to dash back. The officer & onic sot back the man w hit on Edge of truch but will recover H Mackinnon ws in th truch and survives. They had abt booyds gentle slope. At ws 3004 his before to beam to bomb. If you fired to right, they came on in pont - reay diffy to direct fire. Took up 220 rounds each but took Edm of dead. Anckls Inly got 2 boxes of amnun thro' to Welltn man trying to get were thro crawled byds - then biff biff biff tbe got it were shelled from behind 2lt


Well. Inf. Page 8 10                         
(Well Infy Contd) Fired at from 3
sides & shrap. from behind rt flank.
- sniped from B.ship. Came out
only able to talk in whisper, knees
broken, some burst out crying,
like pictures of last roll, eyes sunk,
all atremble - no water all day.
On Sund night after dark -
abt 11 or 12 the Turks got round
behind our left & there ws
a shout of Allah Allah & a

rush ^from front as well. Our men turned
round & fired at them - didn't
lose heads.
Welln was reld. at abt 1 am
on Monday by Otago Infy &
Well. M. R.
Well. were shelled all day
Enfiladed from left & from
right got it in rear & front.
Attacks came from left & front
probly not from right (originally).


Wellington Inf. Page 3. 
there - The Head of Monash gully ws
some way ahead of us - rt front.
We cd see our old men behind
us on rt. We & Gen. Walker were
trying v. hard to find out where
we were. We sent to Gen. W.
3 messengers - 2 of whom were
surveyors. Of these both were
shot on way back thro arm &
collar bone but cd still talk -
came back but ∧still cdn't fix point
(other messgr killed). Hart went
thro line & laid out scheme for
relieving 2 bn. by 3 coys across
crest and 1 in reserve.
The firing line ws much closer than
the gen. thought. In aftn Otago
came in from right in case necy.
to support left wh had given way
(2Bn) They were on Plugges Plateau.
Second Bn were relieved on Tues.
night. Turks shouted & blew bugles
on Tues night but we didn't get
into them nor they into us. The


 Aug 7.
Casualties during this fighting
                 (13 prisoners) 284 missing.
                                           113 k.
                                           340 wd.


Casualties Aug 7-10:      737


The Bn ∧ws 851 strong but
46 did not go into actn.
805 went in.


Wellington Inf. Page 4. 
charge w bayonet (we got right into
them) was 11 a.m. Tuesday. No trench
in tt charge, but one they werent
occupying (made to fire on beach 7ft
deep level & symmetrical, clearly prepared
in peace). Dug in Tues. night - (Hart
ws shot there.)

Wellington Inf. Aug. 7-10.
Night of 5 Aug in Happy Vy.
Bn in reserve coming up.
Whole of C lying low resting &
hiding so as not to have
position shifted. They might
have seen Bde there from
Well. folld Otago at abt 9p.m.
Otago Bauchopes - We were to push thro
them. Passed Otago abt midnight
(cheering on Bauchopes from Otago wh
they tackled partly from Aghyl Dere)
We swung up Chailak abt as soon
as knew Bauch. taken & came
up Dere. [This is uncertain
abt Otago.]
From Table Top up Dere Wellton


Enfiladed from Chunuk
Bair. Gurkhas came up from ——→
rt - evidently over T ^over Table Top. They
Had lost their way.

Gurkhas went w Auck & it
ws a splendid [symbols]sight.xx M.g. fire was
awful. Gurkas when they saw
what ws in front of them stopped ——→
dead. There were Ts in [symbols] ∧Turks in trenches in front
of Auckland.


Well. Inf. Page 5. 
were leading. First daylight found
them at the apex - we thought it ws
Chunuk Bair. We realised it wsnt
Chunuk Bair when dawn came. One
officer was going up to have a look at the Dardenelles


Dug in round apex. Chunuk B. ws.
held & there ws m.g. fire from
it & sniping. No oppositn at all
on way up - only cheering, & heavy
firing. Brigadier ws just in
rear of Bn & decided to go no
further for / day. Spent day
digging in. From apex there is a little
flat (now betw us & xxxx Turk front
trench). Auck. crossed this at 11
& dug in - Gurkhas w them & swung
to left.       
Wel No bombs on Sund. 8th
but abt 3.30 (just when sky begins
to show agst hill) Wellingtn
went over top (neck abt 100 yds
wide - dist. abt 600 yds to Chunuk)
got right onto top without a shot.
Caught m.g. crew in trench asleep.
2 sentries in bomb proof who



Well. Inf. Page 6. 
threw 2 bombs & ^were then killed & trench
otherwise almost empty. This ws on
brow in front of trench, connected w
sap. ∧Then Rushed ^main trench. You cd run thro' it.
K. some Ts. Others cleared. We occupied
trench - cd see Dardanelles. We
At dawn ∧Ts started enfilading w m.g.
& shrapnel. Col. Malone (before real
c.-attack. Trench ws too shallow to
stand properly. They deepened it a
little but hadn't much time).
By daylight positn ws absolutely
isolated - had to strip dead & wd
for water etc.. One Engr
Ammn party of 12 - 6 got wd.
all from B. ship hill.
We went forwd in col. of. 4's
Auck. knowing what they had
had day before waited in their trenches
waiting to see burst.
20 ^prisoners [symbols] were taken - Small front
we got onto
Turkish trench ws used by Col. Malone
as H.Q. on left. These prisoners prob.


Well Inf. Page 7 
taken there. West Coast Coy occupied
trench on reverse slope. Taranaki
Coy werent in T. trench at all,
lying on top o / hill. 11 prisoners
(wd) were Well. West Coast. They
went on to trench on reverse
side & occupied it till remainder
Bn dug in on W. slope of Chunuk,
very gentle slope. West Coast
Coy left 1 platoon for sev. hrs
under orders to hang on while
others dug in. Turks attacked
at daylight at 600 yds. Gradually
got up - 8 massed attacks during
day & 10 by night probly. They
gradually worked up to bomb.
N.Z. were opened out - Tommies
bunched up & gt target for bombs.
xxxxxxx Wellington had to leave
their front trench owing to it being
so chocked w wounded & dead. Turks



Well. Inf. Page 8 
& our men were bunched up
in heaps of dead lying over
our men.
Ts. late in morng made
determined attack on our
right flank & got within 100 yds.
Thick scrub there & in front. Sergt
Dempsey ordered men to concentrate
on it & they managed to stop
advance. Word kept on going
"All right! hang on! Gurkhas are coming
Eventually Auck. M. R. ame thro'.
Malone ws cutting across w
rifle & bayonet whenever there ws
an attack. Tommies were not
much good.
[of W. coast Coy. - who cd
actually see Dardanelles all
exc. 4 were hit. They were to retire
when cdnt hold on - they say they


Well Inf Page 9. 
had shot 10 to every one. The
4 and officer (5) spread themselves
out at intervals along 30
yards & decided to dash
back. The officer & one other
got back - the seco man ws
hit on / edge o / trench but
will recover Lt Mackinnon
ws in tt trench and survives.]
They had abt 600 yds gentle
slope. It ws 3 or 4 hrs before
Ts began to bomb. If you fired to
right, they came on in front - real
diffy to direct fire. Took up
220 rounds each but took ammn
off dead. Auckld Infy got 2
boxes of ammn thro' to Welltn.
Man trying to get wire thro -
crawled 6 yds - then biff biff biff
& he got it.
Were shelled from behind rt flank
(contd 4 pages back)



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